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Indian History Quiz Practice Sets

shape Introduction

History is an important topic in every Government sector related exam. In every government sector recruitment, history plays an important role. The history topics may involve some key points related to kingdoms, wars, and historical monuments, etc. The study of history is important because it allows one to make more sense of the current world. One can look at past economic and cultural trends and be able to offer reasonable predictions of what will happen next in today's world. History can improve critical thinking power. The article Indian History Quiz Practice Sets presents the history related to multiple choice questions and answers.
As part of the preparation strategies aspirants solve the several practice sets and Mock tests available in the market. Solving History Quiz Practice Sets is another preparation strategy that would assist the candidates in being able to analyze the type of expected questions in the actual exam. SPLessons has made a sincere effort to provide a list of Indian History Quiz Practice Sets for the aspirants to get maximum marks in the exams, where the questions related to History section.

shape History

1. What does the term Hindustan refer to?
    A. Land of Sindhus B. Land of Hindhus C. Muslim D. Land of Aryans

Answer: Option B
Explanation: The name ‘Hindustan’ combines Sindhu and Hindu and thus refers to the Land of Hindus. The Aryan worshippers referred to the river India as the Sindhu. The Persian invaders converted it into Hindu.
  • According to the Shastras, Bharatavarsha and Jambudwipa are two of the earliest names by which our country was known.

  • It is also called Aryavart.

2. Surkotada site was discovered by ___?
    A. RD Banerjee B. SR Rao C. BB Lal D. JP Joshi

Answer: Option D
3. By Whom was discovered “mound of the dead”?
    A. RD Banerjee B. Dayaram Sahni C. John Marshal D. None of the above

Answer: Option A
4. Which of the following town was the western boundary of Indus Valley Civilization?
    A. Alamgirpur B. Suktagendor C. Daimabad D. Manda

Answer: Option B
5. Dholavira site was discovered by_____?
    A. RD Banerjee B. Dayaram Sahni C. NG Majumdar D. None of the above

Answer: Option A
6. The Indus Valley people worshipped_____?
    A. Krishna B. Rama C. Mother Goddess D. None of the above

Answer: Option C
7. “ Megalith” literally means ____?
    A. A huge stone B. A huge wall C. A huge rock D. None of the above

Answer: Option A
8. Which of the following sites of ‘Indus Valley Civilisation’ is not present in India?
    A. Lothal B. Suktagender C. Kalibanga D. Alamgirpur

Answer: Option B
9. What was the main skill of Indus people in Town Planning?
    A. Administrative System B. Political System C. Underground Drainage System D. Art & Architecture

Answer: Option C
10. Which one among the following Indus cities was known for water management?
    A. Lothal B. Dholavira C. Kalibangan D. None of these

Answer: Option B
1. What was the standard unit of exchange of Aryans?
    A. Gold B. Milk C. Wheat D. Cow

Answer: Option D
Cow was the standard unit of exchange of Aryans. The reference of Cow in the Rig-Veda shows that the Rigvedic Aryans were predominantly pastoral people. The term for war in the Rig Veda is Gavishthi or search for cows.
2. The Earliest Settlements of Aryan tribes were at
    A. UttarPradesh B. Bengal C. Sapta Sindhu D. Delhi

Answer: Option C
It seems that during the Early Vedic period, the Aryans settled in the Saptasindhu and were divided into a number of tribal principalities ruled
3. What is the modern name of the Drishadvati river (rig Vedic)?
    A. Saraswati B. Krumu C. Ghagghar D. Gomal

Answer: Option C
  • Ghagghar is the modern name of Drishadvati.

  • The Drishadvati River is a river hypothesized by Indologists to identify the route of the Vedic river Saraswati and the state of Brahmavarta.
  • According to Manusmriti, the Brahmavarta, where the Rishis composed the Vedas and other Sanskrit texts of the Vedic religion, was at the confluence of the Saraswati and Drishadwati rivers during the Vedic period.

4. How many times does the word ‘Jan’ occur in Rigveda?
    A. 275 B. 9 C. 170 D. 8

Answer: Option A
5. In how many Mandalas, Rigveda was divided?
    A. 10 B. 12 C. 13 D. 14

Answer: Option A
  • In 10 Mandalas, Rigveda was divided. The Rigveda is an ancient Indian collection of Sanskrit hymns.

  • It is one of the four canonical sacred texts of Hinduism known as the Vedas.

  • The text is a collection of 1,028 hymns and 10,600 verses, organized into ten books (Mandalas).

  • A good deal of the language is still obscure and many hymns as a consequence are unintelligible.

6. Anga was located to the southeast of Magadha and its capital was___?
    A. Champa B. Rajagriha C. Shravasti D. Kashi

Answer: Option A
  • Champa was capital of Anga.

  • Bimbisara conquered the kingdom of Anga.

  • It was located to the south east of Magadha.

  • With this Magadha gained control of the important river port of Champa.

  • Trade from South India was carried on through the Bay of Bengal.

7. Who was the founder of the Nanda dynasty?
    A. Panduka Nanda B. Bhutapala Nanda C. The indo - Greeks D. Mahapadma Nanda

Answer: Option D
  • Mahapadma Nanda was the founder of the Nanda dynasty.

  • The Nanda dynasty originated from the region of Magadha in ancient India during the 4th century BCE.

  • Mahapadma Nanda, who has been described in the Puranas as "the destroyer of all the Kshatriyas" defeated many other kingdoms, including the Panchalas, Kasis, Haihayas, Kalingas, Asmakas, Kurus, Maithilas, Surasenas and the Vitihotras; to name a few.

  • He expanded his territory south of the Vindhya Range into the Deccan Plateau.

  • The Nandas, who usurped the throne of the Shishunaga dynasty c. 345 BCE were thought to be of low origin.

8. Which traveler wrote an interesting book ‘Indica’ in which he gave a vivid account of Chandragupta Maurya’s reign?
    A. IBN Batuta B. Nicolo Conti C. Abdur Razzaq D. Megasthenes

Answer: Option D
  • Megasthenes is an ambassador of Selecus Nikator, who visited the court of Chandragupta Maurya and wrote an interesting book ‘Indica’ in which he gave a vivid account of Chandragupta Maurya’s reign.

  • It is an account of Mauryan India by Megasthenes.

9. Which of the following was the prosperous port in Mauryan empire?
    A. Toshali B. Tamralipati C. Suvarnagiri D. Ujjaini

Answer: Option B
  • Toshali – Port on Mahanadi river.

  • Tamralipti – Port on Ganga river and the most prosperous port in Mauryan empire.

  • Suvarnagiri – Town on the banks of Krishna river.

  • Ujjain – Town on the banks of Ujjaini river.

10. In which of the following year an inscription of the Mauryan Emperor Ashoka was discovered in Delhi?
    A. 1922 B. 1969 C. 1966 D. 1954

Answer: Option C
In 1966, an inscription of the Mauryan Emperor Ashoka (273–235 BC) was discovered near Srinivaspuri, Delhi .
1. Who was the son of Chandragupta Maurya?
    A. Bindusara B. Chandragupta II C. Ashoka D. Bimbisara

Answer: Option A
2. Who was the last great ruler of the Gupta dynasty?
    A. Skandagupta B. Chandragupta II C. Vishnugupta D. Samudragupta

Answer: Option A
3. Who was married to Lichchhavi princess “Kumar Devi”?
    A. Chandragupta I B. Chandragupta II C. Samudragupta D. Kumar Gupta

Answer: Option A
4. Who was the mentor of Chandragupta Maurya?
    A. Chanakya B. kalidas C. Aryabhatta D. Mahavir

Answer: Option A
5. Prabhavati Gupta was the daughter of:
    A. Kuber naga B. Kumardevi C. Parbhabati D. Rajyashree

Answer: Option A
6. The Allahabad Pillar inscription describes the achievement of_:
    A. Ashoka B. Harshavardhan C. Chandragupta Vikramaditya D. Samudragupta

Answer: Option D
7. A village headman during the Guptas was called ______.:
    A. Vishyapati B. Uparika C. Gramika D. Gramini

Answer: Option C
8. From which year Chandragupta I started a new era Gupta Era:
    A. [latex]{26}^{th}[/latex] February AD 320 B. [latex]{26}^{th}[/latex] January AD 322 C. [latex]{16}^{th}[/latex] February AD 302 D. [latex]{22}^{nd}[/latex] March AD 323

Answer: Option A
9. Chandragupta Maurya also called as 'Sandrocottus' or 'Androcottus' by__:
    A. Greek Scholars B. Chinese Scholars C. European Scholars D. Indian Scholars

Answer: Option A
10. The Gupta period 'Navaratna' was in the court of which ruler
    A. Kumaragupta B. Skandagupta C. Chandragupta II D. Samduragupta

Answer: Option C
1. In Buddhism, what does Patimokkha stand for?
    A. A description of Mahayana Buddhism B. A description of Hinayana Buddhism C. The rules of the Sangha D. The questions of king Menander

Answer: Option C
2. Which is the Holy Book of Buddhism?
    A. Tripitaka B. Millindapanho C. Torah D. None of these

Answer: Option A
3. The Buddhist monk who spread Buddhism in Tibet was?
    A. Nagarjuna B. Ananda C. Asanga D. Padmasarnbhava

Answer: Option D
4. The monk who influenced Ashoka to embrace Buddhism was?
    A. Vishnu Gupta B. Upa Gupta C. Brahma Gupta D. Brihadrath

Answer: Option A
5. The trident-shaped symbol of Buddhism does not represent?
    A. Nirvana B. Sangha C. Buddha D. Dhamma

Answer: Option D
6. Who was the first Tirthankara of Jainism?
    A. Parswantha B. Mahavira C. Jina Sena D. Rishabhanantha

Answer: Option D
7. The 24th Thirthankara of Jainism:
    A. Mahavira B. Vrushabha C. Parshwantha D. Ashwagosha

Answer: Option A
8. Kaivalya in Jainism refers to
    A. Parswanatha B. Mahavira C. Jina Sena D. Rishabhanatha

Answer: Option C
9. The Mauryan ruler who patronised Jainism?
    A. Bindhusara B. Ashoka C. Kumaragupta D. Chandragupta Maurya

Answer: Option D
10. Which of the following were the sects of Jainism?
    A. Swethabaras B. Diagambaras C. Mahasangikas D. A and B

Answer: Option D
1. In which of the Round Table Conference Mahatma Gandhi participated?
    A. First Round Table Conference, 1930 B. Second Round Table Conference, 1931 C. Third Round Table Conference,1932 D. All of the above

Answer: Option B
2. Poona Pact was signed between?
    A. Gandhiji and Lord Irwin B. Gandhiji and Jinnah C. Gandhiji and S C Bose D. Gandhiji and Ambedkar

Answer: Option D
3. The Government of India Act, 1935 was based on?
    A. Simon Commission B. Lord Curzon Commission C. Dimitrov Thesis D. Lord Clive’s report

Answer: Option A
4. Which of the following was not one of the features of Government of India Act, 1935?
    A. Provincial autonomy B. Introduction of elections C. Bicameral Legislature D. All India federation

Answer: Option C
5. Arrange the following in chronological order. 1. Cripps Mission 2. Cabinet Mission Plan 3. Wavell Plan 4. August Offer
    A. 1,2,3,4 B. 4,3,1,2 C. 4,1,3, 2 D. 3,4,1,2

Answer: Option C
6. Which of the following Prime Ministers sent the Cripps Mission to India?
    A. James Ramsay MacDonald B. Stanley Baldwin C. Neville Chamberlain D. Winston Churchill

Answer: Option D
7. Quit India Movement was launched by Mahatma Gandhi in _____.
    A. 1885 B. 1942 C. 1947 D. 1939

Answer: Option B
8. In which year was the Wavell plan presented?
    A. 1942 B. 1943 C. 1944 D. 1945

Answer: Option D
9. The Cabinet Mission was sent to India
    A. to establish a national governmnet B. to work out a constitutional arrangement for the transfer of power C. to accept jinnah's demand for Pakistan D. to refuse to give freedom to India

Answer: Option B
10. The Partition or Mountbatten Plan is referred to as the June 3rd Plan, because on this day
    A. The Congress and the League leaders agreed for partition on this day B. Mountbatten announced the Pattition Plan on this particular day C. Prime Minister Attlee announced that British would quit India after transferring power ‘into responsible hands not later than June 1948’. D. British Prime Minister announced the Partition Plan in the House of Commons

Answer: Option D
1. Gandhiji’s Champaran Movement was for?
    A. The security of rights of Harijans B. Civil Disobedience Movement C. Maintaining the unity of Hindu Society D. Solving the problem of Indigo Workers

Answer: Option D
2. Which one of the following statements is not correct about Champaran Satyagraha?
    A. It was connected with the peasants B. It was launched against Tinkatnis's system C. Dr. Rajendra Prasad and J.B. Kripalani co-operated with M.K. Gandhi in it D. It was the first movement launched by M.K. Gandhi on All India level

Answer: Option D
3. Who among the following was not the part of the Kheda Satyagrah?
    A. Indulal Yagnik B. Mahadev Desai C. Mohanlal Pandya D. Shambhupal

Answer: Option D
4. In 1918, Mahatma Gandhi organised a satyagraha to support the peasants of the Kheda district of _________.?
    A. Bihar B. Karnataka C. Gujarat D. West Bengal

Answer: Option C
5. In which year Gandhiji was on hunger strike in favor of strike of Ahmedabad Mill workers
    A. 1918 B. 1917 C. 1916 D. 1915

Answer: Option A
6. What is the correct chronological sequence of the following events in the political life of Mahatma Gandhi? 1) Champaran Satyagraha 2) Ahmedabad Mill strike 3) Kheda Satyagraha 4) Non-cooperation Movement
    A. 2,4,3,1 B. 1,3,2,4 C. 1,2,3,4 D. 3,4,2,1

Answer: Option C
7. When was Rowlatt Act passed
    A. In 1918 B. In 1919 C. In 1920 D. In 1906

Answer: Option B
8. Which of the following inquiry board was set up to investigate the Jallianwala bagh tragedy?
    A. Hunter Commission B. Harshell Committee C. Hunter Committee D. Whitelay Commission

Answer: Option C
9. Khilafat Movement was started in 1920 to
    A. Unite Muslims of India B. Cooperate with the Congress in the national movement C. Protest againstill-treatment meted out to the Khalifa of Turkey D. Counter the movements of Muslim League

Answer: Option C
10. The Partition or Mountbatten Plan is referred to as the June 3rd Plan, because on this day
    A. Chauri-Chaura Incident B. Champaran Movement C. Kakori Conspiracy D. Bardoli Movement

Answer: Option A
1. Surat session of Indian National Congress is very significant in Indian History because:
    A. Congress declared Swarajya or self-governance as its ultimate goal. B. It was decided that the Muslims should be given one-third representation in the central government C. Split in the Congress took place and extremists left the Congress D. This session brought the moderates and extremists in Congress on the common platform again.

Answer: Option C
2. “Indian National Congress” was established in _____ .?
    A. 1885 B. 1889 C. 1887 D. 1881

Answer: Option A
3. Indian National Congress was founded by?
    A. A.O. Hume B. Mahatma Gandhi C. Annie Besant D. Bal Gangadhar Tilak

Answer: Option A
4. First Indian Woman President of the ‘Indian National Congress’?
    A. Annie Besant B. Sarojini Naidu C. Sucheta Kripalani D. Rajkumari Amrit Kaur

Answer: Option B
5. Who was the first Muslim President of Indian National Congress
    A. Baudruddin Ytabji B. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad C. Hassan Imam D. M.A. Ansari

Answer: Option A
6. In which year was the Morley Minto reform passed
    A. 1917 B. 1900 C. 1909 D. 1912

Answer: Option C
7. Who partitioned Bengal and when
    A. Lord Curzon in 1906 B. Lord Dalhouse in 1906 C. Lord Curzon in 1905 D. Lord Macaulay in 1904

Answer: Option C
8. The Lieutenant Governer of Bengal at he time of Partition of Bengal was?
    A. Henderson Leith Fraser B. H.H.Risley C. Bodirik D. A. T. Arundale

Answer: Option A
9. Who was the founder of the Ghadar Party
    A. Basant Kumar Biswas B. Sohan Singh Bhanka C. Ram Prasad Bismil D. Kartar Singh

Answer: Option B
10. All India Muslim League was formed at
    A. Lahore B. Aligarh C. Lucknow D. Dhaka

Answer: Option D
1. Consider the following statements: 1)Adi Brahmo Sabha was founded by Raja Ram Mohan Roy in Kolkata. 2)All India Bramo Samaj was founded by Debendranath Tagore. 3)Sadharan Brahmo Samaj was founded by Anand Mohan Bose and Kesab Chandra Sen. Choose the incorrect statements.
    A. 1 and 2 B. 2 and 3 C. 1 and 3 D. All of the above

Answer: Option D
2. When was the Madras Mahajan Sabha established?
    A. 1884 B. 1825 C. 1864 D. 1885

Answer: Option A
3. Consider the following statements. (1)Wyomesh Chandra Banerjee was the first Chairman on Indian National Congress. (2) Dadabhai Naoroji was the first Parsi to Chair the Indian National Congress. (3) George Hule was the first British to Chair the Indian National Congress. Which of the above statements is/are true?
    A. Only 1 B. 2 and 3 C. 1 and 3 D. 1, 2 and 3

Answer: Option D
4. Which among the following year Surendra Nath Banerjee was eliminated from Indian Civil Services?
    A. 1874 AD B. 1877 AD C. 1885 AD D. 1892 AD

Answer: Option A
5. Who was the leader of Poona Sarvajanik Sabha founded in 1870
    A. SN Banerjee B. Justice M.G Ranade C. KT Telang D. Firozshah Mehta

Answer: Option B
6. Consider the following statements. I.Mahadev Govind Ranade founded the Widow Remarriage Association (1861). II. He established the Poona Sarvajanik Sabha and the Deccan Education Society. III.He believed that religious reform was separate from social reform. Choose the incorrect statement(s).
    A. I and III B. III only C. I only D. I and II

Answer: Option B
7. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below : List-I (Organizations) A) Land Holder’s Society B) British India Society C) Indian Society D) Indian Association List-II (Founders) 1) S.N. Banerji 2) Anand Mohan Bose 3) William Adams 4) Dwarkanath Tagore
    A. A-4, B-3, C- 2, D-1 B. A-4, B-2, C- 3, D-1 C. A-3, B-2, C- 4, D-1 D. A-4, B-1, C- 2, D-3

Answer: Option A
8. Consider the following statements: a)East India Association was organised by Dadabhai Naoroji. b)It was founded with the objective to stimulate the sense of nationalism amongst Indians. Which of the following statements are true?
    A. Only A is true B. Only B is true C. Both are true D. None is true

Answer: Option A
9. Who of the following was/were economic critic/critics of colonialism in India? 1). Dadabhai Naoroji 2). G. Subramaniya Iyer 3). R.C. Dutt Select the correct answer using the code given below.
    A. 1 Only B. 1 and 2 Only C. 2 and 3 Only D. 1, 2, and 3

Answer: Option D
10. Consider the following statements: a) Poona Sarvajanik Sabha was founded by MG Ranade. b) The Bombay Presidency Association was started by Dadabhai Naoroji. c) The Madras Mahajan Sabha was founded by B. Subramanian Iyer. Which of the following statements are correct?
    A. Only A and C are correct B. Only B and C are Correct C. All are correct D. A, B and C are correct

Answer: Option A
1. Shuddhi Movement was a part of which Socio-Religious movement
    A. Dharmo Samaj B. Arya Samaj C. Brahmo Samaj D. Prarthana Samaj

Answer: Option B
2. Who started the Religious Reform Association?
    A. Mirza Ghalib B. Qazi Nazrul Iqbal C. Dada Bhai Nauroji D. Pheroz Shah Mehta

Answer: Option C
3. Which religious reformer of Western India was known as 'Lokhitwadi'?
    A. Gopal Hari Deshmukh B. RG Bhandarkar C. Mahadev Govind Ranade D. BG Tilak

Answer: Option A
4. Which of the following was not actively engaged in social and religious reforms in India?
    A. Raja Ram Mohan Roy B. Pandit Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar C. Jotiba Phule D. Bharatendu Harish Chandra

Answer: Option D
5. Which of the following social religious reform institutions is/are founded by Rajaram Mohan Roy? 1) Atmiya Sabha 2) Brahmo Sabha 3) Brahmo Samaj of India
    A. 1 and 2 Only B. 2 and 3 Only C. 2 Only D. 2 and 3 Only

Answer: Option A
6. Consider the following statements.. I. Mahadev Govind Ranade founded the Widow Remarriage Association (1861). II. He established the Poona Sarvajanik Sabha and the Deccan Education Society. III. He believed that religious reform was separate from social reform. Choose the incorrect statement(s).
    A. I and III B. III only C. I only D. I and II

Answer: Option B
7. Who was the first Indian to resist the political reforms?
    A. Dadabhai Nauroji B. Surendra Nath C. Ram Mohan Roy D. Bal Gangadhar Tilak

Answer: Option B
8. Who among the following emphasized on this statement “the reformer must attempt to deal with the whole man and not to carry out reform on one side only”?
    A. Narayan Chandavarkar B. Atmaram Panduranga C. Mahadev Govind Ranade D. None of the above

Answer: Option C
9. Who was the founder of the Indian reform Association In 1870?
    A. Debendranath Tgore B. Keshav Chandra Sen C. Ram Mohan Roy D. Dyanad Saraswati

Answer: Option B
10. Who among the following social reformers was known for proficiency in Sanskrit language
    A. Dayanand Saraswati B. Iswar Chandra Vidhyasagar C. Raja Rammohan Roy D. All the above

Answer: Option D
1. The Revolt of 1857 started from
    A. Delhi B. Barrackpore C. Meerut D. Kanpur

Answer: Option C
2. In 1857 Who was the Governor-General?
    A. Wellesley B. Dalhousie C. Canning D. Minto

Answer: Option C
3. 1857 is famous in Indian history as.
    A. The first Indian War of Independence B. A year of unusual prosperity C. The starting point of industrialization in the country D. The culminating point of the Bengal renaissance

Answer: Option A
4. The leader of the revolt of 1857 in Bihar was ________.?
    A. Maulvi Ahmedullah B. Tatya Tope C. Nanna Sahib D. Kunwar Singh

Answer: Option D
5. In 1857, how much European were in the Bengal Army?
    A. 12000 B. 1,500 C. 86,000 D. 16,000

Answer: Option A
6. What were the causes of the Revolt of 1857
    A. Millitary B. Religious C. Economic D. All of these

Answer: Option D
7. India War of Independence 1857' is written by?
    A. S.N Sen B. R C Majumdar C. V D Savarkar D. S B Chaudari

Answer: Option C
8. Which dynasty supported British maximum during the 1857 Freedom Movement?
    A. Scindias of Gwalior B. Holkars of Indore C. Bhonsles of Nagpur D. Lodhis of Ramgarh.

Answer: Option A
9. Who was the leader in Bareilly in 1857?
    A. Azimullah Khan B. Brihis Qadir C. Khan Bahudar Khan D. Maulavi Ahmadullah

Answer: Option C
10. The revolt of 1857 at Lucknow was led by
    A. Begum of Awadh B. Tatya Tope C. Rani Lakshmi Bhai D. Nana Saheb

Answer: Option A
1. Murshid Quli Khan, Alivardi Khan and Sirajuddaullah were all nawabs of
    A. Lucknow B. Varanasi C. Hyderabad D. Bengal

Answer: Option D
2. Who betrayed Siraj-ud-Daula in the Battle of Plassey in 1757 ?
    A. Hyder Ali B. Mir Qasim C. Mir Jaffar D. Nawab of Oudh

Answer: Option C
3. Siraj–u-Daula was defeated by Robert Clive at the.
    A. Second battle of Kanua in 1765 B. Third battle of Panipat in 1565 C. Battle of Plassey in 1765 D. Battle of Plassey in 1757

Answer: Option D
4. Siraj-ud-Daulah renamed which city as Alinagar?
    A. Calcutta B. Agra C. Ferozpur D. Fatehpur

Answer: Option A
5. Clive reconquered Calcutta in the beginning of 1757 and compelled the nawab to concede all the demands of the English. Which of the following treaty was concluded by Siraj-ud-daula with the English on this occasion?
    A. Treaty of Plassey B. Treaty of AliNagar C. Treaty of Mushirabad D. Treaty of Allahabad

Answer: Option B
6. Arrange the following battles chronologically. 1)Battle of Haaldighati 2)Battle of Plassey 3)First Battle of Panipat 4)Battle of Tarain
    A. 1, 2, 4, 3 B. 4, 1, 3, 2 C. 4,3, 1, 2 D. 3, 4, 2, 1

Answer: Option C
7. Consider the following statements 1) In the Third Battle of Panipat, Ahmed Shah Abdali defeated Ibrahim Lodi. 2) Tipu Sultan was killed in the Third Anglo- Mysore War. 3) Mir Jafar entered in conspiracy with the English for the defeat of Nawab Siraj-ud- daulah in the, Battle of Plassey.? Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?
    A. 1, 2 and 3 B. Only 3 C. 2 and 3 D. None of these

Answer: Option D
8. The battle of Buxar took place in?
    A. 1674 B. 1746 C. 1774 D. 1764

Answer: Option D
9. Who was the Nawab of Bengal when the Battle of Buxar was fought?
    A. Sirajjudaula B. Mir Jafar C. Mir Qasim D. Najmuddaula

Answer: Option B
10. The Battle of Buxar was fought between which of the following armies
    A. Mir Zafar – Mir Qasim B. Sarfaz Khan – Hector Munro C. Hector Munro – Mir Qasim D. None of the above

Answer: Option C
1. Which planet in our solar system is nearly as big as the earth
    A. Mercury B. Mars C. Venus D. Pluto

Answer: Option C
2. Which of the following treaties was signed to end the ‘Third Anglo-Mysore War?
    A. Treaty of Gwalior B. Treaty of Srirangapattanam C. Treaty of Salbai D. Treaty of Manglore

Answer: Option B
3. Who among the following Governor Generals of Bengal was associated with third Anglo-Mysore War.
    A. Warren Hastings B. Lord Cornwallis C. Sir John Shore D. Lord William Cavendish Bentinck

Answer: Option B
4. Who emerged victorious in the first Anglo-Mysore War (1766-69)?
    A. English B. Haider Ali C. Maratha D. Nizam of Hyderabad

Answer: Option B
5. Amongst these four wars that were fought between the East India Company and the tiger of Mysore (Tipu Sultan), which war led to the victory of the East India Company?
    A. 1799 B. 1790-92 C. 1767-69 D. 1780-84

Answer: Option A
6.When was the Dutch East India Company uprooted from India
    A. AD 1756 B. AD 1759 C. AD 1602 D. AD 1752

Answer: Option B
7. In India, among the following locations, the Dutch established their earliest factory at?
    A. Surat B. Masulipatnam C. Cochin D. Cassimbazar

Answer: Option B
8. The greatest Portuguese Governor who laid the real foundation of Portuguese power in India was?
    A. Almeida B. Albuquerque C. Francis Drake D. Vasco-De-Gama

Answer: Option B
9. Arrange the advent of Europeans in India in Chronological order 1) Advent of Portuguese 2) Advent of Dutch 3) Advent of French 4) Advent of English Choose the correct option using the codes given below?
    A. 1-2-3-4 B. 2-1-3-4 C. 1-4-3-2 D. 1-4-2-3

Answer: Option B
10. Where was the first French factory established?
    A. Gujrat B. Surat C. Patna D. Masulipatnam

Answer: Option B
1. Jahangir was the son of?
    A. Babur B. humayun C. Akbar D. Shah Jahan

Answer: Option C
2. Jahangir was born in the year?
    A. 1569 B. 1669 C. 1769 D. 1869

Answer: Option A
3. The tomb of Jahangir was built at.
    A. Gujarat B. Delhi C. Lahore D. Agra

Answer: Option C
4. Jahangir mainly patronised Which of the following arts?
    A. Paintaing B. Architecture C. Sclupture D. Music

Answer: Option A
5. Which throne was built by Shah Jahan?
    A. Chrysanthemum throne B. Rose throne C. Peacock throne D. Elephant throne

Answer: Option C
6. Shah Jahan built the Moti Masjid at
    A. Delhi B. Jaipur C. Agra D. Amarkot

Answer: Option C
7. Which famous mosque was built by Shah Jahan?
    A. Jama Masjid B. Faisal Masjid C. Babri Mosque D. Gaddafi Mosque

Answer: Option A
8. Shah Jahan built the Moti Masjid at?
    A. Delhi B. Jaipur C. Agra D. Amarkot

Answer: Option A
9. Who amongst the following succeeded Aurangzeb?
    A. Azam B. Kam Baksh C. Akbar II D. Mauzzam

Answer: Option D
10. Who was the ruler of Golkonda when Aurangzeb invaded on it in 1687
    A. Abul Hassan B. Feroz Shah C. Kutub Shah D. Ali Khan

Answer: Option A
1. In the year 1527 Babur defeated?
    A. Sher Shah Suri B. Ibrahim Lodi C. Rana Sanga D. Rana Pratap

Answer: Option C
2. Babur defeated Ibrahim Lodhi in the first battle of Panipat in?
    A. 1526 B. 1536 C. 1537 D. 1541

Answer: Option A
3. Battle of Panipat was fought in the year 1526 between Babur and.
    A. Rana Sanga B. Muhammad Bin Tughlak C. Hemu D. Ibrahim Lodi

Answer: Option D
4. Akbar constructed ‘Ibadatkhana’ in
    A. Agra B. Fatehpur Sikri C. Delhi D. Sikindara

Answer: Option B
5. The famous court poet of akbar was?
    A. Birbal B. Tulsidas C. Bairam Khan D. Rahim

Answer: Option D
6. Akbar held his religious discussion in
    A. Jodhabai's Palace B. Panch Mahal C. Ibadat Khana D. Buland Darwaza

Answer: Option C
7. Akbar defeated Daud Khan in the Battle of ____?
    A. Panipat B. Haldighati C. Rajamahal D. All of these

Answer: Option C
8. The Humayun tomb was constructed by-?
    A. Humayun B. Akbar C. Bega Begum D. None of these

Answer: Option C
9. When did Humayun first attack Chunar fort ?
    A. 1532 A.D. B. 1531 A.D. C. 1533 A.D. D. 1536 A.D.

Answer: Option A
10. Who is the writer of “Humayun-Nama”
    A. Zebunnisa B. Jahanara C. Gulbadan Begum D. Roshanara

Answer: Option C
1. Bahmani kingdom was established in?
    A. 1323 B. 1345 C. 1347 D. 1367

Answer: Option C
2. The Bahami Kingdom was founded by?
    A. Ahmad Shah I B. Alaudin Hasan C. Mahamud Gavan D. Firuz Shah Bahmani

Answer: Option B
3. Vijayanagara and Bahmani Sultans fought frequently for control over.
    A. Raichur Doab B. Bijapur C. Golkonda D. Gulbarga

Answer: Option A
4. The remains of Vijaynagar Empire can be found in :
    A. Golconda B. Hampi C. Bijapur D. None of these

Answer: Option B
5. The founders of Vijaynagar empire originally served under whom?
    A. Kakatiyas B. Hoysalas C. Cholas D. Cheras

Answer: Option A
6. Famous Hazara temple of Vijaynagar was built during the reign of
    A. Krishnadeva raya B. Deva raya-I C. Deva raya-II D. Hariharan-I

Answer: Option A
7. Which of the following language were used in the Vijaynagar Empire?
    A. Kannada B. Telugu C. Tamil D. All of these

Answer: Option D
8. The Vijaynagar ruler Krishna Dev Raya’s work ‘Amuktamalayada’ was written in which language?
    A. Tamil B. Malayalam C. Kanada D. Telugu

Answer: Option D
9. Which dynasty was ruling in Vijaynagar empire at the time of the Battle of Talikota?
    A. Sangam B. Aniridu C. Tuluva D. Saluva

Answer: Option C
10. Which Sultan's rule was marked by the establishment of Vijayanagara kingdom by Hasan Shah in Madurai
    A. Balban B. Iltutmish C. Firoz Shah Tughlaq D. Mahammadbin Tughlaq

Answer: Option D
1. Thang Ta is a dance.
    A. Dance Drama B. Cultural Dance C. Martial art dance D. None of the above

Answer: Option C
2. Dandiya is a popular dance form of______
    A. Punjab B. Gujarat C. Maharashtra D. Madhya Pradesh

Answer: Option B
3. Name the dance form of Assam in which cows are being worshipped.
    A. Bagurumba B. Satriya Nritya C. Jhijhian D. Kajari Dance

Answer: Option A
4. Mohiniattayam is a dance form of –?
    A. Manipur B. Kerala C. Orissa D. Gujarat

Answer: Option B
5. Sattriya is a classical dance form of ____?
    A. Manipur B. Uttar Pradesh C. Assam D. Andhra Pradesh

Answer: Option C
6. Hojagiri dance form is from which state
    A. Manipur B. Tripura C. Nagaland D. Uttarakhand

Answer: Option B
7. Kuchpudi is a dance form of the state of?
    A. Punjab B. Maharashtra C. Kerala D. Andhra Pradesh

Answer: Option D
8. Dance form celebrated for harvesting in Andhra Pradesh?
    A. Dappu B. Burrakatha C. Kuchipudi D. Lambadi

Answer: Option C
9. Suisini is the dance form of which state?
    A. Uttar Pradesh B. Rajasthan C. Manipuri D. Mizoram

Answer: Option B
10. 'Lavani' is a dance form of which state in India
    A. Maharashtra B. Gujarat C. Madhya Pradesh D. Andhra Pradesh

Answer: Option A
1. Who was the first sultan of Delhi sultanate?
    A. Muhammad Ghori B. Qutb al-Din Aibak C. Razia Sultana D. Bahlul Khan Lodi

Answer: Option B
2. How many Dynasty ruled Delhi Sultanate?
    A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6

Answer: Option C
3. The Khaliji Sultans of Delhi were?.
    A. Mangols B. Afghans C. Turks D. A Jat tribe

Answer: Option C
4. Before assuming the office of the Sultan of Delhi Balban was the Prime Minister of Sultan?
    A. Nasir-ud-din B. Qutub-ud-din-Aibak C. Bahram Shah D. Aram Shah

Answer: Option A
5. The name of the last Delhi Sultan is?
    A. Khigir Khan B. Mubarak Shah C. Ibraham Lodi D. Sikandar Lodi

Answer: Option C
6.Which dynasty of Delhi Sultanate ruled for the shortest period?
    A. Khilji B. Tughlaq C. Sayyid D. Lodi

Answer: Option A
7. The official language of the Delhi Sultanate was?
    A. Urdu B. Arabic C. Persian D. Hindi

Answer: Option C
8. The Delhi Sultanate virtually ended due to the invasion of?
    A. Changez khan B. Babur C. Nadir khan D. Timor

Answer: Option D
9.When was the Ibrahim Lodi became the Sultan of Delhi?
    A. 1574 B. 1564 C. 1520 D. 1517

Answer: Option D
10. Who among the following sultans of the sultanate was the first to shift his capital to delhi?
    A. Aram Shah B. Balban C. Iltutmish D. Qutb al-Din Aibak

Answer: Option C
1. Time Period of Paleolithic age is?
    A. 100000 to 30000 B.C B. 30000 to 10000 B.C C. 2000000 to 10000 B.C D. 500000 to 10000 B.C

Answer: Option C
2. The Neolithic period began around 9000 B.C. around the world. However, in the South Asia, the earliest Neolithic site is dated at 7000 B.C. This Neolithic site is?
    A. Gufkral B. Burzahom C. Belan Valley D. Mehgarh

Answer: Option D
3. Gautam Buddha died at the age of.
    A. 75 B. 80 C. 82 D. 85

Answer: Option B
4. Match the Buddhist Councils with the places where they were held? Council Place a. First Pataliputra b. Second Vaishali c. Third Rajgriha
    A. a-i, b-iii, c-ii B. a-iii, b-ii, c-i C. a-ii, b-iV, c-i D. a-ii, b-iii, c-i

Answer: Option B
5. What was the period of rule of Qutbuddin Aibak?
    A. 1206-1210 AD B. 1208-1212 AD C. 1210-1214 AD D. 1220-1225 AD

Answer: Option A
6. When was the Chittor Fort captured by Alauddin Khalji?
    A. 1303 B. 1315 C. 1363 D. 1319

Answer: Option A
7. Who founded the Lodhi Dynasty?
    A. Bahlul Lodhi B. Ibrahim Lodhi C. Sikander Lodhi D. None of the above

Answer: Option A
8. First battle of Panipat was fought between which two armies?
    A. Babur and Lodi Empire B. Britishers and Babur C. Akbar and Hemu D. Akbar and Rana of Mewar

Answer: Option A
9. Shivaji died in the year_______?
    A. 1676 B. 1677 C. 1678 D. 1680

Answer: Option D
10. The Battle of Plassey was fought in?
    A. 1757 B. 1782 C. 1748 D. 1764

Answer: Option A
1. Time Period of Paleolithic age is?
    A. 100000 to 30000 B.C B. 30000 to 10000 B.C C. 2000000 to 10000 B.C D. 500000 to 10000 B.C

Answer: Option C
2. The Neolithic period began around 9000 B.C. around the world. However, in the South Asia, the earliest Neolithic site is dated at 7000 B.C. This Neolithic site is?
    A. Gufkral B. Burzahom C. Belan Valley D. Mehgarh

Answer: Option A
3. Gautam Buddha died at the age of.
    A. 75 B. 80 C. 82 D. 85

Answer: Option B
4. Match the Buddhist Councils with the places where they were held? Council Place a. First Pataliputra b. Second Vaishali c. Third Rajgriha
    A. a-i, b-iii, c-ii B. a-iii, b-ii, c-i C. a-ii, b-iV, c-i D. a-ii, b-iii, c-i

Answer: Option B
5. What was the period of rule of Qutbuddin Aibak?
    A. 1206-1210 AD B. 1208-1212 AD C. 1210-1214 AD D. 1220-1225 AD

Answer: Option C
6. Who among the following laid the foundation of Rashtrakuta Empire?
    A. Krishna I B. Dhruva C. Dantidurga D. Amoghavarsha

Answer: Option C
7. In which year Alexander invaded India?
    A. 326 BC B. 316 BC C. 346 BC D. 256 BC

Answer: Option A
8. Shaka ruler Rudradaman I fought and defeated which Satvahana ruler?
    A. Gauthamiputra Satakarani B. Nahapana C. Vashishthiputra Pulmayi D. Yajna Sri Satakarni

Answer: Option C
9. Kanishka started the Shaka era in?
    A. AD 62 B. AD 78 C. AD 82 D. AD 88

Answer: Option B
10. Who was the founder of Kushan Empire?
    A. Kanishka B. Vima Kadphises C. Kujala Kadphises D. Vasiskha

Answer: Option C
1. The last Mauryan emperor was ?
    A. Jalok B. Avanti Varman C. Nandi Varmana D. Briha Dratha

Answer: Option D
2. Mauryan Dynasty was Founded by ____?
    A. Ashoka B. Chandragupta Maurya C. Shalishuka D. Yuezhi

Answer: Option B
3. The capital of the Mauryan Kingdom was located at .
    A. Pataliputra B. Vaishali C. Lumbini D. Gaya

Answer: Option A
4.The Mauryan ruler who patronised Jainism
    A. Bindusara B. Ashoka C. Kumaragupta D. Chandragupta Maurya

Answer: Option D
5. Which of the following inscription mention about Mauryan ruler?
    A. Baran inscription B. Maan Sarrovar inscription C. Allahabad inscription D. Bodh Gaya inscription

Answer: Option B
6. The script used in the Mauryan inscriptions is
    A. Brahmi B. Prakrit C. Pali D. Devanagari

Answer: Option A
7. Pottery during the Mauryan era is generally referred to as?
    A. Ochre pottery B. Northern Black Polished ware C. Red ware D. Black and red ware

Answer: Option B
8. Who among the following deciphered the Mauryan Brahmi for the first time?
    A. William Jones B. James Princep C. Alexander Cunnigham D. John Marshall

Answer: Option B
9. Which of the following was the prosperous port in Mauryan empire?
    A. Toshali B. Tamralipti C. Suvarnagiri D. Ujjaini

Answer: Option B
10. Which of the following places does not have a Mauryan pillar
    A. Luriya Areraj B. Sarnath C. Rampurva D. Sitamarhi

Answer: Option D
1. Which of the following Veda deals with the procedures for the performance of sacrifices?
    A. Yajurved B. Rig Veda C . Sama Veda D . Atharvaveda

Answer: Option A
2. What is the modern name of rig vedic “Sutlej”?
    A. Jhelum B. Chenab C . Sutudri D . Kabul

Answer: Option C
3. What is the modern name of Drishadvati river (rig Vedic)?
    A. Saraswati B. Krumu C . Ghagghar D . Gomal

Answer: Option C
4. Pratishakya is related to?
    A. Astronomy B. Metrics C . Etymology D . Phonetics

Answer: Option D
5. Name of which Jain Tirthankaras are found in the Rig Veda?
    A. Rishabha and Mahavira B. Arishtanemi and Rishabha C . Parshwanath and Mahavira D . Neminath and Arishtanemi

Answer: Option B
6. Who is the most prominent god of 'Rig Veda'?
    A. Indra B. Agni C . Pashupat D . Vishnu

Answer: Option A
7. Where is the first Vedic school was established?
    A. Farrukhabad B. Mirzapur C . Ksganj D . Varnasi

Answer: Option A
8. Which of the following was not known during the Rigvedic period??
    A. Joint Family System B. Agriculture C . caste system D . Marriage System

Answer: Option C
9. The origin of Indian music can be traced to which of the following Vedic Samhitas??
    A. Rigveda B. Samaveda C . Yajurveda D . Atharvaveda

Answer: Option B
10. Which of the following Vedas is not a part of Vedatrayi?
    A. Rigveda B. Yajurveda C . Samaveda D . Atharvaveda

Answer: Option D
1. Which of the following pallava kings assumed the title of “Vatapikonda” after defeating and slaying the great chalukyan king Pulekesin-II?
    A. Narasimhavarman I B. Mahendra Varman I C . Parameshwar Varman I D . Nandi Varman

Answer: Option A
2. Chalukya temples (Jain temples) at Dilwara are situated in?
    A. Madhya Pradesh B. Uttar Pradesh C . Rajasthan D . Haryana

Answer: Option C
3. Chalukya and Chola was related to which of the following empire?
    A. Rajput Empire B. Maratha Empire C . Vijaynagara Empire D . Sikh Empire

Answer: Option C
4. Which among the following chalukyan king performed ‘Ashwamedha yajna’?
    A. Pulakesin I B. Pulakesin II C . Vishnuvardhan D . Kirtivarman I

Answer: Option A
5. Which among the following Pallava king wrote the famous burlesque ‘Mattavilasa Prahasana’?
    A. Mahendra Varman I B. Narasimhavarman C . Narasimhavarman II D . Parameshwar Varman

Answer: Option A
6. During the reign of which Pallava ruler began the long drawn struggle between the Pallavas and the Chalukyas ?
    A. Mahendravarman I B. Simhavishnu C . Narasimhavarman I D . Mahendravarman II

Answer: Option A
7. Which one of the following inscriptions related to the Chalukya king, Pulakesin II?
    A. Maski B. Hathigumpha C . Aihole D . Nasik

Answer: Option C
8. What was the capital of Pallava Dynasty?
    A. Kanchipuram B. Tiruchchirapalli C . Tanjore D . Chennai

Answer: Option A
9. Consider the following statements. 1) Aihole inscription is a eulogy written by Ravikirti, court poet of Pulakesin II. 2) Chalukyan power was overthrown by Rashtrakutas. Which of the following statement/s is/are correct?
    A. Only 1 B. Only 2 C . Both 1 and 2 D .Neither 1 nor 2

Answer: Option C
10. Consider the following statements about the Chalukya rule and Identify the incorrect statement:
    A. The last Chalukya ruler was defeated by the Rashtrakutas founder B. The last Chalukya ruler was defeated by the Pallavas founder C . Kirtivarman II was the last of the rulers of the Chalukyas. D . The successor of Pulakesin II was Vikramaditya

Answer: Option B