ID - requirements:Candidates will have to invariably produce and submit the requisite documents such as valid call letter, a photocopy of photo-identity proof bearing the same name as it appears on the online submitted application form etc. at the time of examinations (Preliminary & Main) and interview respectively.
Call letter to be Submitted:Candidates should write their Roll No. & Registration No. on the photocopy of photo identity proof. Candidates will not be permitted to appear for the examination if they do not bring the call letter along with the photo identity proof in original and a photocopy. Candidates will be required to put their left thumb impression clearly and sign clearly in the respective spaces provided on the call letter in the presence of the invigilator in the examination hall. Candidates should hand over the call letter along with the photocopy of the photo identity proof duly stapled together to the invigilator in the examination hall, when he/she collects the call letters.
Punctuality in Attendance: Candidates should be present at the examination hall before the time given in the call letter. Candidates arriving late will not be permitted to enter the Examination Hall. No query in this connection shall be entertained.
Compliance with Instructions: Candidates should scrupulously follow the instructions given by test administrators and the invigilators at all the stages of the examination for which they have been called. If any candidate violates the instructions they will be disqualified and may also be asked to leave the examination hall.
Items not allowed inside the examination center:
Any stationery item like textual material (printed or written), bits of papers, Geometry/Pencil Box,
Plastic Pouch, Calculator, Scale, Writing Pad, Pen Drives, Log Table, Electronic Pen/Scanner etc.
Any communication device like Mobile Phone, Bluetooth, Earphones, Microphone, Pager, Health Band etc.
Any watch/Wrist Watch, Camera, etc.
Any metallic item
Any eatable item opened or packed, water bottle etc.
Other items like Goggles, Handbags, Hair-pin, Hair-band, Belt, Cap, etc.
Any ornament like Ring, Earrings, Nose-pin, Chain/Necklace, Pendants, Badge, brooch etc. should be thoroughly checked.
Any other item which could be used for unfair means for hiding communication devices like camera, blue tooth devices etc.
6. Candidates cannot leave their seat unless allowed.
Use of Stationery: Candidates should bring stationary such as pencils, eraser and a ball point pen to the examination hall.
Rough work to be done on the sheet provided: You should do all the necessary rough work on sheet provided only. After the test is over, you should hand over the sheet, given for rough work to the invigilator before leaving the room. Any candidate who does not return or is found to attempt to take or pass on the questions or answers inside or outside the examination hall will be disqualified and the
IBPS may take further action against him/her as per the rules.
Travelling Allowance not admissible: No travelling allowance or other expenses in connection with the examination will be paid.
10. The possibility for occurrences of some problem in the administration of the examination cannot be ruled out completely which may impact test delivery and/or result from being generated. In that event, every effort will be made to rectify such problem, which may include the conduct of another examination if considered necessary.
11.Any infringement of these instructions shall entail cancellation of candidature and disciplinary action including ban from future examinations and police complaints.
Note: IBPS or any agency engaged with conduct of the online examination shall not take any responsibility for loss of any of the items. The responsibility of safekeeping of the same shall rest with the candidates at a cost or no cost.