1. What command is used to count the total number of lines, words, and characters contained in a file?
A. countw
B. wcount
C. wc
D. count p
Answer: Option C
2. What command is used to remove files?
A. dm
B. rm
C. delete
D. erase
Answer: Option B
3. What command is used to remove the directory?
A. rdir
B. remove
C. rd
D. rmdir
Answer: Option D
4. What command is used with vi editor to delete a single character?
Answer: Option A
5. What hardware architectures are not supported by Red Hat?
B. IBM-compatible
C. Alpha
D. Macintosh
Answer: Option D
6. The physical layer of a network
A. constructs packets of data and sends them across the network
B. controls error detection and correction
C. defines the electrical characteristics of signals passed between the computer and communication devices
D. All of the above
Answer : C
7. What TCP/IP protocol is used for remote terminal connection service?
Answer: Option D
8. How many networks and nodes per network, are allowed by the Class B network?
A. 127 networks and 16,777,216 nodes per network
B. 16,384 networks and 65,534 nodes per network
C. 2,097,152 networks and 254 nodes per network
D. All of the above
Answer: Option B
9. What service is used to translate domain names to IP addresses?
Answer: Option D
10. Which of the following command is used to create a Linux installation boot floppy?
A. mkboot disk
B. bootfp disk
C. ww and rawwrite
D. dd and rawrite
Answer: Option D
11. How can you add Amit, a new user, to your system?
A. Using user add
B. Using adduser
C. Using linuxconf
D. All of the above
Answer:Option D
12. What file specifies the order in which to use specified name services?
A. /etc/services
B. /etc/nsorder
C. /etc/nsswitch.conf
D. /etc/hosts
Answer: Option C
Each of the numbers except 72 is a perfect square.
13. How many primary partitions can exist on one drive?
Answer: Option B
14. In which directory can you store system user default files used for creating user directories?
A. /usr/tmp
B. /etc/default
C. /etc/skel
D. /etc/users
Answer: Option C
15. How could you install the file ipchains-1.3.9-5.i386.rpm?
1. Horse 2. Harness 3. Horizon 4. Horlicks 5. Hormone
A. rpm -qip ipchains
B. rpm -Uvh ipchains
C. rpm -i ipchains* .i386.rpm
D. rpm -e ipchains-1.3.9-5.i386.rpm
Answer: Option C