SQL - SPLessons
SPLessons 5 Steps, 3 Clicks
5 Steps - 3 Clicks

SQL Statements

SQL Statements

shape Description

SQL Statements includes the basic functionality of SQL keywords. SQL statements are divided into few types. The following are lists of SQL statements types:
Type of SQL Statements SQL Keywords
DDL Create, Alter, Drop, Truncate
DML Insert, Update, Delete
DCL Grant, Revoke
TCL Commit, Rollback, Save points

Data Definition Language

shape Description

Data Definition Language(DDL) is utilized to characterize information in database server. DDL statements explains, how the pattern of data should be there in the database schema table and includes the following commands.

Data Manipulation Language

shape Description

Data manipulation language is utilized to manage data within the table.

Data Control Language

shape Description

To perform DML operations on a table permissions are required which are called "Privileges". And these privileges can be easily accessed by using Data Control Language. And for detailed explanation about Grant and Revoke will there in the following link: Data Control Language

Transaction Control Language

shape Description

A Transaction is a collection of SQL statement between specific client and server. And these transactions can be efficiently handled by using transaction control language. And for detailed explanation about Commit, Rollback and Save points will there in the following link: Transaction Control Language.


shape Key Points

  • SQL Statements - Describe the SQL standard keyword in the database.
  • Data Definition Language - Used to define data in database server.
  • Data Manipulation Language - Used to manipulate data in the database server.
  • Data Control Language - Perform operations on a table by giving permissions.
  • Transaction Control Language - Will handle a transaction by using specific client and server.