Ruby - SPLessons
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5 Steps - 3 Clicks

Ruby Tutorial

Ruby Tutorial

shape Introduction

This chapter demonstrates about the Ruby Introduction. Ruby is a Scripting Language developed for program productivity with an idea that programming should be fun for programmers and following are the concepts covered in this chapter.
  • Brief History Of Ruby
  • Features Of Ruby

Brief History Of Ruby

shape Description

Ruby it is a Scripting Language and which is developed by Yukihiro Matsumoto of Japan in the mid of 1990's and he is also known as Matz which is developed for programmer productivity with the idea of programming which should be fun for programming. Ruby emphasizes the necessity for software which should be first understood the human and next computers. Ruby Continuously gain huge popularity for its uses in web application developments. Ruby Rail Framework which is built by Ruby Language by David Heinemeier Hanson, introduced many people to the joys of programming in Ruby which has a vibrant community and supports for beginners and enthusiastic while producing high-quality code. Ruby allows user to write very clean and readable code with minimal levels of syntactic and semantic noise and which is also comes with huge amount of useful functionality built into its extended library. If Ruby compared with other languages which have several aspects as shown in below image.

Features Of Ruby

shape Description

Ruby have several features like which runs on several platforms like windows, Mac OS and Unix. Ruby has features which is similar to Smalltalk and is a true objected-oriented language. Ruby syntax is very simple then Smalltalk syntax and have some features as listed below.


shape Key Points

  • Ruby Tutorial - Ruby runs on variety of plat forms.
  • Ruby Tutorial - Ruby is true Object Oriented Programming Language.
  • Ruby Tutorial - Ruby is Interpreted Programming Language.