Operator | Description | Example |
+ | Perform addition of two numbers | A+B,Example 10+5=15 |
- | Perform subtraction of two numbers | A-B,Example 10-5=5 |
* | Perform multiplication of two numbers | A*B,Example 10*5=50 |
/ | Perform division of two numbers | A/B,Example 10/5=2 |
% | Divides left hand operand by right hand operand and give back the result set. | B%A will give 0 |
Operator | Description | Example |
= | Analyse weather the two esteem are true or False,if true then the case will be true | A=B |
< | Analyse whether left esteem is less than the right esteem,if true the case becomes true. | A<B |
> | Analyse whether the left esteem is greater than the right esteem,if true then the case will be true. | A>B |
<= | Analyse whether the left esteem is less than or equal to right esteem,if yes then case becomes true. | A<=B |
>= | Analyse whether the left esteem is greater than or equal to the right esteem,if true then the case becomes true. | A>=B |
= | Checks if the estimations of two operands are equivalent or not, if yes then condition turns out to be valid. | a=b is not valid |
Checks if the estimations of two operands are equivalent or not, if qualities are not equivalent then condition turns out to be valid. | ab is valid | |
!= | Checks if the estimations of two operands are equivalent or not, if qualities are not equivalent then condition turns out to be valid. | (a != b) is valid |
!> | Checks if the estimation of left operand is not more noteworthy than the estimation of right operand, if yes then condition turns out to be valid. | a!>b is true |
!< | Checks if the estimation of left operand is at the very least the estimation of right operand, if yes then condition turns out to be valid. | a!<b is false |
Operator | Description |
AND | It is called as logical AND operator,if two values are true then the case becomes true. |
OR | It is called as logical OR operator,suppose any one value is true then the case become true. |
NOT | It is called as logical NOT operator,if a case is true then the logical NOT operator will make it false. |
BETWEEN | The BETWEEN operator is utilized to look for qualities that are inside an arrangement of qualities, given the base worth and the most extreme quality. |
IN | The IN operator is utilized to contrast a worth with a rundown of exacting qualities that have been indicated. |
LIKE | The LIKE operator is utilized to contrast a quality with comparable qualities utilizing trump card administrators. |
IS NULL | The NULL operator is utilized to contrast a worth and a NULL quality. |
IS NOT | The IS operator work like != |
|| | Includes two distinctive strings and make new one |
IS | The IS operator work like = |
UNIQUE | The UNIQUE operator looks each column of a predetermined table for uniqueness. |
and |
is as per the following.
P | Q | P&Q | P|Q |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |