Inflation - Inflation Types:
- Creeping Inflation
- Walking or Trotting Inflation
- Running Inflation
- Hyperinlation or Galloping Inlation or Runway Inflation
Creeping Inflation:
- Price rises at a very small rate (< 3 %)
- It is considered safe and essential for the economy.
Walking or Trotting Inflation:
Price rises at a moderate rate
(3 % < Inflation < 10 %) Inflation at this rate is a warning signal for the Economy.
Running Inflation:
Price rises at high rate
(10 % < Inflation < 20 %) It affects economy adversely.
Runway Inflation:
Price rise at very high rate
(20 % < Inflation < 100 %) This situation brings total collapse of Economy.
Based on Causes:
- Demand Pull Inflation
- Cost-Push Inflation
Demand Pull Inflation: When Inflation arises due to higher demand for goods and services over the limited supply.
Cost-Push Inflation: When Inflation arises due to higher input cost for goods and services over the limited supply.
Example: raw material, wages etc.
Inflation - Important Terms and Definitions:
- It is opposite to Inflation.
- Reduction of general level of price in an economy.
- In this price index measured is negative.
Stagflation: When stagnation and inflation coexist in the economy.
Stagnation: low national income growth and high unemployment.
Disinflation: When the rate of Inflation is at a slower rate.
Example: If the Inflation of last month was 4 % and the rate of inflation in the current month is 3 %.
Relation: Deliberate action of government to increase the rate of inflation to redeem the economy from a deflationary situation.
Inflation - Effects of Inflation:
Redistribution of income and wealth:
Due to the effect of inflation, some group of people loses and another group of people gains.
- In the case of debtors and creditors
- Debtor - gainer Creditor- loser
- In the case of Producers and Consumers
- Producer - gainer Consumer- loser
Effects on Production and Consumption:
- Due to inflation, the demand decreases
- People try to use fewer services and it causes decrease in consumption
Unfavorable Balance of Payments:
Export decreases and import increases from other countries which lead to a decrease in forex reserve.
Measures to control Inflation:
- Credit control:
It is used by RBI.
- Increase in Direct Taxes:
Due to the increase in direct taxes, people have less money available to them and low demand from them leads to a lower price.
Price Control:
By fixing maximum price limit by authorities.
- Trade measures:
Maintain proper supply in the economy by export and import of goods and services.