JUnit - SPLessons
SPLessons 5 Steps, 3 Clicks
5 Steps - 3 Clicks

JUnit Annotations

JUnit Annotations

shape Introduction

This chapter demonstrate the JUnit Annotations. Which has the several basic annotations by using these user can reduce coding and extra burden from tester. JUnit Annotations are basically two types  Pre Defined and User Defined. Predefined annotations are available in JUnit. In order to use the annotations user can directly import from the JUnit. User can define own methods those are the User define. Some basic annotations with examples are briefly described here.
  • Types Of JUnit Annotations?
  • Explain all the annotations.

Types Of JUnit Annotations?

shape Description

In order to check which are used to track the test methods working conditions on test cases. These are the some of the JUnit Annotations.

Explain all the annotations.

shape Description

Explanation for the above JUnit Annotations is as follows.


shape Description

Test annotation described that which method is attach to the public void method to run as a test case in JUnit. In order to run this method JUnit initially invoked instance of a class and then invoke the @Test annotation. If any Exceptions are raised by the test those are the JUnit failures if not Test is succeeded. The below example demonstrate the use of @Test annotation. [c]import org.junit.Test; import com.simpleprogram.proteintracker.TrackingService; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class trackingServiceeTest { @Test public void NewTrackingServiceTotalIsZero() { TrackingService service = new TrackingService(); assertEquals("Tracking service was not zero", 0, service.getTotal()); } } [/c]

shape Step 1

To run this project initially programmer needs to Configure The Build Path to the created project  ProteinTracker and ProteinTrackerTest. In order to configurethe build path First right click on the project ProteinTrackerTest a Dialogue box will appear in that select BuildPath - > Configure BuildPtah as shown in below provided image.

shape Step 2

Now another window will appear named as Properties For ProteinTrackerTest with some options in that click on Project and then select Add button.

shape Step 3

Then another window appear named as Required Project Selection in that select the appropriate project and click on the check box provided then clock Ok.

shape Step 4

The above visible test method can be run as by right clicking any where on Eclipse window will open a dialogue box providing some options, selecting Run As will explore  another dialogue box, now select JUnit Test as shown in below image.

shape Step 5

Initially the project code Tracking Service was set to zero then the test was run successfully and display the out put result with green color like the image shown below.

shape Step 6

If the Tracking Service was not set to 0 ,if it is set to 1 or 2 it will give a alert message like java.lang.AssertinError with red color as shown in the image below.

@Before and @After

shape Description

@Before and @After annotations are very useful in eliminating the unit tests. If the unit test contain duplication, they become very hard to maintain and they also more difficult to understand. By using these annotations user can solve such problems resolved. Below image demonstrate @Before and @After annotations.

shape @Before

If the user create a method that is public and void returns and annotated with the @Before that method will be called before each test in the test class run. This method is used set up the data before running the each new test.

shape Step 1

In order to do this test user need to convert the Service local variable to field Variable. First right click on the service variable and go with the procedure shown in the below image. Select Refactor -> Convert Local Variable to Field variable.

shape Step 2

Then another window will appear named as Convert Local Variable to Field in that select the proper Field declaration like as shown in the below image.

shape Step 3

The below code demonstrate working of @Before annotation. [c] import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import com.simpleprogram.proteintracker.TrackingService; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class trackingServiceeTest { private TrackingService service; @Before public void setUp() { System.out.println("Before"); service = new TrackingService(); } @Test public void NewTrackingServiceTotalIsZero() { assertEquals("Tracking service was not zero", 0, service.getTotal()); } @Test public void WhenAddingProteinTotalIncresesByThatAmount() { service.addProtein(10); assertEquals("Protein amount was not correct", 10, service.getTotal()); } @Test public void WhenRemovingProteinTotalRemainsZero() { service.removeProtein(5); assertEquals(0, service.getTotal()); } } [/c]

shape Step 4

By the run the above code given in step 3 will produce the following output as shown in the below image.

shape @After

This annotation works like @Before annotation expect that it runs after each test. This means annotating a public and void returns and annotating after the class. @After method can run even though @Before method have any exceptions.

shape Step 1

The below code demonstrate @After annotation [c]import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.AfterClass; import com.simpleprogram.proteintracker.TrackingService; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class trackingServiceeTest { private TrackingService service; @BeforeClass public static void before() { System.out.println("Before Class"); } @AfterClass public static void after() { System.out.println("After Class"); } @Before public void setUp() { System.out.println("Before"); service = new TrackingService(); } @After public void tearDown() { System.out.println("After"); } @Test public void NewTrackingServiceTotalIsZero() { assertEquals("Tracking service was not zero", 0, service.getTotal()); } @Test public void WhenAddingProteinTotalIncresesByThatAmount() { service.addProtein(10); assertEquals("Protein amount was not correct", 10, service.getTotal()); } @Test public void WhenRemovingProteinTotalRemainsZero() { service.removeProtein(5); assertEquals(0, service.getTotal()); } } [/c]

shape Step 2

By the above code run successfully then the output will be every Before process After will execute like below image shown below.

@Before class @After class

shape Description

Before class annotating with public static void method. It causes to be run once before any of the test method in a class. Before class and Before annotations have the same functionalities difference is Before class is a class based and the Before annotation is a test based. After class annotating with public static void method. It causes to be run once After any of the test method in a class. @After class can run even though @Before class have any exceptions.

shape Step 1

The below code demonstrate @Before Class and @After Class works. [c]import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.AfterClass; import com.simpleprogram.proteintracker.TrackingService; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class trackingServiceeTest { private TrackingService service; @BeforeClass public static void before() { System.out.println("Before Class"); } @AfterClass public static void after() { System.out.println("After Class"); } @Before public void setUp() { System.out.println("Before"); service = new TrackingService(); } @After public void tearDown() { System.out.println("After"); } @Test public void NewTrackingServiceTotalIsZero() { assertEquals("Tracking service was not zero", 0, service.getTotal()); } @Test public void WhenAddingProteinTotalIncresesByThatAmount() { service.addProtein(10); assertEquals("Protein amount was not correct", 10, service.getTotal()); } @Test public void WhenRemovingProteinTotalRemainsZero() { service.removeProtein(5); assertEquals(0, service.getTotal()); } } [/c]

shape Step 2

In the above program Run as JUnit it will show the Before Class before the test method and after class after the all test methods will be executed.


shape Description

If the user need to ignore the some tests or group of tests then that test is annotated with the @Ignore those tests will not be executed temporarily. This annotation is also applicable for classes also.

shape Step 1

If User need to ignore the test method or class simply put @Ignore to that method then that test will be ignored, below program demonstrate @Ignore annotation. [c]import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.AfterClass; import com.simpleprogram.proteintracker.TrackingService; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class trackingServiceeTest { private TrackingService service; @BeforeClass public static void before() { System.out.println("Before Class"); } @AfterClass public static void after() { System.out.println("After Class"); } @Before public void setUp() { System.out.println("Before"); service = new TrackingService(); } @After public void tearDown() { System.out.println("After"); } @Test public void NewTrackingServiceTotalIsZero() { assertEquals("Tracking service was not zero", 0, service.getTotal()); } @Test @Ignore public void WhenAddingProteinTotalIncresesByThatAmount() { service.addProtein(10); assertEquals("Protein amount was not correct", 10, service.getTotal()); } @Test public void WhenRemovingProteinTotalRemainsZero() { service.removeProtein(5); assertEquals(0, service.getTotal()); } } [/c]

shape Step 2

If this program runs successfully the ignored part should be shown in the below output image.

@Test Expected

shape Description

Some times Expected behavior of a class throw particular kind of exception JUnit has a tool to check the exception was thrown and that it was right kind of exception by using test annotation Expected field. if we set the expected field is equal to an exception class, the test will only pass if an exception of that type is thrown.

shape Step 1

In order do the Except test initially user need to create a exception class and create the Exception method and then run as JUnit test then it would be run successfully because user created Exception class without this it will be raised error message in red color.

shape Step 2

Initially user need to create an exception class then only JUnit test get the positive results the process is shown in below image.

shape Step 3

User need create the test method for the above created class that should be shown in the below image.

shape Step 4

If test class was not created then it shows JUnit test case error message in red color box like below shown image.

Test Timeout

shape Description

Some times user need to measure the test performance in terms of a time. for this JUnit has a parameter named has “time out”. If test take longer time to instead of given time then automatically test will be failed.

shape Step 1

In the time out test method programmer will give time to the test method. Whatever the time given by the programmer up to that time only test will be alive later it should be failed as shown in the image below.

shape Step 2

If the program will be timed out it should moved to the test failed state that should be shown below image.


shape Key Points

  • JUnit Annotations - Run every Junit test program Run As in Junit Test only.
  • There are multiple Before and After methods in a @Before Class and @After Class.
  • Handling of Expected Exceptions are mandatory.
  • Test Time out will play major role in some cases. It is mandatory to use in those Projects.
  • If @Ignore method is used JUnit runner simply ignored the test method.