The chapter PostgreSQL Overview demonstrates about PostgreSQL which is an object relational database management system(ORDBMS) and is a cross platform database that work on all the different types of operating system. PostgreSQL is easily accessible and is a free source database application software. PostgreSQL contains the license under MIT and BSD.
PostgreSQL allows a clients for executing multiple number of action based on the given code, that contains exchanging multiples externally beyond the code source. These are additionally contain the necessity which are related to the copyright that display in each and every software that are duplicated.
What is PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL is a free source database application software and can be called as post-gress-Q-L. PostgreSQL cannot be handled by either partnership or any other confidential elements and these code source is accessible for complimentary allegations. PostgreSQL supports four standard procedural languages PL/Python, PL/Tcl, PL/pgSQL, PL/Perl. In addition, other non-standard procedural dialects like PL/V8, PL/Ruby, PL/PHP, PL/Java are also uphelded.
Features of PostgreSQL
The key feature of PostgreSQL Overview is as follows:
PostgreSQL contains the standards of SQL 2011.
PostgreSQL contain the compliant of ACID properties.
PostgreSQL also supports indexing.
PostgreSQL also supports all the standards objects like views, triggers, procedures and functions.
Elements that define relationships.
PostgreSQL also supports all the datatypes of Standard SQL 2008.
PostgreSQL also supports native programming interface.
PostgreSQL additionally supports multi version concurrency control(MVCC).
Key Points
PostgreSQL Overview - PostgreSQL is a object relational database management system and supports different types of operating system.
PostgreSQL Overview - PostgreSQL is also called as POSTGRES