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One word Substitutions Practice Quiz

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One word Substitutions Practice Quiz

shape Introduction

What are One word Substitutions? One word Substitution, one of the important elements of English Comprehension, simply means that a sentence has to be replaced with a single word. The article One word Substitutions Practice Quiz consists of One word Substitutions questions with answers primarily helpful for the candidates preparing for competitive exams like RBI, IBPS, SBI, RRB, SSC and etc.
To solve the One word Substitutions questions, candidates require a strong vocabulary base. Since most of the competitive exams include a test of English Comprehension, one word substitutions constitute an important segment.Also, they are an integral part of vocabulary. One of the important techniques to ace the "One word Substitutions" questions candidates have to smartly learn the root words. Root words are those from which the main words are derived. Learning through root words is fairly simple and enhances the ability to grasp quickly and to retain for longer periods in time. This method also aids in increasing the vocabulary base. Examples are as stated below:
1. OMNI = All/Everything/Everywhere
  • One who is all powerful - Omnipotent
  • One who is present everywhere - Omnipresent
  • One who knows everything - Omniscient

  • shape Quiz

    1. One who accepts pleasure and pain equally
      A. thespian B. sadist C. stoic D. humanitarian

    2. One who thinks or speaks too much of himself:
      A. impostor B. enthusiast C. egotist D. optimist

    3. An exact copy of handwriting or a picture produced by a machine:
      A. original B. facsimile C. copy D. none of these

    4. Science of human mind and behavior:
      A. physiology B. psychology C. sociology D. philology

    5. Not affected by a given influence
      A. supple B. immune C. flexible D. immune

    6. A close-fitting cover for the blade of a knife or sword
      A. cutter B. swine C. sheath D. sword

    7. Someone who makes candies and other sweets
      A. vendor B. dissident C. grocery D. confectioner

    8. A follower or pupil of a teacher, leader, or philosopher
      A. obedient B. disciple C. submissive D. lackey

    9. A universal realm
      A. panarchy B. monarchy C. democracy D. oligarchy

    10. Person who directs preparation of a newspaper:
      A. instructor B. auditor C. editor D. author

    1. Answer - Option C
    2. Answer - Option C
    3. Answer - Option B
    4. Answer - Option B
    5. Answer - Option B
    6. Answer - Option C
    7. Answer - Option D
    8. Answer - Option B
    9. Answer - Option A
    10. Answer - Option C
    1. Suggestive of the isolated life of an island
      A. church B. alone C. insular D. peninsula

    2. An imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect
      A. parody B. entertainment C. adulation D. saga

    3. A person who lives in a metropolis
      A. elite B. smart C. metropolitan D. bagpiper

    4. A confused struggle or fight
      A. scuffle B. scrimmage C. vendetta D. pandemonium

    5. Her speech could not be heard by those sitting in the last rows:
      A. linperceptible B. indelible C. inaudible D. ineffable

    6. A short trip or excursion:
      A. rambler B. jaunt C. detour D. stroller

    7. Motive or incitement to action :
      A. remark B. contract C. proposition D. incentive

    8. Science or practice of map drawing:
      A. chirography B. xerography C. cartography D. pictography

    9. A speaker’s platform:
      A. stage B. stand C. pulpit D. podium

    10. Government by a ruler who has unlimited power:
      A. despotism B. autocracy C. monarchy D. anarchy

    1. Answer - Option C
    2. Answer - Option A
    3. Answer - Option C
    4. Answer - Option B
    5. Answer - Option C
    6. Answer - Option B
    7. Answer - Option D
    8. Answer - Option C
    9. Answer - Option D
    10. Answer - Option B
    1. A climbing plant, common in hot countries, that has red or purple flowers
      A. toona B. bougainvillea C. white teak D. money plant

    2. The representation of objects (especially a god) as having human form or traits
      A. hypothesis B. artist C. personification D. anthropomorphism

    3. Place of burial:
      A. cave B. church C. synagogue D. cemetery

    4. To have a very high opinion of oneself:
      A. exaggeration B. adulation C. abundance D. conceited

    5. One who believes in giving equal opportunity to women in all fields:
      A. fanatic B. misogynist C. philanderer D. feminist

    6. Inability to sleep:
      A. hysteria B. insomnia C. aphasia D. amnesia

    7. One who is given to pleasures of the flesh:
      A. terrestrial B. epicurean C. celestial D. pedestrian

    8. A tank where fish or water plants are kept:
      A. aquarium B. sanatorium C. nursery D. aviary

    9. A person who never takes alcoholic drinks:
      A. teetotaler B. alcoholic C. addict D. bagpiper

    10. .To secretly store more than what is allowed:
      A. hoard B. store C. hide D. aboard

    1. Answer - Option B
    2. Answer - Option D
    3. Answer - Option D
    4. Answer - Option A
    5. Answer - Option D
    6. Answer - Option B
    7. Answer - Option B
    8. Answer - Option A
    9. Answer - Option A
    10. Answer - Option A
    1. Very dramatic:
      A. histrionic B. Hippocratic C. hirsute D. hoary

    2. A figure of speech by which a thing is spoken of as being that which it only resembles:
      A. metaphor B. simile C. personification D. alliteration

    3. The process by which a person or an organization reduces the amount of money it spends:
      A. budgeting B. retrenchment C. saving D. closure

    4. An established principle of practical wisdom:
      A. Marxism B. maxim C. neologism D. Platonism

    5. A small room in a big house,hotel,ship etc.where glasses,dishes,spoons,food etc.are kept:
      A. portico B. pantry C. mezzanine D. kitchen

    6. A foreigner who settles in a country:
      A. immigrant B. emigrant C. alien D. visitor

    7. Doing something according to one’s own free will:
      A. willfully B. obligingly C. voluntarily D. compulsorily

    8. Place that provides refuge:
      A. shelter B. house C. country D. asylum

    9. A person who gambles or bets:
      A. punter B. backer C. country D. client

    10. Art of writing for newspapers and magazines:
      A. literature B. journalism C. biography D. artistry

    1. Answer - Option A
    2. Answer - Option A
    3. Answer - Option B
    4. Answer - Option B
    5. Answer - Option B
    6. Answer - Option A
    7. Answer - Option C
    8. Answer - Option D
    9. Answer - Option A
    10. Answer - Option B
    1. Animals that feed on plants:
      A. insectivorous B. omnivorousness C. carnivorous D. herbivorous

    2. Short remaining end of a cigarette:
      A. filament B. stub C. filling-st D. pinch

    3. A person concerned with practical results and values:
      A. pragmatist B. ecologist C. fundamentalist D. optimist

    4. A person who can use both hands equally well:
      A. dexterous B. ambidextrous C. adroit D. skillful

    5. The firing of a number of guns together as a salute or otherwise:
      A. reception B. salutation C. salvo D. gun-salute

    6. Study of the problems of legal punishment and prison management:
      A. neurology B. astrology C. penology D. criminology

    7. Bring about an easy and painless death for someone suffering from an incurable disease:
      A. euthanasia B. strangulation C. suicide D. uxoricide

    8. One who cannot be defeated:
      A. indecipherable B. invidious C. incolvent D. invincible

    9. One who is between 80 and 89 years old:
      A. sexagenarian B. nonagenarian C. septuagenarian D. octogenarian

    10. One who hates mankind:
      A. hedonist B. fatalist C. misanthrope D. misogynist

    1. Answer - Option D
    2. Answer - Option B
    3. Answer - Option A
    4. Answer - Option B
    5. Answer - Option C
    6. Answer - Option C
    7. Answer - Option A
    8. Answer - Option D
    9. Answer - Option D
    10. Answer - Option C
    1. A pole or beam used as a temporary support:
      A. scaffold B. prop C. lean-to D. rafter

    2. One who studies the art of gardening:
      A. agriculturist B. horticulturist C. gardener D. botanist

    3. A remedy for all diseases:
      A. cough syrup B. panacea C. medicine D. inhaler

    4. Study of the interaction of organism :
      A. ecology B. psychology C. philosophy D. geography

    5. A list of explanation of rare,technical or obsolete word:
      A. dictionary B. glossary C. lexicon D. catalogue

    6. Underground place for storing wine or other provisions:
      A. garage B. cellar C. attic D. hall

    7. Free somebody from blame or guilt:
      A. excuse B. reprimand C. exonerate D. acquit

    8. One who plays for pleasure rather than as a profession:
      A. leader B. amateur C. forerunner D. pioneer

    9. A Government run by officials:
      A. democracy B. anarchy C. oligarchy D. bureaucracy

    10. That which can be drunk:
      A. edible B. palatable C. potable D. culpable

    1. Answer - Option B
    2. Answer - Option B
    3. Answer - Option B
    4. Answer - Option A
    5. Answer - Option B
    6. Answer - Option B
    7. Answer - Option C
    8. Answer - Option B
    9. Answer - Option D
    10. Answer - Option C
    1. One who is neither intelligent nor dull:
      A. ordinary B. average C. fair D. mediocre

    2. Person leading a life of strict self-discipline:
      A. hedonist B. disciplinarian C. atheist D. ascetic

    3. A person who loves everybody:
      A. egoist B. fatalist C. humanist D. altruist

    4. A small village or a group of houses:
      A. community B. settlement C. humanist D. colony

    5. Instrument which records earth’s tremor:
      A. monograph B. geographer C. seismograph D. geometer

    6. A system of government controlled person of high intellectual ability:
      A. oligarchy B. democracy C. meritocracy D. snobbery

    7. The practice of a woman having more than one husband at the same time:
      A. polygamy B. polyphony C. polyandry D. polygyny

    8. The art of making fireworks:
      A. chromatics B. numismatics C. pyrotechnics D. cosmetics

    9. A small waterfall or group of waterfalls flowing down a rocky hill side is called:
      A. hurricane B. stream C. volcano D. cascade

    10. A noisy and bombastic speech addressed to a large assembly:
      A. rhetoric B. cacophony C. harangue D. oration

    1. Answer - Option D
    2. Answer - Option D
    3. Answer - Option D
    4. Answer - Option D
    5. Answer - Option C
    6. Answer - Option C
    7. Answer - Option C
    8. Answer - Option C
    9. Answer - Option D
    10. Answer - Option C
    1. Specializes in nose diseases:
      A. otologist B. rhinologist C. endocrinologist D. gerontologist

    2. Appearance of objects often simulating the appearance of water:
      A. image B. mirage C. reflection D. refraction

    3. Give off bubbles of gas:
      A. efface B. effervesce C. efflorescence D. effuse

    4. Sudden and violent change
      A. cataclysm B. catalysis C. catacombs D. catechism

    5. Object which moves around its planet:
      A. stars B. galaxy C. constellation D. satellite

    6. One who regards the whole world as his country:
      A. spartan B. alien C. stalwart D. cosmopolitan

    7. Feeding on fruit
      A. herbivorous B. frugivorous C. omnivorous D. carnivorous

    8. A stadium for horse shows or horse races
      A. hinterland B. hippodrome C. stadium D. shelter

    9. Belonging to the middle class
      A. social B. bourgeois C. rich D. elite

    10. Casual and unrestrained in sexual behavior
      A. decent B. promiscuous C. stoic D. libido

    1. Answer - Option B
    2. Answer - Option B
    3. Answer - Option B
    4. Answer - Option A
    5. Answer - Option D
    6. Answer - Option D
    7. Answer - Option B
    8. Answer - Option B
    9. Answer - Option B
    10. Answer - Option B
    1. Surgical removal of all or part of a limb:
      A. ammunition B. amputation C. emancipation D. annihilation

    2. The short remaining end of a cigarette:
      A. stump B. stub C. butt D. scrap

    3. An animal story with a moral:
      A. fable B. narrative C. parable D. anecdote

    4. Bounding line or surface:
      A. eriphery B. circumference C. redius D. edge

    5. Identification with the feelings of another:
      A. empathy B. apathy C. sympathy D. antipathy

    6. A person who conduct a television show:
      A. director B. conductor C. host D. producer

    7. A small room in a big house,hotel,ship etc.where glasses,dishes,spoon,food etc.are kept:
      A. portico B. pantry C.mezzanine D. kitchen

    8. A person who leaves their country to live in another
      A. immigrant B. emigrant C. alien D. visitor

    9. A long, thin line or mark of a different substance or colour from its surroundings
      A. refine B. crude C. streak D. butt

    10. Place that provides refuge:
      A. shelter B. house C. country D. asylum

    1. Answer - Option B
    2. Answer - Option B
    3. Answer - Option A
    4. Answer - Option A
    5. Answer - Option A
    6. Answer - Option C
    7. Answer - Option B
    8. Answer - Option B
    9. Answer - Option C
    10. Answer - Option D
    1. A decorative handwriting:
      A. calligraphy B. manuscript C. inscription D. hagiography

    2. That which cannot be defeated:
      A. invincible B. invulnerable C. infallible D. indictable

    3. Study of the nature of God:
      A. philology B. theology C. humanism D. philosophy

    4. One who thinks that human nature is essentially evil:
      A. agnostic B. misogynist C. cynic D. sceptic

    5. A style in which a writer makes a display of his knowledge:
      A. pedantic B. ornate C. verbose D. pompous

    6. Goods that have been imported or exported illegally
      A. cache B. goods C. contraband D. cahoots

    7. Parts of a country behind the coast or a river’s bank:
      A. swamps B. archipelago C. hinterland D. isthmus

    8. A low area storm with height winds rotating about a centre of low atmospheric pressure:
      A. cyclone B. tornado C. typhoon D. hurricane

    9. Be the embodiment or perfect example of:
      A. signify B. characterize C. personify D. masquerade

    10. Constant effort to achieve something:
      A. perseverance B. attempt C. enthusiasm D. vigour

    1. Answer - Option A
    2. Answer - Option A
    3. Answer - Option B
    4. Answer - Option C
    5. Answer - Option A
    6. Answer - Option C
    7. Answer - Option C
    8. Answer - Option A
    9. Answer - Option C
    10. Answer - Option A
    1. One who deserts his religion:
      A. deserter B. turn-coat C. fanatic D. apostate

    2. Opposed to great or sudden change:
      A. static B. revolutionary C. conservative D. evolutionary

    3. Relationship by blood or birth:
      A. parentage B. affiliation C. consanguinity D. nepotism

    4. One who writes with both his hand:
      A. ambiskilled B. amphibious C. ambiguous D. ambidextrous

    5. One who writes dictionaries:
      A. composer B. interpreter C. lexicographer D. philologist

    6. A small flowing waterfall:
      A. trickle B. cascade C. ascend D. break flow

    7. Study of statistics of population and births, deaths, diseases :
      A. demography B. census C. (official) counting D. headcount

    8. Someone who studies the skin and diseases related to skin:
      A. orthopaedist B. cardiologist C. endocrinologist D. dermatologist

    9. Someone who hates mankind:
      A. questioner B. skeptic C. misogynist D. misanthrope

    10. Words inscrible on a tomb:
      A. epilogue B. cenotaph C. epitaph D. epithet

    1. Answer - Option D
    2. Answer - Option C
    3. Answer - Option C
    4. Answer - Option D
    5. Answer - Option C
    6. Answer - Option B
    7. Answer - Option A
    8. Answer - Option D
    9. Answer - Option D
    10. Answer - Option C
    1. Pertaining to tasting:
      A. gustatory B. auditory C. olfactory D. sensory

    2. Someone who knows more than two languages:
      A. polyglot B. polymers C. polygyny D. polygenta

    3. A type of mental illness in which one desire’s to steal:
      A. klebsiella B. hyponamia C. clephomania D. kleptomania

    4. Murder of one’s father:
      A. patricide B. matricide C. patriarchal D. slaughter

    5. Someone who collects and studies coins and medals:
      A. numista B. philatelic C. bibliophile D. numismatist

    6. A person who accompanies and looks after another person or group of people.
      A. spinster B. matron C. chaperon D. chandler

    7. A fixed orbit in space in relation to earth
      A. geological B. geostationary C. geosynchronous D. geocentric

    8. Person who studied the formation of the earth
      A. meteorologist B. anthropologist C. geologist D. seismologist

    9. A verse letter
      A. epistle B. epitaph C. panto-mine D. lay

    10. To move along with quick short twisting
      A. swagger B. stumble C. wriggle D. crawl

    1. Answer - Option A
    2. Answer - Option A
    3. Answer - Option D
    4. Answer - Option A
    5. Answer - Option D
    6. Answer - Option C
    7. Answer - Option B
    8. Answer - Option C
    9. Answer - Option A
    10. Answer - Option C
    1. Part of church in which bells hang
      A. Minaret B. podium C. Belfry D. spire

    2. Mania for balking
      A. logo mania B. pyromania C. biblomania D. kleptomania

    3. Lottery in which an article is assigned by lot to one of those buying tickets
      A. audit B. raffle C. transit D. auction

    4. A peom written on the death of someone loved and lost
      A. ode B. epic C. sonnet D. elegy

    5. Commencement of words with the same letter
      A. rhyme B. alliteration C. pun D. oxymoron

    6. A person of unconventional appearance, typically having long hair and wearing beads
      A. saint B. hippy C. master D. butt

    7. Mania for travel
      A. Dromomania B. Pyromania C. biblomania D. logomania

    8. Impossible to stop or prevent.
      A. inexplicable B. inexorable C. impregnable D. infallible

    9. Change in form, nature, or substance.
      A. modulate B. transmute C. remodel D. substitute

    10. A traveler in a hot-air balloon, airship, or other flying craft
      A. Aerobat B. astronaut C. acrobat D. aeronaut

    1. Answer - Option C
    2. Answer - Option A
    3. Answer - Option B
    4. Answer - Option D
    5. Answer - Option B
    6. Answer - Option B
    7. Answer - Option A
    8. Answer - Option B
    9. Answer - Option B
    10. Answer - Option D
    1. The art or practice of clipping shrubs or trees into ornamental shapes
      A. topiary B. Bonsai C. pruning D. horticulture

    2. Special words or expressions used by a profession or group that are difficult for others to understand.
      A. rhetoric B. verbatim C. jargon D. pedantic

    3. A small piece of potato
      A. chip B. bit C. chunk D. scrap

    4. A short description in verse or prose of a picturesque scene or incident
      A. malady B. char C. sonnet D. idyll

    5. A place where wild animal lived
      A. forest B. lair C. stable D. sanctuary

    6. One who cuts precious stone
      A. drover B. skilled C. monger D. lapidist

    7. Woman trained to help other woman in child birth
      A. virgin B. midwife C. matron D. nurse

    8. A person, especially a diplomat, invested with the full power of independent action on behalf of their government, typically in a foreign country
      A. Plenipotentiary B. ambassador C. emissary D. envoy

    9. A picture or pattern produced by arranging together small pieces of stone, tile, glass
      A. tracery B. relief C. topiary D. mosaic

    10. Wicked to a high degree
      A. cruel B. hateful C. creul D. abominable

    1. Answer - Option A
    2. Answer - Option C
    3. Answer - Option A
    4. Answer - Option D
    5. Answer - Option B
    6. Answer - Option D
    7. Answer - Option B
    8. Answer - Option A
    9. Answer - Option D
    10. Answer - Option C
    1. A group of three related novels, plays, films, etc
      A. triplet B. triumvir C. triumvire D. trilogy

    2. Medicine which lessens pain
      A. balm B. panacea C. anodyne D. antibiotic

    3. Science of printing
      A. calligraphy B. typography C. topography D. cryptography

    4. A stadium for chariot or horse races.
      A. hippodrome B. hangar C. sanatorium D. arena

    5. A light sailing boat built especially for racing
      A. dinghy B. canoe C. yacht D. frigate

    6. A person claiming to be superior in culture and intellect to others
      A. intellectual B. aristocrat C. highbrow D. elite

    7. A long, narrow trench made in the ground by a plough
      A. vale B. trench C. furrow D. trough

    8. Man unduly concerned with looking stylish and fashionable.
      A. dandy B. snob C. duffer D. licentious

    9. A person who manages the financial affairs of a college or school
      A. pedant B. bursar C. scholar D. expert

    10. Member of a band of robbers
      A. dacoit B. brigand C. thief D. pirate

    1. Answer - Option D
    2. Answer - Option C
    3. Answer - Option B
    4. Answer - Option A
    5. Answer - Option C
    6. Answer - Option C
    7. Answer - Option C
    8. Answer - Option A
    9. Answer - Option B
    10. Answer - Option B
    1. A person who brings goods illegally into the country
      A. exporter B. importer C. smuggler D. imposter

    2. Surgical removal of a calculus (stone) from the bladder, kidney, or urinary tract.
      A. dichotomy B. tubectomy C. vasectomy D. lithotomy

    3. Person who gives himself upto luxury and sexual pleasure
      A. masochist B. voluptuary C. debauch D. epicure

    4. A person who makes and sells ladies hats
      A. draper B. tinker C. milliner D. farrier

    5. The branch of medicine or social science dealing with the health and care of old people.
      A. oncology B. endocrinology C. geriatrics D. obstetrics

    6. A person who pretends to be someone else in order to deceive others, especially for fraudulent gain
      A. liar B. rogue C. imposter D. magician

    7. The movement of a soul into another body after death
      A. metamorphosis B. transition C. extrapolation D. transmigration

    8. Bring to an end
      A. finish B. hurl C. final D. hustle

    9. The loop of rope with a running knot used to hand a person
      A. noose B. Cable C. chord D. cord

    10. The period between two reigns
      A. lapse B. interregnum C. stasis D. intermission

    1. Answer - Option C
    2. Answer - Option D
    3. Answer - Option B
    4. Answer - Option C
    5. Answer - Option C
    6. Answer - Option C
    7. Answer - Option D
    8. Answer - Option A
    9. Answer - Option A
    10. Answer - Option B
    1. Lack of enough blood
      A. amnesia B. insomnia C. anaemia D. allergy

    2. A person who sneaks into a country
      A. infiltrater B. sniper C. invader D. aggressor

    3. An intervening period of time
      A. intermission B. interpolation C. appendix D. interlude

    4. Murder of a new born child
      A. homicide B. regicide C. fraticide D. infanticide

    5. Clumsy or ill bred fellow
      A. boor B. oaf C. lout D. yokel

    6. To remove the skin of potato or orange
      A. rinse B. peel C. scrub D. remove

    7. A person interested in reading books and nothing else
      A. student B. book warm C. scholar D. book keeper

    8. A book or picture produced merely to bring of money
      A. money B. pot hook C. pot-boiler D. blue bird

    9. A simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson
      A. parable B. didactic C. paragon D. paradigm

    10. A ride on someone else’s back or shoulders
      A. hunchback B. piggyback C. kickback D. cuddle

    1. Answer - Option C
    2. Answer - Option A
    3. Answer - Option D
    4. Answer - Option D
    5. Answer - Option A
    6. Answer - Option B
    7. Answer - Option B
    8. Answer - Option C
    9. Answer - Option A
    10. Answer - Option B
    1. A short walk for pleasure or exercise
      A. stroll B. jog C. promenade D. gallop

    2. Ridiculous use of words
      A. onomatopeia B. malapropism C. pun D. malapropism

    3. Suggest or assume the existence, fact, or truth of (something) as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or belief.
      A. maxim B. doctrine C. tenet D. postulate

    4. A song sung at a burial
      A. elegy B. ode C. dirge D. balled

    5. A forged document, signature, banknote, or work of art.
      A. stoicism B. pugnacity C. epitaph D. forgery

    6. Government by all
      A. democracy B. bureaucracy C. plutocracy D. pantisocracy

    7. Seat on elephant’s back
      A. Saddle B. howdah C. lounge D. hoof

    8. let or force out (a fluid, especially blood) from the vessel
      A. extrapolate B. exuberant C. extravagant D. extricate

    9. Destroy without any trace
      A. cancel B. obliterate C. nullify D. negate

    10. Persuasive with fluent speech
      A. discourse B. expression C. eloquence D. lecture

    1. Answer - Option A
    2. Answer - Option B
    3. Answer - Option B
    4. Answer - Option C
    5. Answer - Option D
    6. Answer - Option D
    7. Answer - Option B
    8. Answer - Option C
    9. Answer - Option B
    10. Answer - Option C
    1. A traditional story sometimes popularly regarded as historical
      A. ode B. epic C. legend D. allegory

    2. Rule by mob
      A. aristocracy B. bureaucracy C. theocracy D. mobocracy

    3. Rule by the nobles
      A. theocracy B. bureaucracy C. aristocracy D. mobocracy

    4. Rule by the officials
      A. bureaucracy B. theocracy C. mobocracy D. aristocracy

    5. Government by rich and powerful class
      A. plutocracy B. oligarchy C. diplomacy D. autocracy

    6. Rule by a few powerful person
      A. oligarchy B. plutocracy C. diplomacy D. autocracy

    7. A government by one person
      A. diplomacy B. oligarchy C. autocracy D. plutocracy

    8. The profession, activity, or skill of managing international relations, typically by a country's representatives abroad
      A. oligarchy B. pluto cracy C. autocracy D. diplomacy

    9. A medicine that induces sleep
      A. narcotic B. patrimony C. incurable D. narcissism

    10. A place where artist works
      A. Bollywood B. studio C. dancer D. box office

    1. Answer - Option C
    2. Answer - Option D
    3. Answer - Option C
    4. Answer - Option A
    5. Answer - Option A
    6. Answer - Option A
    7. Answer - Option C
    8. Answer - Option D
    9. Answer - Option A
    10. Answer - Option B
    1. A place for monks
      A. monastery B. library C. nursery D. meseum

    2. A place for luggage at a railway station
      A. cloakroom B. bedroom C. good room D. lavatory

    3. A collection of peoms or writing
      A. anthology B. anarchy C. aniology D. chromology

    4. The art of shooting arrows
      A. archery B. arboreal C. adhesive D. aviary

    5. Highly develop sense of beauty
      A. provoke B. aesthete C. stimulate D. athlete

    6. A metal frame on which meat is cooked over and open fire
      A. barbecue B. barometer C. oven D. stove

    7. A small county that is industrially underdeveloped and politically unsteady
      A. mature republic B. small county C. banana republic D. strong country

    8. A word spoken to help magic to be successfu
      A. craft B. hurray C. cunning D. abracadabra

    9. A colleague or a fellow member of an organization.
      A. conductor B. classmate C. comrade D. alma mater

    10. An association, typically of several companies.
      A. Copycat B. corrigendum C. consortium D. coterie

    1. Answer - Option A
    2. Answer - Option A
    3. Answer - Option A
    4. Answer - Option A
    5. Answer - Option B
    6. Answer - Option A
    7. Answer - Option C
    8. Answer - Option D
    9. Answer - Option C
    10. Answer - Option C
    1. Connected with the brain
      A. cerebral B. celestial C. chalet D. chorus

    2. Sky or heaven
      A. celestial B. terrestrial C. chalet D. concert

    3. A camp without tents
      A. contentment B. brewery C. bivouac D. bleach

    4. A thick mass of coagulated liquid, especially blood, or of material stuck together
      A. thick B. freeze C. clot D. dilate

    5. A small book or magazine containing pictures and information about a product or service
      A. questionnaire B. invoice C. brochure D. booklet

    6. The money which is divided among shareholders
      A. profit B. dividend C. share D. divan

    7. A rounded roof on a building
      A. dome B. dormitory C. divan D. rotunda

    8. A piece of music for two performers
      A. duet B. singer C. estuary D. topple

    9. Intense desire to be open spaces
      A. gallomania B. dromomania C. angromania D. logomania

    10. Intense desire for alcohol
      A. dipsomania B. dinomania C. epomania D. egomania

    1. Answer - Option A
    2. Answer - Option A
    3. Answer - Option C
    4. Answer - Option C
    5. Answer - Option C
    6. Answer - Option B
    7. Answer - Option A
    8. Answer - Option A
    9. Answer - Option C
    10. Answer - Option A
    1. Obsessions with flower
      A. logomania B. anthomania C. islomania D. ecomania

    2. Intense desire for washing oneself
      A. ablutomania B. aboulomania C. doramanai D. info mania

    3. Obsession with dancing
      A. bruxomania B. italomania C. choreomania D. discomania

    4. Mania for writing epic
      A. erotomania B. epomania C. clinomania D. gamomania

    5. Mania for self centred attitude
      A. egomania B. egolomania C. habromania D. monomania

    6. Intense desire for freedom
      A. freemania B. epomania C. idolomania D. eleutheromania

    7. Mania for stealing
      A. kleptomania B. polymania C. theomania D. andromania

    8. Mania for bitting one’s nails
      A. phrenomania B. phaneromania C. teutomanai D. photomania

    9. Craving for opium
      A. opiomania B. pathomania C. phonomania D. potomania

    10. Intense desire for starting fires
      A. potimania B. logomania C. plutomania D. pyromania

    1. Answer - Option B
    2. Answer - Option A
    3. Answer - Option C
    4. Answer - Option B
    5. Answer - Option A
    6. Answer - Option D
    7. Answer - Option A
    8. Answer - Option B
    9. Answer - Option A
    10. Answer - Option D
    1. Mania for money
      A. toximania B. tokomania C. tulipomania D. plutomania

    2. Craze for technology
      A. techno-mania B. syphilomania C. polymania D. sitiomania

    3. Obsession wth foreign things
      A. apiomania B. typhomania C. xenomania D. verbomania

    4. Fear from sound
      A. demo-phobia B. acousticophobia C. apiophobia D. belonophobia

    5. Fear from height
      A. dipsophobia B. agoraphobia C. climophobia D. acrophobia

    6. Fear from time
      A. chronophobia B. cibophobia C. coprophobia D. emetophobia

    7. Fear from marriage
      A. emetophobia B. gamophobia C. climaphobia D. geraphobia

    8. Fear form knowledge
      A. Gnosiophobia B. melissophobia C. mysophobia D. orophobia

    9. Fear from water
      A. hippophobia B. hydrophobia C. ochlophobia D. nyctophobia

    10. Fear from poverty
      A. peniophobia B. orophobia C. logophobia D. renophobia

    1. Answer - Option D
    2. Answer - Option A
    3. Answer - Option C
    4. Answer - Option B
    5. Answer - Option D
    6. Answer - Option A
    7. Answer - Option B
    8. Answer - Option A
    9. Answer - Option B
    10. Answer - Option A
    1. Fear from mountain
      A. mysophobia B. scotophobia C. nosophobia D. orophobia

    2. Fear from rivers
      A. Potamophobia B. ranophobia C. heliophobia D. phonphobia

    3. Fear from darkness
      A. lophophobia B. pterophobia C. lygophobia D. hypophobia

    4. Fear from closed space
      A. claustrophobia B. cibophobia C. coprophobia D. dromophobia

    5. Fear from works
      A. lygophobia B. cibophobia C. coprophobia D. egrophobia

    6. Fear from diseases
      A. ochlophobia B. nosophobia C. ombrophobia D. pterophobia

    7. Fear from oceans
      A. thalassophobia B. xerophobia C. lygophobia D. pterophobia

    8. Fear from dying
      A. Thanatophobia B. xerophobia C. lygophobia D. pterophobia

    9. Fear from strangers
      A. Xenophobia B. pterophobia C. pterophobia D. coprophobia

    10. A health facility where patients receive treatment
      A. asylum B. infirmary C. hostel D. sick

    1. Answer - Option D
    2. Answer - Option A
    3. Answer - Option C
    4. Answer - Option A
    5. Answer - Option D
    6. Answer - Option B
    7. Answer - Option A
    8. Answer - Option A
    9. Answer - Option A
    10. Answer - Option B
    1. Study of dreams
      A. oneirology B. odontology C. genealogy D. histology

    2. Study of eyes
      A. histology B. ophthalmology C. ophilogy D. nosology

    3. Study of universe
      A. nosology B. cosmology C. genealogy D. eoology

    4. Study of trees
      A. dendrology B. dermatology C. demography D. dactylogy

    5. Study of population
      A. ophthalmology B. dactylogy C. demography D. ophilogy

    6. Study of ants
      A. myrmecology B. demography C. histology D. ophthalmology

    7. Study of codes
      A. gerontology B. cranilogy C. hirology D. cryptology

    8. Study of skin
      A. ontology B. dermatology C. odontology D. entomology

    9. Study of insects
      A. hirology B. ecology C. entomology D. dermatology

    10. Study of animal behavior
      A. anthology B. ethology C. ecology D. entomology

    1. Answer - Option A
    2. Answer - Option B
    3. Answer - Option B
    4. Answer - Option A
    5. Answer - Option C
    6. Answer - Option A
    7. Answer - Option D
    8. Answer - Option B
    9. Answer - Option C
    10. Answer - Option B
    1. Study of character and mental abilities
      A. phrenology B. pathology C. paedology D. polemology

    2. Study of languages
      A. pathology B. phrenology C. ecology D. philology

    3. Study of rivers
      A. potamology B. petrology C. phrenology D. polemology

    4. Study of wars
      A. polemology B. philology C. ecology D. phrenology

    5. Specialist of evil spirits
      A. exorcist B. chiropodist C. pathologist D. apiarist

    6. Specialist of meaning of words
      A. semanticist B. philatelist C. entomologist D. geologist

    7. Specialist of eyes power and glasses
      A. optometrist B. oculist C. exorcist D. ophthalmologist

    8. Specialist of mental disorders
      A. neurologist B. geologist C. entomologist D. psychiatrist

    9. Specialist of blood
      A. hematologist B. epidemiologist C. pathologist D. optometrist

    10. Specialist of women’s diseases
      A. gynecologist B. horticulturist C. oculist D. chiropodist

    1. Answer - Option A
    2. Answer - Option D
    3. Answer - Option A
    4. Answer - Option A
    5. Answer - Option A
    6. Answer - Option A
    7. Answer - Option A
    8. Answer - Option D
    9. Answer - Option A
    10. Answer - Option A
    1. The belief of fate
      A. stoicism B. narcissism C. atavism D. fatalism

    2. A form of colour blindness
      A. daltonism B. pragmatism C. monotheism D. nepotism

    3. Disbelief in gods
      A. daltonism B. monotheism C. pragmatism D. atheism

    4. Belief of one god
      A. neologism B. monotheism C. parachronism D. nepotism

    5. Philosophy of selflessness
      A. altruism B. activism C. meliorism D. anti-theism

    6. Unduly favour of one’s relation
      A. nepotism B. monotheism C. humanism D. parachronism

    7. Admiration of oneself and one's physical appearance
      A. nepotism B. narcissism C. humanism D. parachronism

    8. Belief pleasure is everything
      A. meliorism B. hedonism C. nepotism D. incivism

    9. Belief the old fashion
      A. archaism B. stoicism C. probabilism D. objectivism

    10. The belief that the world can be made better by human effort.
      A. monotheism B. humanism C. objectivism D. meliorism

    1. Answer - Option D
    2. Answer - Option A
    3. Answer - Option D
    4. Answer - Option B
    5. Answer - Option A
    6. Answer - Option A
    7. Answer - Option B
    8. Answer - Option B
    9. Answer - Option A
    10. Answer - Option D
    1. One who is between 60 to 69
      A. sexagenarian B. septuagenarian C. dotage D. senile

    2. A long step in walking
      A. running B. stroll C. walking D. stride

    3. A place where animal skin is made into leather
      A. sprig B. tarot C. stooge D. tannery

    4. A person who tells anecdotes in a skillful and amusing way.
      A. tell-talk B. anecdote C. raconteur D. skillful

    5. Meat from pigs
      A. sunder B. pork C. punter D. flesh

    6. A seat for a passenger behind a motorcyclist
      A. billion B. trillion C. back seater D. pillion

    7. The patterns of rhythm and sound used in poetry
      A. prosody B. profile C. serial D. relic

    8. A book that sells in very large number
      A. seller B. bestseller C. boom D. hit

    9. Belonging to middle class
      A. super B. middle C. bourgeois D. elite

    10. A place where beer is made
      A. bust B. chalet C. brewery D. cannibal

    1. Answer - Option A
    2. Answer - Option B
    3. Answer - Option D
    4. Answer - Option C
    5. Answer - Option B
    6. Answer - Option D
    7. Answer - Option A
    8. Answer - Option B
    9. Answer - Option C
    10. Answer - Option C
    1. A complete victory
      A. stop B. end C. clean sweep D. finish

    2. Related to cancer
      A. heart B. carcinogenic C. lung D. carcinogenic

    3. A prolonged state of deep unconsciousness, caused especially by severe injury or illness
      A. injury B. leprosy C. coma D. sense

    4. A thing to be corrected, typically an error in a printed book.
      A. edited B. error C. corrigendum D. improved

    5. Telling future by examining one’s hands
      A. saint B. for tuner C. predict D. palmistry

    6. A day on which an important operation is to begin
      A. F-day B. C-day C. I-day D. D-day

    7. Hard uninteresting work
      A. drudgery B. dimple C. facet D. dregs

    8. A public show of objects
      A. game B. show C. flashback D. exhibition

    9. A crime regarded more serious than a misdemeanour.
      A. excise B. heinous C. felony D. wicked

    10. A false idea or belief
      A. innovative B. fallacy C. progressive D. delusion

    1. Answer - Option C
    2. Answer - Option D
    3. Answer - Option C
    4. Answer - Option C
    5. Answer - Option D
    6. Answer - Option D
    7. Answer - Option A
    8. Answer - Option D
    9. Answer - Option C
    10. Answer - Option B
    1. A feeling of having already experienced the present situation
      A. feel B. dejavu C. dregs D. again

    2. An area with docks and equipment for repairing and maintaining ships
      A. farrier B. expletive C. dockyard D. coast

    3. A long narrative poem
      A. epic B. facel C. eddy D. index

    4. Based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic
      A. eaves B. empirical C. epic D. estuary

    5. An oath or swear word.
      A. speak B. drill C. expletive D. drill

    6. A thin thread
      A. febrile B. start C. pluck D. filament

    7. A period of two weeks
      A. goodnight B. midnight C. fortnight D. night

    8. Destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war
      A. destruction B. holocaust C. vandalism D. idolatry

    9. To take food into the stomach
      A. chew B. gobble C. ruminate D. ingest

    10. The press; the profession of journalism
      A. state B. strong country C. fourth estate D. news

    1. Answer - Option B
    2. Answer - Option C
    3. Answer - Option A
    4. Answer - Option B
    5. Answer - Option C
    6. Answer - Option D
    7. Answer - Option C
    8. Answer - Option B
    9. Answer - Option D
    10. Answer - Option C
    1. A large group of star
      A. milky way B. heaven C. universe D. galaxy

    2. A larger supply than is necessary
      A. hide B. glut C. abundant D. scarcity

    3. Cross or walk in the street or road unlawfully
      A. stride B. stroll C. holster D. Jaywalk

    4. The joint between the finger and the hand
      A. lecher B. lackey C. levy D. knuckle

    5. An act of levying a tax, fee, or fine.
      A. impose B. excise C. income D. levy

    6. A person who fells trees for timber; a lumberjack.
      A. logger B. somber C. topple D. axeman

    7. A quiet, gentle song sung to send a child to sleep.
      A. lyrics B. lullaby C. pop D. motto

    8. The appearing of the objects which are not really there
      A. mirage B. missile C. reflection D. mirror

    9. Flamboyant confidence of style or manner
      A. nautical B. panache C. oar D. necromancy

    10. Tending to spend much time seated; somewhat inactive.
      A. active B. movable C. sedentary D. itinerant

    1. Answer - Option D
    2. Answer - Option B
    3. Answer - Option D
    4. Answer - Option D
    5. Answer - Option D
    6. Answer - Option A
    7. Answer - Option B
    8. Answer - Option A
    9. Answer - Option B
    10. Answer - Option C
    1. Wood prepared for use in building and carpentry
      A. car-pent B. painter C. wooden D. timber

    2. Grass and the surface layer of earth held together by its roots.
      A. surface B. topography C. ground D. turf

    3. A sudden angry departure, especially as a protest or strike
      A. walkout B. come out C. bring out D. go out

    4. A large, tall cupboard in which clothes may be hung or stored
      A. hanger B. Altamira C. state D. wardrobe

    5. A severe defeat after a time of unusual success
      A. archipelago B. hinterland C. heaven D. Waterloo

    6. A man who has magical powers.
      A. wizard B. poor C. halycon D. prophet

    7. A standard or criterion by which something is judged or recognized
      A. touchstone B. bad C. gaudy D. scar

    8. A decorative container used to put flower in
      A. scullery B. pot C. dump D. vase

    9. A state of eternal punishment and damnation into which a sinful and unrepentant person passes after death
      A. perdition B. premonition C. persistent D. predator

    10. A group of troops stationed in a fortress or town to defend it
      A. hospital B. camp C. garrison D. base

    1. Answer - Option D
    2. Answer - Option D
    3. Answer - Option A
    4. Answer - Option D
    5. Answer - Option D
    6. Answer - Option A
    7. Answer - Option A
    8. Answer - Option D
    9. Answer - Option A
    10. Answer - Option C
    1. A Person with a long experience of any occupation
      A. Veteran B. Genius C. Seasoned D. Ambidextrous

    2. Words written on a tomb
      A. Epithet B. Epigraph C. Soliloquy D. Epitaph

    3. Stealthily done
      A. Devious B. Nefarious C. Surreptitious D. Villainous

    4. Something no longer in use
      A. Desolate B. Absolute C. Obsolete D. Primitive

    5. One not concerned with right or wrong
      A. Moral B. Amoral C. Immoral D. Immortal

    6. A Person who oppose war or use of military force
      A. Fascist B. Pacifist C. Narcissist D. Fatalist

    7. Severely abusive writing in journals
      A. Imaginary B. Speculative C. Scurrilous D. Sarcastic

    8. Call upon god or any other power like etc for help or protection
      A. Invocation B. Involution C. Inundation D. Revocation

    9. One who has become dependent on something or drugs is
      A. Adamant B. Edict C. Addict D. Derelict

    10. Succession of rulers belonging to one Family
      A. Dynasty B. Lineage C. Ancestry D. Progeny

    1. Answer - Option A
    2. Answer - Option D
    3. Answer - Option C
    4. Answer - Option C
    5. Answer - Option B
    6. Answer - Option B
    7. Answer - Option C
    8. Answer - Option A
    9. Answer - Option C
    10. Answer - Option A
    1. To cut something into two Pieces
      A. Severe B. Sever C. Sewer D. Sow

    2. Flat metal or Porcelain plate fixed on a wall as an ornament or memorial
      A. Tabloid B. Poster C. Board D. Plaque

    3. Act of deceiving some body in order to make money
      A. Fraud B. Robbery C. Pickpocket D. Theft

    4. A short Poem or speech addressed to the Spectators after the Conclusion of a drama
      A. Prologue B. Dialogue C. Epilogue D. Monologue

    5. Capable of being understood in either of two or more Possible senses, and therefore not definite
      A. Amphibious B. Ambiguous C. Amorphous D. Confusing

    6. A Person who is unable to pay his debts
      A. Solvent B. Banker C. Insolvent D. Lender

    7. Anything which is no longer in use
      A. Obscure B. Obsolete C. Pristine D. Lapsed

    8. One who knows many languages
      A. Linguist B. Polyglot C. Translator D. Phonetician

    9. One who does not follow the usual rules of social life
      A. Bohemian B. Artisan C. Partisan D. Physician

    10. Placing thing beside another
      A. Impose B. Repose C. Juxtapose D. Expose

    1. Answer - Option B
    2. Answer - Option D
    3. Answer - Option A
    4. Answer - Option C
    5. Answer - Option B
    6. Answer - Option C
    7. Answer - Option B
    8. Answer - Option B
    9. Answer - Option A
    10. Answer - Option C
    1. To throw or drop Unnecessary goods of fuel from a ship, an aircraft, a spacecraft etc.
      A. Capsize B. Enthrall C. Volley D. Jettison

    2. Wild and noisy Disorder
      A. Agitation B. Revolution C. Pandemonium D. Stir

    3. Possessing unlimited powers
      A. Omniscient B. Omnipotent C. Omnipresent D. Omnicompetent

    4. He is a doctor who is a specialist in skin diseases
      A. Cardiologist B. Physician C. Dermatologist D. Physicist

    5. One who retires from society and live alone
      A. Saint B. Giant C. Plaintiff D. Recluse

    6. The art of making pots ,bricks etc with clay
      A. Potting B. Ceramics C. Crocker D. dynamics

    7. Living at the same time
      A. Concurrent B. Contemporary C. Coincident D. Concomitant

    8. Concluding part of a literary work
      A. Epilogue B. Bibliography C. Soliloquy D. Episode

    9. One who is beyond reform
      A. Optimistic B. Incorrigible C. Indefatigable D. Notorious

    10. Science of diseases ;
      A. Philology B. Pathology C. Psychology D. Notorious

    1. Answer - Option D
    2. Answer - Option C
    3. Answer - Option B
    4. Answer - Option C
    5. Answer - Option D
    6. Answer - Option B
    7. Answer - Option B
    8. Answer - Option A
    9. Answer - Option B
    10. Answer - Option B
    1. One who secretly listens to the talk of other
      A. Spy B. Detective C. Emissary D. Eavesdropper

    2. One who believes in no government and therefore incites disorder in a state
      A. Monarchist B. Anarchist C. Autocrat D. Naxalite

    3. A mild or indirect expression substituted for an offensive or harsh one
      A. Euphemism B. Truism C. Favoritism D. Altruism

    4. The murder of parent or a near relative
      A. Patricide B. Parricide C. Matricide D. Homicide

    5. One who is greedy
      A. Voracious B. Avaricious C. Virus D. Omnivorous

    6. An area of land that is controlled by their religion
      A. Cathedral B. synagogue C. Carnivorous D. Municipality

    7. A place where Jews worship according to their Religion
      A. Cathedral B. Synagogue C. Chapel D. Demagogue

    8. One who is indifferent to pleasure and pain
      A. Ascetic B. Esoteric C. Stoic D. Sceptical

    9. The study of religion and religious ideas and beliefs
      A. Theocracy B. Theosophy C. Theology D. Theism

    10. Dissection of a dead body to find out the cause of death
      A. Biopsy B. Investigation C. Surgery D. Autopsy

    1. Answer - Option D
    2. Answer - Option B
    3. Answer - Option A
    4. Answer - Option B
    5. Answer - Option B
    6. Answer - Option A
    7. Answer - Option B
    8. Answer - Option C
    9. Answer - Option C
    10. Answer - Option D
    1. Animals who live in herds
      A. Sociable B. Gregarious C. Carnivorous D. Social

    2. A broad road bordered with trees
      A. Boudoir B. Boulevard C. Avenue D. Facade

    3. Violation of something holy or Sacred
      A. Profanity B. Sedition C. Sacrilege D. Slander

    4. Simple, fast spread without plant, often cause disease
      A. Bacteria B. Amoeba C. Virus D. Fungus

    5. A person without or Training or experience in a skill or subject
      A. Chaplin B. Mason C. Artisan D. Novice

    6. One who stays away from school without permission
      A. Pedant B. Supplicant C. Mendicant D. Truant

    7. The act of killing a whole group of people, especially a whole race
      A. Patricide B. Parricide C. Matricide D. Genocide

    8. One who deserts his principles or party
      A. Apostle B. Proselyte C. Renegade D. Critic

    9. One who intervenes between two or more parties to settle differences
      A. Neutral B. Intermediary C. Judge D. Connoisseur

    10. The habit of always admiring oneself
      A. Psychosis B. Neurosis C. Narcissism D. Paranoia

    1. Answer - Option B
    2. Answer - Option B
    3. Answer - Option C
    4. Answer - Option D
    5. Answer - Option D
    6. Answer - Option D
    7. Answer - Option D
    8. Answer - Option C
    9. Answer - Option B
    10. Answer - Option C
    1. To take back, withdraw or renounce
      A. Repent B. Retrace C. Refuse D. Recant

    2. A pen for small animals
      A. Hutch B. Lair C. Den D. Cage

    3. A woman having more than one husband at the time
      A. Polyandry B. Polygamy C. Polyphony D. Polygon

    4. Feeding on food made both of plants and flesh
      A. Carnivorous B. Omnipotent C. Omnivorous D. Optimist

    5. One who destroys images or attacks popular beliefs
      A. Imagist B. Misanthropist C. Iconoclast D. Masochist

    6. Violation of something holy and sacred
      A. Pollution B. Pilferage C. Sacrilege D. Pittance

    7. A place where nuns live and work
      A. Church B. Pilferage C. Sacrilege D. Abode

    8. One who collects coins
      A. Archaeologist B. Numismatist C. Philatelist D. Connoisseur

    9. A system of government in which only one political party is allowed to function
      A. Oligarchy B. Dictatorship C. Totalitarianism D. Theocracy

    10. Customs and habits of a particular group
      A. Mores B. Council C. Bar D. Jury

    1. Answer - Option D
    2. Answer - Option A
    3. Answer - Option A
    4. Answer - Option C
    5. Answer - Option C
    6. Answer - Option C
    7. Answer - Option A
    8. Answer - Option B
    9. Answer - Option C
    10. Answer - Option A
    1. An object, building, or work of art from the ancient past
      A. fresher B. antiquities C. taboo D. contemporary

    2. Large luxurious car; usually driven by a chauffeur
      A. omnibus B. wagon C. limousine D. tesle

    3. A person who searches for and collects discarded items
      A. founder B. hunter C. poor D. scavenger

    4. A raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as copper or coffee
      A. commodity B. product C. goods D. seed

    5. A performance by two singers, instrumentalists, or dancers
      A. limerick B. duet C. lecher D. ballad

    6. Disinfect or purify (an area) with the fumes of certain chemicals
      A. circulate B. cleaning C. fumigate D. rinse

    7. A male servant (especially a footman)
      A. obedient B. lackey C. pupils D. champion

    8. A great work of art or literature
      A. artist B. plagiarism C. duet D. magnum opus

    9. An unvarying or habitual method or procedure
      A. habitual B. sty C. modus operandi D. style

    10. A relationship that is purely spiritual and not physical
      A. earthy B. platonic C. mundane D. physical

    1. Answer - Option B
    2. Answer - Option C
    3. Answer - Option D
    4. Answer - Option A
    5. Answer - Option B
    6. Answer - Option C
    7. Answer - Option B
    8. Answer - Option D
    9. Answer - Option C
    10. Answer - Option B
    1. A net drawn through a river or across ground to trap fish or game
      A. find B. search C. dragnet D. pursuit

    2. Cross or walk in the street or road unlawfully
      A. catwalk B. take walk C. cakewalk D. jaywalk

    3. A humorous five-line poem with a rhyme scheme aabba
      A. rock B. duet C. limerick D. lullaby

    4. The act of singing a quiet song to lull a child to sleep
      A. singing B. duet C. limerick D. lullaby

    5. Resembling a dream
      A. experimental B. surreal C. practical D. real

    6. An authoritative person who divines the future
      A. chancellery B. medium C. seer D. psychic

    7. Preserve a dead body
      A. cherish B. embalm C. wrap D. process

    1. Answer - Option C
    2. Answer - Option D
    3. Answer - Option C
    4. Answer - Option D
    5. Answer - Option B
    6. Answer - Option C
    7. Answer - Option B