By using SQL Insert command new record can be inserted in the existing database table. i.e, inserting field value like emp_id, emp_name and salary can be inserted.
Insert into <table_name> values(<value1>,<value2>,<value3>.......);
Table name =>The accurate table.
values =>values are the column values.
By viewing the below example, the concept of insert command can be understood easily.
[c]sql> create table employee(emp_id number(4),ename varchar2(20),sal number);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.32 sec)
sql> insert into employee values(1001,'jack',12000);
ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'employee.employee' doesn't exist
sql> create table employee(emp_id number(4),ename varchar2(20),sal number);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.63 sec)
sql> insert into employee values(1001,'jack',12000);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.10 sec)
sql> insert into employee values(1002,'mack',13000);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.39 sec)
sql> select * from employee;
| emp_id | ename | sal |
| 1001 | jack | 12000 |
| 1002 | mack | 13000 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
sql>insert into employee values(1003,'james',15000);
Query Ok, 1 row affected (0.39)
sql>insert into employee values(1004,'Kim',17000);
Query Ok, 1 row affected (0.39)
sql> select * from employee;
| emp_id | ename | sal |
| 1001 | jack | 12000 |
| 1002 | mack | 13000 |
| 1003 | james | 15000 |
| 1004 | Kim | 17000 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)[/c]
The above example tells that, when insert command is performed on the table employee then it will accept the values and stores in the table database.
Key Points
SQL INSERT Statement - SQL INSERT Statement is utilized to insert the values inside the table.