Windows Application - SPLessons

Win App Group Box Control

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Win App Group Box Control

Windows Application Group Box Control

shape Description

Group Box Control is a Container Control. GroupBox Control is used to hold the child controls like textbox, label, and button. Etc One can set properties for controls in design time and run time also. It is easy to set properties using properties window in design time. The properties window looks like the following figure.

shape Properties

Group Box Control have the following properties.
  • Name Name property is used to give an identity to our group box control. Name property is used when writing the code, and can call our group box using this name property.
  • Text  Text Property is used to display header of the group box control.
  • Background and Foreground Colors One can also set the background and foreground colors for our group box by using this Background and Foreground properties.
  • Font Font property is used to format the can change font name and size. EtcTo use group box control, Drag and Drop the Group Box Control onto the form.Then the Group Box Control will look like the following window.