Springs - SPLessons
SPLessons 5 Steps, 3 Clicks
5 Steps - 3 Clicks

Spring Overview

Spring Overview

shape Description

Spring Overview, The main intention of spring framework is to develop real-time applications unlike Struts and Hibernates. Spring framework 4.2.0 was released on 31 St July 2015 and immediately upgraded to the version 4.2.1, which was released on 01 September 2015.It is compatible with JAVA 6, 7 and 8, with a focus on core refinements and advanced web capabilities. The latest version of spring is 4.2.1 was released in Sep 2015 with advanced features JAX innovation award for advanced features.

Java IDE'S

shape Description

IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment Tool. Java IDE’s will provide a variety of features to improve the quality of the application. Spring framework will be done with IDE for the quality of the result.

shape Tools

Following are the different IDE'S. Most of the developers will use NetBeans and MyEclipse tools while working with Spring framework projects to grab well quality of service.

shape Features

Spring Structure

shape Structure

The structure of Spring will be as shown below. The components in the Spring structure are : DOA:The main intention of Data Object Access in Spring is to deal with database technologies like JDBC, Hybernate, JPA. ORM:The main intention of Object Relational Mapping is converting data between incompatible systems in object oriented programming language.  JEE:JAVE Enterprise Edition will contain technologies like JME, JMS, JCA and EJB'S uses to develop Spring applications. Web MVC Framework: MVC is a web application used to develop applications using enterprise Java. Web framework built around the basis of Spring. The MVC framework was completely constructed with DispatcherServlet. It can manage the request and response at HTTP.
  • DispatcherServlet manages the flow of the Spring MVC application.
AOP:AOP is the powerful tool. AOP allows developers to add enterprise functionality to the application such as transaction, security. AOP allows to write less code. AOP separates the code logic as various parts sales as concerns. AOP uses crosscutting concerns.
  • A Cross cutting concern is a service of a program, that can affect on other concerns. Examples are logging, transaction.
IOC Container:Inversion of controller is the core stuff in the Spring framework. Container will create objects and it can make them as together and control lifecycle from initiation to termination. IOC container can read XML files and it can give the support to the POJO'S.


shape Key Points

  • Spring Overview - Spring is a light weighted java platform.
  • Spring Overview - Spring current version is 4.2.1 and it supports to Java 6, 7, 8 versions.
  • Spring Overview - Spring structure consists of components like DOA, AOP, IOC, ORM, WEB-MVC.
  • Netbeans and MyEclipse are mostly used by developers.