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RRB JE Technical Abilities

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RRB JE Technical Abilities

shape Introduction

RRB JE 2018-19 – Second Stage CBT, conducted in online Mode, has: a duration of 2 Hour [160 Minutes for eligible PwBD candidates accompanied with Scribe], a maximum score of 100 marks and consists of 5 sections, namely – General Awareness, Physics & Chemistry, Basics of Computers and Applications, Basics of Environment and Pollution Control and Technical Abilities. The 5 sections are not separately timed. There is a Negative marking in RRB JE Second Stage CBT and 1/3rd marks are deducted for each wrong answer. The below sections gives the detailed information about RRB JE Technical Abilities.

shape Pattern

Subjects No. of Questions Marks for each Section Duration
General Awareness 15 15 120 minutes [Note: 160 Minutes for eligible PwBD candidates accompanied with Scribe]
Physics & Chemistry 15 15
Basics of Computers and Applications 10 10
Basics of Environment and Pollution Control 10 10
Technical Abilities 100 100
Total 150 150

The RRB JE Technical Abilities section in the Second Stage CBT, has the 100 objective questions for 100 marks. RRB JE Technical abilities Questions will be framed from the syllabus defined for various Exam Groups.

shape Syllabus

[Click Here] for RRB JE Second Stage CBT Syllabus