Types | Explanation | Size |
Integer | For integers there will be common decision. | Stores 4 bytes. |
Decimal | Based on client precision. | Stores based on variable size. |
Numeric | Based on client precision. | Stores based on variable size. |
Smallint | The range of integers is very small. | Stores 2 bytes in size. |
Bigint | The range of integer is very large. | Stores 8 bytes in size. |
Double precision | Depands on the precision variable. | Store 8 bytes in size. |
Serial | Inters will get auto increment. | Stores 4 bytes in size. |
Real | Depands on the precision of variables. | Stores 4 bytes in size. |
Type | Explanation | Size |
Bytea | Contains the binary string variable length. | Store the string that is real and contains the bytes length of 1 or 4. |
Type | Explanation |
Text | Variable length is unlimited. |
Character varying(n),varchar(n) | There is a limit in the length of the variable. |
Character(n),char(n) | Here the length of the variable is fixed. |
Type | Explanation | Size |
Money | Amount in currency. | Storges in 8 bytes. |
Type | Explanation | Size |
Timestamp[(p)][with time zone] | Exists time and data along the time zone. | Stores 8 bytes in size. |
Timestamp[(p)][without time zone] | Exits only time and date. | Stores 8 bytes in size. |
Time[(p)][Doesn't contain the time zone] | day time. | Stores 8 bytes in size. |
Time[(p)] having time zone. | day time along with the time zone. | Stores 12 bytes in size. |
Date. | date. | Stores 4 bytes in size. |
Types | Explanation | Size |
Boolean | Determines wheather the set is true or false. | Stores one byte in size. |