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How to use C# List

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5 Steps - 3 Clicks

How to use C# List

How to use C# List 

Hi Friends, let me give you a intro about "List". It is a collection and type should be defined at time of initialization. Size can be defined dynamically. There are many methods and properties including add, remove, search, and sort.

Namespace :
[csharp] using System.Collections.Generic; [/csharp]

Step1 :
Please open visual studio, right now i have visual studio 2013 i just opened my visual studio and click on new project.

[image url=””]/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/List-csharp-Splessons1.jpg[/image]

Step2 :
In the new project window please click on templates visual c# and then click on windows  and on the right side panel just click on console application. Please give a name for the console application and click ok button.

[image url=””]/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/List-csharp-Splessons2.jpg[/image]

Step3 :
If you see the visual studio will gives you a predefined template program  for us.

[image url=””]/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/List-csharp-Splessons3.jpg[/image]

Step4 :
Lets, Build simple console application to Insert, Delete, Search, Sort and  Display items from List.

Main Method :
[csharp]  public static List<String> currentList = new List<String>(); public static Boolean flag = true; static void Main(string[] args) { while (flag) { Console.WriteLine("\n1. Insert \t\t2. Remove \n3. Search \t\t4. Sort\n5. Display\t\t6. Exit"); Console.Write("Please enter your Choice: "); string choice = Console.ReadLine(); switch (choice) { case "1": currentList = Insert(currentList); break; case "2": currentList = Remove(currentList); break; case "3": Search(currentList); break; case "4": Sort(currentList); break; case "5": Display(currentList); break; case "6": flag = false; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Enter correct choice !!"); break; } } } [/csharp]

Output :
[image url=””]/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/List-csharp-Splessons4.jpg[/image]

Insert :
[csharp] private static List<string> Insert(List<string> currentList) { Console.Write("Please enter item into List : "); string item = Console.ReadLine(); currentList.Add(item); Display(currentList); return currentList; } [/csharp]

Output :
[image url=””]/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/List-csharp-Splessons5.jpg[/image]

Delete :
[csharp] private static List<string> Remove(List<string> currentList) { Console.Write("Please enter item to remove from List : "); string item = Console.ReadLine(); currentList.Remove(item); Display(currentList); return currentList; } [/csharp]

Output :
[image url=””]/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/List-csharp-Splessons6.jpg[/image]

Search :
[csharp] private static void Search(List<string> currentList) { Console.Write("Please enter data search in List : "); string item = Console.ReadLine(); bool status = currentList.Contains(item); if (status) { Console.WriteLine(item +" is there in List."); } else { Console.WriteLine(item + " is not there in List."); } } [/csharp]

Output :
[image url=””]/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/List-csharp-Splessons7.jpg[/image]

Sort :
[csharp] private static void Sort(List<string> currentList) { Console.WriteLine("Sorted List : "); currentList.Sort(); Display(currentList); } [/csharp]

Output :
[image url=””]/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/List-csharp-Splessons8.jpg[/image]

Display :
[csharp] private static void Display(List<string> currentList) { Console.WriteLine("Items in List : "); foreach(string item in currentList) { Console.WriteLine(item); } } [/csharp]

Output :
[image url=””]/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/List-csharp-Splessons9.jpg[/image]

Other Methods :
There are many other methods which you can try.

Count :
Gets the number of elements contained in the List.

Reverse :
Reverses the order of the elements in the entire List.

RemoveAll :
Removes all the elements that match the conditions defined by the specified predicate.

FindAll :
Retrieves all the elements that match the conditions defined by the specified predicate.

CopyTo :
Copies the entire List to a compatible one-dimensional array, starting at the beginning of the target array. etc.

Enjoy to Code..;)