The ACT Test is a standardized test that measures a high school student’s academic skills and readiness for college by testing an individual knowledge.
ACT tests your English, math, science, and writing skills. It was created using extensive research into expected high school abilities and necessary college expectations. It is all about setting you up for success in college.
ACT is a test offered by a nonprofit organization, with the same name, ACT (American College Testing). This test is seen as one of the two major standard tests used in the United States for admission into colleges.
The ACT test is also often taken by students in the US to determine whether they are "ready for college". Sometimes, regardless of whether they are going to college or not, states and individual school districts require all high school students to take the ACT, using it to assess the students' learning and/or the performance of schools. It is used a standard of determining the academic performance and/or excellence of individual students, or schools at large.
Test-takers also have the option of not reporting their scores to colleges or universities (this is referred to by ACT as "cancelling college reports").
Test-takers should note that this deadline is several days before the earliest possible score reporting date.
Score cancellation without the student's consent is a common penalty for violations of ACT policies on test security and academic honesty.
ACT has the right to involuntarily cancel the scores of any test-taker who misrepresents his or her identity, uses prohibited materials while taking the test, or fails to adhere to all test center and registration rules. Repeated violations may be punished by temporary or permanent bans on future testing.