For every exam, candidates are provided with the instructions and rule which must be followed at the examination centre. Candidates are strongly advised to read the instructions carefully to get acquainted with all the elements of the UPSC CDS II Recruitment process. For the convenience of the applicants, SPLessons providing certain instructions which must be followed on the exam day through the article UPSC CDS II Test Day.
UPSC CDS II Test Day Instructions - Instructions
Carry the photo copy of UPSC CDS II 2019 Admit Card.
Carry photo id proof and address proof to the exam hall.
The id proof document must be Government id.
Candidates are strictly instructed not to carry any electronic device to the exam hall.
On reaching the venue, applicants need to submit the belongings to the exam officer.
Candidates must occupy the seat allotted based on roll number.
Candidate must reach the venue sixty minutes prior to commencement of exam.
The documents will be verified by the authority before allowing candidates inside the exam premise.
Last minute entry to exam hall is strictly prohibited.
Candidates are requested to follow the guidelines in order to appear for UPSC CAF 2019 exam.