1. The magnetism of magnet is due to
A. the spin motion of electron
B. earth
C. pressure of big magnet inside the earth
D. cosmic rays
Ans: A
2. Which of the following is the most suitable material for making permanent magnet ?
A. Steel
B. Soft iron
C. Copper
D. Nickel
Ans: A
3. The permanent magnet is made from which one of the following substances?
A. Diamagnetic
B. Paramagnetic
C. Ferromagnetic
D. Electromagnetic
Ans: C
4. Demagnetisation of magnets can be done by
A. rough handling
B. heating
C. magnetising in the opposite direction
D. All of the above
Ans: D
5. Which of the following is most suitable for the core of electromagnets?
A. Soft iron
B. Steel
C. Copper-nickel alloy
D. Air
Ans: A
6. A magnetic needle is kept in a non-uniform magnetic field. It experiences
A. neither a force nor a torque
B. a torque but not a force
C. a force but not a torque
D. a force and a torque
Ans: D
7. Out of the following, diamagnetic substance is
A. iron
B. copper
C. lead
D. silver
Ans: B
8. The magnetic compass is not useful for navigation near the magnetic poles. Since
A. R = 0
B. V = 0
C. H = 0
D. q = 0º
Ans: C
9. Metals getting magnetized by orientation of atomic magnetic moments in external magnetic field are called
A. diamagnetics
B. paramagnetics
C. ferromagnetics
D. antimagnetics
Ans: B
10. At magnetic poles, the angle of dip is
A. 45º
B. 30º
C. zero
D. 90º
Ans: D
11. Curie temperature is the temperature above which
A. a ferromagnetic material becomes paramagenetic
B. a paramagnetic material becomes diamagnetic
C. a ferromagnetic material becomes diamagnetic
D. a paramagnetic m aterial becomes ferromagnetic
Ans: A
12. Electromagnets are made of soft iron because soft iron has
A. low retentivity and high coercive force
B. high retentivity and high coercive force
C. low retentivity and low coercive force
D. high retentivity and low coercive force
Ans: D
13. To shield an instrument from external magnetic field, it is placed inside a cabin made from
A. wood
B. ebonite
C. iron
D. diamagnetic substance
Ans: C
14. The force which makes maglev move
A. gravitational field
B. magnetic field
C. nuclear forces
D. air drag
Ans: b
15. A conducting wire can give magnetic poles when it
(a) bent into the form of a circular ring
(b) placed in an external magnetic field
(c) suspended freely in air
(d) All of the above
Ans: a
16. Which of the following is an artificial magnet?
A. Bar magnet
B. Horse-shoe magnet
C. Magnetic needle
D. All of the above
Ans: D
17. The distance between two magnetic poles is doubled and their pole-strength is also doubled. The force between them
A. increases to four times
B. decreases by half
C. remains unchanged
D. increases to two times
Ans: B
18. Earth’s magnetic field always has a horizontal component except at
A. magnetic equator
B. magnetic pole
C. geographical north pole
D. at an altitude of 45°
Ans: B
19. When an iron bar is moved over a bar magnet along its length the attractive force
A. increases first and then decreases
B. decreases first and then increases
C. remains same
D. cannot say
Ans: B
20. When the S–pole of a magnet is placed near an unknown pole of another magnet, the two magnets
A. repel each other because the unknown pole is N–pole
B. repel each other because the unknown pole is S–pole
C. attract each other because the unknown pole is S–pole
D. can either attract or repel
21 Two magnets A and B are placed with like poles having one above another. What will happen?

A. A will stuck to B
B. A will remain as in figure
C. A will move side ways
D. Can't say
Ans: B
22. A compass which is allowed to move in a horizontal plane is taken to a geomagnetic pole. It
A. will stay in north-south direction only
B. will stay in east-west direction only
C. will stay in any position
D. None of these
23. Magnetic meridian is a
A. point
B. horizontal plane
C. vertical plane
D. line along N-S
24. Due to the earth's magnetic field, charged cosmic ray particles
A. require greater kinetic energy to reach the equator than the poles
B. require less kinetic energy to reach the equator than the poles
C. can never reach the equator
D. can never reach the poles
25. Which one of the following is a non-magnetic substance?
A. Iron
B. Cobalt
C. Nickel
D. Brass
26. The universal properties of all substances is
A. diamagnetism
B. ferromagnetism
C. paramagnetism
D. All of these