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Aptitude – Quiz 19

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Aptitude – Quiz 19

shape Introduction

Aptitude is the most important requisite for clearing any competitive exam. Aptitude skills form the bulk of most of the graduate level papers. The article Aptitude – Quiz 19 presents the latest model of Aptitude questions to prepare aspirants of different competitive exams in India, primarily for banking related employment. The article Aptitude – Quiz 19 is very useful for different exams such as IBPS PO, Clerk, SSC CGL, SBI PO, NIACL Assistant, NICL AO, IBPS RRB, Railways, etc.
Aptitude is a very important aspect of a person’s life. Aptitude is one of the most important parts of competitive exams and job interviews. The reason is to judge the problem solving and decision-making skills of the candidate.
The aptitude section may involve Quantitative Ability, Logical Ability, Verbal Ability. These sections again divided into several subtopics like number series, Train related problems, etc. Sometimes the questions related to Aptitude section is very difficult and at the same time easy. Time management and daily practice will help in the examinations to maintain accuracy.

shape Q1

The ratio between S.P and C.P. is 7:5. What is the ratio between profit and C.P ?
    A. 2:7 B. 2:2 C. 2:6 D. 2:5

Let C.P.- Rs.5x and S.P. = Rs. 7x Then, gain = Rs. 2x
Required ratio = 2x:5x= 2:5