OBIEE - SPLessons
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OBIEE Schema


shape Description

A schema database is the skeleton structure that describes the coherent perspective of the full fledged database. It characterizes how the information is sorted out and how the relations among them are related. It defines every one of the imperatives that are to be connected on the information. It is a legitimate depiction of the whole database. It consolidates the name and depiction of records of every last sorts including different related data things and apparatuses. Much like a database, DW additionally requires to keep up a blueprint. Database utilizes model which is relational, and contain 3 different types of schema such as:

shape Conceptual figure

Snowflake schema

shape Description

In database warehousing, snow flaking is a type of dimensional displayed in which measurements are put away in different related measurement tables. A snowflake diagram is a variety of the star schema. Snow flaking is utilized to enhance the execution of specific query. The blueprint is diagrammed with every reality encompassed by its related measurements, and those measurements are further identified with different measurements, spreading out into a snowflake design. A star pattern stores all traits for a measurement into one denormalized table. This requires more plate space than a more standardized snowflake pattern. Snow flaking standardizes the measurement by moving qualities with low cardinality  into isolated measurement tables that identify with the center measurement table by utilizing outside keys. Snow flaking for the sole motivation behind minimizing plate space is not prescribed, be that as it may, in light of the fact that it can antagonistically affect queries execution.

Star schema

shape Description

A star schema is graphed by encompassing every reality with its related measurements. The subsequent graph looks like a star.The schema related to Star are enhanced for querying substantial information sets and are utilized as a part of information distribution centers and information stores to bolster OLAP solid shapes, business knowledge and expository applications, and ad hoc inquiries. Inside the data dissemination focus or data store, an estimation table is associated with a reality table by using a remote key relationship. The estimation table has a singular fundamental key that uncommonly recognizes each part record.For occasion, a clear Sales conviction with a considerable number of individual clothing bargain records may comprises of Customer Key, Promotion Key, Product Key and Date Key close by with Revenue measures and Units Sold. The Product estimation would hold reference information, for instance, thing name, depiction, size, and shading. The Customer estimation would hold information, for instance, first and last name, birth date, sexual introduction, address, etc. The Date estimation would consolidate timetable date, week of year, month, quarter, year, etc. This clear Sales sureness will easily reinforce questions, for instance, "indicate salary for all clothing things sold in the midst of the main quarter of the 2010". The schema of star bolsters fast conglomerations of numerous reality records, and these collections can be effortlessly sifted and gathered by the measurements. A star diagram might be halfway standardized, with related data put away in different related measurement tables, to bolster particular information warehousing needs.

shape Conceptual figure

Fact Constellation schema

shape Description

For every star composition it is conceivable to develop certainty heavenly body schema(for case by part the first star mapping into more star plans each of them portrays certainties on another level of measurement pecking orders). The reality heavenly body design contains different truth tables that share many measurement tables. It consisting of numerous reality tables that share many measurement tables. The primary inadequacy of the reality group of stars composition is a more confused plan in light of the fact that numerous variations for specific sorts of conglomeration must be considered and chose. In addition, measurement tables are still extensive.


shape Key points

  • Schema - Is a coherent structure in the whole database.
  • Snow flake schema - Describes the dimensions in the measurement table.
  • Star schema - En-compose each and every related measurements.
  • Fact constellation schema - Is functionality for developing schema and other relations.