Manipulating Data is utilized to manage data within the Neo4j Graph Database i.e., Neo4j Graph Database statements are used to manage data inside the schema objects, and includes most common standard query language statements such as select command and insert command. Neo4j Graph Database allows to add and modify the database table.
Following are the statements for manipulating the data, such as:
It will create an empty node without any labels or properties and doesn't return any clause, except the number of rows affected.
Steps for creating the process
The following steps that describes the process of creating an employee node in the Neo4j Graph Database.
Step - 1
Open Neo4j Dat Browser.
Step - 2
Type the below command at the dollar prompt in the Data Browser and click on execute button.
Step - 3
After clicking the execute button it will display the output message in the Data Browser.
It will delete an employee node without any labels or properties and only the nodes containing the number of rows affected.
Steps for deleting the process
The following steps that describes the process of deleting an employee node in the Neo4j Graph Database.
Step - 1
Open Neo4j Dat Browser.
Step - 2
Type the below command on the Data Browser and click on execute button.
Step - 3
After clicking execute button the below output will exists.
Step - 4
Type the below command on the Data Browser and click on execute button.
Step - 5
It will display that all the employee node as been successfully deleted.
Key Points
Manipulating Data - Used for managing data within the Neo4j Graph Database.
Create - It will create an empty node without any labels.
Delete - It will delete an employee node without any label.