Directions (1 - 5): Some words have been given below along with a statement where they have been used in a certain context. You have to find the word from the options which is the most opposite to the given context and mark that as your answer.
1. INADVERTENT: The company argued the breach was inadvertent and it was unaware of the court order when the automatically generated email went out.
A. Unintended
B. Deliberate
C. Unpremeditated
D. Unwitting
Answer: Option B
2. ANTAGONIZE: Canada has decided to not antagonize India in spite of its dismal human rights record.
A. Placate
B. Estrange
C. Hostile
D. Provoke
Answer: Option A
3. FORTHCOMING: The minister asked its coalition partner to treat regional parties well before striking an alliance for the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections.
A. Imminent
B. Coming
C. Unavailable
D. Candid
Answer Option C
4. HAPLESS : Hapless farmers are committing suicide after government gave them paltry compensation for acquiring acres of land for a solar power plant.
A. Unlucky
B. Digress
C. Exploited
D. Fortunate
Answer Option D
5. PECULIAR: People go trekking and wander in the adjacent forest witnessing some of the peculiar flora and fauna of the Himalayas.
A. Strange
B. Uncanny
C. Normal
D. Dubious
Answer Option C