SQL Server - SPLessons

SQL Server Storage Subsystem

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SQL Server Storage Subsystem

Storage Subsystem

shape Description

Storage Subsystem Issues are the most common type of storage that run with SQL Server. And at the same point of time it describes the designing process of storage subsystem and initiates different kinds of SQL Server workloads. And explains a couple of free disk bench mark tools that actually test the storage subsystems that configure for scalability.

Common Storage Subsystem Issues

shape Description

Some of the common storage subsystem issues in the SQL Server are:

Types of common SQL Server workloads

shape Description

There are several kinds of SQL Server workloads that deals with the desigining and configuring the I/O subsystems. They are:

Online transaction processing(OLTP)

In online transaction processing,the workload is going to see a lot of writes to log file and to the data files that execute a premium on random input and output performance.

Relational data warehouse(DW)

In relational data warehouse or DW sort of workload, contains a lot of long sequential reads from the data files, so that's going to put a lot of different demands in input and output subsystems.

Online Analytical processing (OLAP)

In online analytical processing has usually contain the characterized of lots of random reads from  the cube files.

Mixed workloads

In mixed workloads it might be some OLTP and some reporting kinds of workloads and measure the high availability and database maintenance that affects the input and output and should check all the available metrics for the best performance and scalability.

I/O Access Patterns

shape Description

 There are different I/O access patterns of SQL Server workloads,such as the OLTP workload, DW workload and OLAP workload.

OLTP workload

  • In OLTP workload contain frequent writes to data files and log files
  • OLTP has frequent reads from data files if the database does not fit in memory.
  • Random I/O performance is very important.

DW workload

  • DW workload has large sequential read from the data files.
  • Sequential read I/O performance is very important if database is not in memory.

OLAP workload

  • OLAP workload has a lot of random reads from cube files.
  • It contains random read I/O performance is very important.


shape Key Points

  • Storage Subsystem - Are the most common type of storage that run with SQL Server.
  • Common storage subsystem issues - Describes the issues related to the SQL Server.
  • Types of common SQL Server workloads - Explain the designing and the configuration setting of the server.