SQL Server - SPLessons

SQL Server Installation

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SPLessons 5 Steps, 3 Clicks
5 Steps - 3 Clicks

SQL Server Installation


shape Description

The Microsoft SQL Server is a powerful and reliable open source data management system that delivers a rich and reliable data for storing the applications on the desktop and Web Sites. It has been built up for the basic function of storing  and recovering information as required by different applications.It can be executed on the same system or on the different system.  The installation process for SQL Server have been performed on windows 64 bits operating system.The below are the steps that illustrates the procedural methods for installation.

shape Step - 1

Open Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express and click on Download.

shape Step - 2

Choose the file name that are required for downloading the SQL Server and click on Next button.

shape Step - 3

All the file have been downloaded.

shape Step - 4

Double click on SQLFULL_x86_ENU_Install, bit will Unload the Box.

shape Step - 5

All the files are extracted in a folder.

shape Step - 6

Double click on SQLFULL_x86_ENU and click on SETUP application.

shape Step - 7

The setup application getting processed.

shape Step - 8

It will open up a SQL Server Installation Center.

shape Step - 9

Select Installation and select New SQL Server alone installation or add features to an existing installation.

shape Step - 10

It will display all the SQL Server 2012 setup operations and click on ok button.

shape Step - 11

Product updates have been setup and click on Next button.

shape Step - 12

Install Setup Files have been initialized and click on Install button.

shape Step - 13

SQL Server 2012 Setup Rules have been performed and click on Next button.

shape Step - 14

Product key have been successfully initialized and click on Next button.

shape Step - 15

Check the box by accept the License Terms and click on Next button.

shape Step - 16

SQL Server 2012 Setup roles features have been installed and click on Next button.

shape Step - 17

Check all the evaluation features for SQL Server and click on Next button.

shape Step - 18

All the installation rules have been blocked and click on Next button.

shape Step - 19

SQL Server Instance Configuration have been specified and click on Next button.

shape Step - 20

It evaluates the Disk Space Requirements and click on Next button.

shape Step - 21

Server configuration have been set and click on Next button.

shape Step - 22

Database Engine Configuration have been specified and click on Next button.

shape Step - 23

All the Analysis Services Configuration  services have been set and click on Next button.

shape Step - 24

All the Reporting Services Configurations have been specified and click on Next button.

shape Step - 25

Add Current User in the distributed replay controllers and click on Next button.

shape Step - 26

Enter the controller name and click on Next button.

shape Step - 27

Error Reporting features have been specified and click on Next button.

shape Step - 28

Installation Configurations Rules have been determined and click on Next button.

shape Step - 29

SQL Server 2012 Setup are ready to install.

shape Step - 30

Installation progress are been processed,click on Next button.

shape Step - 31

The SQL Server 2012 Setup has been successfully installed.


shape Key Points

  • Installation - The installation process for SQL Server have been performed on windows 64 bits operating system.