This article describes Windows Application in detailed.
To learn “Windows Application Development using C#,one have to know about C# Programming.
Mainly Windows Application means combination of following two things:
Windows-based Applications are developed by Using Windows Forms.
The Design will be done by using Windows Form Designer.
Windows Form
Simply Windows Form means a user interface which is used for the user to give input and see an output. Windows Form is a visual representation for functionality which one wants and also user-friendly.
Windows Forms includes in existing windows API. So, some controls reside in the windows components.
In .Net Framework 2.0 the following features are added by Microsoft:
Layout Controls
Toolstrip Controls
Multi-threading Components
Rich Design and Databinding
In .Net Framework 3.0 the new feature called Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) was introduced.
As said earlier, Windows Application is used to develop different types of applications.
Windows Based Applications
Windows Services Applications
Win32 Based Applications
Where does Windows Applications are used?
Windows Applications can be used in local systems, laptops, desktops and tablet PCs.
Windows Applications are used in an organization where all the systems are connected in an LAN.
If wanted a user interface, then use windows application.
Windows Form Designer
Windows Form Designer is a window which contains all the built-in features. Windows Form Designer contains controls. When there is a need to design any user interface, just drag and drop the controls on to form.
Windows Form Designer looks like following figure.
As shown in the above figure, all the built-in controls reside in the tool box. If want to design own form, then simply drag and drop the controls.