Command options | Explanations |
--help | Displays the options in the command line |
--nodb | Begin the mongo shell beyond associating with the database. |
--Shell | Utilised as a part of conjunction besides the JavaScript record (i.e.) to proceed in the mongo shell subsequent to running the JavaScript record. |
Java script operations | Explanations |
db.auth() | If it is working in safety condition, validate the client. |
Coll = db. | Arrange a particular set in the present database to a column_name variable. | | Embed either an advanced record or redesign a current record in the accumulation. |
db.collection.insert() | Embed another advanced record inside these accumulation. |
db.collection.update() | Redesign a current record in the accumulation. |
db.collection.remove() | Remove the records from the accumulation. |
db.collection.drop() | Completely drop the accumulations. |
db.getsiblingDB() | Gives back a hint to different database utilizing similar association beyond clearly exchanging the present database. This takes into account cross database inquiries. |
db.collection.createIndex() | Make another list on the accumulations when the list didn't present. Generally, the functions has no impact. |