Pascal - SPLessons

Pascal Installation

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SPLessons 5 Steps, 3 Clicks
5 Steps - 3 Clicks

Pascal Installation

Pascal Installation

shape Description

The installation part of the pascal is very easy compare to other environment set ups, now the SPlesson is going to show how to install the pascal compiler to execute the code, generally many online pascal compilers are available in the market and it will have efficient interpreters. The following are the various pascal compiler.

Free Pascal Installation

shape Step-1

Now here SPlessons is going to show how to install Free Pascal IDE to compile the code, this IDE will run on all the platforms where as other IDE's will have restrictions on platform. The following are the steps to need to be performed. First download the latest version of the software and click on Run.

shape Step-2

Now click on the Next button as follows.

shape Step-3

Now select the directory to set up the install directory as follows.

shape Step-4

Now select the full installation and click on the Next button as follows.

shape Step-5

Now select the shortcut name as follows and click on the Next button as follows.

shape Step-6

Select the additional tasks that needs to be executed while installing the set up, check the boxes what user need and click on Next as follows.

shape Step-7

After the completion of all the above steps now user need to click on the Install button as follows.

shape Step-8

When click on install button the set up will be installed as follows.

shape Step-9

After the above steps the installation document will be produced as follows.

shape Step-10

Now open the Free Pascal IDE then it will be as follows. In the above clipboard user can write the code and execute, if any errors found in the code it will while compile the code.


shape Key Points

  • The free pascal compiler is a 64-bit and 32-bit turbo pascal compiler.
  • The C language was used structure of the code from pascal only.
  • The pascal extension may be .pascal, .p, .pl, .pas .