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Marketing Aptitude Quiz 62

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Marketing Aptitude Quiz 62

shape Introduction

Marketing in a broader aspect can be defined as a transaction of exchange. Marketing primarily consists of activities designed to generate and facilitate exchanges intended to satisfy human organizational needs or wants. Marketing is broadly defined as advertising of a product or service to different market segments. The article Marketing Aptitude Quiz 62 provides Important Marketing Aptitude multiple choice questions with answers useful to the candidates preparing for Bank exams like IBPS PO, MT Exam, Dena Bank PO, Bank PO, Clerk, SBI, RBI etc.

shape Quiz

1. ______ is the process of finding and fixing the complete identification of any product.
    A. Marketing B. Selling C. Branding D. Product mixing E. Market mixing

2. Under _________ in brand testing technique, brand names are selected on the basis of particular liking of some people.
    A. Unique test B. Preference test C. Memory test D. Both 1 and 2 E. None of these

3. _________ is the degree of brand familiarity useful for strategic planning.
    A. Recognition B. Rejection C. Non-rejection D. Preference E. All of the above

4. A slogan or phrase that visually conveys the most important attribute of the product that an advertiser wishes to convey is called
    A. Trademark B. Logo C. Graphical picture D. Tagline E. None of these

5. In the context of branding which thing adds value endowed to products and services?
    A. Co-brand B. Brand extension C. Mega brand D. Store brand E. Brand equity

1. Answer - Option C
2. Answer - Option B
3. Answer - Option E
4. Answer - Option D
5. Answer - Option E
1. A customer’s commitment to repurchase the brand by repeatedly buying of product or behavior such as mouth of word is called
    A. Brand attitude B. Personality C. Brand loyalty D. Brand name E. Brand strategy

2. Trade mark is a brand that gives legal protection and ensures its use to ____________
    A. One seller B. Two seller C. Three seller D. Four seller E. Any numbers of sellers

3. A low risky way of introducing successful brand names on additional products is called
    A. Multi branding B. Line extension C. Co-branding D. Brand extension E. None of these

4. A graphic representation of a company name, symbol or abbreviation etc. often uniquely designed for ready recognition is called
    A. Trademark B. Logo C. Graphical picture D. Tagline E. None of these

5. A part of brand, which can be spoken, is known as
    A. Brand loyalty B. Brand equity C. Brand element D. Brand extension E. Brand name

1. Answer - Option C
2. Answer - Option A
3. Answer - Option B
4. Answer - Option B
5. Answer - Option E
1. Who stated that “All trade-marks are brands and thus include the word, letter or numbers which may be pronounced, they may also include pictorial designs”.
    A. William J Stanton B. Stephen Morse C. Kenneth D. Nielsen E. Lorie and Robert

2. ________ is an activity which is concerned with the convenience, protection, economy and promotional consideration.
    A. Branding B. Marketing C. Selling D. Packaging E. Production

3. Who said that “packaging may be defined as the general group of activities in product planning which involves designing and producing the container or wrapper of the product”?
    A. Stephen Morse B. Kenneth C. William J Stanton D. Nielsen E. Lorie and Robert

4. Clean & clear, Tropicana, Limca, Crush, Denim are the examples of __________ brand name.
    A. Descriptive B. Free standing C. Generic D. Store E. Suggestive

5. ______ means that the customer is willing to pay little more for convenience, appearance and better packaging.
    A. Company image B. Self service C. Consumer affluence D. Brand loyalty E. None of these

1. Answer - Option A
2. Answer - Option D
3. Answer - Option C
4. Answer - Option E
5. Answer - Option C

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