The chapter Hibernate Tutorials give a brief introduction about Hibernate which is similar to a database and it was developed by the Gavin king in 2001, the current version of hibernate is 4.3.6 was released in July 16th, 2014 and the main asset of hibernate is an ORM (Object Relational Model) and to vanish the flaws of JDBC hibernate was introduced. ORM inside utilization Java Data Base Connectivity to furnish joining with the database.
To deal with hibernate project developer need to have database support like MySQL to create the table, the primary advantage of Hibernate code is the creation of a table. Hibernate is also an open source and lightweight framework and It can be also known as ORM tool. Hibernate underpins inheritance also and underpins relationships like one to one, one to many and underpins collections also. ORM tool used to access the data. Hibernate is persistence. To overcome the flaws of JDBC hibernate came into action. Following are the flaws of JDBC.
While opening the connection developer needs write that in try block and if any exception happened then that ought to be in catch block and finally block will be helpful to end the connection. After creating the table once if developer change the table of values, then needs to redeploy that.
SQL commands will be written in different places.
ORM is a mechanism which contains all the data in the Object format.
Prior to the use of ORM, JDBC (Java DataBase Connectivity) API was introduced by Sun Micro Systems.
In the above diagram,
Java Application is Connected to JDBC API.
JDBC API is Connected to the DataBase depending on the type of JDBC Driver used. After the connection with the database is established, data will be stored in the table format.
ORM is a new kind of Persistence Software, which is used to transfer the data from Java Application to DataBase in the Object format.
ORM software internally uses JDBC, JTA (Java Transaction API), JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface) for communicating Java application with the database in order to transfer objects between them.
In the above diagram,
ORM Software uses the JDBC Technology to perform the database operations on the DataBase Server.
ORM Software uses JNDI when Connection pool technique is applied for database connections.
ORM Software uses JTA for managing the Transactions.
Different ORM's are given different Vendors.
ORM Softwares
Vendor Names
Oracle Corporation
OJB(Object Java Bean)
JDO(Java Data Object)
Performance will be increased.
Fetching the data between the multiple tables.
Automatic table creation
Light weight
Open source
Key Points
Hibernate Tutorials - ORM is the one of the hibernate tool to fetch the data between relational databases.
Hibernate Tutorials - By using ORM development of application will be useful.
Hibernate Tutorials - Gavin King is also an inventor of JBoss Server.
Hibernate Tutorials - Retrieving of information is main assert of Hibernate.