Now a days several Line Optimizing tools are present but here
SVGO tool is used to get the SVG Optimization code. SVGO is Node based open sourced project and which is hosted on Github. By using the SVGO tool user can get the big file size savings and which give the successful optimized SVG code.
In order to use the SVG user need to have the installed
Node and NPM. Then user need to follow the instructions which are provide by the
SVGO Instructions. User need to maintain the backup files if any thing goes wrong. Noe user need to optimize the file. In order to optimise the SVG code follow the
SVGO tool instructions. The code below demonstrates the Normal SVG Optimization code.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 20.0.0, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 0) -->
<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px"
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<path class="st1" d="M63.5,566c3.3,4.1,7.9,7.3,12.9,7.3c7.4,0,11.8-7.7,11.8-19c0-10.2-3-16.3-10.6-21.9
<path class="st1" d="M105.3,529.7c0-10.2-0.2-18.5-0.3-26h6.5l0.4,13.7h0.2c2.9-9.7,7.8-15.3,14.4-15.3c9.9,0,17.2,16.3,17.2,40.4
c0,28.7-8.9,42.9-18.5,42.9c-5.3,0-10-4.6-12.4-12.5h-0.2v43.3h-7.3V529.7z M112.6,551c0,2.1,0.1,4.1,0.3,5.9
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c-12.4,0-19.9-16.3-19.9-40.4s7.2-42.9,19-42.9c13.3,0,16.7,22.7,16.7,37.4c0,3-0.1,5.1-0.3,6.8H176.7z M198.2,535.8
<path class="st1" d="M213.4,568.8c2.3,2.6,6.1,5.6,9.8,5.6c5.3,0,7.8-5.1,7.8-11.9c0-6.9-2.1-10.5-7.4-14.5
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<path class="st1" d="M317.1,542.9c0,29.5-10.4,42.4-20.1,42.4c-10.9,0-19.4-15.8-19.4-41c0-26.5,8.9-42.2,20-42.2
C309.3,502,317.1,518.7,317.1,542.9z M285.1,543.7c0,17.5,5,30.7,12.2,30.7c7,0,12.3-13,12.3-31c0-13.5-3.4-30.5-12.1-30.5
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<path class="st1" d="M371.7,568.8c2.3,2.6,6.1,5.6,9.8,5.6c5.3,0,7.8-5.1,7.8-11.9c0-6.9-2.1-10.5-7.4-14.5
Now the code below demonstrates the optimised SVG code by using SVGO tool.
<svg id="Layer_1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 612 792"><style>.st0{fill:#A13D96;} .st1{fill:#040305;}</style><circle class="st0" cx="331.8" cy="428.9" r="221.8"/><path class="st1" d="M63.5 566c3.3 4.1 7.9 7.3 12.9 7.3 7.4 0 11.8-7.7 11.8-19 0-10.2-3-16.3-10.6-21.9-9.2-6.6-14.9-16.2-14.9-31.6 0-17.3 7.3-30.2 18.2-30.2 5.7 0 9.9 2.6 12.4 5.4l-2 11.7c-1.8-2.1-5.5-5.3-10.6-5.3-7.7 0-10.6 9.1-10.6 16.6 0 10.4 3.4 15.5 11.2 21.4 9.5 7.3 14.3 16.3 14.3 32.6 0 17.1-6.3 32.1-19.6 32.1-5.4 0-11.4-3.3-14.4-7.3l1.9-11.8zM105.3 529.7c0-10.2-.2-18.5-.3-26h6.5l.4 13.7h.2c2.9-9.7 7.8-15.3 14.4-15.3 9.9 0 17.2 16.3 17.2 40.4 0 28.7-8.9 42.9-18.5 42.9-5.3 0-10-4.6-12.4-12.5h-.2v43.3h-7.3v-86.5zm7.3 21.3c0 2.1.1 4.1.3 5.9 1.3 10.1 5.8 17 11 17 7.8 0 12.3-12.5 12.3-30.8 0-15.8-4.3-29.5-12-29.5-5 0-9.8 6.9-11.1 17.8-.3 1.8-.5 4-.5 5.8V551zM152.9 466.4h7.3v117h-7.3v-117zM176.7 546.2c.2 19.6 6.4 27.7 13.9 27.7 5.3 0 8.5-1.8 11.2-4.1l1.3 10.4c-2.6 2.3-7.1 5.1-13.5 5.1-12.4 0-19.9-16.3-19.9-40.4s7.2-42.9 19-42.9c13.3 0 16.7 22.7 16.7 37.4 0 3-.1 5.1-.3 6.8h-28.4zm21.5-10.4c.1-9.1-1.9-23.4-10.2-23.4-7.5 0-10.7 13.3-11.3 23.4h21.5zM213.4 568.8c2.3 2.6 6.1 5.6 9.8 5.6 5.3 0 7.8-5.1 7.8-11.9 0-6.9-2.1-10.5-7.4-14.5-7.3-5.3-10.8-13-10.8-22.6 0-12.9 5.3-23.4 13.9-23.4 4.1 0 7.7 2.1 9.9 4.9l-1.8 10.5c-1.6-2-4.5-4.8-8.3-4.8-4.3 0-6.7 4.9-6.7 10.9 0 6.6 2.3 9.6 7.6 13.7 6.9 5.1 10.6 12 10.6 23.9 0 14.2-5.6 24.1-15 24.1-4.4 0-8.5-2.3-11.4-5.6l1.8-10.8zM246.5 568.8c2.3 2.6 6.1 5.6 9.8 5.6 5.3 0 7.8-5.1 7.8-11.9 0-6.9-2.1-10.5-7.4-14.5-7.3-5.3-10.8-13-10.8-22.6 0-12.9 5.3-23.4 13.9-23.4 4.1 0 7.7 2.1 9.9 4.9l-1.8 10.5c-1.6-2-4.5-4.8-8.3-4.8-4.3 0-6.7 4.9-6.7 10.9 0 6.6 2.3 9.6 7.6 13.7 6.9 5.1 10.6 12 10.6 23.9 0 14.2-5.6 24.1-15 24.1-4.4 0-8.5-2.3-11.4-5.6l1.8-10.8zM317.1 542.9c0 29.5-10.4 42.4-20.1 42.4-10.9 0-19.4-15.8-19.4-41 0-26.5 8.9-42.2 20-42.2 11.7-.1 19.5 16.6 19.5 40.8zm-32 .8c0 17.5 5 30.7 12.2 30.7 7 0 12.3-13 12.3-31 0-13.5-3.4-30.5-12.1-30.5-8.6 0-12.4 15.8-12.4 30.8zM326.4 525.3c0-8.4-.1-15-.3-21.6h6.5l.4 13.2h.2c2-7.4 6.7-14.8 13.4-14.8 5.6 0 14.3 6.6 14.3 34v47.5h-7.3v-46c0-12.9-2.4-23.6-9.4-23.6-4.8 0-8.5 6.8-9.9 14.8-.3 1.8-.5 4.3-.5 6.8v48h-7.3v-58.3zM371.7 568.8c2.3 2.6 6.1 5.6 9.8 5.6 5.3 0 7.8-5.1 7.8-11.9 0-6.9-2.1-10.5-7.4-14.5-7.3-5.3-10.8-13-10.8-22.6 0-12.9 5.3-23.4 13.9-23.4 4.1 0 7.7 2.1 9.9 4.9l-1.8 10.5c-1.6-2-4.5-4.8-8.3-4.8-4.3 0-6.7 4.9-6.7 10.9 0 6.6 2.3 9.6 7.6 13.7 6.9 5.1 10.6 12 10.6 23.9 0 14.2-5.6 24.1-15 24.1-4.4 0-8.5-2.3-11.4-5.6l1.8-10.8z"/></svg>