Metal | Ores |
Aluminium (Al) | Bauxite, Corundum, felspar, Cryolite, Kaolin |
Antimony (Sb) | Stibnite |
Barium (Ba) | Barite, Witherite |
Cadmium (Cd) | Greenockite |
Calcium (Ca) | Chalk, Quicklime, Calcite, Dolomite, Gypsum, Asbestus |
Chromium (Cr) | Chromite |
Copper (Cu) | Malachite, Chalcocite, Chalcopyrite, Cuprite |
Gold (Au) | Quartz, Calaverite, Silvenites |
Iron (Fe) | Hematite, Magnetite, Lemonite, Copper pyrites |
Lead (Pb) | Galena |
Magnesium (Mg) | Magnesite, Dolomite, Epsom salt, Carnalite |
Manganese (Mn) | Pyrolusite |
Mercury (Hg) | Cinnabar |
Potassium (K) | Carnalite, Sylvite, Potash |
Silver (Ag) | Argentite |
Sodium (Na) | Rock Salt, Trona, Borax |
Strontium (Sr) | Strontianite, Silestine |
Tin (Sn) | Cassiterite |
Zinc (Zn) | Zincite, Ferulinite , Calamine |
Uranium (U) | Uraninite |
Tungsten (W) | Wolframite, Scheelite |
Nickel (Ni) | Pentlandite, Milarite |
Beryllium (Be) | Beryl |
Alloy | Components |
Brass | Copper and Zinc |
Bronze | Copper and Tin |
Gun Metal | Copper, Zinc and Tin |
German Silver | Copper, Zinc and Nickel |
Duralumin | Aluminium, Copper, Magnesium and Manganese |
Magnesium | Aluminium and Magnesium |
Nickel Steel | Iron and Nickel |
Stainless Steel | Iron, Chromium and Nickel |
Electrum | Silver and Gold |
Solder | Tin and Lead |
Invar | Iron and Nickel |