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General Science Quiz Sets

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General Science Quiz Sets

shape Introduction

General Science is a subject or course of study in which the elements of several sciences are studied. General Science is a very important topic in several competitive exams. General Science primarily is a combination of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Earth & Environmental Sciences. Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Earth and Environmental Sciences are very useful for the general understanding of our environment and existence of life on human planet. The article General Science Quiz Sets lists some of the important quiz questions for the General Science section of various exams including UPSC, Railways recruitment and other government sector related recruitments in India.
Physics is the scientific study of forces such as heat, light, pressure, gravity, and electricity.
Chemistry involved with elements and compounds composed of atoms, molecules, and ions.IT is a branch of science that involves the study of the composition, structure and properties of matter.
Biology, a branch of science is the study of life and living organisms, including their physical structure, chemical processes, molecular interactions, physiological mechanisms, development and evolution.

shape Quiz

Q1. Which of the following organelles is called 'Atom bombs'?
    A. Microtubules B. Nucleolus C. Golgi bodies D. Lysosome Answer: D

Q2. Which gas is used for converting vegetable oils into saturated fats?
    A. [latex]H_{2}[/latex] B. [latex]O_{2}[/latex] C. [latex]Cl_{2}[/latex] D. [latex]SO_{2}[/latex] Answer: A

Q3. The primary colours in photography are
    A. Red, Blue, Yellow B. Red, Yellow, Green C. Red, Blue, Green D. Blue, Yellow, Green Answer: C

Q4. Which of the following is biodegradable?
    A. Paper B. D.D.T C. Aluminium D. Plastic Answer: A

Q5. One Kilowatt-hour is equal to_______.
    A. 36 x [latex]10^{5}[/latex] Joules B. 3.6 x [latex]10^{5}[/latex] Joules C. 36.8 X [latex]10^{6}[/latex] joules D. 3.6 x [latex]10^{-19}[/latex] joules Answer: A

Q6. The element which is required by the plant in large quantity
    A. Calcium B. Nitrogen C. Phosphorus D. None of these Answer: B

Q7. Convex mirrors are used as a rear view mirror in motor cycles because
    A. gives a view of larger area B. it forms erect (upright) image C. it forms smaller image as compared with object D. All of these Answer: D

Q8. Syntax Errors are determined by
    A. Interpreter B. ALU C. Logic Unit D. Control Unit Answer: D
Q1. White clothes are cooler than black ones because they
    A. absorb all the light that reaches them B. reflect all the light that reaches them C. will not allow the light to penetrate D. cool the sunlight completely Answer: B

Q2. Which of the following scale used for measuring intensity of earthquake?
    A. Richter scale B. Seismograph C. Mercalli scale D. Likert scale Answer: C

Q3. Who was the first person to ‘walk’ in space?
    A. Lovell B. Anders C. Leonov D. Armstrong Answer: C

Q4. Sodium Carbonate is commonly known as
    A. Baking Soda B. Washing Soda C. Caustic Soda D. Caustic Potash Answer: B

Q5. In which type of thermometer two different types of metal wires are joined together at two junctions?
    A. Resistance Thermometer B. Bimetal Thermometer C. Thermistor Thermometer D. Thermocouple Thermometer Answer: D

Q6. Unit of impedance is _______.
    A. ohm B. henry C. tesla D. hertz Answer: A

Q7. Soap helps in better cleaning of clothes because
    A. It reduces the surface tension of solution. B. Soap acts like catalyst. C. It absorbs the dirt. D. It gives strength to solution. Answer: A
Q1. Which of the following is an anti oxidant?
    A. Vitamin-C B. Vitamin-K C. Vitamin-B D. Vitamin-D Answer: A

Q2. Gas thermometers are more sensitive than the liquid thermometers because the gases
    A. have large coefficient of expansion B. are lighter C. have low specific heat D. have high specific heat Answer: A

Q3. 1024 bytes equals:
    A. 1 TB B. 1 GB C. 1 MB D. 1 KB Answer: D

Q4. Haemoglobin has the highest half Unity with which of the following?
    A. SO2 B. CO2 C. CO D. NO2 Answer: C

Q5. Blood Circulation was discovered by?
    A. Mary Anderson B. Virginia Apgar C. William Harvey D. Robert Feulgen Answer: C

Q6. ________ is used for making vinegar.
    A. Tartaric acid B. Malic acid C. Oxalic acid D. Acetic acid Answer: D

Q7. Hematite is an ore/mineral of
    A. Zinc B. Iron C. Lead D. Manganese Answer: B
Q1. Which of the following is correctly matched with regard to thermal power project ?
    A Talcher -Andhra Pradesh B Korba - Uttar Pradesh C Kawas – Gujarat D Ramagundam - MadhyaPradesh Answer: C

Q2. In an electric motor, the energy transformation is from ?
    A electrical to chemical B chemical to light C mechanical to electrical D electrical to mechanical Answer: D

Q3. An object is in static equilibrium when it is.
    A at rest B moving in a circular path C moving with uniform velocity D accelerating at high speed Answer: A

Q4. Which of the following atmospheric gases constitute green house gases?
    1. Carbon dioxide 2. Nitrogen 3. Nitrous oxide 4. Water vapour A 1, 3 and 4 B 1 and 4 C 1 and 3 D 1, 2 and 4 Answer: A

Q5. ‘Table sugar’ is which type of sugar?
    A Fructose B Galactose C Glucose D Sucrose Answer: D

Q6. The term cell was first coined by
    A Swanson B Leeuwenhoek C Robert Hooke D Robert brown Answer: C

Q7. The unit of which physical quantity is not pascal?
    A Moment of inertia B Pressure C Stress D Young's modulus Answer: A
Q1. Which drug is used to cure Hypertension?
    A. Risedronate B. Diazepam C. Folic Acid D. Hydralazine Answer: D

Q2. Which among the following compounds has the strongest hydrogen bond?
    A. HI B. HCI C. HF D. HBr Answer: C

Q3. Atomic number of which of the following elements is greater than that of Calcium?
    A. Chlorine B. Argon C. Sulphur D. Scandium Answer: D

Q4. For which of the following substances, the resistance decreases with increase in temperature?
    A. Pure silicon B. Copper C. Nichrome D. Platinum Answer: A

Q5. Group of 4 bits form a
    A. Byte B. Nibble C. Gigabyte D. Terabyte Answer: B

Q6. Psidium guajava is the scientic name of.
    A. Guava B. Mango C. Bamboo D. Jack fruit Answer: A

Q7. Which of the following symbiotic associations forms lichen?
    A. An algae and a fungus B. An algae and a bryophyte C. A bacterium and a fungus D. A bacterium and a gymnosperm Answer: A
1. For which of the following pairs of quantities, the SI unit is same?
    A. Plane angle and solid angle B. Work and energy C. Moment of inertia and radius of gyration D. Magnetic induction and inductance Answer: B

Q2. A small gap is left at the joints of rails in a railway track to
    A. avoid the tracks being distorted due to seasonal temperature variation B. avoid the heating of tracks to high temperature C. control the speed of train D. keep the rails equidistant Answer: A

Q3. Who gave the call for ‘Evergreen Revolution’ in India?
    A. MS Swaminathan B. APJ Abdul Kalam C. Dr Manmohan Singh D. MS Ahluwalia Answer: A

Q4. A water tank appears shallower when it is viewed from top due to
    A. rectilinear propagation of light B. reflection C. total Internal reflection D. refraction Answer: D

Q5. Which among the following is found in chlorophyll?
    A. [latex]Ca^{2+}[/latex] B. [latex]Mg^{2+}[/latex] C. [latex]Fe^{2+}[/latex] D. [latex]Al^{3+}[/latex] Answer: B

Q6. Sodium Carbonate is commonly known as
    A. Baking Soda B. Washing Soda C. Caustic Soda D. Caustic Potash Answer: B

Q7. Brass is made of
    A. copper and tin B. tin and lead C. copper and zinc D. copper, tin and zinc Answer: C

Q8. What is Inertia?
    A. Tendency to resist change in the current state B. Tendency to impart acceleration to a body C. Tendency to bring a body to rest D. Tendency to change its current state Answer: A
Q1. Atmospheric pressure is measured by
    A. Barometer B. Hexameter C. Nanometer D. Glaxometer Answer: A

Q2. Which one of the following is the first electronic computer?
    A. ENIAC B. UNIVAC C. MARK-1 D. None of These Answer: A

Q3. The Fat Man and the Little Boy are the names of ?
    A. Chemical Reactions B. Atomic Bombs C. Nuclear Reactors D. None of These Answer: B

Q4. Match the following:
    Statement 1) The volume of an ideal gas at constant pressure 2) A pseudoforce on an object when it is moving in uniform circular motion. 3) The susceptibility of an isotropic paramagnetic substance KHI=C/TLaw a) Curie’s Law b) Charle’s law c) Centrifugal force A. 1 (b), 2(c), 3 (a) B. 1 (c), 2(a), 3 (b) C. 1 (a), 2(c), 3 (b) D. 1 (b), 2(a), 3 (c) Answer: A

Q5. What is the unit of relative density?
    A. kg/m B. [latex]kg/m^{2}[/latex] C. [latex]kg/m^{3}[/latex] D. It has no unit Answer: D

Q6. 1 Micron is equal to
    A. [latex]10 m^{-9}[/latex] B. [latex]10 m^{-12}[/latex] C. [latex]10 m^{-6}[/latex] D. [latex]10 m^{-15}[/latex] Answer: C

Q7. Which one among the following is a solid lubricant?
    A. Germanium B. Sulphur C. Graphite D. Indium Answer: C
Q1. Who is known as the 'Birdman of India'?
    A. Salim Ali B. R Mishra C. Meghanand Saha D. Harish Chandra Answer: A

Q2. Who discovered the sea route to India?
    A. Vasco da Gama B. Columbus C. Magellan D. Henry the Navigator Answer: A

Q3. The first effective vaccine against polio was prepared by
    A. J.H. Gibbon B. Jonas E. Salk C. Robert Edwards D. James Simpson Answer: B

Q4. The chemical substance present in bones and teeth is
    A. Calcium phosphate B. Calcium chloride C. Calcium sulphate D. Calcium borate Answer: A

Q5. Name the drug that is yielded from Cinchona tree and is used to cure malaria.
    A. Camptothea B. Acuminata C. Quinine D. Cinchonia Answer: C

Q6. Earth-worms belongs to the phylum:
    A. Protozoa B. Cnidaria C. Annelida D. Mollusca Answer: C

Q7. Artocarpus integral is the scientific name of.
    A. Guava B. Pineapple C. Silver Oak D. Jack fruit Answer: D

Q8. The deciency of vitamin A causes?
    A. Beri-beri B. Night blindness C. Rickets D. Pellagra Answer: A
Q1. When net torque is zero, ________ will be constant.
    A. force B. angular momentum C. linear momentum D. acceleration Answer: B

Q2. Insects that transmit diseases are known as
    A. Pathogens B. Vectors C. Drones D. Scalars Answer: B

Q3. What is the unit of the physical quantity Entropy?
    A. watt per kelvin B. newton per kelvin C. pascal per kelvin D. joule per kelvin Answer: D

Q4. The particle required to continue the chain process of Uranium fission is
    A. Electron B. Proton C. Neutron D. Positron Answer: C

Q5. The chief source for the production of nitrogenous fertilizers is
    A. Ammonia B. Nitric acid C. Nitrogen D. Nitrogen dioxide Answer: A

Q6. The process of pollination by birds is also known as
    A. Hydrophily B. Entomophily C. Embryophily D. Ornithophily Answer: D

Q7. Revolving Door was invented by _________.
    A. Lucien Vidi B. John Venn C. Theophilus Van Kannel D. Lewis Urry Answer: C
Q1. If an object, on a free fall from a certain height, reaches the ground in 1 second, what is its velocity on the impact with the ground?
    A. 4.9 m/s B. 9.8 m/s C. 14.7 m/s D. 19.6 m/s Answer: B

Q2. What will happen to the force between the two positive charges, which are released after being held near each other?
    A. Force will increase B. Force will decrease C. Force will stay the same D. None of the Above Answer: B

Q3. Plant cell wall is made up of
    A. Cellulose B. Glucose C. Sucrose D. Fructose Answer: A

Q4. Phonograph was invented by which of the following scientists?
    A. Hans Geiger B. Hans Oersted C. Thomas Edison D. Paul Cornu Answer: C

Q5. In which form is glucose stored in our body?
    A. Insulin B. Glucose C. Glycogen D. Fat Answer: C

Q6. Minamata disease was caused due to
    A. Lead B. Cyanide C. Mercury D. Methyl Isocyanate Answer: C

Q7. What is the Greenhouse Effect?
    A. The fall in population of plants due to human activity B. It is the warming of earth's surface due to its atmosphere C. The polluting effect of burning fossil fuels D. The heating of the atmosphere due to depletion of the ozone layer Answer: A

Q8. Which of the following are also known as suicidal bag of Cells?
    A. Lysosomes B. Lycosome C. Nucleus D. Chromosome Answer: B
Q1. Which one of the following is a ‘Surface to Air Missile’?
    A. Trishul B. K-15 Sagarika C. Agni D. None of these Answer: A

Q2. Equus Caballus is the scientific name of.
    A. Horse B. Zebra C. Donkey D. Buffalo Answer: A

Q3. What is the pH of water?
    A. 7 B. 5 C. 3 D. 1 Answer: A

Q4. Which of the following weeds has been found effective in checking water pollution caused by industrial afuents?
    A. Water hyacinth B. Elephant Grass C. Parthenium D. Both (1) and (2) Answer: D

Q5. Which mineral is the ore of aluminium?
    A. Haematite B. Bauxite C. Magnetite D. Siderite Answer: B

Q6. A __________is species of plant that has adapted to survive in an environment with little liquid water.
    A. xerophyte B. hydrophyte C. mesophyte D. thallophyte Answer: A

Q7. The most suitable unit for expressing nuclear radius is
    A. Fermi B. angstrom C. micron D. nanometer Answer: A

Q8. __is a strong drug that doctors give to people to make them calm or help them sleep.
    A. Barbiturate B. Antidepressant C. Antihistamine D. Beta-Blocker Answer: A
Q1. Device used for the detection and measurement of all types of radiation (alpha, beta and gamma)
    A. Geiger counter B. Polarimeter C. Calorimeter D. Radiometer Answer: A

Q2. Venn diagram was invented by
    A. Lucien Vidi B. John Venn C. Theophilus Van Kannel D. Lewis Urry Answer: B

Q3. Commonly used abbreviation SEO in computer science stands for?
    A. System Engine Optimization B. Search Engine Optimization C. Structured Engine Optimization D. Single Engine Optimization Answer: B

Q4. Which of the following is equivalent to 1 Kilobyte?
    A. 128 Bytes B. 256 Bytes C. 512 Bytes D. 1024 Bytes Answer: D

Q5. Who Invented Gas Turbine?
    A. Edwin Howard Armstrong B. John Barber C. Edwin Beard Budding D. Nicholas Callan Answer: B

Q6. What is the unit of the physical quantity "Stress"?
    A. newton second B. steradian C. pascal D. joule Answer: C

Q7. Which one of the following is an ‘Air-to-Air’ missile?
    A. Prithvi B. Agni C. Akash D. Astra Answer: D
Q1. Which planet in our solar system is nearly as big as the earth?
    A. Mercury B. Mars C. Venus D. Pluto Answer: C

Q2. A formal language used to express information or knowledge, often for use in computer system design is?
    A. Command Language B. Machine Language C. Markup Language D. Modeling language Answer: D

Q3. The integrated circuits used in a computer are made up of ________.
    A. Chromium B. Iron C. Silica D. Silicon Answer: D

Q4. Nutrients are recycled in the atmosphere with the help of certain micro-organisms referred to as
    A. producers B. consumers C. decomposers D. None of these Answer: C

Q5. Grave’s disease is casued due to
    A. Hyperactivity of thyroid B. Hyperactivity of thymus C. Hyperactivity of parathyroid D. none of these Answer: A

Q6. Grevillea Robusta is the scientificc name of
    A. Peepal B. Teak C. Silver Oak D. Jack fruit Answer: C

Q7. Rectiers convert
    A. high voltage to low voltage B. low voltage to high voltage C. AC to DC D. DC to AC Answer: C

Q8. Which drug is used as an Antidepressant?
    A. Oxybutynin B. Tramadol C. Sumatriptan D. Bupropion Answer: D
Q1. The conversion of hard water into soft water by boiling or adding calcium hydroxide is called
    A. Baker's process B. Temp's process C. Clarke's process D. Lake's process Answer: C

Q2. Achras sapota is the scientific name of
    A. Custard Apple B. Gulmohar C. Tamarind D. Chiku Answer: D

Q3. Which of the following gases if present in the atmosphere can be detected by its outdour?
    A. Ethane B. Sulphur dioxide C. Hydrogen D. Carbon monoxide Answer: B

Q4. The phenomenon which causes mirage is
    A. Total internal reflection B. Diffraction C. Polarisation D. Interference Answer: A

Q5. Which one of following is called the primary pace maker of the heart?
    A. A.V. Node B. Chordae tendinae C. A. V. Septum D. S. A. Node Answer: D

Q6. Maleria is caused by _____.
    A. Entamoeba histolytica B. Leishmania C. Clostridium D. Plasmodium Answer: D

Q7. Alta Vista is a
    A. Programme B. Software C. Browser D. Search Engine Answer: D
Q1. Acacia arabica is the scientific name of
    A. Neem B. Teak C. Babhul D. Pomegranate Answer: C

Q2. Which of the following Train runs between New Delhi and Wagah?
    A. Shatabdi Express B. Thar Express C. Samjhauta Express D. Maitree Express Answer: C

Q3. The crop which occupies maximum cultivated area in India is
    A. Rice B. Wheat C. Gram D. Linseed Answer: A

Q4. Which is the second largest gland of Human body?
    A. Liver B. Large Intestine C. Thorax D. Pancreas Answer: D

Q5. Concentration of a material which is lethal to 50% animal is called
    A. LD50 B. LC50 C. NOAEL D. ADI Answer: B

Q6. Which among the following is a vector quantity?
    A. Heat B. Angular momentum C. Work D. Time Answer: B

Q7. Delonix regia Ran is the scientic name of
    A. Banyan B. Gulmohar C. Tamarind D. Chiku Answer: B
Q1. First man to go into space was?
    A. Roald Amundsen B. Reynalt Mayor C. Robert Peary D. Major Yuri Gagarin Answer: D

Q2. First American President to visit India is
    A. D. D. Eisenhower B. Jimmy Carter C. George Washington D. Ronald Reagon Answer: A

Q3. Norman Ernest Borlaug, regarded as the father of Green Revolution in India, is from
    A. Australia B. New Zealand C. USA D. Mexico Answer: C

Q4. The famous three P’s of environmental awareness are
    A. People, Poverty, Politics B. Power, Production, Pollution C. Population, Politics, Price D. Population, Poverty, Pollution Answer: D

Q5. Which of the following properties is not shown by solid materials?
    A. Ductility B. Fluidity C. Hardness D. Brittleness Answer: B

Q6. Transpiration increases in
    A. Hot, damp and windy condition B. Cool,damp and windy condition C. Cool, dry and still condition D. Hot, dry and windy condition Answer: D

Q7. Social forestry is
    A. growing different types of plants together on private land B. management of forest by cooperative societies C. growing one type of plant in government owned land D. growing and management of useful plants on government owned land Answer: B

Q8. When a stone is thrown in the calm water of a pond the waves produced on the surface of water In the pond are
    A. longitudinal B. transverse C. both longitudinal and transverse D. waves are not produced Answer: B
Q1. Silicon is a
    A. Semiconductor B. Insulator C. Nonconductor D. Conductor Answer</strong: A

Q2. Archaeopteryx had the following repetition characters
    A. Teeth on jaw, tail, back B. Clawed wings, teeth on jaw, tail C. Clawed wings, scales, feathers D. Teeth on jaw, feathers, tail Answer</strong: B

Q3. The name of nonreactive gas is
    A. Carbon dioxide B. Hydrogen C. Nitrogen D. Oxygen Answer</strong: C

Q4. Which of the following is not a method of preparing oxygen?
    A. Electrolysis of water B. Fractional distillation of liquid air C. Decomposition of potassium permanganate D. Decomposition of managanese dioxide Answer</strong: D

Q5. Identify the metal which is non toxic in nature.
    A. Chromium B. Gold C. Cadmium D. Cobalt Answer</strong: B

Q6. Ozone layer above the surface of Earth provides a shield against
    A. X-rays B. Ultra-violet rays C. Gamma rays D. Infra-red rays Answer</strong: B

Q7. The rate at which scanning is repeated in a CRT is called:
    A. refresh rate B. resolution C. pitch D. bandwidth Answer</strong: A
Q1. Flowerless plants are term as
    A. Phanerogams B. Bryophytes C. Thallophytes D. Cryptogams Answer: D

Q2. What is the edible part of carrot?
    A. Fleshy leaves B. Roots C. Stem D. Flower Answer: B

Q3. The lightest radioactive element is
    A. decterium B. polonium C. tritium D. uranium Answer: C

Q4. Which command is not used to switch off the computer?
    A. Turn off B. Log off C. Shut Down D. Hibernate Answer: B

Q5. The non-green phototropic plants of plant kingdom are
    A. Mosses B. Ferns C. Algae D. Fungi Answer: D

Q6. In sea, plants are, restricted up to the depth of
    A. 20 m B. 200 m C. 1000 m D. 2000 m Answer: B

Q7. Animals adapted to life in air are called:
    A. Fossorial B. Arboreal C. Cursorial D. Volant Answer: C

Q8. Study of heart is known as_______.
    A. Ecology B. Dermatology C. Cardiology D. Demography Answer: D
Q1. Heart attack occurs due to_______.
    A. Bacterial attack on the heart B. Stopping of heart beat C. Lack of supply of blood to the heart itself D. Impairment of heart’s working due to unknown reasons Answer: C

Q2. The example of hermaphrodite animal in which cross fertilization occurs is
    A. Hydra B. Ascaris C. Earthworm D. Silkworm Answer: A

Q3. A bug in a program is a/ an
    A. Statement B. Error C. Syntax D. Both (2) and (3) Answer: B

Q4. The main pollutant responsible for Bhopal Gas Tragedy is
    A. Methyl isocyanate B. Bromine C. Chlorofluro carbon D. Chlorine Answer: C

Q5. Of the following which one pollutes the air of a big city?
    A. Copper B. Chromium C. Lead D. Calcium Answer: C

Q6. Environmental pollution can be controlled by:
    A. Checking atomic blasts B. Manufacturing electric vehicles C. Sewage treatment D. All of the above Answer: D

Q7. One carat of diamond is equal to
    A. 100 mg B. 150 mg C. 200 mg D. 250 mg Answer: C
Q1. The stagnant water at the bottom of a lake is called
    A. Epilimnion B. Mesolimnion C. Metalimnion D. Hypolimnion Answer: D

Q2. Two richest Known sources of edible protein are
    A. Meat and eggs B. Some algae and other Micro-organisms C. Soyabean and groundnut D. Milk and leafy vegetables Answer: C

Q3. The following particles move with same kinetic energy. Which of them has maximum momentum?
    A. Electron B. Proton C. Deutron D. Alpha Particle Answer: D

Q4. A radioactive substance has a half-life of four months. Three-fourth of the sub stance will decay in
    A. 8 months B. 12 months C. 4 months D. 6 months Answer: A

Q5. Programs which protect a disk from an infection are called as
    A. Vaccines B. Antidotes C. Library routines D. Interpreters Answer: A

Q6. Branch of biology which deals with the study of identication, nomenclature and classication on organism is____.
    A. Exobiology B. Ecology C. Taxonomy D. Toxicology Answer: C

Q7. The scientist who studied about wheat rust problem- ____
    A. H.C. Bose B. K.C. Mehta C. Birbal Shani D. D. D. Pant Answer: B

Q8. Sewingmachine was invented by
    A. Alfred P. Southwick B. Isaac Singer C. Murasaki Shikibu D. Hanaoka Seishu Answer: B
Q1. Atomic number of which element is greater than that of chlorine?
    A. Potassium B. Sulphur C. Aluminium D. Helium Answer: A

Q2. Which of the following is not an example of latex?
    A. Rubber B. Banyan C. Banana D. Tea Answer: D

Q3. Analgesics ________.
    A. relieve acidity B. relieve pain C. relieve itching D. relieve bloating Answer: B

Q4. Punicagranatum is the scientific name of.....
    A. Custard Apple B. Gulmohar C. Silver Oak D. Pomegranate Answer: D

Q5. What is the unit of the physical quantity "Inductance"?
    A. weber B. farad C. henry D. tesla Answer: C

Q6. Which is the most economical method of removing solid matter from water?
    A. Using deactivated carbon B. Electrolysis C. Distillation D. Sedimentation Answer: D

Q7. Damping off of seedlings is caused by ?
    A. Pythium B. Parasitica C. Phytophthora infestans D. Albugo candida Answer: A
Q1. Mushroom cultivation is not useful in
    A. Biogas production B. Biological control of crop diseases C. Recycling of agricultural wastes D. Preventing cancer Answer: B

Q2. Permissible noise level at Residential area during night time is
    A. 45 dB (A) B. 55 dB (A) C. 75 dB (A) D. 80 dB (A) Answer: A

Q3. The most important element of weather affecting agriculture in India is
    A. Temperature B. Humidity C. Wind D. Rainfall Answer: D

Q4. ‘Flash foods’ are associated with
    A. Thunderstorms B. Cyclonic storms C. Tsunami D. Tornado Answer: B

Q5. “Fire-fighting clothes” are made from
    A. Mica B. Asbestos C. Talc D. Steatlite Answer: B

Q6. Which drug is used as a Thyroid Harmon?
    A. Metformin B. Ketoconazola C. Promethizin D. Levothyroxine Answer: D

Q7. Which chemical compound is used in making of rat killing poisons?
    A. Red Phosphorous B. Ammonia C. Sulphuric Acid D. White Phosphorous Answer: D

Q8. Who was the rst to propose the concept of gravitational waves?
    A. Albert Einstein B. Rainer Weiss C. Kip Thorne D. Henri Poincare Answer: D
Q1. PET is a very familiar form of _____________. It is used for making bottles.
    A. Nylon B. Acrylic C. Polyester D. Rayon Answer: C

Q2. Who invented the Submersible?
    A. John Kay B. John Fitch C. Hans Oersted D. David Bushnell Answer: D

Q3. Who among the following discovered the Prime Numbers?
    A. Euclid B. Apollonius C. Eratosthenes D. Anaxagoras Answer: C

Q4. Who is the author of the book ‘Cyber Pathshala’?
    A. Sourabh Duggal B. Tarun Vijay C. S.M. Khan D. Khushwant Singh Answer: B

Q5. Who invented first working laser?
    A. A H. Taylor B. W. K. Roentgen C. T. H. Maiman D. Fred Morrission Answer: C

Q6. What is the full form of ROM?
    A. Random-optical Memory B. Random-access Memory C. Read-on Memory D. Read-only Memory Answer: D

Q7. What is the formulation of Nickel Silver?
    A. 60% copper, 20% nickel and 20% zinc B. 20% copper, 60% nickel and 20% zinc C. 60% zinc, 20% nickel and 20% Copper D. 20% copper, 60% nickel and 60% zinc Answer: A
Q1. A liquid disturbed by stirring comes to rest due
    A. density B. surface tension C. viscosity D. centripetal force Answer: C

Q2. Which part of brain controls the hormonal secretion of endocrine glands?
    A. Hypothalamus B. Thalamus C. Cerebrum D. Cerebellum Answer: A

Q3. Based on the common features like presence of chordate and dorsal hollow neural system, animals like shes, amphibians, reptiles, birds along with mammals are included in which Phylum?
    A. Mammalia B. Chordata C. Primata D. Insecta Answer: B

Q4. Which one is metal_____?
    A. sulphar B. sugar C. nitrogen D. Copper Answer: D

Q5. The fat of a common mussel-secretes a sticky glue that can be used to make heart implants. The unique chemical compound present in the glue is
    A. Amino phenyl alanine B. Hydroxy phenyl alanine C. Phenyl alanine D. Dihydroxy phenyl alanine Answer: D

Q6. If waste materials contaminate the source of drinking water, which of the following diseases will spread?
    A. Scurvy B. Typhoid C. Malaria D. Anaemia Answer: B

Q7. What year was the cell nucleus first discovered?
    A. 1831 B. 1804 C. 1813 D. 1840 Answer: B

Q8. In water treatment plant, use of chlorinates ensures
    A taste and odor control B weed control in reservoirs C disinfection D removal of permanent hardness Answer: C
Q1. Proteins are digested by
    A. Proteases B. Amylases C. Lipases D. Nucleases Answer: A

Q2. ‘Plague’ is caused by ______.
    A. Bacteria B. Protozoa C. Virus D. All of the above Answer: A

Q3. Which of the following is not an insectivorous plant?
    A. Nepenthes B. Utricularia C. Drosera D. Cuscuta Answer: D

Q4. The total number of bones in the human body is
    A. 206 B. 260 C. 306 D. 360 Answer: A

Q5. An organism which can monitor air pollution is
    A Bacteria B Lichen C Algae D Fungi Answer: B

Q6. The colour change in the Chalmeleon is due to the presence of
    A. Haemoglobin B. Chromatophore C. Chlorophyll D. Pneumatophore Answer: B

Q7. Daltonism (Protanopia) is the form of colour blindness in which the patient cannot see
    A. Yellow colour B. Red colour C. Blue colour D. All the above colours Answer: B
Q1. ________ is the cell organelle, in which the biochemical processes of respiration and energy production occur.
    A. Mitochondria B. Chloroplast C. Ribosomes D. Nucleus Answer: A

Q2. Which of the following disease is not caused by Protozoa?
    A. Malaria B. Diarrhoea C. Trachoma D. Sleeping Sickness Answer: C

Q3. Lycopene is a type of chloroplast found in
    A. Leaf B. Tomato C. Carrot D. Beet root Answer: B

Q4. Which of the following is not a viral disease?
    A. Influenza B. Rabies C. Chicken pox D. Leprosy Answer: D

Q5. Silk is produced by
    A. Egg of a silkworm B. Pupa of silkworm C. Larva of silkworm D. Insect itself Answer: C

Q6. An invertebrate does not have
    A. Notochord B. Body cavity C. Haemocoel D. Gills Answer: A

Q7. Which of the following agricultural practices have been primarily responsible for pollution of our water resources?
    1. Use of live-stock manure 2. Use of chemical fertilisers 3. Excessive use of chemical pesticides 4. Deforestation A. 2 and 3 B. 1, 3 and 4 C. 1 and 2 D. 1, 2 and 4 Answer: A

Q8. Which of the following weeds has been found useful to check water pollution caused by industrial efuents?
    A. Parthenium B. Elephant grass C. Water hyacinth D. Both (1) and (2) Answer: C
Q1. The fur of the animals living in colder regions
    A. protects them from water B. traps the air and keeps them warm C. protects them from enemies D. makes them appear beautiful Answer: B

Q2. Fat soluble vitamins are
    A. Tocopherol, Niacin, Cyanocobalamin B. Calciferol, Carotene, Tocopherol C. Ascorbic acid, Calciferol, Riboflavin D. Thiamine, Carotene, Biotin Answer: B

Q3. _is a drug or substance that makes you feel relaxed and makes your body work and react more slowly.
    A. Antidote B. Analgesic C. Antihistamine D. Depressant Answer: D

Q4. Muscles get tired when there is shortfall of _
    A. Lactic acid B. Na+ ions C. ATP D. Sulphates Answer: C

Q5. Which of the following is not considered as a part of the Abiotic Environment?
    A. Plants B. Air C. Water D. Soil Answer: A

Q6. Which of the following is a symptom of haemophilia?
    A. Night Blindness B. No clotting of Blood C. Rickets D. Loss of haemoglobin Answer: B

Q7. The process of producing energy in plants is known as
    A. Absorption B. Reduction C. Photosynthesis D. Transpiration Answer: C
Q1. How many types of teeth are there in humans?
    A. 4 B. 5 C. 2 D. 3 Answer: A

Q2. Which of the following series is true about energy ow in an ecosystem ?
    A. Producers → Decomposers → Consumers B. Decomposers → Consumers → Producers C. Producers → Consumers → Decomposers. D. Consumers → Producers → Decomposers Answer: C

Q3. Match correctly the Nutrient deciency given in List-I with the diseases caused by the deciency given in
    List-II. List I List II (1) Iodine (i) Microcytic anaemia (2) Iron (ii) Pernicious anaemia (3) Niacin (iii) Goitre (4) Vitamin [latex]B_{12}[/latex] (iv) Pellagra A. (1) (2) (3) (4) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii) B. (i) (iii) (it) (iv) C. (ii) (iv) (iii) (i) D. (iii) (i) (iv) (ii) Answer: D

Q4. Which of the following three R's are regarded as environment friendly ?
    A. Reduce, Rebuild, Restrict B. Random, Reduce, Recall. C. Read, Register, Recall. D. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Answer: D

Q5. To which habitat is the turtle Petrie adapted?
    A. Desert B. Forest C. Sea D. Marshes Answer: C

Q6. Some roots, called _________, arise from an organ other than the eradicable
    A. tap roots B. stilt roots C. fibrous roots D. adventitious roots Answer: B

Q7. Prawns belong to which family?
    A. Crustaceans B. Fish C. Amphibians D. Reptiles Answer: A

Q8. Cannis Familiaris is the scientific name of
    A. Cat B. Dog C. Fox D. Wolf Answer: B
Q1. a leaf where the leaflets are arranged along the middle vein.
    A. Pinnately compound leaf B. Palmately compound leaf C. Compound leaf D. Simple leaf Answer: B

Q2. The process of passing signals from one nerve cell to another via chemical substances or electrical signals is known as
    A. Biological Transmission B. Chemical Transmission C. Electrical Transmission D. Neuro Transmission Answer: D

Q3. Bambusa dendrocalmus is the scientific name of......
    A. Banyan B. Papaya C. Bamboo D. Pomegranate Answer: C

Q4. Dissolved oxygen in rivers is close to __________parts per million.
    A. 125 B. 25 C. 5 D. 0 Answer: C

Q5. Which of the following elements has the lowest melting point?
    A. Bromine B. Zinc C. Lead D. Calcium Answer: A

Q6. Using which of the following processes can one separate a solute from its solution?
    A. Sedimentation B. Evaporation C. Filtration D. Condensation Answer: B

Q7. The upper part of the Hydrosphere is composed almost completely of which gas ?
    A. Ozone B. Nitrogen C. Oxygen D. Hydrogen Answer: D

Q8. Which Union Territory in India has four districts but none of its districts has a common boundary with its other districts?
    A. Puducherry B. Dadra and Nagar Haveli C. Andaman and Nicobar Islands D. Chandigarh Answer: A
Q1. Which instrument is used to measure the water vapor in the atmosphere?
    A. Hydrometer B. Anemometer C. Hygrometer D. Refractometer Answer: C

Q2. Alpha particles are _____
    A. twice the mass of beta particles B. negatively charged C. just like helium nuclei D. lower in ionizing power as compared to gamma rays Answer: C

Q3. Maximum permissible concentration of copper in drinking water in mg/L is
    A. 0.01 B. 0.05 C. 1.0 D. 2.0 Answer: B

Q4. Which one of the following is not a photosynthetic pigment?
    A. Chlorophyll B. Phycobilin C. Carotenoid D. Anthocyanin Answer: D

Q5. The red color of red soil is due to
    A. Nitrogen B. Humus C. Iron D. Copper Answer: C

Q6. Acetic acid is known as _________
    A. Caustic soda B. Spirit C. Baking soda D. Vinegar Answer: D

Q7. Which chemical is used to ripen mangoes artificially?
    A. Sulphur Dioxide B. Nitrous Oxide C. Calcium Carbide D. Phosphorous Answer: C
Q1. For what is Radiocarbon dating technique used?
    A. To estimate soil contamination B. To estimate the amount of water in fossils C. To estimate the age of fossils D. To estimate the quality of soil Answer: C

Q2. Name the Fiber used in making bristles for brushes.
    A. Kevlar B. Nylon-66 C. Terylene D. Lexan Answer: B

Q3. The sweet taste of fruits is due to__
    A. Lactose B. Fructose C. Maltose D. Ribose Answer: B

Q4. An element that does not occur in nature but can be produced artificially is
    A. Thorium B. Radium C. Plutonium D. Uranium Answer: C

Q5. Saline and alkaline soils in India are also called as
    A. Kallar B. Khadar C. Regur D. Banga Answer: A

Q6. An example of hetero cyclic compound is
    A. Naphthalene B. Furan C. Benzene D. Anthracene Answer: B

Q7. In electro-rening, the pure metal is deposited on __
    A. Vessel B. Electrolyte C. Cathode D. Anode Answer: C

Q8. The concept of ‘Carbon credit’ originated from
    A. Earth Summit, Rio-de Janerio B. Kyoto Protocol C. Montreal Protocol D. None of the above Answer: B
Q1. Which drug is used as an Anti-Histamine?
    A. Fexofenadine B. Ranitidine C. Promethazine D. Ibuprofen Answer: C

Q2. Adding which substance gives green color to glass?
    A. Calcium oxide B. Iron oxide C. Chromium oxide D. Manganese oxide Answer: C

Q3. The upper part of the Hydrosphere is composed almost completely of which gas?
    A. Ozone B. Nitrogen C. Oxygen D. Hydrogen Answer: D

Q4. Which of the following molecules is joined by a double convalescent bond?
    A. [latex]Cl_2[/latex] B. [latex]O_2[/latex] C. [latex]N_2[/latex] D. [latex]He_2[/latex] Answer: B

Q5. In a water lifting electric pump, we convert
    A. Electrical energy into Potential energy B. Kinetic energy into Electrical energy C. Kinetic energy into Potential energy D. Electrical energy into Kinetic energy Answer: A

Q6. Who invented the contact lens?
    A. Enrico Fermi B. Adolf Gaston Eugen Fick C. Sandford Fleming D. Benoit Fourneyron Answer: B

Q7. The Newton's, First Law is also called as
    A. Law of moments B. Law of inertia C. Law of energy D. Law of momentum Answer: B
Q1. If the orbit of a planet is an ellipse then what is the point at which the Sun is located called?
    A. Centre B. Circumcentre C. Incentre D. Focus Answer: D

Q2. Diode valve was designed by
    A. JA Fleming B. Lee de forest C. Einstein D. Benjamin Franklin Answer: A

Q3. In science a push or pull of an object is called __
    A. Pick B. Lift C. Force D. Shut Answer: C

Q4. The attribute ____ species (in pixels) the distance between two adjacent cells
    A. Width B. Height C. Cellpadding D. Cellspacing Answer: D

Q5. Which color is formed when Red and Green are mixed?
    A. Light Blue B. Yellow C. White D. Grey Answer: B

Q6. Which color is produced when three secondary colors are mixed?
    A. Red B. Yellow C. White D. Blue Answer: C

Q7. What is the SI unit of electric potential?
    A. Watt B. Coulomb C. Joule D. Volt Answer: D

Q8. When a stone is brought from the surface of the moon to the earth, then______.
    A. Both mass and weight will change B. Its mass will change C. Its weight will change but not the mass D. Neither mass changes nor weight Answer: C
Q1. Which device used to convert DC to AC?
    A. Amplifier B. Rectifier C. Stabilizer D. Power inverted Answer: D

Q2. The incident ray, the _________ at the point of incidence and the reacted ray all lie in the same plane.
    A. Surface B. tangent C. normal D. angle of reflection Answer: C

Q3. In the following option, which does not belong to Inertia’s type?
    A. Inertia of rest B. Inertia of direction C. Inertia of speed D. None of above Answer: C

Q4. Number of images formed by two plane mirrors inclined by angle ɵ are
    A. 360/ ɵ-1 B. 360/2ɵ - 1 C. 180/ ɵ - 1 D. 180/2 ɵ -1 Answer: A

Q5. Isogonic lines are the lines that join the places of same
    A. Horizontal component B. Declination C. Pressure D. Temperature Answer: B

Q6. ___is a type of computing that performs computation, storage and even applications as a service across a network.
    A. Cloud Computing B. Distributed Computing C. Parallel Computing D. Virtual Computing Answer: A

Q7. The intensity of a wave
    (I) follows inverse square law. (II) is proportional to its amplitude. (III) is proportional to the square of the amplitude. A. I and II are true B. II and III are true C. Only II is true D. I and III are true Answer: D

Q8. A ball rolling along the ground gradually slows down and anally comes to rest is due to ________.
    A. Friction B. Magnetic force C. Electrostatic force D. Muscular force Answer: A
Q1. An image formed by a plane mirror, that cannot be obtained on a screen is called ____
    A. Virtual image B. Real image C. Inverted image D. Erect image Answer: A

Q2. If sound travels 40m during 20 vibrations, then what is the wavelength?
    A. 2m B. 0.5m C. 4m D. 3m Answer: A

Q3. The frictional force exerted by fluids is also called ____.
    A. drag B. buoyancy C. upthrust D. convection Answer: A

Q4. Which of the following organelles is called 'Atom bombs'?
    A. Microtubules B. Nucleolus C. Golgi bodies D. Lysosome Answer: D

Q5. Which gas is used for converting vegetable oils into saturated fats?
    A. [latex]H_{2}[/latex] B. [latex]O_{2}[/latex] C. [latex]C_{l2}[/latex] D. [latex]SO_{2}[/latex] Answer: A

Q6. The primary colors in photography are
    A. Red, Blue, Yellow B. Red, Yellow, Green C. Red, Blue, Green D. Blue, Yellow, Green Answer: C

Q7. Which of the following is biodegradable?
    A. Paper B. D.D.T C. Aluminium D. Plastic Answer: A

Q8. One Kilowatt-hour is equal to__
    A. 36 x [latex]10^{5}[/latex] Joules B. 3.6 x [latex]10^{5}[/latex] Joules C. 36.8 X [latex]10^{6}[/latex] joules D. 3.6 x [latex]10^{-1}[/latex] joules Answer: A

Q9. Which of the following statements regarding council of ministers is correct?
    A. The council of ministers shall be collectively responsible to the Lok Sabha B. There shall be a council of minsters with the Prime Minister as the head C. The Council of Minsters shall be individually responsible to the President D. All of These Answer: D
Q1. Self-pollination will lead to
    A. Inbreeding B. rare breeding C. Overbreeding D. Outbreeding Answer: A

Q2. Which of the following causes Malaria?
    A. Insect B. Bacteria C. Protozoa D. Virus Answer: C

Q3. Which of the following is not a Rabi crop in India?
    A. Wheat B. Barley C. Rapeseed D. Jute Answer: D

Q4. Mushroom cultivation is not useful in
    A. Biogas production B. Biological control of crop diseases C. Recycling of agricultural wastes D. Preventing cancer Answer: B

Q5. The Drone in honey-bee are
    A. Fertile male B. Fertile female C. Sterile male D. Sterile female Answer: A

Q6. Which of the following micro organisms is used in milk curdling?
    A. Acetobacter B. Leuconostoc C. Bacillus D. Lactobacillus Answer: D

Q7. Ultra violet light of Sun’s radiation is prevented from reaching the earth’s atmosphere by the layer of
    A. Oxygen B. Hydrogne C. Ozone D. Helium Answer: C
Q1. Full form of CFL used in place of electric bulbs is
    A. compact fluorescent lamp B. constantan filament lamp C. closed filament lamp D. closed fluorescent lamp Answer: A

Q2. A mixture of water and alcohol can be separated by
    A. Filtration B. Evaporation C. Decantation D. Distillation Answer: D

Q3. The percentage of oxygen in air is approximately
    A. 100% B. 1% C. 78% D. 21% Answer: D

Q4. The manufacture of iron from iron ore involves the process of
    A. oxidation B. reduction C. fractional distillation D. electrolysis Answer: B

Q5. The most electro negative element among the following is
    A. Fluorine B. Sodium C. Chlorine D. Oxygen Answer: A

Q6. Which chemical compound is used in the production of gunpowder?
    A. Potassium bromide B. Potassium nitrate C. Mono-potassium tartarate D. Sodium thiosulphate Answer: B

Q7. Turquoiseis an ore/mineral of
    A. Copper B. Manganese C. Mercury D. Tin Answer: A

Q8. Fe has 26 protons in its nucleus. What are the number of electrons in [latex]Fe^{2}[/latex] + (II) ion?
    A. 24 B. 26 C. 28 D. 13 Answer: A