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IIT Entrance Exam is conducted for admissions into premier institutions such as IIT (in India). IIT JAM Exam FAQ lists some of the frequently asked questions by the aspirants of IIT Entrance Exam.

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Q. What are the best books for preparing for the IIT JAM Maths exam?
IIT JAM is an entrance exam for the postgraduate science programs at one of the most renowned colleges of India i.e., IITs, IIS, IISERs and many more. Selecting the correct study material is the first step towards the preparation of the exam. Before that, an aspirant should be familiar with the syllabus of the subject as well as the weight-age of the topics in the examination.
Here is the list of the books that will help you to ace your Maths exam in IIT- JAM
a) Mathematical Analysis by S.C. Malik b) A Geometric Approach to Linear Algebra by S. Kumaresan c) Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations by Raisinghania MD d) University Algebra by N.S. Gopalakrishnan e) Vector Calculus by Murray R. Spiegel (Schaum’s), A.R.Vasishtha
The aspirant has the choice to choose books either based on particular topics or can take up a whole set of books. You can also refer to books which help to prepare for examination with sample papers.
a)IIT-JAM: M.Sc. (Mathematics) Previous Papers & Practice Test Papers (Solved) by R. Gupta b)IIT Jam Mathematics for M. Sc. Entrances Solved Papers by Kailash Publications
The key to succeeding in the Mathematics exam is to practice, practice and more practice. The more you solve questions, the stronger your grip will become over the subject.
All the best.