Neo4j - SPLessons
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Neo4j Query

Neo4j Query

shape Description

Neo4j supports more than one query language, but cypher is its main language and the most powerful method and a query data with cypher are known to something about data modeling, the structure of a graph database and queries about the basics of pattern matching.  The most important keywords for creating data, match and return and also checks for other language elements with more advanced technologies that are powerful, queries using syntax. The graph database product that encounter very flexible and cannot be used for a fixed schema for a node. That means one can add or delete and property of nodes without affecting already stored nodes. Because of that, a graph database responds well in an agile environment where course change of a product are very common. All graph databases support one or more query language to retrieve and store data. Graph database also implement the property great model. Earlier that a graph model contains nodes and relationships.


shape Description

Cypher is a query language especially developed for Neo4j for its course of action and optimized for graph databases.

Graph query language

The language us still receiving optimizations and Neo4j is still in active development likewise the languages are continuously updating. In major releases,features are released and need to be supported by the language. A newer version of Neo4j is backwards compatible to all old versions of the language. Version 2.0 is the current version of the cypher.

Easy on the brain

And working on the cypher is very easy and it's a part of Structured Query Language and it's curve. But it's not as steep as a learning curve and can started with SQL from scratch.


Cypher is declarative, which means it will specify which one the user has to retrieve instead of requesting for Neo4j.

Pattern matching

Cypher uses patterns to match the data in the database. Sounds abstract will be hopeful and becomes clear in a minute. Cypher is easy on the mind because the mind also uses patterns natively to look up the data.


Cypher is a language that works with clauses. All thought thinking in patterns is different than thinking in tables and foreign keys. Clauses are inherited from the SQL language. Clauses are designed to help programmers and illustrates the SQL Clauses and SQL Commands.

Query Features

shape Description

Following are the features of Query, such as:


shape Key points

  • Querying Data - Guides the basic concepts of cypher and it's language.
  • Cypher - Is a query language.
  • Query Features - Describes the features of query data.