Inheritance is defined as the one class acquires the properties, methods and events of the other class. Here the base class is having the properties like methods, variables, objects and the subclass will acquire all the Properties of the base class. Subclass class will Reuse the methods, variables that are defined in the base class with a base class object. The use of the Inheritance is the data in made in the hierarchical manner. The main use of the inheritance is the Re-usability.Following is an example which describes what is the concept behind the inheritance
Following is an example which describes more about the inheritance concept.
[vbnet]Imports System
Imports System.Threading
Module Module1
Class Person
Private strName As String
Public intAge As Integer
Public Function getName()
Return strName
End Function
Public Function getAge()
Return intAge
End Function
Public Sub setName(ByVal name As String)
strName = name
End Sub
End Class
Class CricketPlayer
Inherits Person
Public strNationality As String
Function getNationality()
Return strNationality
End Function
End Class
Sub Main()
Dim player As New CricketPlayer
player.intAge = 23
player.strNationality = "india"
System.Console.WriteLine("Name :" + player.getName())
System.Console.WriteLine("Nationality :" + player.getNationality())
System.Console.WriteLine("Age :" + CType(player.getAge(), String))
End Sub
End Module[/vbnet]
When compile the program output will be as follows.
The interface can be defined as a collection of abstract methods and class can be defined as box generally, inside of this box developer can write functions, methods. Class implements an interface that describes the properties, methods and events.Following is the code which describes an interface with one function, one property, and one event.
[vbnet]Interface IAsset
Event ComittedChange(ByVal Success As Boolean)
Property Division() As String
Function GetID() As Integer
End Interface[/vbnet]
Implements is the visual basic reserved word.Following is an example which describes how to use the kaeword implements.
[vbnet]Class Class1
Implements interfaceclass.interface2
Sub Sub1(ByVal i As Integer) Implements interfaceclass.interface2.Sub1
End Sub
End Class[/vbnet]
All the base class properties will be hired by child class in inheritance concept.
Implements is the reserve keyword of visual basic.