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What is Cover Letter For Resume? | Is Cover Letter Necessary?

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What is Cover Letter For Resume? | Is Cover Letter Necessary?

shape Introduction

What Is A Cover Letter For Resume?
A single-page document sent with your resume/CV in order to provide additional details of your skills and experience is called a cover letter. It is sent to the person or organization offering the job you're applying for and states why you are qualified for it. It is important to attach a cover letter with every job application unless the instructions clearly mention not to.

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What is the Purpose of a Cover letter? The cover letter serves a simple purpose. It introduces you to the organization, reflects your interest in the company, and your willingness to work for a specific profile. It draws attention to your resume and increases the interest of the reader to interview you. A cover letter is the first contact you have with a prospective employer and thus it is your first impression. Make sure your cover letter is well-written as it will increase your chances of selection for the interview.

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What is Cover Letter For Resume and the Types of Cover letters?

Mainly, there are three types of cover letters, each used for a specific purpose:
1. The application cover letter
The application cover letter is written as a response to an open position recommended to you or publicly advertised. This letter is supposed to be written in a particular format and in a professional language. It is important to include proper salutations and closings. Apart from that, make sure you include detailed information. The purpose of an application cover letter is to prove how you fit as the perfect candidate and that you have all the skills the employer is looking for.
2. The prospecting cover letter
The prospecting cover letter is written for inquiring if there are any openings at the company that you might be qualified for. You may know that the company has openings but be unaware of specific work profiles. This letter shows your interest in the company to the employer and thus is also called a letter of interest. It must include your detailed skills in the area of work you are inquiring about. Make sure you mention an outline of all the skills and positions you are interested in in as it might be kept for future reference.
3. The networking cover letter
The networking cover letter is written so as to recommend you to a company based on your previous work experience. It functions as a letter of introduction and can also be used as a referral letter. These letters are written by individuals that recommend you for a position. A well-written networking cover letter helps you get the work as it contains recommendations from people you have already worked with. These individuals might also help you find associates for collaboration or help you with advice for completing a project.

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Structure of a cover letter
Like any other letter, the basic structure of a cover letter contains an introduction, the main body, and a closing. In these three parts, make sure you include the following pointsā€”
1. Why are you interested in working with the company you are writing the letter to 2. Why they should consider you among others 3. How and when to contact for scheduling an appointment
Different formats of a cover letter 1. Application cover letter
Contact Information: Full name, address, phone number, and email address.
Greetings Always address the recipient of the letter by name, find it out from the website or give the office manager a call if you do not already know.
Opening Your introduction and skill set along with relevant accomplishments that make you a good fit for the profile.
Body (up to 2 paragraphs) What do you know about the company? Why are you applying for this particular work profile? What can you bring to the company and the position you are applying for?
Closing Make sure you do not sound desperate for the position but convey the message that you are looking forward to working with the company. Lastly, mention any attachments and always use "Sincerely", "Yours" or "Best" before signing with your full name.
2. Prospecting cover letter
Contact Information Full name, address, phone number, and email address.
Greetings Always address the recipient of the letter by name, find it out from the website or give the office manager a call if you do not already know.
Opening Why are you reaching out and what interests you about the company and the work profile?
Body (1 paragraph) 1. What do you know about the company? 2. Why are you applying for this particular work profile? 3. What can you bring to the company and the position you are applying for?
Closing Make sure you do not sound desperate for the position but convey the message that you are looking forward to work with the company. Lastly, mention any attachments and always use "Sincerely", "Yours" or "Best" before signing with your full name.
3. Networking cover letter
Contact Information Full name, address, phone number, and email address.
Greetings The greetings in a networking cover letter can be more casual than in application or prospecting cover letter if you are close to the person.
Opening Mention the purpose of reaching out. Are you looking for referrals/recommendations? What work profile and company interests you?
Body 1. What skills and accomplishments should they be aware of in order to help you out? 2. What do you hope to accomplish in your next position?
Closing Mention any attachments and always use "Sincerely", "Yours" or "Best" before signing with your full name.

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Tips for writing an effective and impactful cover letter
1. Use an accepted business letter format Do not go for a fancy font or a unique format. Keep your letter easy to read and up to the point. Full block style is the most commonly-used format today. Take a look at different samples before settling for one.
2. Personalize each letter Try to address each letter to the specific individual. Do not use the same letter again and again with minor changes as it decreases the quality of the letter and fails the purpose of sending it. Always mention the recipient's name in the greetings section.
3. Limit your letter to one page Clear, concise writing will ensure that you say everything you need to say in as few words as possible. Cover letters should never be more than one page long and are usually not more than 5 paragraphs long.
4. Avoid overusing the word ā€œIā€ Wherever possible, restructure your sentences and avoid repetition of the word "I". Try to not use "I" more than twice in a single paragraph as it looks unprofessional.
5. Vary your writing To make your letters unique and interesting, try replacing long sentences with short phrases without changing the meaning. This makes your letter easier to read. Use transitional phrases as the recipient may be reading the common ones repeatedly in other letters.
6. Proofread Go through your letter, again and again, . Check for any spelling or grammatical errors. Reading the letter backward can help you find typos easily. For grammatical errors, read your letter out loud from the beginning to the end in one go. If possible, also ask others to check it for you.

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