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IBPS RRB Reasoning Ability Quiz 10

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IBPS RRB Reasoning Ability Quiz 10

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What is Reasoning Ability Test? A logical reasoning test is a form of psychometric testing that is widely used by corporate employers to help assess candidates during their recruitment process. 'Psychometric' is just a fancy way of saying 'measuring mental ability' and logical reasoning tests are designed to measure your non-verbal skills.
The article IBPS RRB Reasoning Ability Quiz 10 provides Reasoning Ability questions with answers useful to the candidates preparing for Competitive exams, Entrance exams, Interviews etc. IBPS RRB has released IBPS RRB Officer 2019 Official Notification for Officer Scale(I, II, and II). Reasoning Ability plays major role to qualify examination. The article IBPS RRB Reasoning Ability Quiz 10 will assist the students understanding of the type of questions expected from the topic Reasoning Ability. IBPS RRB 2019 Office Assistant Preliminary Exam will be conducted on 17th, 18th & 25th August 2019 and the Mains Exam will be conducted on 29th September 2019.

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Direction(1-5): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.
Seven friends A,B, C, D,E, F and G. Each of them is an officer in Army, Airforce, Navy, IAS, RBI, VAO and CBI. They like different colours – White, Blue, Red, Yellow, Pink Black and Green colour but not necessarily in that order. Their hobbies are Photography, Gardening, Reading, Painting, Dancing, Singing and Riding but not necessarily in the same order. Three of them preferred Pepsi and remaining all preferred Cola.
  • The person whose hobby is dancing preferred Pepsi while who is the RBI officer preferred Cola. F is the Air force officer like pink color. Navy officer does not like black and yellow color.

  • The two friends who took Pepsi were the person whose favourite colour is Pink and the one whose hobby is Riding.

  • D did not take Pepsi and his favourite colour is White. B’s favourite colour is Blue. He did not like Pepsi and he likes to read novels.

  • D clicks a picture of his friend B who is an Army officer.

  • The person whose favourite colour is Red likes painting but he is not E and the person who is RBI likes gardening.

  • D is not a Navy officer. The person who likes red color is either Navy or IAS officer. The person who is an Army officer likes Blue colour is not preferred Pepsi.

  • The Rider’s favourite colour is Black and he is neither VAO nor CBI and he is not A. C’s favourite colour is Green and his hobby is not Singing or painting.
  • E is VAO officer, his hobby is not painting, reading or gardening and he preferred pepsi.

1. Riding is the hobby of who among the following ?
    A. E B. G C. A D. F E. None of these

2. The color Yellow is favourite color of _________
    A. A B. E C. B D. D E. None of these

3. Which of the following is profession of A ?
    A. VAO B. Navy C. Army D. CBI E. None of these

4. Which pair of friends preferred Pepsi ?
    A. ACF B. DEG C. AEC D. FGE E. None of these

5. Who among the following is IAS officer ?
    A. A B. D C. G D. B E. None of these

Answers and Explanations
1. Answer - Option B
2. Answer - Option B
3. Answer - Option B
4. Answer - Option D
5. Answer - Option C
Explanation [1-5]-
A Cola Red Navy – Painting
B Cola Blue Army – Reading
C Cola Green RBI – Gardening
D Cola White CBI – Photography
E Pepsi Yellow VAO – Dancing
F Pepsi Pink Airforce – Singing
G Pepsi Black IAS – Riding
Direction(1-5): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.
Eight family members Prabhu, Priya, Pradeep, Praveen, Preeti, Puja, Poorna and Pragati are sitting around a circular table facing the centre. Each has different professions – CA, CS, ICWA, FCA, Lawyer, IAS, Engineer and Pilot – but not necessary in the same order.
  • Priya sits second to the left of Pragati’s husband, who is neither an FCA nor a Engineer. No female is an immediate neighbor of Priya. Praveen’s daughter sits second to the right of Puja and on the immediate left of ICWA.Puja, who is sister of Poorna, is a Engineer. Puja is not an immediate neighbor of Pragati’s husband.

  • Praveen’s daughter is a CA.Only one person is sitting between Prabhu and Puja.Pragati’s brother Praveen sits on the immediate left of his mother, who is an IAS. Prabhu is the father of Poorna. Only one person sits between Pragati’s mother and Preeti.Preeti sits on the immediate right of the person who is a CS.Only one person sits between Pragati and Poorna. Poorna sits second to the right of the person who is a pilot. Poorna is mother of Pradeep and not an immediate neighbor of Preeti.

1. Who amongst the following is Praveen’s daughter ?
    A. Priya B. Pradeep C. Preeti D. Poorna E. Pragati

2. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given information and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group ?
    A. Puja, Preeti B. Pradeep, Puja C. Preeti, Priya D. Pragati, Praveen E. Poorna, Pragati

3. The person who is a Pilot is sitting between which of the following persons ?
    A. CA and FCA B. IAS and CA C. IAS and Lawyer D. FCA and Engineer E. None of these

4. Who among the following is an IAS?
    A. Can’t be determined B. Prabhu C. Pradeep D. Mother of Praveen E. None of these

5. What is the position of Prabhu with respect to his grandson ?
    A. Immediate left B. Third to the left C. Immediate right D. Second to the right E. Fourth to the left

Answers and Explanations
1. Answer - Option C
2. Answer - Option B
3. Answer - Option C
4. Answer - Option D
5. Answer - Option C
Explanation [1-5]-

1. SIGNAL is coded as TKJOCO, then what will be the code for CALENDER ?

2. Karthick is 6 ranks ahead of Subash who ranks sixteenth in a class of 42.What is Karthick’s rank from the last?
    A. 33 B. 32 C. 31 D. 30 E. None of these

3. If 3’o clock in a watch.If the minute hand points towards the North east then the hour hand will point towards
    A. South west B. South east C. North west D. North east E. Cannot be determined

4. A is sister of B. E is brother of B. E is son of H. H is married to F. F is daughter of G. F has only one daughter. G is married to C. E is brother of D. D is married to I. How is I related to A ?
    A. Sister B. Mother C. Daughter-in-law D. Sister-in-law E. None of these

Directions(5)- Below question is based on the following information.
    P © Q means P is not smaller than Q P % Q means P is not greater than Q P # Q means P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q P @ Q means P is neither greater than nor smaller than Q P $ Q means P is neither greater than nor equal to Q

5. Statements: F % T, T @ J, J # W. Conclusions: 1) J @ F. 2) J # F.
    A. If only conclusion I is true B. If only conclusion II is true C. If either I or II is true D. If neither I or II is true E. If both I and II is true

Answers and Explanations
1. Answer - Option D
Explanation -
SIG NAL [latex]\Rightarrow[/latex] T(+1)K(+2)J(+3) O(+1)C(+2)O(+3)
CALENDER [latex]\Rightarrow[/latex] COFPGFT
2. Answer - Option A
Explanation -
Number of Students behind Karthick = 42 – 10 = 32
Karthick ranks [latex]{33}^{rd}[/latex] from the last
3. Answer - Option B
Explanation -

4. Answer - Option D
Explanation -

5. Answer - Option C
Explanation -
If either I or II is true

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