VB.Net - SPLessons
SPLessons 5 Steps, 3 Clicks
5 Steps - 3 Clicks

VB.Net Tutorial

VB.Net Tutorial

shape Introduction

Before discussing about the visual basic, user need to learn about actually what is. net. Dot net is a framework upon which applications are built. It has been made up of two core pieces they are CLR (common language run time), FCL (framework class libraries). CLR is an execution environment in which program runs and manages an application. The latest version of.NET Framework is 3.0 where the CLR version is 2.0.

shape Features

Following are the new features of VB.Net.

shape Prerequisites

Before learning about modules in Dot Net framework user has to learn what is the functionality of each module why because VB.Net is a basic module if user know how to write code in VB.Net then it will be more fun and interesting.


shape Points

  • Dot Net will have drag and drop facility.
  • Dot Net was developed by Microsoft that runs on Microsoft windows only.
  •  FCL provide cryptography development.