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One word Substitutions Practice Sets

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One word Substitutions Practice Sets

shape Introduction

What are One word Substitutions? One word Substitution, one of the important elements of English Comprehension, simply means that a sentence has to be replaced with a single word. The article One word Substitutions Practice Sets consists of One word Substitutions questions with answers primarily helpful for the candidates preparing for competitive exams like RBI, IBPS, SBI, RRB, SSC and etc.
To solve the One word Substitutions questions, candidates require a strong vocabulary base. Since most of the competitive exams include a test of English Comprehension, one word substitutions constitute an important segment.Also, they are an integral part of vocabulary. One of the important techniques to ace the "One word Substitutions" questions candidates have to smartly learn the root words. Root words are those from which the main words are derived. Learning through root words is fairly simple and enhances the ability to grasp quickly and to retain for longer periods in time. This method also aids in increasing the vocabulary base. Examples are as stated below:
1. OMNI = All/Everything/Everywhere
  • One who is all powerful - Omnipotent
  • One who is present everywhere - Omnipresent
  • One who knows everything - Omniscient

  • 2. Ible/Able = able to [ if in is added to the front : example: inaudible, the meaning changes to Unable to]
  • Inaudible - a sound that cannot be heard
  • Inaccessible - that cannot be easily approached
  • Incorrigible - incapable of being corrected
  • Irreparable - incapable of being repaired
  • Illegible - incapable of being read
  • Inevitable - incapable of being avoided
  • Impracticable - incapable of being practiced
  • Invincible - one, too strong to be overcome
  • Indelible - that cannot be erased
  • Indefatigable - one, who does not tire easily
  • Infallible - one, who is free from all mistakes and failures

  • 3. Cide = Killing/ Death
  • Killing of a human being - Homicide
  • Killing/ Murder of a king - Regicide
  • Killing of an Infant/ newborn baby - Infanticide
  • Killing of a race or community - Genocide
  • Killing of One's sister - Sorocide
  • Killing of self or self-murder - Suicide
  • Killing of either or both parents - Parricide
  • Killing of one's brother - Fratricide
  • Killing of one's father - Patricide
  • Killing of one's mother - Matricide
  • Killing of one's husband - Mariticide
  • Killing of one's wife - Uxoricide

  • 4. Cracy/Archy = RULE / GOVERNMENT
  • A government by the people - Democracy
  • A government by a king or queen - Monarchy
  • A government by the officials - Bureaucracy
  • A government by the rich - Plutocracy
  • A government by few - Oligarchy
  • A government by the nobles - Aristocracy

  • shape Quiz

    1. One who sells articles at public sales
      A. Auctioneer B. Tolerance C. Stoicism D. Reticence

    2. An act of misappropriation of money
      A. debasement B. misconduct C. corruption D. embezzlement

    3. The first public performance of a musical or theatrical work or the first showing of a film
      A. premiere B. preview C. opener D. Debut

    4. Rules governing socially acceptable behaviour
      A. behaviour B. etiquette C. formality D. politeness

    5. A person who is easily deceived or tricked
      A. Gullible B. tangible C. trouble D. trickste
    6. Submission to all that happens as inevitable
      A. fatalism B. Superstition C. pragmatism D. Pessimism

    7. A legal agreement that allows someone to use a building or land for a period of time, usually for rent.
      A. assurance B. deal C. bond D. lease

    8. A person who worships only one God.
      A. Philogymist B. theist C. Monotheist D. Polytheist

    9. Animals living in water
      A. mammals B. aquatic C. amphibian D. gregarious

    10. Someone not fit to be chosen
      A. imeligible B. non-eligible C. uneligible D. ineligible

    1. Answer - Option A
    2. Answer - Option D
    3. Answer - Option A
    4. Answer - Option B
    5. Answer - Option A
    6. Answer - Option A
    7. Answer - Option D
    8. Answer - Option C
    9. Answer - Option B
    10. Answer - Option D
    1. One who deals in furs.
      A. tanner B. furrier C. lapidist D. drover

    2. With no particular order or plan
      A. hazard B. hazardous C. hopeless D. haphazard

    3. The point at which something is complete or finalized
      A. consummation B. final C. uncomplete D. end

    4. Occurring, operating, or done at the same time
      A. simultaneous B. right C. time bound D. temporary

    5. The complete control of trade in particular goods or type of goods
      A. monopoly B. sharing C. scattering D. distribution
    6. Using or expressed in more words than are needed.
      A. verbose B. concise C. succinct D. lengthy

    7. A woman whose husband is died and who has not married again
      A. celibate B. bachelor C. single D. widow

    8. A man whose wife is died and who has not married again
      A. windower B. celibate C. widow D. married

    9. Impossible to understand
      A. comprehensible B. unintelligible C. exonerate D. intelligible

    10. Change ordinary metals into gold
      A. alchemy B. auctioneer C. agent D. master

    1. Answer - Option A
    2. Answer - Option D
    3. Answer - Option A
    4. Answer - Option A
    5. Answer - Option A
    6. Answer - Option A
    7. Answer - Option D
    8. Answer - Option A
    9. Answer - Option B
    10. Answer - Option A
    1. A person or thing that has the same name as another
      A. namesake B. stroll C. metaphor D. emblem

    2. A place in a large institution for the care of those who are ill
      A. house B. university C. college D. infirmary

    3. A mass of snow, ice, and rocks falling rapidly down a mountain side
      A. flux B. waterfall C. avalanche D. flood

    4. A person whose trade is cutting up and selling meat in a shop
      A. butcher B. assassin C. murderer D. moaner

    5. Linked together
      A. connect B. concatenate C. joint D. assemble
    6. Exclusive right to publish a book
      A. copyright B. dominate C. control D. exonerate

    7. Gradual increase in force - volume - loudness.
      A. elevation B. crescendo C. pinnacle D. surge

    8. A broad channel formed by joining of the sea and river water
      A. hinterland B. connect C. estuary D. dyke

    9. Used or suitable for growing crops
      A. useful B. furrow C. suitable D. arable

    10. An area where wild birds or animals protected and encouraged to breed
      A. sanctuary B. asylum C. shrine D. temple

    1. Answer - Option A
    2. Answer - Option D
    3. Answer - Option C
    4. Answer - Option A
    5. Answer - Option B
    6. Answer - Option A
    7. Answer - Option B
    8. Answer - Option C
    9. Answer - Option D
    10. Answer - Option A
    1. Dealing with injuries and diseases of the bones or muscles
      A. orthopaedics B. orthodox C. phonology D. etymology

    2. A group of people assembled for religious worship
      A. congregation B. throng C. collection D. mob

    3. A person who destroys property by fire
      A. criminal B. maverick C. pacifist D. arsonist

    4. Conferred as an honor
      A. sinecure B. honorary C. reward D. vulnerable

    5. Willing to consider or accept new suggestions and ideas
      A. deny B. receptive C. comprehensive D. useful
    6. One who walks in sleep:
      A. dremer B. somnambulist C. neomatic D. ignorant

    7. An instrument for measuring the force of the wind
      A. manometer B. micrometer C. telescope D. anemometer

    8. A speech made without preparation:
      A. prepared B. debate C. extempore D. elocution

    9. Prohibited by law or treaty from being imported on exported:
      A. contraband B. smuggled C. counterfeit D. forged

    10. Intentional destruction of racial groups:
      A. regicide B. genocide C. homicid D. fratricide

    1. Answer - Option A
    2. Answer - Option A
    3. Answer - Option D
    4. Answer - Option B
    5. Answer - Option B
    6. Answer - Option B
    7. Answer - Option D
    8. Answer - Option C
    9. Answer - Option A
    10. Answer - Option B
    1. A person in vehicle or on horseback escorting another vehicle:
      A. navigator B. escort C. outrider D. security

    2. Not allowing the passage of light:
      A. oblique B. opaque C. optique D. opulant

    3. Science regarding principles of classification:
      A. taxidermy B. taxonomy C. toxicology D. classicology

    4. A person who can make himself/herself at home in any country:
      A. cosmetician B. cosmopolitan C. cosmocrat D. cosmesis

    5. Science of heredity:
      A. hereditary B. genetics C. genesis D. inheritance
    6. Arrangement in order of occurrence:
      A. timely B. chronological C. chronic D. temporal

    7. Occurring at night:
      A. nightly B. dark C. nocturnal D. neurotic

    8. Determine the nature of the disease:
      A. investigate B. determine C. diagnose D. detect

    9. A guide-post pointing out the way for a place:
      A. last post B. finger-post C. lamp-post D. check post

    10. Belief that god is in everything and that everything is god:
      A. atheism B. pantheism C. scepticism D. animism

    1. Answer - Option C
    2. Answer - Option B
    3. Answer - Option B
    4. Answer - Option B
    5. Answer - Option B
    6. Answer - Option B
    7. Answer - Option C
    8. Answer - Option C
    9. Answer - Option B
    10. Answer - Option B
    1. A picture of a person or a thing drawn in such a highly exaggerated manner as to cause laughter
      A. cartoon B. cacography C. cartography D. caricature

    2. The state of being miserable bereft of all possessions:
      A. dependent B. complacent C. destitute D. omnipresent

    3. That which cannot be called back:
      A. irresponsible B. irrevocable C. irredeemable D. incalculable

    4. An abandoned child of unknown parents who is found by somebody:
      A. foundling B. siblings C. urchin D. orphan

    5. Parts of a country behind the coast or a river bank:
      A. swamps B. marshes C. hinterland D. isthmuses

    6. A written statement about someone’s character, usually provided by an employer
      A. testimonial B. memorandum C. certificate D. licence

    7. One who makes an official examination of accounts:
      A. auditor B. accountant C. clerk D. official

    8. A list of passengers and luggage:
      A. waybill B. wagon C. wire puller D. whist

    9. A person who makes love without serious intention:
      A. consort B. philanderer C. romeo D. goon

    10. Avoiding wastage:
      A. economic B. economical C. minimal D. optimization

    1. Answer - Option D
    2. Answer - Option C
    3. Answer - Option B
    4. Answer - Option A
    5. Answer - Option C
    6. Answer - Option A
    7. Answer - Option A
    8. Answer - Option A
    9. Answer - Option B
    10. Answer - Option B
    1. Sole right to make and sell some invention:
      A. franchise B. authorize C. dealership D. patent

    2. The scientific study of living organisms:
      A. biochemistry B. organic chemistry C. zoology D. biology

    3. One who lives for more than a hundred years:
      A. saint B. mereorologist C. demagogue D. centenarian

    4. One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain:
      A. stoic B. anarchist C. mystic D. hysteric

    5. Person who files a suit
      A. suitor B. plaintiff C. accuser D. charger
    6. Take great pleasure
      A. satisfied B. uphold C. overhaul D. revel

    7. The practise of having many wives
      A. calligraphy B. polygamy C. polyandry D. bigamy

    8. A person who abstains completely from alcoholic drink
      A. derelict B. subjunctive C. incriminatory D. teetotaller

    9. A strong dislike:
      A. entreaty B. animosity C. malice D. reciprocity

    10. The Mahabharata is a long poem based on a noble theme
      A. story B. narration C. epic D. summary

    1. Answer - Option D
    2. Answer - Option D
    3. Answer - Option D
    4. Answer - Option A
    5. Answer - Option B
    6. Answer - Option D
    7. Answer - Option B
    8. Answer - Option D
    9. Answer - Option B
    10. Answer - Option C
    1. A series of lectures or lessons:
      A. course B. syllabus C. catalogue D. panel

    2. A false name adopted by an author for writing:
      A. nickname B. pseudonym C. nomenclature D. title

    3. That which has a double meaning:
      A. doubtless B. uncertain C. controversial D. ambiguous

    4. Incapable of making errors:
      A. infallible B. incorrigible C. impervious D. inexplicable

    5. Governed by a sense of duty:
      A. conscious B. sensible C. intelligent D. conscientious

    6. The depository where state records and documents are preserved:
      A. museum B. library C. emporium D. archive

    7. That which is no longer fashionable or in use:
      A. unused B. ancient C. obsolete D. old

    8. Murder of a king:
      A. homicide B. fratricide C. regicide D. parricide

    9. A place where birds are kept:
      A. aviary B. house C. aquarium D. apiary

    10. Expressions no longer in current use:
      A. artistic B. archaic C. ancient D. modern
    1. Answer - Option A
    2. Answer - Option B
    3. Answer - Option D
    4. Answer - Option A
    5. Answer - Option D
    6. Answer - Option D
    7. Answer - Option C
    8. Answer - Option C
    9. Answer - Option A
    10. Answer - Option B
    1. A frog lives both on land as well as in water
      A. amphibian B. aquatic C. ambidextrous D. animate

    2. One who possesses many talents:
      A. versatile B. exceptional C. gifted D. talented

    3. A very accurate from of clock:
      A. voltmeter B. chronometer C. galvanometer D. calorimeter

    4. A place where money is coined:
      A. lit B. archive C. press D. mint

    5. A talk between two persons
      A. prologue B. monologue C. dialogue D. speech
    6. A person who can not be corrected:
      A. illegible B. impossible C. incorrigible D. invulnerable

    7. Enter a country as an enemy:
      A. defeat B. spy C. invade D. overcome

    8. Plants of a region:
      A. fauna B. flora C. nursery D. forest

    9. A person who devotes his/her life for the welfare of other:
      A. martyr B. altruist C. hermit D. volunteer

    10. A person who attends to the diseases of the eye is an:
      A. optician B. oculist C. optimist D. obstetrician
    1. Answer - Option A
    2. Answer - Option A
    3. Answer - Option B
    4. Answer - Option D
    5. Answer - Option C
    6. Answer - Option C
    7. Answer - Option C
    8. Answer - Option B
    9. Answer - Option B
    10. Answer - Option B
    1. Written law of a legislative body:
      A. statue B. statute C. stature D. static

    2. A person who shows off his learning:
      A. researcher B. pedant C. educationist D. exhibitor

    3. The study of worms and insects:
      A. paleontology B. taxidermy C. entomology D. ornithology

    4. One who lends money at a very high interest
      A. banker B. usurer C. impostor D. former

    5. Incapable of being approached:
      A. inaccessible B. inadmissible C. irresistible D. illegal

    6. One who takes care of a building:
      A. janitor B. manager C. warder D. beadle

    7. One who looks at the bright side of things:
      A. pessimist B. pacifist C. optimist D. humanist

    8. A list of dishes:
      A. cuisine B. dessert C. buffet D. menu

    9. One who believes in fate:
      A. believer B. fatalist C. agnostic D. sceptic

    10. Smugy self-satisfied:
      A. responsive B. complacent C. jovial D. witty

    1. Answer - Option B
    2. Answer - Option B
    3. Answer - Option C
    4. Answer - Option B
    5. Answer - Option A
    6. Answer - Option A
    7. Answer - Option C
    8. Answer - Option D
    9. Answer - Option B
    10. Answer - Option B
    1. A person who makes a scientific study of birds:
      A. Ornithologist B. orthodontist C. anesthetist D. astrophysicist

    2. Having to do with artistic beauty:
      A. aesthetic B. excellence C. artful D. creative

    3. A person who live by himself:
      A. bachelor B. recluse C. spinster D. priest

    4. Impossible to describe
      A. miraculous B. ineffable C. stupendous D. appalling

    5. One who criticizes popular beliefs which he thinks is mistaken or unwise:
      A. philistine B. iconoclast C. imposter D. cannibal

    6. Detaining and confining someone:
      A. Interruption B. interrogation C. interment D. internment

    7. An underhand device resorted to in order to justify misconduct:
      A. subterfuge B. manoeuvre C. stratagem D. complicity

    8. Science of the races of mankind:
      A. genealogy B. Epistemology C. ethnology D. sociology

    9. A person who loves wealth and spends as little money as possible:
      A. curmudgeon B. money-grabber C. scrimp D. miser

    10. State of anxiety or dismay causing mental confusion:
      A. constriction B. consternation C. concentration D. contraction

    1. Answer - Option A
    2. Answer - Option A
    3. Answer - Option B
    4. Answer - Option B
    5. Answer - Option B
    6. Answer - Option D
    7. Answer - Option B
    8. Answer - Option C
    9. Answer - Option C
    10. Answer - Option B
    1. A person who is fluent in two languages:
      A. versatile B. expert C. bilingual D. knowledgeable

    2. One who eats human flesh:
      A. Maneater B. cannibal C. beast D. savage

    3. The quality of being politely firm and demanding:
      A. assertive B. bossy C. aggressive D. lardy

    4. One who finds it easy to produce new and original ideas and things:
      A. hospitable B. bright C. impulsive D. creative

    5. Done with good judgement
      A. enviable B. judicial C. eminent D. judicious

    6. Impossible to decipher,make out or read:
      A. illegible B. ambiguous C. eligible D. intelligible

    7. Careful not to harm or inconvenience others:
      A. obstinate B. rash C. humble D. considerate

    8. The place where public,government or historical records are kept:
      A. coffer B. pantry C. archives D. scullery

    9. Theft of another person’s writings or ideas and passing them off as one’s own:
      A. plagiarism B. burglary C. piracy D. pilferage

    10. The study of insects:
      A. anthropology B. zoology C. etymology D. entomology

    1. Answer - Option C
    2. Answer - Option B
    3. Answer - Option A
    4. Answer - Option D
    5. Answer - Option D
    6. Answer - Option A
    7. Answer - Option D
    8. Answer - Option C
    9. Answer - Option A
    10. Answer - Option D
    1. List of issues to be discussed at a meeting:
      A. schedule B. agenda C. time-table D. plan

    2. Speed of an object in one direction:
      A. pace B. tempo C. velodrome D. velocity

    3. A word or practice that has gone out of use:
      A. absolute B. outdated C. old-fashioned D. obsolete

    4. Favoritism granted in politics or business to relatives:
      A. nepotism B. hedonism C. redtapism D. monotheism

    5. A person who collects coins:
      A. numismatist B. philatelist C. coin collector D. ornithologist

    6. A supplements to a will:
      A. adjunct B. effusion C. codicil D. furlough

    7. Estimation of a thing’s worth:
      A. goodness B. appraisal C. beliefs D. pay

    8. To free completely from blame:
      A. clear B. exonerate C. release D. let go

    9. A person who works for an employer for a fixed period of time in order to learn the particular skill needed in thier job:
      A. worker B. employee C. apprentice D. labourer

    10. Soldiers who fight on horseback:
      A. infantry B. artillery C. cavalry D. armoured

    1. Answer - Option B
    2. Answer - Option D
    3. Answer - Option D
    4. Answer - Option A
    5. Answer - Option A
    6. Answer - Option C
    7. Answer - Option B
    8. Answer - Option B
    9. Answer - Option C
    10. Answer - Option C
    1. One who speaks for other:
      A. spokesman B. leader C. supporter D. naming

    2. A man who doesn’t know how to read or write:
      A. uneducated B. illiterate C. ignorant D. oblivious

    3. Rebellion against lawful authority:
      A. mutiny B. coup C. revolution D. dissidence

    4. To run away with a lover
      A. deceive B. cheat C. escape D. elope

    5. One who does something not professionally but for pleasure:
      A. entrepreneur B. amateur C. libertine D. novice

    6. Wild and noisy disorder
      A. revolution B. pandemonium C. stir D. agitation

    7. A person who is solely motivated by money or personal gain:
      A. charlatan B. mercenary C. merchant D. money-lender

    8. Something that is beyond the power of nature:
      A. supernatural B. magical C. preternatural D. unnatural

    9. Description of a disagreeable thing by an agreeable name:
      A. eulogy B. epithet C. epigram D. euphemism

    10. Walk in a proud and confident way:
      A. lope B. swagger C. sprint D. canter

    1. Answer - Option A
    2. Answer - Option B
    3. Answer - Option A
    4. Answer - Option D
    5. Answer - Option B
    6. Answer - Option B
    7. Answer - Option B
    8. Answer - Option A
    9. Answer - Option D
    10. Answer - Option B
    1. The part of a stage in front of the curtain;
      A. podium B. proscenium C. amphitheater D. arena

    2. A policy that segregates people on the basis of race:
      A. chauvinism B. theism C. apartheid D. partisan

    3. Something which lasts forever:
      A. Eternal B. youthful C. mortal D. infallible

    4. The schedule of travel:
      A. itinerary B. time-table C. travel book D. guidebook

    5. Poem in short stanzas narrating a popular story:
      A. ballet B. epic C. ballad D. sonnet

    6. Design made by putting together coloured pieces of glass or stones:
      A. tracery B. mosaic C. relief D. oleograph

    7. A shopkeeper who sells fresh and green vegetables:
      A. shopkeeper B. vendor C. greengrocer D. butcher

    8. That which can be easily consumed by fire:
      A. inexhaustible B. incombustible C. invincible D. inflammable

    9. A place of shelter for ships:
      A. port B. harbour C. barrack D. helipad

    10. An expert in the scientific study of birds:
      A. astrologer B. keeper C. zoologist D. ornithologist

    1. Answer - Option B
    2. Answer - Option C
    3. Answer - Option A
    4. Answer - Option A
    5. Answer - Option C
    6. Answer - Option B
    7. Answer - Option C
    8. Answer - Option D
    9. Answer - Option B
    10. Answer - Option D
    1. One who believes that events are decided by fate:
      A. numerologist B. fatalist C. egoist D. atheist

    2. Like an ape or a monkey:
      A. Arboreal B. feline C. Avian D. simian

    3. Having a common centre:
      A. concentric B. circular C. eccentric D. chronic

    4. A place where food grains are stored:
      A. granary B. museum C. aviary D. grocery

    5. A place where dead bodies are buried :
      A. museum B. cemetery C. crematory D. park

    6. Medicine given to counteract poison:
      A. antibiotic B. antiseptic C. antidote D. antifungal

    7. One who hates marriage:
      A. misanthrope B. misogamist C. misogynist D. polygamist

    8. Thawing snow:
      A. sludge B. slush C. slosh D. slash

    9. One who specializes in the mathematics of insurance
      A. A statistician B. an actuary C. an agent D. an insurant

    10. Violation of the sanctity of the church:
      A. infringement B. irreverence C. sacrilege D. transgression

    1. Answer - Option B
    2. Answer - Option D
    3. Answer - Option A
    4. Answer - Option A
    5. Answer - Option B
    6. Answer - Option C
    7. Answer - Option B
    8. Answer - Option B
    9. Answer - Option B
    10. Answer - Option C
    1. Of one mind or opinion:
      A. voluntary B. referendum C. homogeneous D. unanimous

    2. Deep worried or agitated:
      A. ignorant B. distraught C. shocked D. maniac

    3. Persons working together in the same institute:
      A. colleagues B. staff C. contemporary D. brethren

    4. One who does not believe in god:
      A. polytheist B. atheist C. theist D. monotheist

    5. There was a peaceful settlement of the matter between the two parties:
      A. friendship B. solidarity C. compromise D. understanding

    6. O. Henry is the pen name used by William Sydney Porter:
      A. synonym B. antonym C. acronym D. pseudonym

    7. A person who collects postage stamps:
      A. philologist B. phonologist C. philatelist D. phrenologist

    8. A person who has had one or more limbs cut off:
      A. amputee B. truncation C. dissemination D. curtailment

    9. A building for housing curios:
      A. asylum B. museum C. auditorium D. sanatorium

    10. A person who knows or can speak many languages:
      A. bibliophile B. bigot C. polyglot D. misologist

    1. Answer - Option D
    2. Answer - Option B
    3. Answer - Option A
    4. Answer - Option B
    5. Answer - Option C
    6. Answer - Option D
    7. Answer - Option C
    8. Answer - Option A
    9. Answer - Option D
    10. Answer - Option C
    1. Incapable of being corrected:
      A. insolent B. incongruous C. incorrigible D. insensitive

    2. A place where dead bodies are kept for medical examination
      A. crematorium B. mortuary C. hospital D. cemetery

    3. A child who stays away from school without leave:
      A. truant B. rabel C. bully D. deserter

    4. That which cannot believed
      A. infallible B. incredible C. inaudible D. ineffable

    5. Very delicate and beautiful:
      A. exquisite B. requisite C. exemplary D. resplendent

    6. Witty, ready replies :
      A. repartee's B. rhetoric's C. puns D. refrains

    7. A solution for all:
      A. panacea B. treatment C. cure D. well-being

    8. A book containing various branches of knowledge arranged in alphabetical order:
      A. encyclopedia B. dictionary C. thesaurus D. atlas

    9. A person who believes in the total abolition of war:
      A. bellicose B. pacifist C. flautist D. fatalist

    10. A military or political group that rules a country after taking power by force
      A. junta B. burglary C. piracy D. pilferage

    1. Answer - Option C
    2. Answer - Option B
    3. Answer - Option A
    4. Answer - Option B
    5. Answer - Option D
    6. Answer - Option A
    7. Answer - Option A
    8. Answer - Option A
    9. Answer - Option B
    10. Answer - Option A
    1. A constantly changing pattern or sequence of elements
      A. anthropology B. gyroscope C. etymology D. kaleidoscope

    2. A published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation
      A. schedule B. libel C. time-table D. plan

    3. A dummy used to display clothes in a shop window
      A. pace B. tempo C. velodrome D. mannequin

    4. A public speech or published text in praise of someone or something
      A. coffer B. pantry C. panegyric D. scullery

    5. A raised place on which offerings to God are made:
      A. mound B. chapel C. altar D. archive

    6. Undue favour shown by a person in power to his friends and relatives:
      A. criticism B. despotism C. nepotism D. witticism

    7. An area controlled by a foreign ruler:
      A. province B. state C. colony D. dominion

    8. A person who lives for pleasure:
      A. hedonist B. materialist C. atheist D. philanthropist

    9. Loss of memory:
      A. dementia B. oblivion C. nostalgia D. amnesia

    10. A drawing of the outline of an object; filled in with some uniform color
      A. banker B. silhouette C. imposter D. former

    1. Answer - Option D
    2. Answer - Option B
    3. Answer - Option D
    4. Answer - Option C
    5. Answer - Option C
    6. Answer - Option C
    7. Answer - Option C
    8. Answer - Option A
    9. Answer - Option D
    10. Answer - Option B
    1. A substitute, especially a person deputizing for another in a specific role or office
      A. surrogate B. inadmissible C. irresistible D. illegal

    2. A brief evocative description, account, or episode
      A. vignette B. warden C. beadle D. short

    3. One who knows everything:
      A. omniscient B. omnipresent C. omnipotent D. ominous

    4. That which cannot be read easily:
      A. illegible B. illiterate C. irrevocable D. illegal

    5. He is a person who always looks at the dark side of things:
      A. optimist B. pacifist C. pessimist D. opportunist

    6. A speech delivered for the first time:
      A. impromptu speech B. maiden speech C. primary speech D. harangue

    7. A gigantic statue:
      A. colossus B. agree C. kirk D. decline

    8. A disorderly crowd of people:
      A. spectators B. pedestrians C. lunatics D. mob

    9. Specify as part of an agreement:
      A. charge B. agree C. stipulate D. decline

    10. A hall or building equipped for physical exercise:
      A. gymnastics B. court C. play-station D. gymnasium

    1. Answer - Option A
    2. Answer - Option A
    3. Answer - Option A
    4. Answer - Option A
    5. Answer - Option C
    6. Answer - Option B
    7. Answer - Option A
    8. Answer - Option D
    9. Answer - Option C
    10. Answer - Option D
    1. Changing in shape,appearance etc:
      A. rotation B. alteration C. motion D. transformation

    2. A book or paper written in hand:
      A. edition B. thesis C. manuscript D. scripture

    3. A speech delivered by a prophet or saint from a pulpit:
      A. lecture B. debate C. pration D. sermon

    4. A person who offers services without any return:
      A. activist B. contractor C. seer D. volunteer

    5. One who is bad in spelling
      A. compositor B. stoker C. cacographist D. shipwright

    6. A person or animal having both male and female sex organs or other sexual characteristics
      A. hermaphrodite B. derivative C. inferential D. suggestive

    7. A person who manages the financial affairs of a college or school
      A. bursar B. philanthropy C. benevolence D. turnstile

    8. An extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque period or situation
      A. idyll B. sinecure C. perquisite D. prerogatives

    9. Spoil (something which is valued or respected)
      A. Flora B. museum C. zoo D. desecrate

    10. Not easily pleased by anything:
      A. medieval B. precarious C. fastidious D. maiden

    1. Answer - Option D
    2. Answer - Option C
    3. Answer - Option D
    4. Answer - Option D
    5. Answer - Option C
    6. Answer - Option A
    7. Answer - Option A
    8. Answer - Option A
    9. Answer - Option D
    10. Answer - Option C
    1. To die without having made a will:
      A. intestate B. insolvent C. intaglio D. inveterate

    2. One who enjoys inflicting pain on himself
      A. egoist B. sadist C. masochist D. nihilist

    3. Murder of a brother:
      A. regicide B. homicide C. fratricide D. patricide

    4. More like a woman than a man in manners and habits:
      A. womanish B. delicate C. unmanly D. effeminate

    5. Handwriting which is difficult or impossible to read:
      A. illegible B. illogical C. unintelligible D. eligible

    6. To play the part of, and function as some other person:
      A. impersonate B. act C. imitate D. pretend

    7. Liable to be easily broken:
      A. weak B. brittle C. thin D. hard

    8. One who is out to destroy the Government:
      A. anarchist B. villain C. criminal D. enemy

    9. One who loves all mankind:
      A. philologist B. philosopher C. philanthropist D. philatelist

    10. A person who cannot make a mistake:
      A. inexplicable B. inevitable C. indispensable D. infallible

    1. Answer - Option A
    2. Answer - Option C
    3. Answer - Option C
    4. Answer - Option D
    5. Answer - Option A
    6. Answer - Option A
    7. Answer - Option B
    8. Answer - Option A
    9. Answer - Option C
    10. Answer - Option D
    1. One who eats human flesh:
      A. carnivore B. herbivore C. glutton D. cannibal

    2. An office with a salary but no work:
      A. honorary B. sinecure C. insolvent D. sinuous

    3. The study or collection of coins:
      A. nymphomania B. numismatics C. numerology D. numeric

    4. One who hates women;
      A. misogynist B. misanthrope C. feminist D. effeminate

    5. A woman with dark brown hair:
      A. blonde B. philogynist C. brunette D. dotard

    6. There was a big applause when he delivered his speech for the first time:
      A. introductory speech B. maiden speech C. concluding speech D. initial speech

    7. Large number of insects,birds etc.moving about:
      A. crowd B. group C. pack D. swarm

    8. A person who readily believes other:
      A. sensible B. credulous C. sensitive D. credible

    9. Dry weather with no rainfall:
      A. summer B. desert C. drought D. general

    10. Unrelated to the subject;
      A. irrelevant B. superficial C. specific D. general

    1. Answer - Option D
    2. Answer - Option B
    3. Answer - Option B
    4. Answer - Option A
    5. Answer - Option C
    6. Answer - Option B
    7. Answer - Option D
    8. Answer - Option B
    9. Answer - Option C
    10. Answer - Option A
    1. A state of near-unconsciousness or insensibility
      A. transgression B. translation C. stupor D. transmigration

    2. Something which is not in harmony
      A. smooth B. quiet C. cacophonous D. noisy

    3. A list of books:
      A. anthology B. glossary C. catalogue D. index

    4. Man with womanly habits and manners
      A. bovine B. suave C. effeminate D. gay

    5. Something unusual or strange, having peculiar notions:
      A. dramatic B. reasonable C. whimsical D. aggressive

    6. A study of word and the way words develop:
      A. Philology B. phonology C. phraseology D. phonographs

    7. A hotel providing overnight lodging for travelers
      A. inn B. coup C. revolution D. dissidence

    8. Soldier who fight on horseback :
      A. infantry B. artillery C. cavalry D. armored

    9. One who speaks for other:
      A. spokesman B. leader C. supporter D. naming

    10. A short moral story (often with animal characters)
      A. uneducated B. parable C. ignorant D. oblivious

    1. Answer - Option C
    2. Answer - Option C
    3. Answer - Option C
    4. Answer - Option C
    5. Answer - Option C
    6. Answer - Option A
    7. Answer - Option A
    8. Answer - Option C
    9. Answer - Option A
    10. Answer - Option B
    1. A person who thinks only about himself’and not about others’needs:
      A. egocentric B. ego maniacal C. egotistic D. egotistic

    2. Something that cannot be explained:
      A. inexplicable B. unthinkable C. impregnable D. mysterious

    3. A written declaration made on oath in the presence of a magistrate:
      A. document B. affidavit C. dossier D. voucher

    4. A raised place on which offering to a God are made:
      A. mound B. rostrum C. church D. altar

    5. One who journeys from place to place:
      A. quack B. cannibal C. itinerant D. courier

    6. A government by officials:
      A. oligarchy B. aristocracy C. plutocracy D. bureaucracy

    7. One who walks in sleep:
      A. somniloquist B. egoist C. somnambulist D. altruist

    8. Commencement of adjacent word with same letter:
      A. pun B. alliteration C. transferred epithet D. oxymoron

    9. A specialist who tests eyesight:
      A. optician B. ophthalmologist C. ichthyologist D. neurologist

    10. A wall built to prevent the sea or a river from flooding an area:
      A. dam B. mound C. dyke D. embankment

    1. Answer - Option A
    2. Answer - Option A
    3. Answer - Option B
    4. Answer - Option D
    5. Answer - Option C
    6. Answer - Option D
    7. Answer - Option C
    8. Answer - Option B
    9. Answer - Option A
    10. Answer - Option C
    1. Ability to go on in spite of difficulties:
      A. delirious B. desirous C. perseverance D. pervasive

    2. A number of ships,vehicles etc.travelling together under escort:
      A. retinue B. feel C. posse D. convoy

    3. An instrument for measuring wind pressure:
      A. manometer B. micrometer C. temperature D. barometer

    4. To destroy completely
      A. annihilate B. rehabilitate C. incapacitate D. dislocate

    5. To die in water or any other liquid because one is unable to breathe:
      A. sink B. drown C. flounder D. founder

    6. To be biased against:
      A. partial B. objective C. prejudiced D. predestined

    7. Motion of Head, Hands etc, As a mode of expression indicating attitude.
      A. gesture B. grin C. gestation D. grimace

    8. Bitter and violent attack in words:
      A. diaspora B. deacriticicism C. diadem D. diatribe

    9. Treatment by means of exercise and massage:
      A. chemotherapy B. hydrotherapy C. physiotherapy D. psychotherapy

    10. The abandonment of one’s country or cause:
      A. defection B. disloyalty C. desertion D. migration

    1. Answer - Option C
    2. Answer - Option D
    3. Answer - Option D
    4. Answer - Option A
    5. Answer - Option B
    6. Answer - Option C
    7. Answer - Option A
    8. Answer - Option D
    9. Answer - Option C
    10. Answer - Option C
    1. A place where birds are kept:
      A. aquarium B. den C. aviary D. sanctuary

    2. A method which never fails
      A. unflinching B. irreparable C. irremediable D. infallible

    3. Something which cannot be believed:
      A. inevitable B. ineffable C. incredible D. ineluctable

    4. Body of a human being or animal embalmed for burial:
      A. corpse B. mummy C. morgue D. mortuary

    5. Of very bad morals, characterized by debasement or degeneration:
      A. desultory B. dilapidated C. depraved D. delatory

    6. The production of raw silk:
      A. sari culture B. syrumculture C. sericulture D. seroculture

    7. Politicians are notorious for doing undue favour to their relatives:
      A. dualism B. polarism C. pluralism D. nepotism

    8. A person who readily believes others:
      A. sensitive B. sensible C. credible D. credulous

    9. Meaningless language with an exaggerated style intended to impress:
      A. verbalization B. rhetoric C. oratory D. public-speaking

    10. The political leader has an evil reputation.he is not trusted:
      A. is magnanimous B. is dubious C. is notorious D. is malicious

    1. Answer - Option C
    2. Answer - Option D
    3. Answer - Option C
    4. Answer - Option B
    5. Answer - Option C
    6. Answer - Option C
    7. Answer - Option D
    8. Answer - Option D
    9. Answer - Option B
    10. Answer - Option C
    1. The conference takes place once in three years:
      A. treennial B. thriennial C. tetraennial D. triennial

    2. An apartment building in which each apartment is owned separately by the people living in it,but also containing shared areas:
      A. condominium B. multiplex C. duplex D. caravan

    3. A group of three powerful people:
      A. trio B. tritium C. trivet D. triumvirate

    4. Operation of the body after death:
      A. postmortem B. obituary C. homage D. mortuary

    5. The Bedouin Arabs are people of no fixed adobe
      A. vagabonds B. travelers C. barbarians D. nomads

    6. The secretary’s proposal was adopted with the full agreement of all the members:
      A. equivocally B. vehemently C. ambitiously D. unanimously

    7. That which makes it difficult to recognize the presence or real nature of something:
      A. infallible B. image C. camouflage D. transparent

    8. Code of diplomatic etiquette and precedence
      A. protocol B. hierarchy C. formality D. statesmanship

    9. Travel regularly between two or more places
      A. dexterous B. shuttle C. gifted D. exception

    10. Twist and turn with quick writhing movements
      A. recluse B. hedonist C. wriggle D. maniac

    1. Answer - Option D
    2. Answer - Option A
    3. Answer - Option D
    4. Answer - Option A
    5. Answer - Option A
    6. Answer - Option D
    7. Answer - Option C
    8. Answer - Option A
    9. Answer - Option B
    10. Answer - Option C
    1. A person who rides horses in races as an occupation:
      A. equestrian B. horseman C. horse-racer D. maniac

    2. A widely accepted rule of conduct or general truth briefly expressed:
      A. maxim B. tenet C. syllogism D. doctrine

    3. A secret massage written in code:
      A. anagram B. telegram C. phonograph D. cryptogram

    4. Walk in a slow relaxed way:
      A. trot B. canter C. plod D. saunter

    5. One who copies from other writers:
      A. copy-writer B. copyright C. plagiarist D. epicure

    6. Excessive similarity or resemblence with anything or anyone:
      A. affinity B. ambiguity C. affirmation D. affliction

    7. To scold or rebuke somebody
      A. chicanery B. chide C. caress D. carnage

    8. A round or cylindrical container used for storing things such as food,chemicals or rolls of film:
      A. tankard B. canister C. vessel D. casket

    9. A place of permanent residence:
      A. abode B. dormitory C. domicile D. apartment

    10. That cannot be altered or withdrawn:
      A. irrevocable B. irretrievable C. irrefutable D. er-resistible

    1. Answer - Option A
    2. Answer - Option A
    3. Answer - Option D
    4. Answer - Option D
    5. Answer - Option C
    6. Answer - Option A
    7. Answer - Option B
    8. Answer - Option B
    9. Answer - Option C
    10. Answer - Option A
    1. Money paid to employees on retirement:
      A. gratuity B. gift C. pension D. arrears

    2. A place where clothes are kept:
      A. closet B. drawer C. wardrobe D. cupboard

    3. To given one’s authority to another:
      A. authorization B. powerful C. attorney D. delegate

    4. Notice of death,especially in a newspaper:
      A. condolence B. obituary C. obesity D. funeral

    5. Speech made to oneself when one is alone:
      A. soliloquy B. oratory C. monologue D. stoicism

    6. To give up the throne or other office of dignity:
      A. abdicate B. dethrone C. denounce D. accelerate

    7. Additional paragraph,especially at the end of a letter after the signature:
      A. post script B. topography C. epilogue D. emblem

    8. A person who can appreciate art,music etc:
      A. epicure B. gourmet C. philanderer D. connoisseur

    9. Two words different in spelling and meaning but pronounced alike:
      A. homonyms B. homograph C. synonyms D. homophones

    10. A person who testifies or gives a deposition
      A. deponent B. sycophant C. psychopath D. hedonist

    1. Answer - Option A
    2. Answer - Option C
    3. Answer - Option D
    4. Answer - Option B
    5. Answer - Option A
    6. Answer - Option A
    7. Answer - Option A
    8. Answer - Option D
    9. Answer - Option D
    10. Answer - Option A
    1. An animal living on fish:
      A. carnivore B. herbivore C. piscivore D. parasite

    2. Person who directs preparation of a newspaper:
      A. instructor B. auditor C. editor D. author

    3. A person who does not think or behave like everyone else,but has independent,unusual opinions:
      A. hermit B. individual C. maverick D. matriarch

    4. Child of unusual or remarkable talent:
      A. prodigy B. genius C. geek D. intellectual

    5. Government runs its administration through departments staffed by civil servants:
      A. bureaucracy B. democracy C. aristocracy D. oligarchy

    6. A person who can appreciate art,music etc:
      A. epicure B. gourmet C. connoisseur D. cosmopolitan

    7. A song characteristically played outside the house of a woman
      A. homonyms B. homograph C. synonyms D. serenade

    8. Someone who makes and sells hats
      A. Milliner B. sycophant C. psychopath D. hedonist

    9. A stiff, erect, and apparently arrogant or conceited gait
      A. hydrophobia B. stout C. erect D. strut

    10. .Remove the outer covering or skin from
      A. peel B. theism C. atheism D. henotheism

    1. Answer - Option C
    2. Answer - Option C
    3. Answer - Option C
    4. Answer - Option A
    5. Answer - Option A
    6. Answer - Option C
    7. Answer - Option D
    8. Answer - Option B
    9. Answer - Option D
    10. Answer - Option A
    1. A representative on a special mission
      A. chauffeur B. courier C. emissary D. successor

    2. A hater of women:
      A. misogynist B. misogamist C. accomplice D. dipsomaniac

    3. The stand from which a preacher delivers his sermon:
      A. lectern B. podium C. pulpit D. Dias

    4. The science of government
      A. theology B. politics C. episcopacy D. eureaucracy

    5. One who specializes in the mathematics of insurance:
      A. a statistician B. an actuary C. An agent D. an insurance

    6. A general pardon of offenders:
      A. parley B. amnesty C. parole D. acquittal

    7. One who practices one of the fine arts :
      A. painter B. artist C. designer D. architect

    8. Scale used for measuring the strength of an earthquake:
      A. Celsius B. Newtons C. Richter D. linear

    9. Something kept as a reminder of an event:
      A. Trophy B. souvenir C. prize D. antique

    10. Found all over the world:
      A. international B. universal C. regional D. provincial

    1. Answer - Option C
    2. Answer - Option A
    3. Answer - Option C
    4. Answer - Option B
    5. Answer - Option B
    6. Answer - Option B
    7. Answer - Option B
    8. Answer - Option C
    9. Answer - Option B
    10. Answer - Option B
    1. Bending and moving easily and gracefully; flexible
      A. Anthropology B. etymology C. brisk D. supple

    2. One who accompanies and supervises a young woman or gatherings of young people
      A. escort B. chaperon C. fort D. time table

    3. An unaccompanied part song for 2 or 3 voices; follows a strict poetic form
      A. praise B. ballad C. good D. Madrigal

    4. A two-wheeled horse-drawn cab accommodating two inside, with the driver seated behind
      A. house B. moter car C. hansom D. tempo

    5. A reckless impetuous irresponsible person
      A. Swashbuckler B. sensitive C. choosi D. charlatan

    6. To look at someone in an angry or threatening way:
      A. glower B. gnaw C. gnash D. grind

    7. Compulsory military service
      A. director B. trustee C. conscription D. ombudsman

    8. Something that causes death:
      A. dangerous B. fatal C. brutal D. horrible

    9. A person who writes decoratively:
      A. calligrapher B. collier C. choreographer D. cartographer

    10. Pertaining to cattle
      A. canine B. feline C. bovine D. verminous

    1. Answer - Option D
    2. Answer - Option B
    3. Answer - Option D
    4. Answer - Option C
    5. Answer - Option A
    6. Answer - Option A
    7. Answer - Option C
    8. Answer - Option B
    9. Answer - Option A
    10. Answer - Option C
    1. An annual calendar containing important dates and statistical information such as astronomical data and tide tables
      A. almanac B. multiplex C. duplex D. caravan

    2. Isolation to prevent the spread of infectious disease
      A. trio B. immune C. triumvirate D. quarantine

    3. Especially fine or decorative clothing
      A. homage B. regalia C. attraction D. clothes

    4. A nursery where babies and young children are cared for during the working day
      A. asylum B. creche C. infirmary D. opulent

    5. The art or practice of clipping shrubs or trees into ornamental shapes
      A. plant B. topiary C. hedge D. toxicology

    6. A person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main world religions
      A. deponent B. hearse C. atheistic D. pagan

    7. A building in which cows are kept
      A. nestle B. sty C. byre D. pen

    8. Apparent communication from one mind to another without using sensory perceptions
      A. code reader B. schedule C. scanner D. telepathy

    9. A crude uncouth ill-bred person lacking culture or refinement
      A. honest B. boor C. incurable D. refined

    10. A literary composition of poor quality that was written quickly to make money
      A. corn B. amnesty C. slogan D. pot-boiler

    1. Answer - Option A
    2. Answer - Option D
    3. Answer - Option A
    4. Answer - Option B
    5. Answer - Option B
    6. Answer - Option D
    7. Answer - Option C
    8. Answer - Option D
    9. Answer - Option B
    10. Answer - Option D
    1. Man with strong sexual desires
      A. lecher B. stoic C. ambivert D. swinger

    2. A truck or cart without sides, for delivering beer barrels or other heavy loads
      A. dolly B. gig C. barrow D. dray

    3. A pen for swine
      A. sty B. nestle C. byre D. pen

    4. Patriotic and festive decorations made from such cloth, or from paper, usually in the form of draperies, wide streamers, etc., in the colors of the national flag
      A. steamer B. topiary C. bunting D. decor

    5. One who is a habitual drunker
      A. teetotaler B. stoic C. autism D. sottoper

    6. A laborer who loads and unloads vessels in a port
      A. purveyor B. lackey C. stevedore D. coolie

    7. Of, relating to, or characterized by a colour or colours.
      A. florid B. showy C. chromatics D. bright

    8. A council convened to discuss ecclesiastical business
      A. synod B. turnout C. holy D. meeting

    9. The act of ordaining; the act of conferring (or receiving) holy orders
      A. choice B. ordination C. selection D. choosing

    10. Rotating mechanism in the form of a universally mounted spinning wheel that offers resistance to turns in any direction
      A. gyroscope B. microscope C. whirligig D. spinner

    1. Answer - Option A
    2. Answer - Option D
    3. Answer - Option A
    4. Answer - Option C
    5. Answer - Option D
    6. Answer - Option C
    7. Answer - Option C
    8. Answer - Option A
    9. Answer - Option B
    10. Answer - Option A
    1. Feeling inside you which tells you what is right and what is wrong:
      A. cleverness B. consciousness C. fear D. conscience

    2. A study of sounds is known as:
      A. phonetics B. semantics C. stylistics D. linguistics

    3. To reduce to nothing:
      A. annul B. cull C. lull D. null

    4. An obviously true or hackneyed on a tomb:
      A. imagine B. truism C. syllogism D. iconic

    5. To struggle helplessly:
      A. fumble B. founder C. flounder D. finger

    6. The act of producing beautiful handwriting using a brush or a special pen:
      A. graphics B. hieroglyphics C. calligraphy D. stenciling

    7. A word composed of the first letters of the word in a phrase:
      A. anachronism B. acronym C. calligraphy D. almanac

    8. Able to use the left hand and right hand equally well:
      A. ambivert B. ambidextrous C. ambivalent D. ambitious

    9. One who hates women:
      A. philanthropist B. ascetic C. misogamist D. misogynist

    10. A system of naming things:
      A. horticulture B. miniature C. genocide D. nomenclature

    1. Answer - Option D
    2. Answer - Option A
    3. Answer - Option D
    4. Answer - Option B
    5. Answer - Option C
    6. Answer - Option C
    7. Answer - Option B
    8. Answer - Option B
    9. Answer - Option D
    10. Answer - Option D
    1. A raised passageway in a building:
      A. walkway B. walkout C. walkabout D. walkover

    2. A cure for all diseases:
      A. laxative B. panacea C. antidote D. purgative

    3. Animal that feeds on plant:
      A. carnivorous B. herbivorous C. insectivorous D. graminivotous

    4. A number of stars grouped together:
      A. orbit B. constellation C. solar system D. comet

    5. Lasting only for a very short while:
      A. transparent B. temporal C. temporary D. temperate

    6. Murder of a man:
      A. regicide B. fratricide C. homicide D. genocide

    7. Use of force or threats to get someone to agree to something:
      A. coercion B. conviction C. confession D. cajolement

    8. One who is unaffected or indifferent to joy,pain, pleasure or grief:
      A. tolerant B. resigned C. passive D. stoic

    9. A person who is greatly respected because of wisdom:
      A. veracious B. vulnerable C. venerable D. verger

    10. An excessively desire to steal:
      A. stealomania B. kleptomania C. cleftomania D. keptomania

    1. Answer - Option A
    2. Answer - Option B
    3. Answer - Option B
    4. Answer - Option B
    5. Answer - Option C
    6. Answer - Option C
    7. Answer - Option A
    8. Answer - Option D
    9. Answer - Option C
    10. Answer - Option B
    1. A specially long, formal letter
      A. memo B. ballad C. postcard D. epistle

    2. The person to whom you are engaged
      A. committed B. loved C. intended D. betrothed

    3. A prostitute or promiscuous woman
      A. harlot B. actress C. comely D. heroin

    4. An allowance made to a wife by her husband,when they are legally separated:
      A. alimony B. parsimony C. matrimony D. honorarium

    5. Wild imagination:
      A. whim B. fantasy C. fancy D. memory

    6. A peom of fourteen lines:
      A. ballad B. psalm C. sonnet D. carol

    7. To be known for bad acts:
      A. famous B. notorious C. criminal D. terrorist

    8. Words of similar meaning
      A. homonyms B. pseudonyms C. antonyms D. synonyms

    9. Instrument to measure atmospheric pressure
      A. metronome B. compass C. pedometer D. barometer

    10. One who tends to take a hopeful view of life
      A. magnate B. creator C. pacifist D. optimist

    1. Answer - Option D
    2. Answer - Option D
    3. Answer - Option A
    4. Answer - Option A
    5. Answer - Option B
    6. Answer - Option C
    7. Answer - Option B
    8. Answer - Option A
    9. Answer - Option D
    10. Answer - Option D
    1. Belonging to all parts of the world:
      A. common B. universal C. worldly D. international

    2. One who knows everything:
      A. omniscient B. omnipresent C. omanipotent D. ominous

    3. A seat for riding on the back of an elephant or camel
      A. howdah B. seat C. saddle D. pillion

    4. A large entrance or reception room or area
      A. entrance B. coming C. anteroom D. podium

    5. The dead body of an animal especially one slaughtered and dressed for food
      A. parasite B. carcasses C. non-veg D. rotted

    6. A gigantic statue:
      A. colossus B. marvel C. kirk D. effigy

    7. Specify as part of an agreement:
      A. charge B. agree C. stipulate D. decline

    8. A disorderly crowd of people:
      A. spectators B. pedestrians C. lunatics D. mob

    9. The study or practice of dancing or composing ballets:
      A. calligraphy B. cartography C. choreography D. epigraphy

    10. Having juicy or fleshy and thick tissues:
      A. succulent B. translucent C. dessolvent D. dissident

    1. Answer - Option B
    2. Answer - Option A
    3. Answer - Option A
    4. Answer - Option C
    5. Answer - Option B
    6. Answer - Option A
    7. Answer - Option C
    8. Answer - Option D
    9. Answer - Option C
    10. Answer - Option A
    1. An abnormal fear of high place:
      A. hydrophobia B. aerophobia C. claustrophobia D. acrophobia

    2. The belief that nothing can be known about God:
      A. agnosticism B. theism C. atheism D. henotheism

    3. Can be read clearly:
      A. eligible B. intangible C. illegible D. legible

    4. The act of killing one’s own father:
      A. parricide B. patricide C. fratricide D. parasite

    1. Answer - Option D
    2. Answer - Option A
    3. Answer - Option D
    4. Answer - Option B