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Neo4j Rest API

Neo4j Rest API

shape Description

A REST API is basically a web services and these services responds to basic ACTP requests. There are still problems arises that fought in the REST precisely. The Neo4j implementation of REST is using three main principals of REST. The old data is the case about nodes in the relationships. For example the relationship is available at the unique URL. This can be lists or individual entities, so if i want a node with a specific ID and can get it using a unique URL for that node and all the operations should be done is determined by an HTTP method. An HTTP method defines the types of request. In the case of the retrieval of data, and get HTTP request but there also a put operating data,a post for creating data and a delete for deleting data.Because all the data is URL'S, a response for request can notify other useful URL'S in the context of the fetch data. These URL'S are essentially hyperlinks. The rest for this is hypermedia controls. This Hypermedia enables us to surf the data, just like we surf the web. The response contains the properties of that nodes but also a URL on which i can get the relationships for that nodes. Neo's REST API relies heavily on hyper_media controls. The HTTP request is composed of text. The first word in a request is the the type of request or HTTP method and post is the creation of data. The post is followed by a URL where the post is directed and the next line specifies for response for formatting. The only out-of-the -box format right now is JSON, but others can be added with extensions.If the request also has data attached and also have to specify which format of data exists. In this case the attachment is also in JSON format. If this was a request for the creation of a new node, it would contain the property names and values to add to the new node. The response always includes an HTTP result code. The best known code is 404 that occasionally observe in the web browsers. The location header specifies the URL where the user can access and created the new entity. In the attached data, the newly_created entity is also included.

Server Roots

shape Description

Server root provides the REST that starting point and returns list of hypermedia links. To request a service route will make a get request to Neo4j base URL which is this by default configuration settings. The Neo4j installation is on a remote server replay local host with the IP ODSname of the server, and makes sure the port is open. While it cannot be introduce to a free application called Fiddler. Fiddler allows an HTTP on the the system. On the left side use the HTTP activity on the system,but it also allows to generate HTTP requests and check the responses. These response always include an HTTP result code. Here the code error 404 is occasionally seen in the web browsers. It is also used in REST interfaces. Fiddler allows the user to check the HTTP traffic on the system. On the left side the user will check the HTTP activity on my system, but it also allows the user to generate HTTP requests and check the response. It's ideal to play around with HTTP and see the returned values. Here a lists with which the URL can access the features of the Neo4j. For example, the base URL for nodes is db nodes.

Rest operations on relationships

shape Description

Relationship operations work in general in the same way as node operations. Like properties and labels, a node has a URL for relationships. And there are some notable difference between nodes operations and relational operations. To get all the relationships from a node use the relationship URL of a node that is extended. The reason for all the all extension is that might not want all the relationships, but only the outgo relationships when use the out extension or only relationships with in the extensions. To get only specific relationships of certain types such as The user can create a relationship using the POST HTTP method on the relationships URL over nodes but relationship needs data to be created.


shape Key Points

  • Rest API - Is basically a web service that responds to ACTP request.
  • Server Roots - Provides the REST that starting point and returns the list.
  • Rest operation on relationships - Performs the way as the node operations.