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SBI PO Prelims Model Test

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SBI PO Prelims Model Test

shape Introduction

Preliminary Examination is important to qualify for the Mains Examination. SBI PO Prelims Model Test allows candidates to practice the learned material to ensure the candidate understands the pattern of the exam and the expected questions that would appear in the actual test. SBI PO Prelims Model Test will assist the candidates to ace the preliminary examination.

shape Pattern

SBI PO Preliminary exam is an online exam, which consists of 3 sections as shown in the table below and has a total of 100 marks. The composite time for the prelim exam is 1 hour. The cut-off or minimum passing marks for each section is decided by the bank each year depending on the difficulty level of the test. The section-wise division of questions and marks is given below:
S.No. Name of Test Number of Questions Marks Duration
1 English language 30 Total Maximum Marks 100 20 minutes
2 Quantitative Aptitude 35 20 minutes
3 Reasoning ability 35 20 minutes
Total 100 1 hour

Selection criteria for Main Examination: Category wise merit list will be drawn on the basis of the aggregate marks scored in the Preliminary Examination. Candidates numbering approximately 10 times the numbers of vacancies in each category will be short listed for the Main Examination from the top of the merit list.

shape Model Test

Directions (1 - 7): Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below:
Eight friends J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q attended marriage party in the months of January, July, September, and November. In each month, the party will be conducted on [latex]{6}^{th}[/latex] and [latex]{13}^{th}[/latex] of the month. Not more than two attend the marriage party on same month. Only one person attend the party on one date of one month. O attended the party on 6th of the month which has only 30 days. There are four friends have attended party between O and K. The number of persons attended party between L and O is the same as the number of persons attended party between J and N. Q attended party before P. M and L attended party in the same date, but M attended before L. Two person attended party between O and J. L and N attended the seminar on [latex]{6}^{th}[/latex] of July and [latex]{13}^{th}[/latex] of November respectively.
1. How many persons attend marriage party between M and P?
    A. Two B. No-one C. Four D. Five E. None of these

2. Who attend marriage party on [latex]{13}^{th}[/latex] July?
    A. J B. L C. P D. N E. Q

3. If all person attended the party in alphabetical order starting from January to November, then who among the following attend marriage party on [latex]{6}^{th}[/latex] September?
    A. Q B. N C. J D. P E. None of theseNone of these

4. How many persons attend marriage party after J?
    A. Four B. One C. Three D. Five E. None of these

5. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence they form a group. Which one of the following does not belong to that group?
    A. N B. O C. Q D. M E. L

6. If C is the mother of R and R is the only sister of V. V is the brother of W and A is the daughter of V, then how is W related to A?
    A. Father B. Aunt C. Uncle D. Sister E. Can’t be determined

7. A man walks 8m north from point P and reaches point Q. From point Q he takes right turn and walks 6m and then he takes left turn and walked 4m and again he takes left turn and walks 19m and again takes left turn and reaches point U. If it is given that point U is in west from point Q, then what is the distance between U and Q?
    A. 25M B. 13 M C. 19 M D. 15 M E. 10 M

Directions (8 - 12): Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below: In a building, 8 persons i.e. A, D, E, P, Q, S, M and K live on different floors, but not necessarily in the same order. The lowermost floor of the building is numbered 1 and the topmost floor of the building is numbered 8. Each of them likes different planets i.e. Venus, Uranus, Mars, Earth, Neptune, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn, but not necessarily in the same order. The person who likes Uranus lives on an even number floor but below floor number six. The person who likes Neptune does not live on the fourth floor. Q does not like Jupiter. The person who likes Venus lives below the person who likes Earth. S does not like Venus. E lives on an odd number floor but lives immediately above D. The number of persons who live between Q and Venus is the same of the number of persons who live between the one who likes Jupiter and P. There are only two persons living between the persons who like Mercury and Neptune. The person who likes Mars lives immediately below S. Two person lives between the person who likes Uranus and the person who likes Earth. P lives immediately below the person who likes Earth. No one lives between P and Q. There are four people living between M and K.D does not live on the fourth floor. K lives below M. S does not live on the top floor. E like Saturn.
8. Who among the following person lives on [latex]{7}^{th}[/latex] floor?
    A. E B. S C. Q D. A E. None of these

9. Which of the following planets is liked by M?
    A. Saturn B. Uranus C. Neptune D. Mars E. None of these

10. How many person lives between S and D?
    A. Three B. One C. Four D. Two E. None of these

11. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence they form a group. Which one of the following does not belong to that group?
    A. Jupiter B. Saturn C. Uranus D. Mars E. Mercury

12. A lives on which of the following floor?
    A. [latex]{6}^{th}[/latex] floor B. [latex]{2}^{nd}[/latex] floor C. [latex]{8}^{th}[/latex] floor D. [latex]{7}^{th}[/latex] floor E. None of these

13. Which of the following symbols should replace the sign ($) and (#) in the given expression in order to make the expression W>M definitely true? 'A[latex]\leq[/latex]B=R$W,X[latex]\leq[/latex]Z=M#P=A'
    A. [latex]\geq[/latex],> B. [latex]\geq[/latex],[latex]\leq[/latex] C.>,= D.=,[latex]\geq[/latex] E.<,[latex]\leq[/latex]

14. If 2 is subtracted from each odd digit which is divisible by 3 and 3 is added to each even digit which is divisible by 4 in the number 67493452. Then which of the following digit is repeated four times in the new number so obtained?
    A.9,5 B.6,5 C.7 D.5,4 E.5,7

Directions (15 - 17): Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below: Four cartons L, M, N, and O are placed above one another but not necessarily in the same order. Each carton contains different objects like Locks, Flower, Pencils and Bags but not necessarily in the same order. The carton having a Pencil is at the bottom of the stack. Carton L neither contain Pencil nor placed just above the carton which contains pencil. Only one carton is placed between L and M. Carton which contains flowers is kept immediate above M. Only one carton is kept between a carton of flower and carton of Locks. Carton O does not contain flour.
15. Carton O contains which of the following object?
    A. Bags B.Pencil C.Flower D. Locks E.Either (A) or (B)

16. What is the position of carton L?
    A.Top B. Immediate below the carton which contains Bags C.Bottom D.Immediate above the carton which contains Flower E.Can’t be determined

17. In a certain code language ‘box makes pencil’ is written as ‘me kr qi’, ‘money makes news’ is written as ‘kr lo mn’, and ‘money expected paisa’ is written as ‘lo ve pr’, then what is the code for “news”? B.lo E.Either (B) or (C)

Directions (18 - 20): In the given questions, assuming the given statements to be true. Find which of the given two conclusions numbered I, II is/are definitely true and give your answer accordingly.
18. Statements: H = W [latex]\leq[/latex],R > F Conclusions: I. R = H II. R > H
    A.Both I and II are true B. Only II C. Only I is true. D. Either I or II is true. E. None is true.

19. Statements: Z B Conclusions: I. F = R II. B < N
    A. Both I and II are true B. Only I is true C. Only II D. Either I or II is true. E. None is true.

20. Statements: S >H > W, W < M, M ≥ K Conclusions: I. K M
    A. None is true B. Only II C. Only I is true. D. Either I or II is true. E. Both I and II are true

Directions (21 - 25): Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below: Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting in a straight line. All are facing in the north direction, but not necessarily in the same order. All of them stay on different floors i.e.11th, 16th, 19th, 25th, 27th, 31st, 36th and 44th, but not necessarily in the same order. G sits one of the extreme ends of the row. H sits on the left of A and does not stay on the 36th floor. Only two persons sit between D and G. Difference of floors in which F and A stays are 6. F stays on that floor which is above floor A. The person, who stays on 16th floor, sits third to the left of F. F stays on prime number floor. Neither G nor B stays on the 36th floor. G stays on that floor which is above C. Only two persons sit between the person, who stays on 36th floor and D. Only one person sits between F and the person, who stays on the 36th floor. More than one person sits between C and H. Neither C nor H is an immediate neighbour of G. Person, who stays on the 16th floor, sits immediate left of C. A is neither immediate neighbour of H nor C. The difference of floor number of B and H is floor number of one of the eight persons. D stays on that floor which is not a prime number. B lives below H.
21. Who among the following person stays on 31th floor?
    A.D B.F C.H D.A E.None of these

22. How many persons sits between C and E?
    A.Four B.One C.Two D.Three E. None of these

23. On Which of the floor does G stay?
    A.11th floor B.16th floor C.19th floor D.19th floor E. None of these

24. What is the difference of floors in which D and A stays?
    A.17 B.33 C.19 D.13 E.None of these

25. Who sits third to the right of C?
    A.E B.H C.D D.F E.None of these

Directions (26 - 27): Study the following information and answer the given questions: Each of six baskets P, Q, R, S, T, and U contains different no. of flowers. Basket S contains less number of flowers that only two baskets. Basket P contains a number of flowers than basket R but less than basket U. Basket R does not contain the least number of flowers. Basket U contains less number of flowers than Basket Q. The basket which contains the third lowest number of flowers contains 21 flowers.
26. If total number of flowers in Basket P and Q together is 113, then how many flowers does Q contain?
    A.133 B.82 C.92 D.90 E.None of these

27. Which of the following basket contains the third lowest number of flowers?
    A.R B.U C.T D.P E.S

Directions (28 - 32): Study the following information and answer the given questions:
28. What is age of G now?
    A. 22yr B.55yr C.39yr D.46yr E.None of these

29. How many persons were born before C?
    A.Four B.Two C.Seven D.Five E.None of these

30. What is the age difference of H and F?
    A. 4yr B.37yr C.28yr D.9yr E.None of these

31. Who was born in 1971?
    A.A B.G C.B D.H E.None of these

32. Who is the fifth oldest person?
    A.A B.H C.B D.G E.None of these

33. Five persons namely P, Q, R, S and T are attending a seminar on different days of the week, starting from Monday to Friday. Q attend a seminar before Wednesday. R attend seminar after T. Two persons attend a seminar between Q and S. P attends seminar immediate before S, but not attend on Wednesday. Who among the following person attend seminar on Wednesday?
    A.P B.S C.T D.Q E.R

34. Which of the following statement shows ‘Z < R’ and ‘M ≥ C’ holds definitely true?
    A. C ≤ Z = M ≥ K = R B. C = Z > B < R ≥ M C. C = Z > B < R ≥ M D.Z = K < C = R ≤ M E.None of these

35. In a Queue of 13 people W stands at 6th from the behind. Only four people stand in between C and W. The number of people standing ahead C is same as that of the number of people standing behind L. C is not at last position in the queue. H stands immediately ahead L. How many people stand between H and W?
    A.One B.No-one C.Three D.Two E.None of these

Answers and Explanation
1. Answer - Option C
2. Answer - Option A
3. Answer - Option B
4. Answer - Option A
5. Answer - Option A
Explanation (1 - 5) L and N attended the seminar on 6th of July and 13th of November respectively. O attended the party on 6th of the month which has only 30 days. So from this there can be two possible cases:-
Case:1- O can attend a marriage party on 6th September.
Month/Date [latex]{6}^{th}[/latex] [latex]{13}^{th}[/latex]
January (31)
July (31) L
September (30) O
November (30) N

Case:2- O can attend a marriage party on [latex]{6}^{th}[/latex] November
Month/Date [latex]{6}^{th}[/latex] [latex]{13}^{th}[/latex]
January (31)
July (31) L
September (30)
November (30) O N

There are four friends have attended party between O and K. But in case-1 there is no place left for K, so case-1 has been eliminated. Now proceeding with case-2, K will attend the marriage party on [latex]{13}^{th}[/latex] January.
Case:2- O can attend a marriage party on [latex]{6}^{th}[/latex] November.
Month/Date [latex]{6}^{th}[/latex] [latex]{13}^{th}[/latex]
January (31) K
July (31) L
September (30)
November (30) O N

The number of persons attended party between L and O is the same as the number of persons attended party between J and N. So, J will attend the marriage party on [latex]{13}^{th}[/latex] July.
Case:2- O can attend a marriage party on [latex]{6}^{th}[/latex] November.
Month/Date [latex]{6}^{th}[/latex] [latex]{13}^{th}[/latex]
January (31) K
July (31) L J
September (30)
November (30) O N

M and L attended party in the same date, but M attended before L. So, M will attend the party on [latex]{6}^{th}[/latex] January. Q attended party before P. So, Q attend the party [latex]{6}^{th}[/latex] September and P attend the party on [latex]{13}^{th}[/latex] September. So, the final arrangement is-
Month/Date [latex]{6}^{th}[/latex] [latex]{13}^{th}[/latex]
January (31) M K
July (31) L J
September (30) Q P
November (30) O N

6. Answer - Option C

R(-)______ V(+)______W(+)

7. Answer - Option B
8. Answer - Option B
9. Answer - Option D
10. Answer - Option C
11. Answer - Option B
12. Answer - Option C
Explanation (8 - 12)
Floor Person Planet
8 A Jupiter
7 S Neptune
6 M Mars
5 Q Earth
4 P Mercury
3 E Saturn
2 D ranusU
1 K Venus

13. Answer - Option E
14. Answer - Option C
The given number- 67493452
New number obtained- 67771752
15. Answer - Option D
16. Answer - Option D
Explanation (15 - 16)
Step 1: From the given conditions, the carton having Pencil is at the bottom of the stack. Carton L neither contain Pencil nor placed just above the carton which contains pencil. Only one carton is placed between L and M. Carton which contains flowers is kept immediate above M. So, from these conditions there will be two possible cases, Case I
Cartons Objects
M Pencil

Case II
Cartons Objects

Using the remaining conditions, carton which contains flowers is kept immediate above M. Only one carton is kept between carton of flower and carton of Locks. So, case II will be eliminated as there is no place for carton which contains locks.
Case I

Cartons Objects
M Pencil

Case II

Cartons Objects

Step 3: Continuing with Case I, Carton O does not contain flower. Carton O contains locks, carton N contains Flower and carton L contains Bags. Hence, we get our final arrangement,

Cartons Objects
O Locks
L Bags
N Flowers
M Pencil

17. Answer - Option C

Words Codes
makes kr
money lo
news mn
expected/paisa Ve/pr
Box/Pencil Me/qi

18. Answer - Option D
19. Answer - Option C
20. Answer - Option A
21. Answer - Option B
22. Answer - Option D
23. Answer - Option C
24. Answer - Option C
25. Answer - Option B
Step 1: From the given conditions, G sits one of the extreme ends of the row. Only two persons sit between D and G. So,
Step 2: Now, only two persons sit between the person, who stays on [latex]{36}^{th}[/latex] floor and D. Neither G nor B stays on [latex]{36}^{th}[/latex] floor. Only one person sits between F and the person, who stays on 36th floor. The person, who stays on 16th floor, sits third to the left of F.
Step 3: As it is given that, Difference of floors in which F and A stays is 6. F stays on that floor which is above floor A. F stays on prime number floor. So, A stays on [latex]{25}^{th}[/latex] floor and F stays on [latex]{31}^{th}[/latex] floor. Person, who stays on [latex]{16}^{th}[/latex] floor, sits immediate left of C.
Step 4: From the remaining conditions, H sits on the left of A and does not stay on [latex]{36}^{th}[/latex] floor. Neither C nor H is an immediate neighbour of G. A is neither immediate neighbour of H nor C. More than one person sits between C and H. From these statements case 2 will be eliminated. Now, the difference of floor number of B and H is floor number of one of the eight persons. B lives below H. D stays on that floor which is not a prime number. G stays on that floor which is above C. So, B stays on the 16th floor, H stays on [latex]{27}^{th}[/latex] floor and G stays on [latex]{19}^{th}[/latex] floor and C stays on 11th floor of the building. Hence, we get our final solution,
26. Answer - Option C Step 1: From the given conditions, Basket S contains less number of flowers than only two baskets. Basket P contains more number of flowers than basket R but less than basket U. Basket R does not contain least number of flowers. So, there will be two possible cases,
Case I
> U > S > P > R >
Case II
U > S > P > R > >
Step 2: Now, Basket U contains less number of flowers than Basket Q. So, case II will be eliminated. Continuing with case I, The basket which contain third lowest number of flowers contain 21 flowers. So basket P contains 21 flowers and basket T contains least number of flowers.
Case I
Number of flowers basket Q contains = (113 -21) = 92
27. Answer - Option D
Step 1: From the given conditions, Basket S contains less number of flowers than only two baskets. Basket P contains more number of flowers than basket R but less than basket U. Basket R does not contain least number of flowers. So, there will be two possible cases,
Case I
> U > S > P > R >
Case II
U > S > P > R > >
Step 2: Now, Basket U contains less number of flowers than Basket Q. So, case II will be eliminated. Continuing with case I, The basket which contain third lowest number of flowers contain 21 flowers. So basket P contains 21 flowers and basket T contains least number of flowers.
Case I
28. Answer - Option C
29. Answer - Option D
30. Answer - Option B
31. Answer - Option C
32. Answer - Option E
Explanation (28 - 32)
Step 1: From the given conditions, E is the oldest person. F was born after 1978 but not born in 1995. Sum of present age of F and A is 81yr. So, there will be two possible cases in which F is either born in 1982(then A is born in the year1971) or in 1999(then A is born in the year 1954).
Case I
Year (age in yrs) Person
1950(67) E
1971(46) A
1982(35) F

Case II
Year (age in yrs) Person
1950(67) E
1954(63) A
1999(18) F

Step 2: As it is given that, Difference of present ages of A and H is less than nine. B was born in odd number year after H, but not born in 1995.
Case I
Year (age in yrs) Person
1950(67) E
1971(46) A
1978(39) H
1982(35) F
1999(18) B

Case II
Year (age in yrs) Person
1950(67) E
1954(63) A
1962(55) H
1971(46) B
1999(18) F

Step 3: Using the rest of the conditions, Sum of present age of D and G is 61 yr. D is younger than G. So, from these statement cases I will be eliminated. Now continuing with case II, G was born in the year 1978 and D in the year 1995 and C was born in the year 1982. Hence, we get our final solution.
Case II
Year (age in yrs) Person
1950(67) E
1954(63) A
1962(55) H
1971(46) B
1978(39) G
1982(35) C
1995(22) D
1999(18) F

33. Answer - Option E
34. Answer - Option D
35. Answer - Option A
Explanation -
1. Rs. 1800 is given at 20% per annum SI while Rs (1800 - P) is given at 30% per annum CI. If the difference between both interests at the end of two years is Rs 315. Find P.
    A. Rs. 200 B. Rs. 300 C. Rs. 400 D. Rs. 100 E. None of these

2. Three partners A, B and C invested their amounts in ratio 7 : 5 : 3. At the end of six months, A withdraws his amount such that his total investment will be equal to C’s initial investment. If C’ share in annual Profit is Rs. 3600. A’s annual profit will be ?
    A. Rs. 6000 B. Rs. 7000 C. Rs. 4500 D. Rs. 9000 E. None of these

3. A and B sold two articles at 25% profit and 40% profit respectively. If total profit is Rs. 178 and the cost price of A is Rs 120 less than B. find the CP of B.
    A. Rs. 310 B. Rs. 370 C. Rs. 320 D. Rs. 430 E. None of these

4. B’s age is 10 years older than A. If the ratio of B’s age 11 years hence and C’s present age is 3:2. At present C’s age is thrice A’s age. What will be the age of C after 7 years?
    A. 18 years. B. 23 years. C. 28 years. D. 25 years. E. None of these

5. If the ratio of curved surface area to the volume of cylinder is 4:7 while the ratio of diameter to the height of cylinder is 14:5. Find the total surface area of cylinder.?
    A. 140 units B. 130 units C. 123 units D. 132 units E. None of these

6. A bag contains 25 cards with numbered 1, 2, 3, ……, 25. Two cards are picked at random (one after another and without replacement). Find the probability that the sum of numbers of both cards are odd?
    A. [latex]\frac {12}{50}[/latex] B. [latex]\frac {13}{25}[/latex] C. [latex]\frac {13}{50}[/latex] D. [latex]\frac {13}{27}[/latex] E. None of these

7. If time taken to cover ‘D-11’ km upstream is four times the time taken to cover D km downstream. If ratio of speed of boat in still water to the speed of water current is 9:7. And the time taken to cover ‘D-2’ km in upstream is 2 hrs. what will be the speed of boat in still water?
    A. 30 kmph B. 20 kmph C. 45 kmph D. 35 kmph E. None of these

8. Time taken to complete a work by A alone is 100% more than the time taken by both A and B to complete the work. B is thrice as efficient as C. B and C together take 12 days to complete the same work. How many days A will take to complete the work alone?
    A. 32 days B. 16 days C. 24 days D. 20 days E. None of these

9. Sashi spends 32% of his income in various expenses. Of the remaining, she spends one – fourth on her brother while 9/17 on her sister and remaining keep as savings. If the difference between her money spending on brother and sister is Rs. 3800. What is Shashi’s savings?
    A. Rs. 3000 B. Rs. 2500 C. Rs. 4000 D. Rs. 3400 E. None of these

10. If two is subtracted to the numerator while 3 is added to the denominator, ratio becomes 3 : 2. While if 7 is added to the denominator while 4 is subtracted form the numerator, ratio becomes 5:3. What is the fraction?
    A. [latex]\frac {23}{54}[/latex] B. [latex]\frac {-23}{64}[/latex] C. [latex]\frac {-89}{55}[/latex] D. [latex]\frac {-23}{55}[/latex] E. None of these

Directions (11 - 15): What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following number series.
11. 12, 7, 8, 13, 27, ?
    A. 75 B. 76 C. 60 D. 65 E. None of these

12. 15, 24, 49, 98, 179, ?
    A. 310 B. 300 C. 305 D. 315 E. None of these

13. 5, 6, 14, 45, ? , 925
    A. 184 B. 243 C. 234 D. 232 E. None of these

14. 9, 11, 22, 51, 107, ?
    A. 195 B. 210 C. 200 D. 199 E. None of these

15. 67, 75, 59, 91, 27, ?
    A. 180 B. 155 C. 170 D. 120 E. None of these

Directions (16-20): Read the following line graph and answer the following questions given below it –
There are two motorbike manufacturing companies A and B. The sale of motorbikes by these two different companies in different years is given in the graph below. 16. What is the ratio of total sales of company B in 2012 and that of company A in 2014 to the total sales of company A in 2011 and that of company B in 2015?
    A. 13:12 B. 11:9 C. 12:7 D. 13:10 E. None of these

17. What is the difference between the sales of company A in 2016 and that of company B in 2016 if the sales of company A and B increase by 20% and 10% respectively in 2016 as compared to 2015?
    A. 1700 B. 1600 C. 1800 D. 2100 E. None of these

18. The total sales of both companies in 2015 is what percent more than the total sales of both the companies in 2011?
    A. 280% B. 180% C. 200% D. 250% E. None of these

19. Find the difference between the total sales of company A from 2012 to 2014 and that of company B from 2013 to 2015?
    A. 750 B. 500 C. 600 D. 400 E. None of these

20. If the sales of company A increased by 33.33% in 2011 over its sales in 2010, then find the percent increase in the sales of company A in 2015 with respect to the sales in 2010? (up to two decimal places)
    A. 233.33% B. 210.12% C. 333.33% D. 272.32% E. None of these

Directions (21-30): Read the following table and answer the following question.
Total number of voters in different districts and Percentage of male out of these voters are given.
Districts Total voters (Male and Female) % of male out of total voters
A 350 30%
B 400 54%
C 370 50%
D 250 46%
E 300 45%
F 625 32%

21. Total number of male voters from district A and B together are how much more/less than total number of female voters from district E and D together?
    A. 21 B. 43 C. 25 D. 31 E. None of these

22. The average number of voters from district B, C and D together are approximately what percent less/more than the no. of male of voters from districts D, E and F together?
    A. 33.33% B. 24.44% C. 66.66% D. 16.66% E. None of these

23. Find the ratio of the male voters from district D and E together to the female voters form district C, E and F together?
    A. 10 : 31 B. 10 : 41 C. 10 : 51 D. 10 : 61 E. None of these

24. The no. of female voters from district F is what percent more/less than the no. of male voters from district A? (rounded off to nearest integer)
    A. 290% B. 230% C. 300% D. 305% E. None of these

25. Find the ratio of no. of male voters from districts B and E to the no. of female voters from districts C and A?
    A. 351:430 B. 341:230 C. 361:430 D. 231:410 E. None of these

Directions (26-30): Given below are two equations in each question, which you have to solve and give answer. 26. I. [latex]2{x}^{2} - 5x + 2 = 0[/latex] II. [latex]2{y}^{2} - 9y + 7 = 0[/latex]
    A. if x > y B. if x = y C. if y > x D. if y = x E. if x = y or no relation can be established

27. I. [latex]3{x}^{2} + 7x + 4 = 0[/latex] II. [latex]{y}^{2} - 9y + 7 = 0[/latex]
    A. if x > y B. if x = y C. if y > x D. if y = x E. if x = y or no relation can be established

28. I. [latex]3{x}^{2} + 5x + 4 = 0[/latex] II. [latex]{y}^{2} + 9y + 20 = 0[/latex]
    A. if x > y B. if x = y C. if y > x D. if y = x E. if x = y or no relation can be established

29. I. [latex]{x}^{2} - 7x + 10 = 0[/latex] II. [latex]{y}^{2} - 14y + 45 = 0[/latex]
    A. if x > y B. if x = y C. if y > x D. if y = x E. if x = y or no relation can be established

30. I. [latex]{(x - 16)}^{2} = 0[/latex] II. [latex]{y}^{2} = 256[/latex]
    A. if x > y B. if x = y C. if y > x D. if y = x E. if x = y or no relation can be established

Directions (31-35): What approximate value should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following questions?
Note: (You are not expected to calculate the exact value.)
31. 24.001 [latex]\times[/latex] 14.999 [latex]\times[/latex] 9.998 =
    A. 4200 B. 3000 C. 3600 D. 4000 E. 2500

32. 14.003 [latex]\sqrt{?} + 53.0345\sqrt{?} = \frac {67}{26.999} \times (?)[/latex]
    A. 801 B. 720 C. 729 D. 721 E. 744

33. 10.11 \times 36.93 + \sqrt{48.875} \times 19.99 = 17.231 \times \sqrt{?}
    A. 25 B. 144 C. 225 D. 625 E. 900

34. 1898.88 \div 189.921 + 9.99 + {(?)}^{2} = 83.89
    A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 8 E.7

35. 39.7% of 801 - 25017 = ? -63% of 810
    A. 800 B. 500 C. 574 D. 760 E. 550

Answers and Explanations
1. Answer - Option B
Explanation -
Total S.I. = [latex]\frac {1800 \times 2 \times 20}{100} = Rs. 720[/latex]
Total C.I.= (1800 - P) [latex][{(1 - \frac {30}{100}}^{2} - 1][/latex]
= (1800 - p)[latex]\times \frac {69}{100}[/latex]
ATQ (1800 - P) [latex]\times \frac {69}{100}[/latex] - 720 = 315
or, (1800 - P) [latex] = \frac {100}{69}\times 1035[/latex]
or, 1800 - P = 1500
[latex]\Rightarrow[/latex] P = 300
2. Answer - Option A
Explanation -
Let their initial investments be 7x, 5x and 3x respectively
Ratio of their profit = 7x [latex]\times[/latex] 6 + 3x [latex]\times[/latex] 6 : 5x [latex]\times[/latex] 12 : 3x [latex]\times[/latex]12
= 60x : 60x : 36x
= 15 : 15 : 9
A'S Profit = 3600 [latex]\times \frac {39}{9} \times \frac {15}{39}[/latex]
= Rs 6000
3. Answer - Option C
Explanation -
Let, CP of B be x + 120
And that of A be x
Then, [latex]\frac {25}{100} \times x + \frac {40}{100} (x + 120) = 178 [/latex]
or, [latex]\frac {65x}{100} + 48 = 178[/latex]
or, x = 200
C.P of B = x + 120 = Rs. 320
4. Answer - Option D
Explanation -
Let, age of A be "x" years
Then age of B = 'X + 10' years
And age of C = 3x years
ATQ [latex]\frac {x + 10 + 11}{3x} = \frac {3}{2}[/latex]
or, (x + 21)2 = 9x
or, 7x + 42
[latex]\Rightarrow x = 6[/latex]
Age of C after 7 years = 3x + 7 = 18 + 7 = 25 years
5. Answer - Option D
Explanation -
[latex]\frac {2 \pi r h}{\pi {r}^{2} h} = \frac {4}{7}[/latex]
or, [latex]\frac {2}{r} = \frac {4}{7}[/latex]
or, r = [latex] \frac {7}{2}[/latex]
also, [latex]\frac {2r}{h} = \frac {14}{5}[/latex]
[latex]\Rightarrow [/latex] h = [latex] \frac {5}{2}[/latex]
Total surface area = 2 [latex]\times \frac {22}{7} \times \frac {7}{2}(\frac {7}{2} + \frac {5}{2})[/latex]
= 22 [latex] \times \frac {12}{2}[/latex]
= 132
6. Answer - Option B
Explanation -
Sum can be odd in two cases:
1. First card is odd numbered & second ane is even
2. First card is even numbered & second one is odd
Required probability = [latex]\frac {13}{25} \times \frac {12}{24} + \frac {12}{25} \times \frac {13}{24} = \frac {13}{25}[/latex]
7. Answer - Option C
Explanation -
ATQ [latex]\frac {D - 11}{2X} = \frac {4D}{16x}[/latex]
or, D = 22 km
also, [latex]\frac {D - 2}{2} = 2x[/latex]
or, D - 2 = 4X
or, x = 5
Speed of boat = 9x = 45 Kmph
8. Answer - Option B
Explanation -
Let, C takes x days to complete the work alone Then, B takes [latex]\frac {x}{3}[/latex] days to complete the work alone
[latex]\frac {1}{x} + \frac {3}{x} = \frac {1}{12}[/latex]
or, x = 48 days
Suppose, A and B TAKE 'Y' days to complete the work together
Then, A take 2y days to complete the work alone
or, [latex]\frac {1}{2y} + \frac {3}{x} = \frac {1}{12}[/latex]
[latex]\frac {1}{2y} + \frac {1}{16} [/latex]
or, 2y = 16
Hence , A will take 16 days
9. Answer - Option A
Explanation -
Money spent on brother = [latex]\frac {1}{4} \times 68% = 17 %[/latex]
Money spent on sister = [latex]\frac {9}{17} \times 68% = 36 %[/latex]
(36% - 17%) of total = 3800
[latex]\Rightarrow Total = Rs. 20000[/latex]
Saving = [latex]\frac{100 - (32 + 17 + 36 )}{100} \times 20000[/latex]
= [latex]\frac{15}{100} \times 20000[/latex]
= Rs. 3000
10. Answer - Option C
Explanation -
[latex]\frac{x - 2}{y + 3} = \frac{3}{2}[/latex]
or, 2x - 4 = 3y + 9
or, 2x - 3y = 13______(i)
[latex]\frac{x - 4}{y + 7} = \frac{5}{3}[/latex]
or, 3x - 12 = 5y + 35
or, 3x - 12 = 47______(ii)
Solving(i) and (ii)
x = 89, y = -55
Fraction = [latex]\frac {-89}{55}[/latex]
11. Answer - Option E
Explanation -
27 [latex]\times [/latex] 2.5 + 1 = 68.5
[latex]\times 0.5 + 1, \times 1 + 1, \times 1.5 + 1, \times 2+ 1, \times 2.5 + 1 [/latex]
12. Answer - Option B
Explanation -

13. Answer - Option A
Explanation -
[latex]\times 1 + 1, \times 2 + 2, \times 3 + 3, \times 4 + 4, \times 5 + 5 [/latex]
14. Answer - Option D
Explanation -

15. Answer - Option B
Explanation -

16. Answer - Option A
Explanation -
Total sales of company B in 2012 and that of company A in 2014 = 2500 + 4000 = 6500
Total sales of company A in 2011 and that of company B in 2015 = 2000 + 4000 = 6000
Ratio = [latex]\frac {6500}{6000} = \frac {13}{12}[/latex]
17. Answer - Option B
Explanation -
Sales of company A in 2016 = 5000 [latex] \times \frac {120}{100} = 6000[/latex]
Sales of company B in 2016 = 4000 [latex] \times \frac {110}{100} = 4400[/latex]
Difference = 6000 - 4400 = 1600
18. Answer - Option C
Explanation -
Total sales in 2011 = 2000 + 1000 = 3000
Total sales in 2015 = 5000 + 4000 = 9000
Req% = [latex]\frac {9000 - 3000}{3000}[/latex] = 200 %
19. Answer - Option B
Explanation -
Sales of company A from 2012 to 2014 = 3500 + 4500 + 4000 = 1200
Sales of company B from 2013 to 2015 = 3000 + 4500 + 4000
= 3000 + 4500 + 400 = 11500
Difference = 500
20. Answer - Option A
Explanation -
Sales of company A in 2010 = 2000 [latex]\frac {3500}{1500} \times 100[/latex]
= [latex]\frac {3500}{1500} \times 100[/latex]
= 233.33%
21. Answer - Option A
Explanation -
No. of male voters from district A and B = [latex]\frac {30}{100} \times 350 \frac {54}{100} \times 400[/latex]
= 105 + 216 = 321
Total no of female voters from E and D = 250 [latex] \times \frac {54}{100} + 300 \times \frac {55}{100}[/latex]
= 135 + 165 = 300
Difference = 321 - 300 = 21
22. Answer - Option B
Explanation -
Average no. of voters from district, B, c and D = [latex]\frac {400 + 370 - 250}{3}[/latex]
Male voters from D, E and F together
= 250 [latex] \times \frac {46}{100} + 300 \times \frac {45}{100}+ 625 \times \frac {32}{100}[/latex]
= 115 + 135 + 200 = 450
Req% = [latex] \frac {450 - 340}{450} \times 100 [/latex] = 24.44%
23. Answer - Option A
Explanation -
No of male voters from district D and E
= 250 [latex] \times \frac {46}{100} + 300 \times \frac {45}{100}[/latex]
= 115 + 135
= 250
No of female voters from C, E and F
= 370 [latex] \times \frac {50}{100} + 300 \times \frac {55}{100} + 625 \times \frac {68}{100}[/latex]
= 185 + 165 + 425
= 775
Ratio = [latex]\frac {250}{775} = \frac {10}{31}[/latex]
24. Answer - Option D
Explanation -
No of female voters from F = 625 [latex]\frac {250}{775} = 425[/latex]
No of male voters from A = [latex]\frac {350}{1} \times \frac {30}{100}[/latex] = 105
Req% = [latex]\frac {425 - 105}{105} \times 100[/latex]
= 304.7%
[latex]\approx[/latex] 305%
25. Answer - Option
Explanation -
No of male voters from B = 400 [latex]\times \frac {54}{100} = 216[/latex]
No of male voters from E = 300 [latex]\times \frac {45}{100} = 135[/latex]
No of female voters from C = 370 [latex]\times \frac {50}{100} = 185[/latex]
No of female voters from A = 350 [latex]\times \frac {70}{100} = 245[/latex]
Required ratio = [latex] \frac {351}{430}[/latex]
26. Answer - Option E
I. [latex]2{x}^{2} - 5x + 2 = 0[/latex]
[latex]\Rightarrow 2x(x- 2) -1(x - 2) = 0[/latex]
[latex]\Rightarrow (2x- 1)(x - 2) = 0[/latex]
[latex]\Rightarrow = \frac {1}{2}, 2[/latex]
II. [latex]2{y}^{2} - 9y + 7 = 0[/latex]
[latex]\Rightarrow 2{y}^{2} - 7y - 2y + 7 = 0[/latex]
[latex]\Rightarrow y(2y - 7) -1(2y - 7)= 0[/latex]
[latex]\Rightarrow = \frac {7}{2}, 1[/latex]
i.e No relation
27. Answer - Option A
I. [latex]3{x}^{2} + 7x + 4 = 0[/latex]
[latex]3{x}^{2} + 3x + 4x + 4 = 0[/latex]
[latex]\Rightarrow 3X(X + 1) + 4(X + 1) = 0[/latex]
[latex]\Rightarrow = -1, \frac {-4}{3}[/latex]
II. [latex]{y}^{2} - 9y + 7 = 0[/latex]
[latex]\Rightarrow y(y + 5) + 4(y + 5) = 0[/latex]
[latex]\Rightarrow = -4, -5[/latex]
i.e No relation
28. Answer - Option A
I. [latex]3{x}^{2} + 5x + 4 = 0[/latex]
[latex]3{x}^{2} + 3x + 2x + 4 = 0[/latex]
[latex]\Rightarrow 3x(x + 1) + (x + 1) = 0[/latex]
[latex]\Rightarrow = -1. \frac{-2}{3}[/latex]
II. [latex]{y}^{2} + 9y + 20 = 0[/latex]
[latex]\Rightarrow y(y + 9) + 3(y + 9) = 0[/latex]
[latex]\Rightarrow = -3, -9[/latex]
i.e, x>y
29. Answer - Option D
I. [latex]{x}^{2} - 7x + 10 = 0[/latex]
[latex]\Rightarrow {x}^{2} - 5x -2x + 10 = 0[/latex]
[latex]\Rightarrow x(x - 5) - 2(x - 5) = 0[/latex]
[latex]\Rightarrow x = 2, 5[/latex]
II. [latex]{y}^{2} - 14y + 45 = 0[/latex]
[latex]\Rightarrow {y}^{2} - 9y - 5y + 45 = 0[/latex]
[latex]\Rightarrow y(y -9) -5(y -9) = 0[/latex]
[latex]\Rightarrow y = 9, 5[/latex]
i.e, x [latex]\leq[/latex] y
30. Answer - Option B
I. (x -16)(x -16) = 0
[latex]\Rightarrow x = 16[/latex]
II. y = [latex]\pm[/latex] 16
i,e, x[latex]\geq[/latex] y
31. Answer - Option C
Explanation 24 [latex]\times 15 \times 10 \approx 3600[/latex]
32. Answer - Option C
[latex]14\sqrt {x} + 53 \sqrt {x} = \frac {67}{27} \times x[/latex]
[latex]67\sqrt {x} = \frac {67}{27} \times x [/latex]
[latex]\sqrt {x} = 27[/latex]
[latex]x = 729[/latex]
33. Answer - Option E
[latex]10 \times 37 + 7 \times 20 = 17 \times \sqrt {?}[/latex]
[latex]\sqrt {?} - 30[/latex]
? = 900
34. Answer - Option D
[latex]\approx 1900 \div 190 + 10 + {\sqrt{?}}^{2} = 84[/latex]
Or, [latex]{\sqrt{?}}^{2}[/latex] = 84 - 10 - 10 or, ? = 8
35. Answer - Option
[latex]\approx 40 \times 8 - 250 = ? -63 \times 8[/latex]
[latex]? = 574[/latex]
Directions (1-10): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
In August 2008, Russian troops moved into Georgia. Observers dispute who fired first, but there was a little-noticed dimension of the conflict that will have major repercussions for the future. Computer hackers attacked Georgian government websites in the weeks preceding the outbreak of armed conflict. The Russia-Georgia conflict represents the first significant cyber attacks accompanying armed conflict. Welcome to the 21st century. Cyber threats and potential cyber warfare illustrate the increased vulnerabilities and loss of control in modern societies. Governments have mainly been concerned about hacker attacks on their own bureaucracy’s information technology infrastructure, but there are social vulnerabilities well beyond government computers.
In an open letter to the US president in September 2007, American professionals in cyber defense warned that “the critical infrastructure of the United States, including electrical power, finance, telecommunications, health care, transportation, water, defense, and the internet, is highly vulnerable to cyber attack. Fast and resolute mitigating action is needed to avoid national disaster. In the murky world of the internet, attackers are difficult to identify.
In today’s interconnected world, an unidentified cyber attack on non-governmental infrastructure might be severely damaging. For example, some experts believe that a nation’s electric power grid may be particularly susceptible. The control systems that electric power companies use are thought vulnerable to attack, which could shut down cities and regions for days or weeks. Cyber attacks may also interfere with financial markets and cause immense economic loss by closing down commercial websites.
Some scenarios, including an “electronic Pearl Harbor, sound alarmist, but they illustrate the diffusion of power from central governments to individuals. In 1941, the powerful Japanese navy used many resources to create damage thousands of miles away. Today, an individual hacker using malicious software can cause chaos in far-away places at little cost to himself. Moreover, the information revolution enables individuals to perpetrate sabotage with unprecedented speed and scope. The so-called “love bug virus, launched in the Philippines in 2000, is estimated to have cost billions of dollars in damage. Terrorists, too, can exploit new vulnerabilities in cyberspace to engage in asymmetrical warfare.
In 1998, when America complained about seven Moscow internet addresses involved in the theft of Pentagon and NASA secrets, the Russian government replied that phone numbers from which the attacks originated were inoperative. The US had no way of knowing whether the Russian government had been involved.
More recently, in 2007, China’s government was accused of sponsoring thousands of hacking incidents against German federal government computers and defense and private-sector computer systems in the US. But it was difficult to prove the source of the attack, and the Pentagon had to shut down some of its computer systems.
In 2007, when Estonia’s government moved a World War II statue commemorating Soviet war dead, hackers retaliated with a costly denial-of-service attack that closed down Estonia’s access to the internet. There was no way to prove whether the Russian government, a spontaneous nationalist response, or both aided this transnational attack.
In January 2008, President George W. Bush signed two presidential directives that called for establishing a comprehensive cyber-security plan, and his 2009 budget requested $6 billion to develop a system to protect national cyber security. President-elect Barack Obama is likely to follow suit. In his campaign, Obama called for tough new standards for cyber security and physical resilience of critical infrastructure, and promised to appoint a national cyber adviser who will report directly to him and be responsible for developing policy and coordinating federal agency efforts. That job will not be easy, because much of the relevant infrastructure is not under direct government control. Just recently, Donald Kerr, the US deputy director of national intelligence, warned that “major losses of information and value for our government programs typically aren’t from spies….In fact, one of the great concerns I have is that so much of the new capabilities that we’re all going to depend on aren’t any longer developed in government labs under government contract. Kerr described what he called “supply chain attacks” in which hackers not only steal proprietary information, but go further and insert erroneous data and programs in communications hardware and software – Trojan horses that can be used to bring down systems. All governments will find themselves exposed to a new type of threat that will be difficult to counter.
Governments can hope to deter cyber attacks just as they deter nuclear or other armed attacks. But deterrence requires a credible threat of response against an attacker. And that becomes much more difficult in a world where governments find it hard to tell where cyber attacks come from, whether from a hostile state or a group of criminals masking as a foreign government. While an international legal code that defines cyber attacks more clearly, together with cooperation on preventive measures, can help, such arms-control solutions are not likely to be sufficient. Nor will defensive measures like constructing electronic firewalls and creating redundancies in sensitive systems. Given the enormous uncertainties involved, the new cyber dimensions of security must be high on every government’s agenda.
1. According to the passage, why are “fast and mitigating action” needed against cyber threats?
    A. Cyber attacks can cripple the bureaucracy’s IT infrastructure. B. Internet attackers are difficult to identify. C. There are serious social vulnerabilities open to cyber attacks. D. Cyber attacks can accompany armed conflicts between nations. E. Cyber attacks are new to this century

2. How does the passage distinguish between “electronic Pearl Harbor” and the real one? (i) An electronic Pearl Harbor has greater speed and scope than a real one. (ii) An electronic Pearl Harbor is executed at little cost to the perpetrator. (iii) An electronic Pearl Harbor can be attempted by terrorists unlike a real one.
    A. Only (i) is correct B. Only (ii) is correct C. Only (iii) is correct D. Both (i) and (ii) are correct E. All are correct

3. What parallel does the writer draw between the 1998 cyber attack on NASA, the 2007 cyber attacks from China on Germany, and Russian attack on Estonian systems?
    A. The attackers were not traceable. B. They were all denial of service attacks. C. They had forced the respective systems to close down. D. There were allegations of the respective governments’ complicity in them. E. The government and private sector systems were attacked.

4. What reason(s) is/are cited in the passage for the possible ineffectiveness of the cybersecurity plan that may be put in place in the US by George W Bush and Barack Obama? (i) All the systems vulnerable to the attack are not under government control. (ii) The major losses of information and value for the government programs typically aren’t from spies. (iii) The hacker may insert erroneous data programmes in communications hardware and software.
    A. Only (i) is true B. Only (ii) is true C. Only (iii) is true D. Both (i) and (iii) are true E. All are true

5. According to the passage, why is it difficult for governments to have deterrence with a credible threat of response against an attacker?
    A. There is no co-operation among governments on preventive measures. B. Cyber threats are comparable to nuclear or other armed attacks. C. There is no clear legal definition about what constitutes a cyber attack. D. It is difficult for governments to ascertain whether the sources of attacks are from a hostile group of criminals or from the government itself. E. The information evolution has enabled individuals to perpetrate sabotage with unprecedented speed and scope.

6. Which of the following statements is false in context of the passage?
    A. The Russia-Georgia conflict represents the first significant cyberattacks accompanying armed conflict. B. Defensive measures like constructing electronic firewalls and creating redundancies in sensitive systems can help in preventing cyber attacks. C. The US had no way of knowing whether the Russian government had been involved in 1998 cyber attacks D. The so-called “love bug virus, launched in the Philippines in 2000, is estimated to have cost billions of dollars in damage. E. All are true

7. Choose the word/group of words which is most opposite in meaning to the word/group of words printed in bold as used in passage. Repercussion
    A. Backlash B. Cause C. Feedback D. Reply E. Sequel

8. Choose the word/group of words which is most opposite in meaning to the word/group of words printed in bold as used in passage. Erroneous
    A. Specious B. Untoward C. Fallacious D. Sophistical E. Genuine

9. Choose the word/group of words which is most similar in meaning to the word/group of words printed in bold as used in passage. Murky
    A. Obscure B. Evident C. Veracious D. Eloquent E. Lucid

10. Choose the word/group of words which is most similar in meaning to the word/group of words printed in bold as used in passage. Resilience
    A. Flocculent B. Elegance C. Flexibility D. Impairment E. Taste

Directions (11-20): Which of the phrases (A), (B), (C) and (D) given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold letters to make the sentence grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is, mark (E) i.e., "No correction required" as the answer.
11. This was practically an ultimatum, and a refusal on the part of the Argentine government to comply to the terms of the 1896 agreement meant a declaration of war by Chile.
    A. to comply at B. in compliance with C. for complying to D. to comply with E. No correction required

12. The company is allowing workers to receive cash in lieu of vacation time.
    A. in lieu for B. in lieu with C. to lieu at D. to lieu of E. No correction required

13. Regarding with the discussion about immigration, I’d like to hear Ms. Masolo’s opinion.
    A. In regards with B. With regarding C. in regards to D. with regard to E. No correction required

14. They are close to being equal, to the exception that Jonny is a teenager and can't control his power yet.
    A. in exception such B. at the exception C. With exception D. With the exception E. No correction required

15. The controversy regarding vitamin C is unlikely to be resolved at the near future.
    A. in the near future. B. around near future C. in near future D. in future E. No correction required

16. Universities are not subservient to the Government but are expected to act autonomously and independently in provisions with the Act that empowers and enlivens them
    A. in provision to B. at the provision of C. under provisions of D. under the provisions of E. No correction required

17. The poor condition of libraries is of concern after viewing the increased emphasis on reference work.
    A. in view with B. in view of C. for viewing the D. to view E. No correction required

18. He will be suspended from work until such time as this matter has been resolved.
    A. until the time since B. until the time while C. until the time as D. till the time as E. No correction required

19. His questions are set forth to his recently published book, A Certain Maritime Incident.
    A. are setting forth in B. are being set forth in C. were set forth by D. are set forth in E. No correction required

20. So far his published views had been in complete consonance to those of the older Tractarians.
    A. of complete consonance to B. completely consonant from C. completely consonant with D. in complete consonance with E. No correction required

Directions (21-30): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered and one word has been suggested alongside the blank. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five options are given. In four options, one word is suggested in each option. Find out the appropriate word which fits the blank appropriately. If the word written alongside the blank fits the passage, choose option ‘e’ (No correction required) as the correct choice.
21. India is a country that has different languages, religions, beliefs, food tastes etc, that makes it have a totally different and stand out ___(1)__(courtesy) when compared to any other country in the world. Though, India has accepted modernization, our beliefs and values still remain __(2)___(unchanged). The culture of India is a combination from the different states and union territories. There are about 29 states and seven union territories that ___(3)__(regulate) to different cultures, languages, habits and religion that brings Indian culture the most different and stand out. Unity in diversity is the ___(4)____(wealth) of Indian Culture. Apart from these, India is the ___(5)___(home) for some of the most ancient civilizations which include Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism and Buddhism which also contributed and ____(6)____(polished) the culture of India. Various factors have ____(7)___(turned) the formation of the culture of India. It is really ___(8)_____(consuming) to understand how India has a variety of complex cultures, stunning contrasts and the wonderful beauty it holds, that brings it all together to the formation of the great culture that India has. Indian culture treats Indians many great values, especially values in relationships and hospitality. In India, it is commonly said and known that guests are treated with great hospitality that no person leaves a home without being ____(9)___(fed) the best meal of that particular place. ‘Respect’ is another great lesson that the books of Indian culture teach one. Athithi Deva Bhava guest are considered to be___(10)___(marvelous).
    A. fashion B. culture C. skill D. ways E. no correction

22. India is a country that has different languages, religions, beliefs, food tastes etc, that makes it have a totally different and stand out ___(1)__(courtesy) when compared to any other country in the world. Though, India has accepted modernization, our beliefs and values still remain __(2)___(unchanged). The culture of India is a combination from the different states and union territories. There are about 29 states and seven union territories that ___(3)__(regulate) to different cultures, languages, habits and religion that brings Indian culture the most different and stand out. Unity in diversity is the ___(4)____(wealth) of Indian Culture. Apart from these, India is the ___(5)___(home) for some of the most ancient civilizations which include Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism and Buddhism which also contributed and ____(6)____(polished) the culture of India. Various factors have ____(7)___(turned) the formation of the culture of India. It is really ___(8)_____(consuming) to understand how India has a variety of complex cultures, stunning contrasts and the wonderful beauty it holds, that brings it all together to the formation of the great culture that India has. Indian culture treats Indians many great values, especially values in relationships and hospitality. In India, it is commonly said and known that guests are treated with great hospitality that no person leaves a home without being ____(9)___(fed) the best meal of that particular place. ‘Respect’ is another great lesson that the books of Indian culture teach one. Athithi Deva Bhava guest are considered to be___(10)___(marvelous)
    A. stable B. perpetual C. affected D. unvaried E. no correction

23. India is a country that has different languages, religions, beliefs, food tastes etc, that makes it have a totally different and stand out ___(1)__(courtesy) when compared to any other country in the world. Though, India has accepted modernization, our beliefs and values still remain __(2)___(unchanged). The culture of India is a combination from the different states and union territories. There are about 29 states and seven union territories that ___(3)__(regulate) to different cultures, languages, habits and religion that brings Indian culture the most different and stand out. Unity in diversity is the ___(4)____(wealth) of Indian Culture. Apart from these, India is the ___(5)___(home) for some of the most ancient civilizations which include Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism and Buddhism which also contributed and ____(6)____(polished) the culture of India. Various factors have ____(7)___(turned) the formation of the culture of India. It is really ___(8)_____(consuming) to understand how India has a variety of complex cultures, stunning contrasts and the wonderful beauty it holds, that brings it all together to the formation of the great culture that India has. Indian culture treats Indians many great values, especially values in relationships and hospitality. In India, it is commonly said and known that guests are treated with great hospitality that no person leaves a home without being ____(9)___(fed) the best meal of that particular place. ‘Respect’ is another great lesson that the books of Indian culture teach one. Athithi Deva Bhava guest are considered to be___(10)___(marvelous).
    A. contribute B. add C. supply D. serve E. no correction

24. India is a country that has different languages, religions, beliefs, food tastes etc, that makes it have a totally different and stand out ___(1)__(courtesy) when compared to any other country in the world. Though, India has accepted modernization, our beliefs and values still remain __(2)___(unchanged). The culture of India is a combination from the different states and union territories. There are about 29 states and seven union territories that ___(3)__(regulate) to different cultures, languages, habits and religion that brings Indian culture the most different and stand out. Unity in diversity is the ___(4)____(wealth) of Indian Culture. Apart from these, India is the ___(5)___(home) for some of the most ancient civilizations which include Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism and Buddhism which also contributed and ____(6)____(polished) the culture of India. Various factors have ____(7)___(turned) the formation of the culture of India. It is really ___(8)_____(consuming) to understand how India has a variety of complex cultures, stunning contrasts and the wonderful beauty it holds, that brings it all together to the formation of the great culture that India has. Indian culture treats Indians many great values, especially values in relationships and hospitality. In India, it is commonly said and known that guests are treated with great hospitality that no person leaves a home without being ____(9)___(fed) the best meal of that particular place. ‘Respect’ is another great lesson that the books of Indian culture teach one. Athithi Deva Bhava guest are considered to be___(10)___(marvelous).
    A. fortitude B. authority C. power D. strength E. no correction

25. India is a country that has different languages, religions, beliefs, food tastes etc, that makes it have a totally different and stand out ___(1)__(courtesy) when compared to any other country in the world. Though, India has accepted modernization, our beliefs and values still remain __(2)___(unchanged). The culture of India is a combination from the different states and union territories. There are about 29 states and seven union territories that ___(3)__(regulate) to different cultures, languages, habits and religion that brings Indian culture the most different and stand out. Unity in diversity is the ___(4)____(wealth) of Indian Culture. Apart from these, India is the ___(5)___(home) for some of the most ancient civilizations which include Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism and Buddhism which also contributed and ____(6)____(polished) the culture of India. Various factors have ____(7)___(turned) the formation of the culture of India. It is really ___(8)_____(consuming) to understand how India has a variety of complex cultures, stunning contrasts and the wonderful beauty it holds, that brings it all together to the formation of the great culture that India has. Indian culture treats Indians many great values, especially values in relationships and hospitality. In India, it is commonly said and known that guests are treated with great hospitality that no person leaves a home without being ____(9)___(fed) the best meal of that particular place. ‘Respect’ is another great lesson that the books of Indian culture teach one. Athithi Deva Bhava guest are considered to be___(10)___(marvelous).
    A. habitat B. business C. residence D. native E. no correction

26. India is a country that has different languages, religions, beliefs, food tastes etc, that makes it have a totally different and stand out ___(1)__(courtesy) when compared to any other country in the world. Though, India has accepted modernization, our beliefs and values still remain __(2)___(unchanged). The culture of India is a combination from the different states and union territories. There are about 29 states and seven union territories that ___(3)__(regulate) to different cultures, languages, habits and religion that brings Indian culture the most different and stand out. Unity in diversity is the ___(4)____(wealth) of Indian Culture. Apart from these, India is the ___(5)___(home) for some of the most ancient civilizations which include Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism and Buddhism which also contributed and ____(6)____(polished) the culture of India. Various factors have ____(7)___(turned) the formation of the culture of India. It is really ___(8)_____(consuming) to understand how India has a variety of complex cultures, stunning contrasts and the wonderful beauty it holds, that brings it all together to the formation of the great culture that India has. Indian culture treats Indians many great values, especially values in relationships and hospitality. In India, it is commonly said and known that guests are treated with great hospitality that no person leaves a home without being ____(9)___(fed) the best meal of that particular place. ‘Respect’ is another great lesson that the books of Indian culture teach one. Athithi Deva Bhava guest are considered to be___(10)___(marvelous).
    A. shaped B. developed C. enriched D. enhanced E. no correction

27. India is a country that has different languages, religions, beliefs, food tastes etc, that makes it have a totally different and stand out ___(1)__(courtesy) when compared to any other country in the world. Though, India has accepted modernization, our beliefs and values still remain __(2)___(unchanged). The culture of India is a combination from the different states and union territories. There are about 29 states and seven union territories that ___(3)__(regulate) to different cultures, languages, habits and religion that brings Indian culture the most different and stand out. Unity in diversity is the ___(4)____(wealth) of Indian Culture. Apart from these, India is the ___(5)___(home) for some of the most ancient civilizations which include Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism and Buddhism which also contributed and ____(6)____(polished) the culture of India. Various factors have ____(7)___(turned) the formation of the culture of India. It is really ___(8)_____(consuming) to understand how India has a variety of complex cultures, stunning contrasts and the wonderful beauty it holds, that brings it all together to the formation of the great culture that India has. Indian culture treats Indians many great values, especially values in relationships and hospitality. In India, it is commonly said and known that guests are treated with great hospitality that no person leaves a home without being ____(9)___(fed) the best meal of that particular place. ‘Respect’ is another great lesson that the books of Indian culture teach one. Athithi Deva Bhava guest are considered to be___(10)___(marvelous).
    A. changed B. influenced C. moved D. swayed E. no correction

28. India is a country that has different languages, religions, beliefs, food tastes etc, that makes it have a totally different and stand out ___(1)__(courtesy) when compared to any other country in the world. Though, India has accepted modernization, our beliefs and values still remain __(2)___(unchanged). The culture of India is a combination from the different states and union territories. There are about 29 states and seven union territories that ___(3)__(regulate) to different cultures, languages, habits and religion that brings Indian culture the most different and stand out. Unity in diversity is the ___(4)____(wealth) of Indian Culture. Apart from these, India is the ___(5)___(home) for some of the most ancient civilizations which include Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism and Buddhism which also contributed and ____(6)____(polished) the culture of India. Various factors have ____(7)___(turned) the formation of the culture of India. It is really ___(8)_____(consuming) to understand how India has a variety of complex cultures, stunning contrasts and the wonderful beauty it holds, that brings it all together to the formation of the great culture that India has. Indian culture treats Indians many great values, especially values in relationships and hospitality. In India, it is commonly said and known that guests are treated with great hospitality that no person leaves a home without being ____(9)___(fed) the best meal of that particular place. ‘Respect’ is another great lesson that the books of Indian culture teach one. Athithi Deva Bhava guest are considered to be___(10)___(marvelous).
    A. delightful B. fascinating C. demanding D. glamorous E. no correction

29. India is a country that has different languages, religions, beliefs, food tastes etc, that makes it have a totally different and stand out ___(1)__(courtesy) when compared to any other country in the world. Though, India has accepted modernization, our beliefs and values still remain __(2)___(unchanged). The culture of India is a combination from the different states and union territories. There are about 29 states and seven union territories that ___(3)__(regulate) to different cultures, languages, habits and religion that brings Indian culture the most different and stand out. Unity in diversity is the ___(4)____(wealth) of Indian Culture. Apart from these, India is the ___(5)___(home) for some of the most ancient civilizations which include Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism and Buddhism which also contributed and ____(6)____(polished) the culture of India. Various factors have ____(7)___(turned) the formation of the culture of India. It is really ___(8)_____(consuming) to understand how India has a variety of complex cultures, stunning contrasts and the wonderful beauty it holds, that brings it all together to the formation of the great culture that India has. Indian culture treats Indians many great values, especially values in relationships and hospitality. In India, it is commonly said and known that guests are treated with great hospitality that no person leaves a home without being ____(9)___(fed) the best meal of that particular place. ‘Respect’ is another great lesson that the books of Indian culture teach one. Athithi Deva Bhava guest are considered to be___(10)___(marvelous).
    A. offered B. supplied C. handled D. served E. no correction

30. India is a country that has different languages, religions, beliefs, food tastes etc, that makes it have a totally different and stand out ___(1)__(courtesy) when compared to any other country in the world. Though, India has accepted modernization, our beliefs and values still remain __(2)___(unchanged). The culture of India is a combination from the different states and union territories. There are about 29 states and seven union territories that ___(3)__(regulate) to different cultures, languages, habits and religion that brings Indian culture the most different and stand out. Unity in diversity is the ___(4)____(wealth) of Indian Culture. Apart from these, India is the ___(5)___(home) for some of the most ancient civilizations which include Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism and Buddhism which also contributed and ____(6)____(polished) the culture of India. Various factors have ____(7)___(turned) the formation of the culture of India. It is really ___(8)_____(consuming) to understand how India has a variety of complex cultures, stunning contrasts and the wonderful beauty it holds, that brings it all together to the formation of the great culture that India has. Indian culture treats Indians many great values, especially values in relationships and hospitality. In India, it is commonly said and known that guests are treated with great hospitality that no person leaves a home without being ____(9)___(fed) the best meal of that particular place. ‘Respect’ is another great lesson that the books of Indian culture teach one. Athithi Deva Bhava guest are considered to be___(10)___(marvelous).
    A. enduring B. religious C. divine D. eternal E. no correction

Answers and Explanation
1. Answer - Option C Explanation
Refer the third paragraph of the passage, “In an open letter to the US president in September 2007, American professionals in cyber defense warned that “the critical infrastructure of the United States, including electrical power, finance, telecommunications, health care, transportation, water, defense, and the internet, is highly vulnerable to cyber attack. Fast and resolute mitigating action is needed to avoid national disaster.” Hence (c) is the correct choice.
2. Answer - Option Explanation
Refer the fourth paragraph, “In 1941, the powerful Japanese navy used many resources to create damage thousands of miles away. Today, an individual hacker using malicious software can cause chaos in far-away places at little cost to himself. Moreover, the information revolution enables individuals to perpetrate sabotage with unprecedented speed and scope. The so-called “love bug virus, launched in the Philippines in 2000, is estimated to have cost billions of dollars in damage. Terrorists, too, can exploit new vulnerabilities in cyberspace to engage in asymmetrical warfare.” Hence all the three statements are correct in context of the passage.
3. Answer - Option Explanation
. Refer the [latex]{5}^{th}[/latex], [latex]{6}^{th}[/latex] and [latex]{7}^{th}[/latex] paragraphs. From these paragraphs it can be easily inferred that in all 3 cases, they failed to trace the attackers.
4. Answer - Option E Explanation
Refer the 8th paragraph, “That job will not be easy, because much of the relevant infrastructure is not under direct government control…….. major losses of information and value for our government programs typically aren’t from spies………. hackers not only steal proprietary information, but go further and insert erroneous data and programs in communications hardware and software…” Hence all three statements are true in context of the passage.
5. Answer - Option D Explanation
Refer the second last paragraph, “But deterrence requires a credible threat of response against an attacker. And that becomes much more difficult in a world where governments find it hard to tell where cyberattacks come from, whether from a hostile state or a group of criminals masking as a foreign government.” Hence (d) is the correct option.
6. Answer - Option B Explanation
Refer the last paragraph, “While an international legal code that defines cyber attacks more clearly, together with cooperation on preventive measures, can help, such arms-control solutions are not likely to be sufficient. Nor will defensive measures like constructing electronic firewalls and creating redundancies in sensitive systems.” Hence (b) is the only incorrect statement among the given options.
7. Answer - Option Explanation
. Repercussion means an unintended consequence of an event or action, especially an unwelcome one. Hence ‘cause’ is the word opposite in meaning to it
8. Answer - Option E Explanation
Erroneous means wrong; incorrect. Hence ‘genuine’ is the word opposite in meaning to it
9. Answer - Option A Explanation
Murky means obscure or morally questionable. Hence ‘murky’ and ‘obscure’ are similar in meanings.
10. Answer - Option C Explanation Option
Resilience means the ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape; elasticity. Hence ‘resilience’ and ‘flexibility’ are similar in meanings.
11. Answer - Option D Explanation
‘to comply with’ is the correct usage. Comply with something means to conform to something.
12. Answer - Option E Explanation
‘In lieu of’ which means ‘instead of’ is correct and therefore no correction is required.
13. Answer - Option D Explanation
‘With regard to’ is a correct phrase as it means concerning to or with respect to.
14. Answer - Option D Explanation
‘With the exception’ is used for saying that someone or something is not included in what you are saying hence is correct.
Sol. ‘In the near future’ is correct. If you say that something will happen in the near future, you mean that it will happen quite soon.
15. Answer - Option A
16. Answer - Option D Explanation
‘Under the provisions of’ is correct and means a clause in a legal instrument, a law, etc., providing for a particular matter; stipulation; provison.
17. Answer - Option B Explanation
‘in view of’ means ‘because or as a result of’ hence is the correct choice for the given sentence.
18. Answer - Option Explanation
There is no correction in the given statement as ‘until such time as’ means ‘until the time when’ in formal speaking
19. Answer - Option Explanation
. ‘are set forth in’ is the correct choice as set forth means “to explain something”.
20. Answer - Option Explanation
‘In complete consonance with’ is the correct choice as it means ‘in agreement with’.
21. Answer - Option B
22. Answer - Option E
23. Answer - Option A
24. Answer - Option D
25. Answer - Option E
26. Answer - Option C
27. Answer - Option B
28. Answer - Option B
29. Answer - Option D
30. Answer - Option C