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Science Capsule Practice Quiz

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Science Capsule Practice Quiz

shape Introduction

General Science section is now an integral and important section in various recruitment related competitive examinations. Competitive Examinations are now evolving and are more inclined towards holistic testing and hence basic knowledge of science and technology is very crucial. General Science is a subject or course of study in which the elements of several sciences are studied. The article Science Capsule Practice Quiz lists some of the important quiz questions for the General Science section of various exams including UPSC, Railways recruitment and other government sector related recruitments in India
General Science primarily is a combination of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Earth & Environmental Sciences. Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Earth and Environmental Sciences are very useful for the general understanding of our environment and existence of life on human planet. .
Physics is the scientific study of forces such as heat, light, pressure, gravity, and electricity.
Chemistry involved with elements and compounds composed of atoms, molecules, and ions.IT is a branch of science that involves the study of the composition, structure and properties of matter.
Biology, a branch of science is the study of life and living organisms, including their physical structure, chemical processes, molecular interactions, physiological mechanisms, development and evolution.

shape Quiz

1. Saliva helps in the digestion of
    A. Fat B. Starch C. Protein D. Vitamin

Answer - Option A
2. In which of the following part cross each other the digestion and respiratory pipe cross each other
    A. Esophagus B. Throat C. Pharynx D. Larynx

Answer - Option C
3. Which of the following Gland do not release digestive enzyme-?
    A. Liver B. Salivary Gland C. Intestinal Gland D. Pancreas

Answer - Option A
4. In digestion, proteins are converted into
    A. Fatty acids B. Glucose C. Amino acids D. Maltose

Answer - Option C
5. Which organ has finger like outgrowths which are called as Villi (Singular Villus)?
    A. Large Intestine B. Bladder C. Small Intestine D. Stomach

Answer - Option C
6. The cells which are responsible for the production of antibodies are?
    A. Red blood cells B. Neutrophils C. Lymphocytes D. Platelets

Answer - Option C
7. Where does Amoeba digests it food?
    A. Pseudopodia B. Nucleus C. Food Vacuole D. Reproductive system

Answer - Option C
8. Anaerobic respiration refers to which of the following?
    A. Respiration without Oxygen B. Respiration with Oxygen C. Respiration without [latex]{CO}_{2}[/latex] D. Respiration with [latex]{CO}_{2}[/latex]

Answer - Option A
9. What accumulated in the muscles after continuous strenuous physical exercise as a result of temporary anaerobic respiration that causes muscular fatigue?
    A. ATP B. Lactic acid C. Ethyl alcohol D. Carbon dioxide

Answer - Option B
10. In which of the following part of the cell does the pyruvic acid is broken down into carbon dioxide, water and energy?
    A. Cytoplasm B. Nucleus C. Mitochondria D. Chloroplast

Answer - Option A
1. To which group of blood a universal recipient belongs?
    A. A group B. B group C. O group D. AB group

Answer - Option D
2. RBCs do not perform aerobic respiration because these do not contain
    A. Nucleus B. Nucleus C. Endoplasmic reticulum D. Lysosomes

Answer - Option A
3. Blood fails to clot, while flowing in the blood vessel because of the presence of
    A. Heparin B. Prothrombin C. Hemoglobin D. Hirudin

Answer - Option A
4. Hemoglobin contains the metal
    A. Copper B. Molybdenum C. Iron D. Magnesium

Answer - Option C
5. The blood groups were discovered by
    A. Altman B. Landsteiner C. Losch D. Ronald Ross

Answer - Option B
6. The red blood cells are produced by the
    A. Liver B. Hormones C. Bone marrow D. Heart

Answer - Option C
7. An ECG shows the functioning of the
    A. Brain B. Heart C. Lungs D. Kidneys

Answer - Option B
8. Which is the organ that excretes water, fat and various catabolic wastes?
    A. Kidney B. Skin C. Spleen D. Salivary glands

Answer - Option A
9. Nephron is related to which of the following system of human body?
    A. Circulatory system B. Excretory system C. Reproductive system D. Respiratory system

Answer - Option B
10. In human body longest bone is
    A. Hum-our B. Spinal cord C. Femur D. Hip bone

Answer - Option C
1. Which of the following is an Example of tissue?
    A. Brain B. Blood C. Liver D. Stomach

Answer - Option B
2. Alveoli is the structural and functional unit of
    A. Circulatory system B. Excretory system C. Reproductive system D. Respiratory system

Answer - Option B
3. The source of the enzyme, diastase is
    A. Salivary gland B. Stomach C. Liver D. Pancreas

Answer - Option A
4. Other name of Platelets is?
    A. Leucocytes B. Erythrocytes C. Plasma D. Thrombocytes

Answer - Option C
5. A healthy adult man has, on an average, _____ (in millions) of RBCs [latex]{mm}^{3}[/latex] of blood.
    A. 5-5.5 B. 4-4.5 C. 3-3.5 D. 6-6.5

Answer - Option A
6. Which blood group is universal donor?
    A. O+ B. O- C. AB- D. AB+

Answer - Option B
7. Who invested the electrocardiogram (ECG)?
    A. Willem Einthoven B. Edward Jenner C. Robert coach D. Karl Benz

Answer - Option A
8. Normally how many times the human heart beats in a minute?
    A. 82 B. 75 C. 72 D. 85

Answer - Option C
9. Which vessel carries the venous blood to the lungs for oxygenation?
    A. Pulmonary veins B. Pulmonary arteriole-venous shunt C. Pulmonary arteries D. Right ventricle

Answer - Option C
10. What is the normal blood volume in human adult?
    A. One Liter B. Three liters C. Five liters D. Seven liters

Answer - Option C
1. Which of the following is known as the graveyard of RBC?
    A. Liver B. Spleen C. Brain D. Heart

Answer - Option B
2. The fluid part of blood devoid of corpuscles is called-
    A. Tissue fluid B. Plasma C. Serum D. Lymph

Answer - Option B
3. Liver is a rich source of:
    A. Sugars B. Fat soluble vitamins C. Minerals D. Proteins

Answer - Option B
4. Bile is secreted by
    A. Gall Bladder B. Liver C. Bile Duct D. Pancreas

Answer - Option C
5. An instrument for measuring blood pressure is called
    A. Barometer B. Spiro-meter C. Sphygmomanometer D. Haemocytometer

Answer - Option C
6. The scientist who explained about blood circulation for the first time was
    A. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek B. Willian Harvey C. Gregor Mendel D. Ronald Ross

Answer - Option B
7. Increased RBC's in the blood leads to a condition called ______.
    A. Anemia B. Haemophilia C. Polycythemia D. Leukaemia

Answer - Option C
8. Which organ of the body never rests?
    A. Eyes B. Pancreas C. Liver D. Heart

Answer - Option D
9. Normal blood pressure of man is
    A. 120/80 mm Hg B. 90/140 mm Hg C. 120/160 mm Hg D. 85/120 mm Hg

Answer - Option A
10. The abnormal component of urine is -
    A. Urea B. Keratin C. Albumin D. Sodium

Answer - Option C
1. The yellow colour of urine is due to presence of ---
    A. Bile B. Lymph C. Cholesterol D. Urochrome

Answer - Option D
2. The nitrogenous waste of Human Beings is
    A. Ammonia B. Urea C. Ammonium Nitrate D. Uric Acid

Answer - Option B
3. In human body total bones are -
    A. 187 B. 287 C. 206 D. 306

Answer - Option C
4. How many muscles are found in our body?
    A. 365 B. 656 C. 665 D. 556

Answer - Option B
5. Adenology /Endocrinology is branch of science, it study related to
    A. Glands B. Enzymes C. Teeth D. Personality

Answer - Option A
6. The number of teeth which are replaced in man are
    A. 12 B. 20 C. 32 D. 16

Answer - Option B
7. The total number of ear bones is -
    A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8

Answer - Option C
8. Study of liver is called
    A. Histology B. Hepatology C. Herpatology D. Hematology

Answer - Option B
9. How many pairs of ribs are there in human body?
    A. 13 B. 11 C. 12 D. 14

Answer - Option C
10. The total number of facial bones human being is -
    A. 26 B. 14 C. 29 D. 33

Answer - Option B
1. Our bones and teeth are generally made of-
    A. Tricalcium phosphate B. Fluoropetite C. Chloropetite D. Hydrolith

Answer - Option A
2. How many types of teeth are there in humans?
    A. 4 B. 5 C. 2 D. 3

Answer - Option A
3. Which of the following release sex hormone
    A. Adrenal gland B. Thyroid gland C. Pituitary gland D. Sebaceous gland

Answer - Option C
4. Where pituitary gland found in body
    A. On the base of heart B. In base of the brain C. In neck D. Abdomen

Answer - Option B
5. Which gland of human body regulates the recreation of the hormone of pituitary gland?
    A. Hypothalamus gland B. Thymus gland C. Thyroid gland D. Adrenal gland

Answer - Option A
6. In which following act both Exorine and endocrine gland endocrine gland
    A. Pituitary gland B. Pan-crease C. Kidney D. Testis

Answer - Option B
7. In human body largest heterocrine gland is
    A. Thymus B. Liver C. Pancreas D. Spleen

Answer - Option C
8. In mammal largest gland found
    A. Thyroid gland B. Liver C. Pancreas D. Spleen

Answer - Option B
9. In body which largest endocrine gland
    A. Thyroid B. Parathyroid C. Adrenal D. Pituitary

Answer - Option A
10. Which is male sex hormone?
    A. Progesterone B. Estrogen C. Testosterone D. Insulin

Answer - Option C
1. Which is caused by deficiency of iodine?
    A. Hyperthyroidism B. Goitre C. Grave D. Diabetes

Answer - Option B
2. The pigment which given colour to human body
    A. Melanin B. Rhodesian C. Iodeosin D. Anthrocyanin

Answer - Option A
3. Sweat glands in mammals are primarily concerned with
    A. Removal of excess salts B. Excretion of nitrogenous wastes C. Thermoregulation D. Sex-attraction

Answer - Option C
4. The Sigmoid colon is part of
    A. Small Intestine B. Large Intestine C. Pancreas D. Stomach

Answer - Option B
5. The smallest organ of human body is-
    A. Spleen B. Pineal gland C. Hypothalamus D. Pituitary

Answer - Option B
6. The colour of the eye depends upon the pigment present in
    A. Cornea B. Iris C. Rods D. Cones

Answer - Option B
7. Blood pressure is controlled by
    A. Adrenal gland B. Thyroid gland C. Thymus D. Corpus luteum

Answer - Option A
8. The function of Trypsin is to
    A. Breakdown fats B. Synthesize proteins C. Breakdown proteins D. Breakdown carbohydrates

Answer - Option C
9. Sun appears red in colour during sunrise and sunset due to
    A. The fact that sun emits only red colour at that time B. Red light having longer wavelength scatters away C. The sun comes out of the mountains D. The fact that all other colours scatter away except red

Answer - Option D
10. In the absence of the earth’s atmosphere sky would appear
    A. Blue B. Deep Red C. White D. Black

Answer - Option D
1. Which of the following colour of light deviates least through the prism?
    A. Yellow B. Green C. Violet D. Red

Answer - Option D
2. The splitting of white light into its component is due to
    A. Reflection B. Refraction C. Transmission D. Dispersion

Answer - Option D
3. Lens is made up of
    A. Pyrex glass B. Flint glass C. Ordinary glass D. Cobalt glass

Answer - Option B
4. For a person having hypermetropia, the near point is
    A. Greater than 25 cm B. Greater than 50 cm C. Less than 25 cm D. Infinity

Answer - Option A
5. Vehicles use_____ to see to objects coming from behind
    A. Concave lens B. Convex Lens C. Concave Mirror D. Convex Mirror

Answer - Option D
6. Which of the following corona virus that kills human?

Answer - Option C
7. Shaving Mirror is
    A. Convex B. Concave C. Plane D. Parabolic

Answer - Option B
8. Which type of mirror is used in the head lights of vehicles
    A. Plane Mirror B. Concave Mirror C. Convex Mirror D. Parabolic Mirror

Answer - Option B
9. A concave lens always from an image which is
    A. Real and erect B. Virtual and erect C. Real and inverted D. Virtual and inverted

Answer - Option B
10. Myopia is the same as
    A. Nearsightedness B. Astigmatism C. Presbyopia D. Farsightedness

Answer - Option A
1. Short-sight in human eye can be corrected by using proper
    A. Convex lens B. Concave lens C. Cylindrical lens D. Bifocal lens

Answer - Option B
2. The primary colours in photography are
    A. Red, Blue, Yellow B. Red, Yellow, Green C. Red, Blue, Green D. Blue, Yellow, Green

Answer - Option C
3. In a magnifying glass_____ lens is used.
    A. Convex B. Concave C. Plano concave D. Plano Convex

Answer - Option A
4. Convex mirror is generally used in_____.
    A. Solar cookers B. Ophthalmoscope C. Reflector for head light D. Rear view mirror

Answer - Option D
5. Why does water tank appear shallower when viewed from the top?
    A. Due to reflection B. Due to refraction C. Due to diffraction D. Due to total internal reflection

Answer - Option B
6. An image formed by a plane mirror, that cannot be obtained on a screen is called______.
    A. Virtual image B. Real image C. Inverted image D. Erect image

Answer - Option A
7. When light passes from one medium to another, this phenomenon of change in its direction is called____.
    A. Refraction B. Diffraction C. Propagation D. No option is correct

Answer - Option A
8. Convex and concave mirrors are examples of?
    A. Plane mirrors B. Spherical mirrors C. Inverted mirror D. Erect mirror

Answer - Option B
9. An image formed by a concave mirror on a screen is called_______?
    A. Virtual image B. Real image C. Inverted image D. Erect image

Answer - Option B
10. The impression of an image persists on the retina for about _______ of a second.
    A. [latex]\frac{1}{{10}^{th}}[/latex] B. [latex]\frac{1}{{8}^{th}}[/latex] C. [latex]\frac{1}{{16}^{th}}[/latex] D. [latex]\frac{1}{{5}^{th}}[/latex]

Answer - Option C
1. The angle between the_______ and the incident ray is called the angle of incidence.
    A. surface B. Normal C. Tangent D. Reflected ray

Answer - Option B
2. The range of frequency of ultrasonic wave.
    A. Greater than 20 KHz B. Greater than 20,000 KHz C. Below than 20 KHz D. Greater than 02 KHz

Answer - Option B
3. Which of the following type of waves is different from other ?
    A. Light waves B. X-rays C. Radio waves D. Sound waves

Answer - Option D
4. Which of the following character of sound wave change with change in temperature in atmosphere?
    A. Frequency B. Amplitude C. Wavelength D. Intensity

Answer - Option A
5. The loudness of sound depends upon
    A. Velocity B. Pitch C. Amplitude D. Wavelength

Answer - Option C
6. Pitch is sensation which depends upon
    A. Frequency B. Amplitude C. Wavelength D. Velocity

Answer - Option A
7. Radioactive elements emit.
    A. Radio waves B. Infrared waves C. Ultraviolet waves D. α, β and γ radiations

Answer - Option D
8. Atomic number of which of the following elements is greater than that of silicon____
    A. Aluminum B. Sulphur C. Magnesium D. Sodium

Answer - Option B
9. [latex]{H}^{2}O[/latex] is liquid and [latex]{H}^{2}S[/latex] is a gas because
    A. Oxygen forms stronger hydrogen bond that sulphur B. Oxygen is less electronegative than sulphur C. Atomic radius of oxygen is less than that or sulphur D. Atomic radius of oxygen is greater than that of sulphur

Answer - Option A
10. How many lone pair of electrons are present in [latex]{N}^{2}[/latex]?
    A. 1 B. 3 C. 4 D. 2

Answer - Option D
1. An Emulsion is a colloid of a
    A. Gas in a Liquid B. Liquid in a Liquid C. Liquid in a gas D. Gas in a Solid

Answer - Option B
2. Which one of following is used for sun glasses?
    A. Crookes glass B. Pyrex glass C. Crystal glass D. None of the above

Answer - Option A
3. Pasteurization is a process in which milk is heated at-
    A. At 60° C for 10 min B. 63° C for 20 min C. 63° C for 30 min D. 72° C for 30 min

Answer - Option C
4. Ombustion is a
    A. Biological Process B. physical Process C. Chemical Process D. Physical and chemical process

Answer - Option C
5. What are isobars?
    A. Elements with same atomic number but different mass number B. Elements with different atomic number but same mass number C. Elements with different atomic number and different mass number D. Elements with same atomic number and same mass number

Answer - Option B
6. [latex]^{40}{{Ar}_{18}} ^{40}{{K}_{19}} ^{40}{{Ca}_{20}}[/latex] are called-
    A. Isotones B. Isotopes C. Isobars D. None

Answer - Option C
7. How are 'Cations' formed?
    A. Addition of electron B. Removal of electron C. Addition of proton D. Removal of proton

Answer - Option B
8. How are 'anions' formed?
    A. Addition of electron B. Removal of electron C. Addition of proton D. Removal of proton

Answer - Option A
9. Match Stick uses the allotrope of Phosphorous
    A. Any Phosphorous B. Red Phosphorous C. Black Phosphorous D. Purple Phosphorous

Answer - Option B
10. Which of the following will displace Hydrogen from acids to form salts?
    A. S B. Na C. Ag D. P

Answer - Option B
1. Liquid Chemical used for artificial rain or cloud seeding
    A. Silver iodide (Agl) B. Sodium chloride (NaC1) C. Dry ice (solid [latex]{co}^{2}[/latex]) D. All of the above

Answer - Option D
2. Which of the following cannot be formed
    A. [latex]{He}^{+2}[/latex] B. [latex]{He}^{+}[/latex] C. He D. [latex]{He}_{2}[/latex]

Answer - Option D
3. Which of the Following has highest electron negativity?
    A. F B.Cl C. Br D. I

Answer - Option A
4. If velocity increases 4 times, then what will be the effect on K.E.
    A. Increased 5 times B. Decreased 4 times C. Increased 16 times D. Decreased 8 times

Answer - Option C
5. In deep see diving, divers use a mixture of gases consisting of oxygen and
    A. Argon (Ar) B. Helium (He) C. Helium (He) and Nitrogen (N) D. Hydrogen (H)

Answer - Option C
6. Which metal is extracted from sea water?
    A. Potassium B. Aluminium C. Magnesium D. Beryllium

Answer - Option C
7. Oxygen is a
    A. Reducing agent B. Combustion nourishing C. Constituent of all gas D. Inflammable gas

Answer - Option B
8. Dry powder fire extinguisher contains –
    A. Sand B. Sand and sodium carbonate C. Sand and potassium carbonate D. Sand and sodium bicarbonate

Answer - Option D
9. What is Asbestos?
    A. Calcium magnesium silicate B. Alumina C. Calcium silicate D. Magnesium silicate

Answer - Option A
10. Which metal is protected by the layer of its own oxide?
    A. Silver B. Iron C. Aluminium D. Gold

Answer - Option C
1. Which one of the following metals cannot be used as an electromagnet?
    A. Iron B. Copper C. Nickel D. Cobalt

Answer - Option B
2. Which one of the following is used in Pencils?
    A. Charcoal B. Graphite C. Lead D. Phosphorus

Answer - Option B
3. Who discovered benzene?
    A. Hal Anger B. Michael Faraday C. Bruce Ames D. Nicolas Appert

Answer - Option B
4. What is wood spirit?
    A. Methyl Alcohol B. Ethyl Alcohol C. Butyl Alcohol D. propane

Answer - Option A
5. With conventional symbols, the lens formula is given by
    A. [latex]\frac{1}{v} - \frac{1}{u} = \frac{1}{f}[/latex] B. [latex]\frac{1}{u} - \frac{1}{v} = \frac{1}{f}[/latex] C. [latex]\frac{1}{v} + \frac{1}{u} = \frac{1}{f}[/latex] D. u + v = f

Answer - Option A
6. A magnifying glass comprises a simple
    A. Convex lens B. Convex mirror C. Concave lens D. Concave mirror

Answer - Option A
7. The weight of a human body is:
    A. Same at every place on the earth’s surface B. Maximum at the poles C. Maximum at the equator D. more on the mountains than the plains

Answer - Option B
8. A fuse is used in an electric circuit to:
    A. break the circuit when excessive current flows through the circuit B. Break the circuit when power gets off C. Indicate if the current is flowing uninterrupted D. Complete the circuit for flow of current

Answer - Option A
9. The unit of viscosity is:
    A. Bar B. Pascal C. Poise D. None of these

Answer - Option C
10. The frequency of sound waves in the audible range is:
    A. 20 Hz-20,000 Hz B. 0.5 Hz-5 Hz C. 1 Hz-10 Hz D. 20, 00 Hz-40,000 Hz

Answer - Option A
1. The compound that has least value for octane number is
    A. N-Heptane B. 2-Methyl heptanes C. Iso-octane D. 2,2-dimethyl Hexane

Answer - Option A
2. Chloroform can be used as
    A. Analgesic B. Anesthetic C. Antimalarial D. Antibiotic

Answer - Option B
3. Table salt (NaCl) is a product of:
    A. Weak acid and weak base B. Strong acid and strong base C. Weak acid and strong base D. Strong acid and weak base

Answer - Option B
4. The most abundantly occurring element in the earth-crust is:
    A. Oxygen B. Nitrogen C. Manganese D. Silicon

Answer - Option A
5. Which one among the following is the major constituent of soda lime glass?
    A. Sodium oxide B. Calcium oxide C. Calcium carbonate D. Silica

Answer - Option B
6. Mohr slat is a
    A. Simple salt B. Hybrid slat C. Double salt D. Complex salt

Answer - Option C
7. Rectified spirit is:
    A. Methylated spirit B. Tincture iodine C. 95% ethyl alcohol D. 100% ethyl alcohol

Answer - Option C
8. Which of the following is called philosopher’s wool?
    A. Zinc bromide B. Zinc nitrate C. Zinc oxide D. Zinc chloride

Answer - Option C
9. Silver turns black after a period of time due to formation of
    A. Nitrate coating on silver B. Sulphide coating on silver C. Chloride coating on silver D. Oxide coating on silver

Answer - Option B
10. Which one of the following has the maximum calorific value:
    A. Hydrogen B. Charcoal C. Natural gas D. Gasoline

Answer - Option A
1. Which of the following is used in the commercial vulcanization of the rubber?
    A. Sulphur B. Carbon C. Phosphorus D. Selenium

Answer - Option A
2. Tetra Ethyl Lead (TEL) is:
    A. A catalyst in the combustion of fossil fuels B. An anti oxidant C. An anti knocking compound D. A reducing agent

Answer - Option C
3. Chlorofluoro carbon is also known by the name of:
    A. Chloroform B. Freon C. Glycerol D. Marsh gas

Answer - Option B
4. The chemical substances frequently used in the fluorescent tube are:
    A. Sodium oxide and argon B. Sodium vapour and neon C. Mercury vapour and argon D. Mercury oxide and argon

Answer - Option C
5. Which one of the following is the heaviest metal?
    A. Copper B. Uranium C. Aluminium D. Silver

Answer - Option B
6. [latex]{C}_{3}{H}_{8}[/latex] is the chemical formula of
    A. Ethane B. Methane C. Propane D. Butane

Answer - Option C
7. [latex]{C}_{4}{H}_{10}[/latex] is the chemical formula of
    A. Ethane B. Methane C. Propane D. Butane

Answer - Option D
8. Formula of Ethene
    A. [latex]{CH}_{2} = {CH}_{2}[/latex] B. [latex]{CH}_{3} - CH = {CH}_{2}[/latex] C. [latex]H - C \equiv {CH}_{2}[/latex] D. [latex]{CH}_{3} - C \equiv {CH}_{2}[/latex]

Answer - Option A
9. Formula of Lime water
    A. Ca [latex]{(OH)}_{2}[/latex] B. [latex]{Ca}_{2}{(OH)}_{2}[/latex] C. Ca (OH) D. Ca [latex]{(OH)}_{3}[/latex]

Answer - Option A
10. Formula of propene
    A. [latex]{CH}_{2} = {(CH)}_{2}[/latex] B. [latex]{CH}_{3} - CH = {CH}_{2}[/latex] C. [latex]H - C \equiv {(CH)}_{2}[/latex] D. [latex]{CH}_{3} - C \equiv CH[/latex]

Answer - Option B
1. Bee stings can be treated with:
    A. Vinegar B. Sodium hydrogen-carbonate C. Potassium hydroxide D. Lemon Juice

Answer - Option B
2. Formula of cyclohexane
    A. [latex]{C}_{5} {H}_{10}[/latex] B. [latex]{C}_{6} {H}_{12}[/latex] C. [latex]{C}_{7} {H}_{14}[/latex] D. [latex]{C}_{8} {H}_{14}[/latex]

Answer - Option B
3. Formula of propanol
    A. [latex]{C}_{3} {H}_{5} OH[/latex] B. [latex]{CH}_{3} {CH}_{2} OH[/latex] C. [latex]{CH}_{3} OH[/latex] D. [latex]{CH}_{3} {CH}_{2} {CH}_{2} OH[/latex]

Answer - Option D
4. Magnesium (Mg) + oxygen (O) =?
    A. [latex]{Mg}_{2} O[/latex] B. [latex]Mg {o}_{4}[/latex] C. [latex]{O}_{2} Mg[/latex] D. MgO

Answer - Option D
5. Metals react with sodium hydroxide produce____ .
    A. Oxygen gas B. Sodium C. Water D. Hydrogen gas

Answer - Option D
6. Magnesium oxide (MgO) + Water ([latex]{H}_{2} O[/latex]) = ?
    A. [Mg (OH)] B. [[latex]{Mg}_{2}[/latex] (OH)] C. [Mg [latex]{({O}_{2}H)}_{2} [/latex]] D. [Mg [latex]{OH}_{2} [/latex]]

Answer - Option D
7. What is formed when Magnesium is burnt?
    A. Baking Soda B. Calcium Carbonate C. Ash D. Vinegar

Answer - Option C
8. Which one of the following is a good electrical conductor?
    A. Graphite B. Diamond C. Peat D. Charcoal

Answer - Option A
9. The common name of sulphur is
    A. Freon B. Galena C. Lime D. Brimstone

Answer - Option D
10. Trinitrotoluene is
    A. used to melt metals B. used to fuse two metals C. used as an abrasive D. used as an explosive

Answer - Option D
1. Glass is a –
    A. Super Heated Solid B. Super Cooled Liquid C. Super Cooled Gas D. Super heated Liquid

Answer - Option B
2. Paper is made by-
    A. Cellulose of plants B. Plants flower C. Fruit Juice D. Proteins of Plants

Answer - Option A
3. The mass of 10 moles of water is
    A. 18 g B. 180 g C. 90 g D. 45 g

Answer - Option B
4. Super cooling stands for cooling of a liquid:
    A. At freezing point B. Below freezing point C. At melting point D. Above melting point

Answer - Option B
5. Which of the following gases is heavier than oxygen?
    A. Carbon dioxide B. Ammonia C. Methane D. Helium

Answer - Option A
6. Which of the following are highly compressible?
    A. Solid B. Liquid C. Gas D. Solid and Liquid

Answer - Option C
7. Which of the following cloth will readily catch fire?
    A. Cotton cloth B. Polyester cloth C. Acrylic cloth D. Nylon cloth

Answer - Option A
8. Who among the following developed anthrax vaccination?
    A. Jonas E. Salk B. Paul Muller C. Edward Jenner D. Louis Pasteur

Answer - Option D
9. Which part of human body skin has greatest number Sweat glands?
    A. Forehead B. Forearm C. Palm of the hand D. Back

Answer - Option C
10. What causes the mottling of the dental enamel?
    A. High levels of chlorine in water B. High levels of nitrate in the water C. High levels of fluorides in the water D. High levels of calcium in the water

Answer - Option C
1. Rock Salt contains which mineral?
    A. Gypsum B. Sodium C. Potassium D. Magnesium

Answer - Option B
2. Match the following
Column. A Column. B
a) Copper 1. Fertilizer Sulphate
b) Penicillin 2. Insecticide
c) Urea 3. Antifungal
d) Malathion 4. Antibiotic

    A. 1 2 3 4 B. 2 4 1 3 C. 3 4 1 2 D. 4 3 2 1

Answer - Option C
3. Which of the following known as ‘Marsh gas’?
    A. CO B. [latex]{CO}_{2}[/latex] C. [latex]{CH}_{4}[/latex] D. [latex]{H}_{2}[/latex]

Answer - Option C
4. ‘Atomic theory’ of matter was given by
    A. Avogadro B. Dalton C. Newton D. Pascal

Answer - Option B
5. Rutherford’–scattering experiment related to the size of the -
    A. Nucleus B. Atom C. Electron D. Neutron

Answer - Option A
6. The absolute value of charge on electron was determined by -
    A. J.J Thomson B. R.A Millikan C. Rutherford D. Chadwick

Answer - Option B
7. Match column-I and Column-II
Column. A Column. B
A. Thomson model 1. Dual nature of electron
B. Rutherford model 2. Nuclear theory
C. Bohr’s model 3. Plum pudding model
D. De-Broglie theory 4. Concept of quantization of

    A. A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1 B. A-2, B-4, C-1, D-2 C. A-2, B-1, C-3, D-4 D. A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1

Answer - Option D
8. Atomic number of which of the following elements is greater than that of Neon?
    A. Oxygen B. Magnesium C. Nitrogen D. Boron

Answer - Option B
9. Atomic number of which of the following elements is greater than that of Aluminium?
    A. Phosphorous B. Neon C. Magnesium D. Sodium

Answer - Option A
10. Atomic number is denoted by which alphabet?
    A. A B. N C. Z D. E

Answer - Option C
1. All isotopes of the same element have
    A. Different atomic numbers and different atomic mass B. Different atomic numbers and the same atomic mass C. The same atomic number but different atomic mass D. The same atomic number and the same atomic mass

Answer - Option C
2. [latex]^{40}{Ar}_{17}[/latex] [latex] ^{40}{K}_{19}[/latex] [latex] ^{40}{Ca}_{20}[/latex] are called
    A. Isotones B. Isotopes C. Isobars D. None

Answer - Option C
3. Ilmenite is an ore/mineral of ______.
    A. Titanium B. Copper C. Lead D. Manganese

Answer - Option A
4. Brass contains
    A. Copper and tin B. Tin and lead C. Copper and Zinc D. Copper, tin and Zinc

Answer - Option C
5. Bronze is an alloy of-
    A. Copper and zinc B. Tin and Zinc C. Copper and Tin D. Iron and Zinc

Answer - Option C
6. German Silver contains following Metals
    A. Copper, Zinc, Nickel B. Copper, Zinc, Silver C. Copper, Zinc, Aluminum D. Zinc, Silver Nickel

Answer - Option A
7. Fuse wire is made of an alloy of
    A. Tin and Lead B. Tin and Copper C. Lead and Copper D. Copper and Silver

Answer - Option A
8. An alloy used in making heating elements for electric heating devices is
    A. Solder B. Alloy steel C. Ni-chrome D. German Silver

Answer - Option C
9. The Percentage of carbon in cast iron is
    A. 3 to 5 B. 0.1 to 0.25 C. 0.5 to 1.5 D. 6 to 8

Answer - Option B
10. Stainless Steel is an alloy of
    A. Chromium and Carbon B. Chromium and iron C. Chromium, carbon and iron D. Chromium and iron

Answer - Option C
1. The use of Heat treatment of ore that includes smelting and roasting is termed as
    A. Cry metallurgy B. Pyrometallurgy C. Electrometeallurgy D. Hydrometallurgy

Answer - Option B
2. The ultra purification of the metal is done
    A. Slugging B. Leaching C. Zone Melting D. Smelting

Answer - Option C
3. What does a catalyst do in a reaction?
    A. Changes potential energy of reactants B. Changes kinetic energy of reactants C. Changes potential energy of products D. Changes activation energy

Answer - Option D
4. Which of the following pairs of Material is commonly used in rechargeable batteries used commonly used in rechargeable batteries used in Torch Lights, Electric Shaver etc.
    A. Iron and Cadmium B. Nickel and Cadmium C. Lead and Lead per oxide D. Zinc and Carbon

Answer - Option B
5. Catalyst are those substances
    A. Which increase rate of reaction B. Which decrease rate of reaction C. Does not affect the rate of reaction D. None of these

Answer - Option A
6. Which of the following is the sweetest sugar?
    A. Sucrose B. Fructose C. Lactose D. Maltose

Answer - Option B
7. Blood may be purified by
    A. Dialysis B. Electro-osmosis C. Coagulation D. Filteration

Answer - Option C
8. Enzyme which coagulate the milk into curd
    A. Rennin B. Pepsin C. Regin D. Citrate

Answer - Option A
9. Which of the following is a natural Polymer?
    A. Starch B. Fat C. Corbohydrate D. None of the above

Answer - Option A
10. Muddy water is treated with alum in Purification process
    A. Coagulation B. Absorption C. Emulsification D. Adsorption

Answer - Option A
1. Which one of the following non-metals shows allotropy in the liquid state?
    A. Carbon B. Sulphur C. Phosphorous D. Bromine

Answer - Option B
2. Fog, clouds, mist are examples of
    A. Aerosol B. Solid sol C. Foam D. Gel

Answer - Option A
3. If M = 5kg, h = 100m, g = 10, then find the Value of potential energy?
    A. 5000 j B. 2500 j C. 4000 j D. 3000 j

Answer - Option A
4. Oparin theory about origin of life is related to?
    A. Physical evolution B. Chemical evolution C. Biological evolution D. Artificial evolution

Answer - Option B
5. Which of the following is not a connective tissue?
    A. Blood B. Bone C. Muscles D. Cell

Answer - Option D
6. If the velocity and Time get multiplied then it will result into
    A. Distance B. Displacement C. Impulse D. Acceleration

Answer - Option C
7. Sun energy is due to
    A. Fusion of H molecule B. Fusion of He molecule C. Fission of H molecule D. Fission of He molecule

Answer - Option A
8. A wire 418Ω resistance having 0.3 A what will the voltage?
    A. 135.4 V B. 235.5 v C. 200 v D. 250 v

Answer - Option A
SL. No Questions Answers
1. Part of eye controlling the Outside Light Cornea
2. Maximum value of g is at Poles
3. Protein found in egg Albumin
4. S.I. unit of acceleration [latex]\frac{m}{{s}^{2}}[/latex]
5. Element used in electric bulb Tungsten
6. Formula of rust [latex]{Fe}_{2} {O}_{3}. x{H}_{2} O[/latex]
7. Formula of Alum [latex]{K}_{2}[/latex] [latex]{SO}_{4}[/latex] [latex]{Al}_{2}[/latex][latex]{({SO}_{4})}_{3}[/latex] [latex]^{24}{H}_{2}O[/latex]
8. Ethanoic acid is a common name of Acetic acid
9. ______ is a thin membrane that adjusts the pupil to control the amount of the light entering the eye (Iris)
10. Which reaction procedure absorb heat Endo thermic
SL. No Questions Answers
1. Which type of energy is present in Falling coconut Kinetic energy
2. Types of waves produced by whale Ultrasonic
3. Types of moves produced by dolphin Infrasonic
4. Which period in periodic table has 8 elements – 3, 4, 5, 6
5. Brass is an alloy of Copper and zinc
6. Relation between frequency and wavelength f = c / λ
7. Malaria disease is caused by Protozoan plasmodium Spread by = female anopheles mosquito
8. Enzyme present in saliva ptyalin and Lysozymase
9. Connection of bone to bone Tendon
10. Connection of bone with muscles Ligament
SL. No Questions Answers
1. Formula of ferric oxide [latex]{Fe}_{2} {O}_{3}[/latex]
2. Who discovered gravitational constant (G) Henry Cavendish
3. Who gave Law of inertia Sir Isaac Newton
4. Unit of force Newton
5. Outer part of coconut is made up of Sclerenchyma
6. Focal length of convex lens is negative
7. Thermocouple which is used to measure temperature is made up of Nickel, Copper and Iron
8. . Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming
9. Atomic number of calcium 20
10. Chemical name of NaH[latex]{CO}_{3}[/latex] Sodium bicarbonate
SL. No Questions Answers
1. Ratio of HCl and HN[latex]{O}_{3}[/latex] in aquaregia 3 : 1
2. Hormone that helps in child birth Oxytocin
3. Hormone helps in growth of plant Auxin
4. S.I. unit of heat Joule
5. Vector quantities Displacement, velocity, Acceleration, force, weight, moment
6. Vitamin K chemical name Phylloquinone
7. Cell wall is present in plants
8. Formula of centripetal force [latex]\frac{m{v}^{2}}{r}[/latex]
9. Function of Galvanometer To measure Small current
10. Exothermic reaction heat is released
11. Which of the following defence of the human body against bacteria? Phagocytes
12. Which part of the brain helps in movement of eyes and ears Cerebellum
13. PH Value of lemon 2.5