S.No. | Abbreviations | Expansions |
1 | A level | Advanced level examinations |
2 | ABE | Adult Basic Education |
3 | ACE | Advisory Centre for Education |
4 | ACL | Adult Community Learning |
5 | ACPC | Area Child Protection Committee |
6 | AI | Assigned Inspector |
7 | AICTE | All India Council for Technical Education |
8 | ALI | Adult Learning Inspectorate |
9 | ALIS | A Level Indicator System |
10 | ALISE | Association for Library and Information Science Education |
11 | AoC | Association of Colleges |
12 | ALPS | Advanced Level Performance System |
13 | APA | American Psychological Association |
14 | APT&C | Administrative, Professional, Technical and Clerical |
15 | AQA | Assessment and Qualifications Alliance |
16 | ASB | Aggregated Schools Budget |
17 | ASPECT | Association of Professionals in Education and Children’s Trusts |
18 | AST | Advanced Skills Teacher |
19 | AT | Attainment Target (in National Curriculum) |
20 | ATL | Association of Teachers and Lecturers |
21 | AWPU(N) | Age Weighted Pupil Unit (Number) |
S.No. | Abbreviations | Expansions |
1 | BA | Bachelor of Arts |
2 | BAC | Behaviour and Attendance Collaborative |
3 | B.A.E | Bachelor of Arts in Education |
4 | B.Ag | Bachelor of Agriculture |
5 | BAG | British Amateur Gymnastics Association |
6 | B.A.M | Bachelor of Arts in Management |
7 | B.Arch | Bachelor Architecture |
8 | B.B.A | Bachelor of Business Administration |
9 | B.C.E | Bachelor of Civil Engineering |
10 | B.Ch.E | Bachelor of Chemical Engineering |
11 | BCI | Bar Council of India |
12 | B.C.L | Bachelor of Canon Law |
13 | B.D | Bachelor of Divinity |
14 | BDA | British Deaf Association |
15 | BDA | British Dietetic Association |
16 | BDA | British Dyslexia Association |
17 | B.E | Bachelor of Education or Bachelor of Engineering |
18 | BECTA | British Educational Communications and Technology Agency |
19 | BEd | Bachelor of Education |
20 | B.E.E | Bachelor of Electrical Engineering |
21 | BEI | British Education Index |
22 | B.F | Bachelor of Forestry |
23 | B.F.A | Bachelor of Fine Arts |
24 | BITC | Business in the Community |
25 | B.J | Bachelor of Journalism |
26 | BLN | Bradford Learning Network |
27 | B.Lit | Bachelor of Literature |
28 | B.Litt | Bachelor of Letters |
29 | B.L.S | Bachelor of Liberal Studies or Bachelor of Library Science |
30 | B.M | Bachelor of Medicine or Bachelor of Music |
31 | BME | Black and Minority Ethnic |
32 | BMS | Bachelor of Management Studies |
33 | B.M.S | Bachelor of Marine Science |
34 | B.N | Bachelor of Nursing |
35 | B.Pharm | Bachelor of Pharmacy |
36 | B.R.E | Bachelor of Religious Education |
37 | B.S | Bachelor of Science |
38 | BSA | Basic Skills Agency |
39 | BSc | Bachelor of Science |
40 | B.S.Ed | Bachelor of Science in Education |
41 | BSP | Behaviour Support Plan |
42 | BSS | Behaviour Support Service |
43 | BTEC | Business and Technology Education Council |
42 | B.Tech | Bachelor of Technology |
S.No. | Abbreviations | Expansions |
1 | C&G | City and Guilds |
2 | CAB | Citizens Advice Bureau |
3 | CAD | Computer Aided Design |
4 | CAF | Common Application Form |
5 | CAF | Common Assessment Framework |
6 | CAFM | Computer Aided Facilities Management |
7 | CAL | Computer Assisted Learning |
8 | CAM | Computer Aided Manufacture |
9 | CAMHS | Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service |
10 | CAP | Common Application Process |
11 | CAP | Child Action Project |
12 | CASE | Campaign for the Advancement of State Education |
13 | CAT | Cognitive Ability Test |
14 | CAT | Curriculum Attainment Target |
15 | CATS | Credit Accumulation and Transfer System |
16 | CBSE | Central Board of Secondary Education |
17 | CCT | Compulsory Competitive Tendering |
18 | CDC | Curriculum Development Committee |
19 | CDT | Craft, Design and Technology |
20 | CE | (Bradford) Confederations Executive |
21 | C.E | Civil Engineer |
22 | CEG | Careers Education Guidance |
23 | CEM | Centre for Education Management |
24 | CEP | Continuing Education Programme |
25 | CFE | Countryside Foundation for Education |
26 | CFET | Certificate in Further Education and Training |
27 | Ch.E | Chemical Engineer |
28 | CIET | Central Institute of Educational Technology |
29 | CIF | Common Inspection Framework |
30 | CLAIT | Computer Literacy and Information Technology |
31 | CLISc | Certificate Course in Library and Information Science |
32 | CLS | Certificate in Library Science |
33 | CMIS | Central Management Information System (provided by Serco) |
34 | CNAA | Council for National Academic Awards |
35 | CoC | Changing Our Council (BMDC) |
36 | CoVE | Centre of Vocational Excellence |
37 | CP | Child protection |
38 | CPA | Comprehensive Performance Assessment |
39 | CPD | Continuing Professional Development |
40 | CPS | Classroom Teachers Pay Spine |
41 | CPVE | Certificate of Pre-vocational Education |
42 | CRB | Criminal Records Bureau |
43 | CSIR | Council of Scientific and Industrial Research |
44 | CST | Curriculum Support Team |
45 | CTC | City Technology College |
46 | CTF | Common Transfer File |
47 | CV | Curriculum Vitae |
S.No. | Abbreviations | Expansions |
1 | D&T | Design and Technology |
2 | D.A | Doctor of Arts |
3 | D.A.S | Doctor of Applied Science |
4 | D.B.A | Doctor of Business Administration |
5 | DCPO | Designated Child Protection Officer |
6 | D.C | Doctor of Chiropractic |
7 | DDA | Disability Discrimination Act |
8 | D.D | Doctor of Divinity |
9 | D.D.S | Doctor of Dental Surgery or Doctor of Dental Science |
10 | DEAF | Depositors Education Awareness Fund |
11 | DEC | Distance Education Council |
12 | D.Ed | Doctor of Education |
13 | DESIDOC | Defense Scientific Information and Documentation Center |
14 | DfE | Department for Education |
15 | DI | The Dyslexia Institute |
16 | D.J | Doctor of Laws |
17 | D.J.S | Doctor of Juristic Science |
18 | D.L.H | Doctor of Humane Letters |
19 | DLIS | Department of Library and Information Science |
20 | D.LL | Doctor of Laws |
21 | DLO | Desirable Learning Outcomes |
22 | D.L.S | Doctor of Library Science |
23 | DLSc | Diploma in Library Science |
24 | D.M.D | Doctor of Dental Medicine |
25 | D.M.S | Doctor of Medical Science |
26 | D.O | Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine |
27 | DOB | Date of Birth |
28 | D.P.A | Doctor of Public Administration |
29 | D.P.H | Doctor of Public Health |
30 | DRC | Disability Rights Commission |
31 | D.R.E | Doctor of Religious Education |
32 | DRTC | Documentation Research and Training Center |
33 | D.Sc | Doctor of Science |
34 | D.S.W | Doctor of Social Welfare or Doctor of Social Work |
35 | DTP | Desktop Publishing |
36 | D.V.M | Doctor of Veterinary Medicine |
37 | DWP | Department of Work and Pensions |
S.No. | Abbreviations | Expansions |
1 | EAB | Examinations Appeals Board |
2 | EAL | English as an Additional Language |
3 | EAZ | Education Achievement Zone |
4 | EAZ | Education Action Zone |
5 | EBD | Emotional and Behavioural Difficulty |
6 | EBP | Education Business Partnership |
7 | EC | Excellence Cluster |
8 | eCAF | Electronic Common Assessment Framework |
9 | Ed.D | Doctor of Education |
10 | EDU | Education Development Unit |
11 | EDRS | Education Document Retrieval Service |
12 | Ed.S | Education Specialist |
13 | E.E | Electrical Engineer |
14 | EENET | Enabling Education Network |
15 | EFL | English as a Foreign Language |
16 | EHP | Early Headship Provision |
17 | EiC | Excellence in Cities |
18 | EIP | Education Improvement Partnerships |
19 | E.M | Engineer of Mines |
20 | EMA | Ethnic Minority Achievement |
21 | EMAG | Ethnic Minority Achievement Grant |
22 | EMAS | Ethnic Minorities Achievement Service |
23 | E.Met | Engineer of Metallurgy |
24 | EMS | Education Management System |
25 | EO | Equal Opportunities |
26 | EO | Education Otherwise |
27 | EOTAS | Education Other than at School |
28 | EP | Educational Psychologist |
29 | EPM | Education Plan Monitoring |
30 | EPT | Educational Psychology Team |
31 | ERA | Education Reform Act |
32 | ERIC | Educational Resources Information Center |
33 | ESF | European Social Fund |
34 | ESOL | English for Speakers of Other Languages |
35 | ESW | Education Social Worker |
36 | ETS | Educational Testing Service |
37 | EU | European Union |
38 | EWO | Education Welfare Officer |
39 | EYCS | Early Years and Childcare Service |
40 | EYDCP | Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership |
41 | EYDP | Early Years Development Plan |
42 | EYFSP | Early Years Foundation Stage Programme |
S.No. | Abbreviations | Expansions |
1 | FAETC | Further and Adult Education Training Certificate |
2 | FAP | Fair Access Protocol |
3 | FE | Further Education |
4 | FEFC | Further Education Funding Council |
5 | FERPA | Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act |
6 | FEX | Fixed Term Exclusions from school |
7 | FF | Fair Funding |
8 | FFS | Farms for Schools |
9 | FFT | Fischer Family Trust (a charity that provides estimates of pupil performance) |
10 | FL | Family Learning |
11 | FLLN | Family Literacy, Language and Numeracy |
12 | FMS | Financial Management System (Capita) |
13 | FOI | Freedom of Information (Act) |
14 | FRESA | Framework for Regional Employment and Skills Action |
15 | FRS | Fire and Rescue Service |
16 | FS | Foundation Stage |
17 | FSA | Financial Services Authority |
18 | FSM | Free School Meals |
19 | FSP | Foundation Stage Profile |
20 | FSS | Formula Spending Share |
21 | FTE | Full Time Equivalent |
S.No. | Abbreviations | Expansions |
1 | GATE | Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering |
2 | G&T | Gifted and Talented |
3 | GBA | Governing Bodies Association |
4 | GCE A | General Certificate of Education Advanced Level |
5 | GCE AS | General Certificate of Education Advanced Supplementary |
6 | GIAC | Global Initiative for Academic Networks |
7 | GCSE | General Certificate of Secondary Education |
8 | GLD | Good level of development (an Early Years judgement) |
9 | GM | Grant Maintained |
10 | GMAT | Graduate Management Admission Test |
11 | GNVQ | General National Vocational Qualification |
12 | GOYH | Government Office of Yorkshire and Humberside |
13 | GPA | Grade Point Average |
14 | GRE | Graduate Record Examinations |
15 | GSA | Girls' School Association |
16 | GSB | General Schools Budget |
17 | GTC | General Teaching Council |
S.No. | Abbreviations | Expansions |
1 | H&S | Health and Safety |
2 | HACSG | Hyperactive Children’s Support Group |
3 | HE | Higher Education |
4 | HEADLAMP | The Headteachers’ Leadership and Management Programme |
5 | HEFC | Higher Education Funding Council |
6 | HESA | Higher Education Statistics Agency |
7 | HiMP | Health Improvement Plan |
8 | HIP | Headteachers' Induction Programme (now replaced by EHP) |
9 | HMC | Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference |
10 | HMCI | Her Majesty's Chief Inspector |
11 | HMI | Her Majesty's Inspector(ate) |
12 | HMM | Healthy Minds Matter |
13 | HMSO | Her Majesty's Stationery Office |
14 | HODs | Heads of Departments |
15 | HRF | Health Related Fitness |
16 | HSC | Higher Secondary Certificate |
17 | HSE | Health and Safety Executive |
18 | HT | Headteacher |
S.No. | Abbreviations | Expansions |
1 | IAG | Individual Advice and Guidance |
2 | IASLIC | Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centers |
3 | IATLIS | Indian Association of Teachers in Library and Information Science |
4 | IB | International Baccalaureate |
5 | ICAC | International Council of Adult Education |
6 | ICS | Integrated Children's System |
7 | ICSE | Indian Certificate of Secondary Education |
8 | ICSSR | Indian Council of Social Science Research |
9 | ICT | Information and Communications Technology |
10 | I.E | Industrial Engineer or Industrial Engineering |
11 | IEC | Interfaith Education Centre |
12 | IEP | Individual Education Plan |
13 | IES | Institute of Educational Sciences |
14 | IES | Indian Engineering Services |
15 | IfL | Institute for Learning |
16 | IFLA | International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions |
17 | IiC | Investors in Children |
18 | IIP | Investors in People |
19 | IIT | Indian Institute of Technology |
20 | ILA | Indian Library Association |
21 | ILP | Individual Learning Plan |
22 | ILR | Individual Learner Record |
23 | ILS | Integrated Learning Systems |
24 | INSET | In-service Education and Training |
25 | INSDOC | Indian National Scientific Documentation Center |
26 | IQ | Intelligence Quotient |
27 | IRT | The Identification, Referral and Tracking of children and young people at risk |
28 | ISC | Indian School Certificate |
29 | IS Index | Information Sharing Index |
30 | ISA | Information Sharing and Assessment |
31 | ISA | Independent Schools Association |
32 | ISB | Individual Schools Budget (i.e. the delegated budget for each school) |
33 | ISC | Independent Schools Council |
34 | ISEB | Independent Schools Examination Board |
35 | ISEET | Indian Science Engineering Eligibility Test |
36 | ISI | Independent Schools Inspectorate |
37 | ISIS | Independent Schools Information Service |
38 | ISP | Integrated Service Plan |
39 | ISR | Individual School Range |
40 | IT | Information Technology |
41 | ITT | Initial Teacher Training |
42 | IYSS | Integrated Youth Support Service |
S.No. | Abbreviations | Expansions |
1 | JAR | Joint Area Review |
2 | JCQ | Joint Council for Qualifications |
S.No. | Abbreviations | Expansions |
1 | KS | Key Stage |
2 | KS1 | Key Stage 1 Years 1-2 (5 - 7 year olds) |
3 | KS2 | Key Stage 2 Years 3-6 (8 - 11 year olds) |
4 | KS3 | Key Stage 3 Years 7-9 (12-14 year olds) |
5 | KS4 | Key Stage 4 Years 10-11 (15 - 16 year olds) |
S.No. | Abbreviations | Expansions |
1 | LA | Learning Assistance |
2 | LA | Local Authority |
3 | LAC | Learning Assistance Center |
4 | LAC | Looked After Children |
5 | LAP | Local Achievement Partnership |
6 | LASS | Learning Assistance Support System |
7 | LASSI | Learning & Study Strategies Inventory |
8 | LCLC | Learning Center Leadership Certification |
9 | LCSH | Library of Congress Subject Heading |
10 | LDP | Local Delivery Plan |
11 | LEA | Local Education Authority |
12 | Learndirect | National Education and Training Helpline |
13 | LEP | Limited English Proficient |
14 | LIF | Local Initiative Fund |
15 | LIG | Leadership Incentive Grant |
16 | LIS | Library and Information Science |
17 | LKG | Lower Kinder Garten |
18 | LLB | Bachelor of Laws |
19 | LLDD | Learner with Learning Difficulties or Disabilities |
20 | LMS | Local Management of Schools |
21 | LMS | Learning Management System |
22 | LMSS | Local Management of Special Schools |
23 | LPSA | Local Public Service Agreement |
24 | LPSH | Leadership Programme for Serving Headteachers |
25 | LRM | Local Resource Management |
26 | LSB | Local Schools Budget (i.e. the total budget available to be spent on schools) |
27 | LSC | Learning Support Center |
28 | LSC | Learning and Skills Council |
29 | LSCHE | Learning Support Centers in Higher Education |
30 | LSDA | Learning Skills Development Agency |
31 | LSE | Library Services for Education |
32 | LSP | Local Strategic Partnership |
33 | LSW | Learning Support Workers |
S.No. | Abbreviations | Expansions |
1 | MA | Master of Arts |
2 | M.Aero.E | Master of Aeronautical Engineering |
3 | MAT | Management Aptitude Test |
4 | M.B.A | Master of Business Administration |
5 | MBBS | Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery |
6 | M.C.E | Master of Christian Education or Master of Civil Engineering |
7 | M.C.S | Master of Computer Science |
8 | MCI | Medical Council of India |
9 | MCI | Management Charter Initiative |
10 | M.D | Doctor of Medicine |
11 | M.Div | Master of Divinity |
12 | M.E | Master of Engineering |
13 | M.Ed | Master of Education |
14 | M.Eng | Master of Engineering |
15 | MENCAP | Royal Society for Mentally Handicapped Children and Adults |
16 | M.F.A | Master of Fine Arts |
17 | MFL | Modern Foreign Languages |
18 | M.H.A | Master of Hospital Administration |
19 | MIND | National Association for Mental Health |
20 | MIS | Management Information System |
21 | MLA | Modern Library Association |
22 | MLD | Moderate Learning Difficulty |
23 | MLISc | Master of Library and Information Science |
24 | M.Litt | Master of Letters |
25 | M.LL | Master of Laws |
26 | M.L.S | Master of Library Science |
27 | M.M | Master of Music |
28 | M.M.E | Master of Mechanical Engineering or Master of Music Education |
29 | M.Mus | Master of Music |
30 | M.N | Master of Nursing |
31 | M.Phil | Master of Philosophy |
32 | M.R.E | Master of Religious Education |
33 | M.S | Master of Science |
34 | MSc | Master of Science |
35 | M.S.W | Master of Social Work |
36 | MTFS | Medium Term Financial Strategy |
37 | M.Th | Master of Theology |
S.No. | Abbreviations | Expansions |
1 | NAAC | National Assessment and Accreditation Council |
2 | NACAB | National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux |
3 | NACE | National Association for Able Children in Education |
4 | NADE | National Association for Developmental Education |
5 | NAGC | National Association for Gifted Children |
6 | NAGM | National Association of Governors and Managers |
7 | NAHT | National Association of Headteachers |
8 | NAPE | National Association for Primary Education |
9 | NAS | National Autistic Society |
10 | NASSDOC | National Social Science Documentation Center |
11 | NASUWT | National Association of School Teachers/ Union of Women Teachers |
12 | NATFHE | National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education |
13 | NC | National Curriculum |
14 | NCB | National Children's Bureau |
15 | NCER | National Consortium of Examination Results |
16 | NCERT | National Council of Educational Research and Training |
17 | NCHER | National Commission for Higher Education and Research |
18 | NCLCA | National College Learning Center Association |
19 | NCMA | National Childminding Association |
20 | NCPTA | National Conference of Parent Teacher Associations |
21 | NCSL | National College of School Leadership |
22 | NCT | Non-contact time |
23 | NCT | National Curriculum Tests |
24 | NCTE | National Council for Teachers Education |
25 | NCTE | National Council of Teachers of English |
26 | NCTM | National Council of Teachers of Mathematics |
27 | NCVQ | National Council for Vocational Qualifications |
28 | NCY | National Curriculum Year |
29 | NDS | New Deal for Schools |
30 | NEET | National Eligibility |
31 | NEET | Not in Education, Employment or Training |
32 | NEOST | National Employers Organisation for School Teachers |
33 | NETTS | National Education and Training Targets |
34 | NFER | National Federation for Educational Research |
35 | NGC | National Council for Governing Bodies |
36 | NGFL | National Grid for Learning |
37 | NHS HT | National Health Service Hospital Trust |
38 | NHS PT | National Health Service Partnership Trust |
39 | NIACE | National Institute of Adult Continuing Education |
40 | NIIT | National Institute of Information Technology |
41 | NISCAIR | National Institute for Science Communication and Information Resources |
42 | NISOD | National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development |
43 | NLP | National Literacy Project |
44 | NODA | National Orientation Directors Association |
45 | NOVA | End of Key Stage results analysis tool provided by the NCER |
46 | NMAT | Narsee Monjee Management Aptitude Test |
47 | NN | Neighbourhood Nurseries |
48 | NNEB | National Nursery Examination Board |
49 | NOCN | National Open College Network |
50 | NOF | New Opportunities Fund |
51 | NoR | Number on Roll |
52 | NPQH | National Professional Qualification for Headship |
53 | NPQSL | National Professional Qualification for Subject Leaders |
54 | NQT | Newly Qualified Teacher |
55 | NRC | National Reading Conference |
56 | NSPCC | National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children |
57 | Nuc.E | Nuclear Engineer |
58 | NUPE | National Union of Public Employees |
59 | NUT | National Union of Teachers |
60 | NVQ | National Vocational Qualifications |
S.No. | Abbreviations | Expansions |
1 | O and A | Observation and Assessment |
2 | OCN | Open College Network |
3 | OCR | Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations |
4 | O.D | Doctor of Optometry |
5 | OFSTED | Office for Standards in Education |
6 | OJC | Officers' Joint Committee (BMDC) with Unison |
7 | OOHL | Out of Hours Learning |
6 | OU | Open University |
S.No. | Abbreviations | Expansions |
1 | PAC | Public Affairs & Communications (BMDC) |
2 | PAN | Planned Admission Number |
3 | PANDA | Performance and Data Analysis |
4 | PANDAS | Performance and Assessment Documents |
5 | PAT | Professional Association of Teachers |
6 | PATA | Parent and Toddler Association |
7 | PCT | Primary Care Team |
8 | PDC | Professional Development Consultancy |
9 | PE | Physical Education |
10 | PEACH | Parents for the Early intervention of Autism in Children |
11 | PEO | Principal Education Officer |
12 | PEPs | Personal Education Plans |
13 | PEX | Permanent Exclusion from school |
14 | PfS | Playing for Success |
15 | PGCE | Postgraduate Certificate of Education |
16 | PGDIT | Post Graduate Diploma in Information Technology |
17 | Ph.D | Doctorate in Philosophy |
18 | PGDLAN | Post Graduate Diploma in Library Automation and Networking |
19 | Pharm.D | Doctor of Pharmacy |
20 | Ph.B | Bachelor of Philosophy |
21 | Ph.D | Doctor of Philosophy |
22 | PID | Project Initiation Document |
23 | PIN | Parents Information Network |
24 | PIP | Performance Improvement Plan |
25 | PIs | Performance Indicators |
26 | PLASC | Pupil Level Annual Schools Census (replaced by School Census from January 2007) |
27 | PLP | Primary Leadership Programme |
28 | PO | Project Officer |
29 | PoCA | Protection of Children Act |
30 | PoS | Programmes of Study (in National Curriculum) |
31 | PPA | Pre-school Playgroups Association |
32 | PRB | Performance Review Board |
33 | PRC | Pupil Referral Centre |
34 | PRP | Performance Related Pay |
35 | PRU | Pupil Referral Unit |
36 | PSA | Parent School Association |
37 | PSE | Personal and Social Education |
38 | PSHE | Personal, Social and Health Education |
39 | PSHE+C | Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education |
40 | PSS | Pupil and Student Services Group |
41 | PTA | Parent Teacher Association |
42 | PTR | Pupil Teacher Ratio |
S.No. | Abbreviations | Expansions |
1 | QA | Quality Assurance |
2 | QAA | Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education |
3 | QAN | Qualification Accreditation Number |
4 | QCA | Qualifications and Curriculum Authority |
5 | QTA | Qualified Teacher Status |
6 | QTPS | Qualified Teachers Pay Spine |
7 | QTS | Qualified Teacher Status |
S.No. | Abbreviations | Expansions |
1 | R (Y1, Y2 etc) | Reception (Year 1 etc) |
2 | RARPA | Recognising and recording progress and achievement |
3 | RDA | Regional Development Agency |
4 | RE | Religious Education |
5 | READS | Racial Equality and Diversity Service |
6 | Reg 33 | Regulation 33 relation to the inspection of children's homes |
7 | RgI | Registered Inspector |
8 | RIE | Regional Institute of Education |
9 | RoA | Record of Achievement |
10 | RRRLF | Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation |
11 | RSA | Royal Society of Arts Examination Board |
12 | RSU | Research and Statistics Unit |
S.No. | Abbreviations | Expansions |
1 | s2s | School to school secure data transfer system |
2 | SACRE | Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education |
3 | SAR | Self Assessment Report |
4 | SATs | Standard Assessment Task/ Test |
5 | S.B | Bachelor of Science |
6 | SCC | School causing concern |
7 | Sc.D | Doctor of Science |
8 | SCR | Single Central Record |
9 | SDP | School Development Plan |
10 | SEF | School self-evaluation form issued by Ofsted |
11 | SEMT | School Emergency Management Team |
12 | SEN | Special Educational Needs |
13 | SENCO | Special Educational Needs Coordinator |
14 | SENDA | Special Educational Needs Discrimination Act |
15 | SEP | Single Education Plan |
16 | SEU | Standards and Effectiveness Unit |
17 | SFR | Statistical First Release (DfE data release) |
18 | SHA | Secondary Heads Association |
19 | SHMIS | Society of Headmasters and Headmistresses of Independent Schools |
20 | SIMS | Schools Information Management System (provided by Capita) |
21 | SIP | School Improvement Partner |
22 | S.J.D | Doctor of Juridical Science or Doctor of the Science of Law |
23 | SLA | Service Level Agreement |
24 | SLC | Student Loans Company |
25 | SLD | Severe Learning Difficulty |
26 | SM | Special Measures |
27 | SMART | Smart, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-scaled targets |
28 | SMSC | Spiritual Moral Social Cultural |
29 | SMT | Senior Management Team |
30 | SN | Standard Number (replaced PAL - Planned Admission Level |
31 | SOP | School Organisation Plan |
32 | SoS | Secretary of State |
33 | SoW | Scheme of Work |
34 | SPAW | School Performance Award Scheme |
35 | SpLD | Specific Learning Difficulty |
36 | SRB | Single Regeneration Budget |
37 | SRS | Safer Routes to Schools |
38 | SSA | Standard Spending Assessment |
39 | S.Sc.D | Doctor of Social Science |
40 | SSLC | Secondary School Leaving Certificate |
41 | SSCO | School Support Coordinators |
42 | SSE | School Self Evaluation |
43 | SSF | School Standards Fund |
44 | SSFA | School Standards and Framework Act 1998 |
45 | SSM | Strategic Support Managers (BMDC) |
46 | STABIS | State Boarding School Information Service |
47 | S.T.B | Bachelor of Sacred Theology |
48 | S.T.D | Doctor of Sacred Theology |
49 | S.T.M | Master of Sacred Theology |
50 | STRB | School Teachers' Review Body |
51 | SURE Start | Sure Start is a government programme bringing together, early education, childcare, health and family support agencies |
52 | SW | Serious Weaknesses |
S.No. | Abbreviations | Expansions |
1 | TEFL | Teaching English as a Foreign Language |
2 | TES | Times Educational Supplement |
3 | TGT | Trained Graduate Teacher |
4 | Th.B | Bachelor of Theology |
5 | Th.D | Doctor of Theology |
6 | Th.M | Master of Theology |
7 | TOEFL | Test Of English as a Foreign Language |
8 | TP | Teachers' Pensions |
9 | TSC | Transactional Services Centre (BMDC) |
10 | TTA | Teacher Training Agency |
11 | TUC | Trade Union Congress |
S.No. | Abbreviations | Expansions |
1 | UCAS | University and Colleges Admissions Service |
2 | UfA | University of the First Age |
3 | UGC | University Grants Commission |
4 | ULN | Unique Learner Number |
5 | UPN | Unique Pupil Number |