Databases are used to store huge amount of data and it becomes very crucial to Backup the data. In the event of some software or hardware failures, backup data can be used to recover the data. The current chapter Neo4j Graph Database Backup and Restore fundamentals provides the necessary security for protecting data stored in the Neo4j Graph Databases server.
Step - 1
Open Neo4j Community Edition.
Step - 2
Click on Start button.
Step - 3
Click on http://localhost:7474/.
Step - 4
All the files getting generated.
Step - 5
Before taking database backup first we need to press the Stop button.
Step - 6
All the Neo4j files are available in c:\Neo4j2.0db.
Step - 7
Open command prompt.
Step - 8
Type the below command.
Step - 9
It will create a new folder.
Step - 10
Type the below command.
Step - 11
All the files get copied.
Step - 12
These are the files that get copied from the inside the database.
Step - 13
Click on Neo4jDbBackup-01 followed by 7-Zip and Add to
Step - 14 file has been created.
Neo4j Restore
Neo4j Graph Database Restore is used to restore the files containing the data into the database server.
Step - 1
Before that we have to shut sown the server.
Step - 2
The database folder has to be empty.
Step - 3
Right click on Neo4jDbBackup-01-zip and select 7-Zip followed by extract Here button.
Step - 4
Type the below command in command prompt.
Step - 5
Start the server by clicking start button.
Step - 6
After click the link all the files get restored inside the database.
Key Points
Backup and Restore - Describe the process for performing the backup and restore operational executions.