Neo4j - SPLessons
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Neo4j Overview

Neo4j Overview

shape Description

Neo4j is a one of the prominent Graph Databases. Neo4j is a world's driving open source Graph Database. It is composed in Java dialect and is totally created by utilizing Java Language by Neo automational Technologies. Neo4j contains the major features such as:

Neo4j Features

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The most common features of Neo4j Graph Database are:

Versions of Neo4j

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The following table describes the different versions of Neo4j Graph Database.
S.NO Versions of Neo4j Date Release
1 Neo4j 1.0 February 2010
2 Neo4j 2.0 December 2013
3 Neo4j 2.1.3 April 2014

Advantages of Neo4j

shape Description

The advantages of Neo4j is as follows:

Disadvantages of Neo4j

shape Description

The disadvantages of Neo4j is as follows:


shape Key Points

  • Overview - Neo4j is one of the Prominent Graph Database created in java language by Neo automational technologies.
  • Neo4j Features - Describes the common features of Neo4j Graph Database.
  • Versions of Neo4j - Describes the different version of Neo4j Graph Database.