VB.Net - SPLessons
SPLessons 5 Steps, 3 Clicks
5 Steps - 3 Clicks

VB.Net Send Email

VB.Net Send Email

shape Description

In this article you are going to learn How to send an email message Using VB.Net. To send an email from the Visual Basics, we have to use the SMTP protocol. SMTP means "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol".Some times it is difficult to get the result even every thing is fine in the code then the problem is with SMTP authentication.Following is an name space needs to be imported to the code. [vbnet]Imports System.Web.Mail[/vbnet]

shape Step-1

Follow the below steps to send an email from the VB.Net.
  • Open Visual Studio 2013.
  • Go to File->New->Project as shown in the below figure.

shape Step-2

Select the Console Application and also give the Name as shown in the below figure.

shape Step-3

Go to Project and click on the Add Reference as shown in the below figure.

shape Step-4

Select the Framework and then select the  System.Web as shown in the below figure.

shape Step-5

Click on OK. Then you will get the reference for the System.Web.Mail.Write the following code in the Module1.vb.Run the Application and check the emails to see the result. [vbnet] Imports System.Web.Mail Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim Msg As MailMessage = New MailMessage() 'sender e-mail address Msg.From = "devid@gmail.com" 'recipient e-mail address. Msg.To = "John@gmail.com"a Msg.Subject = "Splessons" Msg.BodyFormat = MailFormat.Html Msg.Body = "Welcome to SPlessons" 'Attachment Dim File As String = "C:\Users\hp pavillion\Documents\Data Type.docx" Dim Attach As MailAttachment = New MailAttachment(File, MailEncoding.Base64) Msg.Attachments.Add(Attach) 'remote SMTP server. SmtpMail.SmtpServer = "Smtp.gmail.com" SmtpMail.Send(Msg) Msg = Nothing Attach = Nothing End Sub End Module [/vbnet]


shape Points

  • SMTP is a email transmission.
  • System.Web.Mail will consists of all the classes to send an mail.
  • For mail submission SMTP uses the port number 587.