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SSC CPO Exam Pattern

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SSC CPO Exam Pattern

SSC CPO Exam Pattern 2020

shape Introduction

Understanding the SSC CPO Exam Pattern and syllabus will help the candidates in revising effective preparation strategies. Speed/Time management is vital in obtaining a good score in any competitive exam and hence, analysis of exam pattern and syllabus is very crucial to be able to complete the exams in the stipulated time.

SSC CPO Selection Process is in 3 phases: Paper-I, Physical Standard Test (PST)/ Physical Endurance Test (PET), Paper-II.

shape Dates

The Candidates those who are competing for the Recruitment through SSC CPO 2020 Exam must note down the important dates.
The Candidates those who are competing for the Recruitment through SSC CPO 2020 Exam must note down the important dates.
Event Date
SSC CPO Applications available from 17-06-2020
Closing date of SSC CPO Online applications 16-07-2021
SSC CPO Paper-I Exam Admit Card September 2020
SSC CPO Paper-I Exam 29-09-2020 to 05-10-2020
SSC CPO Paper-I Exam Result Will be Announced Soon!!!!!
PET, PST and Medical Test Will be Announced Soon!!!!!
SSC CPO Paper-II Exam 1st March, 2021
Final Result Will be Announced Soon!!!!!

shape Pattern

The Paper I Objective type online test would be held from 29-09-2020 to 05-10-2020. The candidates who will clear the Paper I online objective test will proceed to for Physical Endurance Test (PET) and Paper II English language & Comprehension Section to be held on To be notified later.
SSC CPO Exam is a Objective type written Examination and having four sections General Intelligence and Reasoning, Quantitative aptitude, General Awareness and English Comprehension.

  • Question's in Paper 1 will be of Objective Multiple Choice Type Questions.

  • Questions will be set in Hindi and English in Parts A, B and C of Paper I.

  • There will be negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer in Paper-I.

  • Total question papers will be 200 marks for 200 questions. Each question carry one marks.

  • The Duration of the Exam will be 2 hours.

  • The Commission shall have the discretion to fix different minimum qualifying standards in each part of Paper I taking into consideration among others, category-wise vacancies and category-wise number of candidates.

  • Only those candidates, who have scored above the cut off marks fixed by the Commission in Paper I would be required to appear in the Physical Endurance Test/Medical examination.

Date of Exam Part Subject Number of Questions Maximum Marks Duration /Time Allowed
29-09-2020 to 05-10-2020 I General Intelligence and Reasoning 50 50 2 hours
II General Knowledge and General Awareness 50 50
III Quantitative Aptitude 50 50
IV English Comprehension 50 50
Total 200 200

Physical Standards: Eligibility tests for all Posts
Category of candidates Height(in cms) Chest(in cms)
Unexpanded Expanded
1. For male candidates only General 170 80 85
For candidates belonging to Hill areas of Garhwal, Kumaon, Himachal Pradesh, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas, Kashmir Valley, Leh & Ladakh regions of J&K, North-Eastern States and Sikkim 165 80 85
For all candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribes 162.5 77 82
2. For Female candidates only General 157 - -
For candidates belonging to Hill areas of Garhwal, Kumaon, Himachal Pradesh, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas, Kashmir Valley, Leh & Ladakh regions of J&K, North-Eastern States and Sikkim 155 - -
For all candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribe 154 - -
Physical Efficiency(Endurance) Test(PET): For all posts
For male candidates: 1. 100 meters race in 16 seconds 2. 1.6 Kms race in 6.5 minutes 3. Long Jump : 3.65 metres in 3 chances 4. High Jump : 1.2 metres in 3 chances 5. Shot put (16 Lbs): 4.5 metres in 3 chance
For female candidates: 1. 100 metres race in 18 seconds 2. 800 metres race in 4 minutes 3. Long Jump: 2.7 metres (9 feet) in 3 chances. 4. High Jump : 0.9 metres (3 feet) in 3 chances. Weight: Corresponding to height for all posts.
Medical standard: For all posts
Eye sight: The minimum near vision should be N6 (better eye) and N9 (worse eye). The minimum distant vision should be 6/6 (better eye) and 6/9 (worse eye). In right handed person, the right eye is better eye and vice versa. The standards should be without visual correction of any kind even by glasses.
The candidate must not have knock knee, flat foot, varicose vein or squint in eyes. They must be in good mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the efficient performance of the duties. Tattoo: It is noticed that during medical examination, the candidates having „tattoos‟ in various parts of their body are appearing for medical examination. In this regard, Ministry of Home Affairs vide its letters No.I-45020/7/2012/Pers-II dated 12.01.2017 and 30-01-2017 issued the following guidelines regarding candidates having tattoos applying for SI in Delhi Police, CAPFs and CISF examination:
1. Content: Being a secular country, the religious sentiments of our countrymen are to be respected and thus, tattoo depicting religious symbol or figures and the name, as followed in Indian Army are to be permitted.
2. Location: Tattoos marked on traditional sites of the body like inner aspect of forearm but only left for earm, being non saluting limb or dorsum of the hands are to be allowed.
3. Size: Size must be less than ¼ of the particular part (Elbow or Hand) of the body. For Sub-Inspector in Delhi Police, above clauses on tattoo are not applicable.
SSC CPO Paper II examination is an objective type written examination. There is only English Language and Comprehension section in paper II.

  • Question's in Paper 2 will be of Objective Multiple Choice Type.

  • There will be negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer in Paper-II

  • The Commission may at the discretion fix qualifying marks in Paper-II.

  • Only those candidates, qualified in PET/PST and found medically fit will be allowed to appear in Paper-II.

Date of Examination Subject Maximum Marks Maximum Questions Duration and timing
To be notified later English language and Comprehension 200 200 2 hours

SSC CPO – Related Information
SSC CPO 2020 – Official Notification
SSC CPO 2020 – Exam Syllabus