Directions (1): In each of the following questions, a sentence is written in four different ways conveying some meaning and following or may not following the correct grammar structure. Choose the sentence among the four options which is grammatically correct. If there is no error in any of the sentences, choose (e), i.e. “All are correct” as the answer
A. Fear is inside us driven everywhere in everyone.
B. If you learn to observe, you can see clearly that most of us are driven by fear.
C. Observe the fear and then you are driven by it.
D. Learning to fear is way to observe and see it clearly.
E. All are correct
Answer - Option B
Explanation - Option B is suitable.
Directions (2-4): In each of the questions given below a sentence is given which is then divided into five parts, out of which the last part is correct. There is an error in three parts of the sentence and only one part is correct . You have to choose the correct part as your answer.
2. The curious thing about ban rebel outfits is that the action has / followed or have been followed by the emergence of clones, often carrying the same name, / styling themselves dissident or pro-talks factions, or as structures even most genuinely / representative than the original, of which they were till recently a part, / and more committed to their stated objectives.
A. The curious thing about ban rebel outfits is that the action has
B. followed or have been followed by the emergence of clones, often carrying the same name,
C. styling themselves dissident or pro-talks factions, or as structures even most genuinely
D. representative than the original, of which they were till recently a part
E. all are correct
Answer - Option B
Explanation - In A , replace ‘ban’ with ‘banning’
In B , replace ‘have’ with ‘has’
In C , replace ‘most’ with ‘more’
3. With borrowing costs set of rise and global trade tensions adding / to uncertainties in India’s exporters who are yet to capitalise / on the rupee weakness, policymakers will need / to eschew populism and stick at policy prudence if the tenuous momentum / is to be sustained.
A. With borrowing costs set of rise and global trade tensions adding
B. to uncertainties in India’s exporters who are yet to capitalise
C. on the rupee weakness, policymakers will need
D. to eschew populism and stick at policy prudence if the tenuous momentum
E. all are correct
Answer - Option C
Explanation - In A , replace ‘of’ with ‘off’
In B , replace ‘in’ with ‘for’
In D , replace ‘at’ with ‘to’
4. Nuclear reactors are also capable of catastrophic accidents,/ as witness in Fukushima and Chernobyl. A single nuclear / disaster could contaminate large tracts of land with/ radioactive materials, rendering them areas / uninhabitable for decades.
A. Nuclear reactors are also capable of catastrophic accidents,
B. as witness in Fukushima and Chernobyl. A single nuclear
C. disaster could contaminate large tracts of land with
D. radioactive materials, rendering them areas
E. all are correct
Answer - Option A
Explanation - In B , replace ‘witness’ with ‘witnessed’
In C , replace ‘could’ with ‘can’
In D , replace ‘them’ with ‘these’
Directions (5): In each of the following sentences , there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence there are four words denoted by A, B, C, D. Find out one word that is to be fitted in both the sentences I AND II to make it meaningful. In case no word fits, mark E as your answer.
5. I. He will _____ his allegiance to the king.
II. But there are passions of which a man cannot rid himself, seeing that they are born with him at his birth, and he has no power to ________ them.
A. lousy
B. abjure
C. rotten
D. adhere
E. None of the above
Answer - Option B
Explanation - Abjure- renounce upon oath; abandon forever