- SPLessons FilePermission

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SPLessons 5 Steps, 3 Clicks
5 Steps - 3 Clicks FilePermission FilePermission

shape Introduction FilePermission is the class used to process a file or directory. It consists set of actions and pathname valid for it. Here pathname represents pathname of the file or directory to do set of actions on it.The actions in FilePermission object to be granted then passed to constructor in the form of string containing a list of keywords like "read", "write", "execute", and "delete". It does not required permission explicitly to do so.

Class Declaration

shape Declaration FilePermission class is declared as : Public final class Filepermission extends permission implements Serializable

Class Constructors

shape Table

Constructor Description
FilePermission(String path, String actions) This constructor creates a new FilePermission object with the specified actions.

Class Methods

shape Table

Method Description
boolean equals(Object obj) For equality this method checks two FilepPermission objects.
int hashCode() This method returns the hash code value for FilePermission object.
String getActions() The "canonical string representation" of the actions returned by this method.
boolean implies(Permission p) This method tests that the FilePermission object "implies" the specified permission ‘p’.
PermissionCollection newPermissionCollection() For storing FilePermission objects This method returns a new PermissionCollection object.

Inherited Methods

shape Description

From the following classes, methods are inherited to

shape Examples

Usage of string getActions() method. [c]import; import; public class FilePermission { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { FilePermission fp = null; try{ // creating file permissions object fp=new FilePermission("C://test.txt", "read"); // The canonical string representation of the action String s = fp.getActions(); // print action System.out.print("Action: "+s); }catch(Exception ex) { // if any error occurs ex.printStackTrace(); } } }[/c] Output The result will be as follows. [c]Action: read[/c] Usage of boolean equals(object obj) method. [c]import; import; public class FilePermission { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { FilePermission fp = null; FilePermission fp1 = null; FilePermission fp2 = null; FilePermission fp3 = null; boolean bl = false; try{ // creating file permissions fp=new FilePermission("C://test.txt", "read"); fp1=new FilePermission("C://test1.txt", "read"); fp2=new FilePermission("C://test.txt", "write"); fp3=new FilePermission("C://test.txt", "read"); // checks for equality bl = fp.equals(fp1); // print System.out.println(bl); // checks for equality bl = fp.equals(fp2); // print System.out.println(bl); // checks for equality bl = fp.equals(fp3); // print System.out.print(bl); }catch(Exception ex){ // if an error occurs ex.printStackTrace(); }finally{ } } }[/c] Output The result will be as follows. [c]false false true[/c]


shape Key Points

  • FilePermission is the class used to process a file or directory.
  • It consists set of actions and pathname valid for it. Here pathname represents pathname of the file or directory to do set of actions on it.
  • The actions in File permission object to be granted then passed to constructor in the form of string containing a list of keywords like "read", "write", "execute", and "delete".